Who's saying we are "truly ignorant"? Where is this coming from? If we were truly ignorant, there would be no point in having any kind of discussion at all.
We are all truly and profoundly ignorant regarding the fundamental questions being discussed: why does existence exist as it does.
It is an argument from ignorance, because you claim ignorance ("I don't know") and then have the arrogance to draw conclusions from that.
What conclusions? I'm not drawing any conclusions. I'm merely stating that in the face of our profound ignorance regarding these fundamental questions, it's better to speculate, and to act on the speculation, then to do nothing.
A lot of people speculate that "God" is the answer to those questions, and then when they try to live by that god-concept, they find that it "works" for them. I think this is a good course of action to take in the face of this mystery. That's all I'm saying.
Not because, in the end, we are all just ignorant - if you think that, then that's your problem.
Well, the truth is that we are completely ignorant regarding the most fundamental questions there are.
You started a thread suggesting you have some evidence for the existance of god and didn't expect to be criticized?
Hey, I'm enjoying myself! You must have noticed by now that I'm no stranger to a debate.
I think that you'll find both atheists and theists that disagree with you strongly.
That's great! Now if we could find some that could articulate exactly WHY they disagree, instead of just tossing around vailed insults and blind pronouncements. (*snickering*)
You can believe what you want to believe, I'll even fight for your right to have that belief. That doesn't mean, however, that I don't have that same right, and it does not mean I'm just going to ignore your claims. Our beliefs inform our actions.
C'mon, Dude, bring it on! (*shadow boxing at the computer screen*)
You are incorrectly making a connection between my arguements and the fact that I'm an atheist. It's the other crazy philosophies I follow that are to blame. :areyoucra
Woah, one debate at a time.
You are also incorrectly making a connection between your views and other theistic views. I find some much more plausible than others. You do not represent all of them and I do not represent every atheist. In fact, I represent only one.
I'm actually working hard at not being too specific, so that I can discuss the god-concept in general. I have noticed that around here, there are a number of folk who use specificity like a lead anchor. They don't have any real argument to pose, so they just tie you up endlessly with trivial specifics. They "win" by fatigue.
The "abuses" of philosophies come from propagating irrational ideas. "Using condoms is a sin" - is an irrational belief. It is harmful. It is based on the irrational idea that there is such a thing as "sin" and that is based on another irrational idea that the bible is the word of god and that god is infallible.
I agree, but I think this is a separate subject. Theologies are often flawed. So are scientific theories. And both can become dangerous. But this is part of the human condition (there's our ignorance again).
Right now there are billions of religious people on the Earth, and not one of them is killing anyone for religious reasons. Be careful not to over-emphasize the problems with religion in your mind. The truth is that a whole lot of people use religion and "God" to help them find peace, and happiness, and forgiveness, and wisdom, and healing, and love for each other.
If you don't know what the answer is, don't claim to.
I wasn't claiming to have the answer. My "God" is still mostly a mystery. I was only claiming to know what works for a lot of folks.
And I believe that stands as evidence.