Fiction, innovation, initially exist only in imagination, which are epiphenomena of brain. There is no evidence that 'consciousness' exists in a separate space, there is evidence to the contrary. The comatose or the dead to not have consciousness. Kindly take me to the place where space and time are independent of each other.
The laws of physics are based on space-time, were space and time act as one thing like two people in a three legged race. Like in a three legged race, the two people become limited by each other and need to learn to work as a team. The left leg of one has to coordinate with the right leg of the other, due to the tether. This takes way the independence of each person and places awkward team limits.
Anything that does not add up to the laws of physics, is not fully part of space-time, by default. There are no perpetual motions machines in space-time. Fiction is not exactly in space-time; imaginary and maybe possible, but lacking tangible hard evidence for its specifics. These types of things can be modeled with space and time not connected. This includes knowing the future, before it is tangible in space, such as the seeds of innovation and faith. Atheist say the religion is not based on science, which means it is not fully part of space-time.
If you could move in space independent of time, you could be omnipresent. This is not possible in space-time, but it is conceptually possible if space was not tethered to time. If we separates the two people tethered in a three legged race, each could now move more freely, at their own pace, and have much more capacity. Each could win all the three legged races, since there are no limiting tethered constraints. If you could move in time independent of space you would get an affect like the laws of physics the same in all references. As we move forward in time everything in the universe follows the same rules; simultaneity.
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle says we can know the position and momentum of particles like elections in orbitals, but not both at the same time. Position is connected to space and momentum is connected to time. The Uncertainty principle, derived from experiment, suggests that space and time are not fully connected at this level, since position or momentum does not exactly imply the other; they are not fully tethered in the three legged race.
This theory is more about a way to model reality using two well known and fundamental variables. Space and time are both conceptual variables but are not tangible things. We cannot save time in a bottle and space is the lack of substance. The theory expands the variables of space and time allowing one to add consciousness.
If you had nothing but space, the universe would be void; before the BB. Energy needs space and time tethered as wavelength/frequency. Independent space and time allows us to apply these two well known variables in new ways beyond the tethered limits of the three legged race of space-time; uncertainty principle.
In terms of consciousness and this extrapolation of space and time, language is an important part of this affect. Human language is subjective, with over 6500 different languages in the world. There is no cause and affect; solid space-time connection, between the sounds and symbols of any language, and what they represent in space-time, or there would only be only one language.
If the chemical brain was trying to organized language by simple neural potentials, defined by the laws of physics, the information of language would not arrange based on human subjective language rules. The subjectivity of language adds an affect similar to space and time not connected to the space-time potential energy priorities of the neurons. This disconnect from space-time is part of self awareness. Information with language is not exactly in the natural cause and affect of space-time allowing imagination beyond space-time. This affect is also evident at the quantum level. It has many applications.
There is a universal language connected to sight. I this case, light reflected from objects enters the eyes and brain arranges these memories by wavelength and other space-time rules. This allows neural potential priory and memory to better overlap; seeing is believing. When we add subjective spoken and written language priority to natural neural potential priority, information organization can leave its subjective space-time priority assignments; imagination and faith. I think therefore I am is about spoken language compared to the natural visual standard in light of neural potential priorities; two centers of consciousness.