Sure. The essence of science is NOT materialism nor physicalism. These are vaguely defined viewpoints with very little utility. The essence is testability.
If there is a way to detect something that yields consistent properties, then we can use that method of detection to test ideas, form models, etc. In other words, the scientific method (detection, hypothesis formation, testing of hypothesis by observation) can be used to learn about that subject.
So, if there is a spiritual realm with consistent properties that can be detected, the properties can be listed, patterns found, hypotheses made, and those hypotheses can be tested. In other words, science can be used to learn more about that realm.
This is, by the way, how to get out of solipsism. Look for patterns in what is experienced, form hypotheses, and test them against new experiences. Always try to show when the hypotheses are *false*. Any ideas that survive being tested can be held *provisionally* until further testing is done. Those ideas that cannot be tested can be dispensed with as, if nothing else, a way to eliminate useless ideas.