Try to find scientific evidence that France "exists".
Is scientific evidence different from other public evidence? I've been to France, but not Russia. Do you think that those who have never seen Russia can't have sufficient evidence that Russia exists to consider it a fact?
my belief in a world external to myself requires of me an act of faith.
Not mine. I can only doubt in existence of a world outside of consciousness philosophically, not psychologically, as I am hardwired to live as if I were looking through and hearing through a window.
But it really doesn't matter what is actually out there, only what's in here. If I could somehow discover that reality outside of consciousness was radically different than the model I've constructed for navigating experience to effect desired outcomes - say a brain-in-a-vat scenario, and that I had no hands or fingers, for example - just the illusion of them - and I put that imaginary finger into an imaginary flame and feel the same pain I always have when burned - nothing changes. The rules of reality don't change at all.
We make decisions (deductions) using inductions accumulated from prior experience, and we experience sensory perceptions of the outcomes of those decisions. What else matters even to the brain in a vat? When playing an arcade racecar video game, he suspends disbelief that he's not actually moving or driving a car, a useful fiction compared to the reality of a computer chip with no moving parts, because a perfect knowledge of the reality in the game's chips is no more helpful at crossing the finish line.
And is it not possible to at least consider Schrodinger’s equation as evidence for the existence of a Logos, an underlying cosmic order? From which conception, it’s only a short step to an underlying creative intelligence which animates the universe? Just a thought, which of course I expect you to rebel against.
Did you mean reject rather than rebel? Nobody is rebelling.
That's that religious training that I referred to you l last time I posted to you - the kind that teaches that freethinking is an immoral act of rebellion against a good god (last time, you referred to freethought as arrogance). Why else would you use the word rebel there? It would never occur to me to call belief by faith rebellion against of critical thought, but then I'm not a product of the church.
But to answer your question, no, those ideas are not known to be impossible, but the rebel in me tells me that possible is not enough.
You've complained about my demeanor in these discussions, just before discontinuing responding. I assume that that is because you consider me disrespectful of your beliefs and therefore disrespectful of you and your god. You may have me on ignore by now. And all of that is fine. It neither necessary that you see these comments nor respond to them.
But can you say that you respect the people you're posting to if you call their dissent rebellion?