It astonishes me, well somewhat, that people here are advising themselves and others to literally "cultivate and appease" their desires (for perhaps a million more miserable, empty lives? Yikes!!) in order to conquer them (using the "warrior" analogy). Say whaaat??!! If one thinks that one's ultimate "good," i.e., moksha, lies in cessation of desire (an important 'if' to answer for oneself) then isn't catering to them like throwing gasoline on a fire to put it out? (Or pouring ghee on it iffin yer from the East?) None of us are newbies when it comes to examining the nature of desire. How many can honestly say that indulging their ego and its incessant demands for more and more pleasure/pain leads to its taming, let alone demise? How many have had that experience? Even simple and/or laborious abstention doesn't get the job done as noted elsewhere in this thread. Come on now.
@Spirit_Warrior, I think you might have a misconception about the true meaning of vairagya. It seems you are using it to denote abstaining from the pleasure/pain combo. That is not correct. Vairagya means to maintain equanimity when presented with either pleasure OR pain, any of the opposites one finds in duality. Heat/cold, happiness/misery, wealth/poverty, etc. Feeling loved and validated by other egos... or not.
Likewise, you err when you use modifiers after the words "I am." For example, "I am debauched, I am a sinner," blah blah blah. Assert and maintain your true identity always. You are Atman, nothing short of it, caught up in delusion.
Lastly, you didn't spend 40 "loveless" years without at least trying to get a portion for yourself or at least what you think you're due. And you assert that the effort to find love is the rationale for your lifestyle now. But consider this, perhaps the day is on the horizon when you figure out that the Love you are actually seeking isn't going to come from other egos who are in the same or worse condition than your own? Ha ha, sorry, that song, "Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places" just popped into my head.
I've said elsewhere but it bears repeating. WHY are we advised to forgo meat, alcohol, rajasic and tamasic foods, indiscriminate sexual energy loss, etc? These purifications? It's because the human body is like a light bulb. When full of toxins, it cannot bear the energy of divine Love. A poisoned body is like a 25w bulb, only capable of holding a little light without shattering. But divine Love is like the energy of 1,008 watts. The body must be prepared for it. Do not pray for God's Love if you are not willing to purify the instrument created to receive it. Just Who do you think is urging a shift and why? Do you think your prayers are unheard? Your tears shed in vain? You do your part. You walk in humble submission towards your Lord Shiva. And stop entertaining the silly idea that He is, was or will be anything like you (when you identify yourself as human). You do that and I guarantee you He will teach you how to dance. (Heh, heh, two ladies in this forum with punya to spare are making you promises. You must not be too far gone in the eyes of your Lord! )
@Spirit_Warrior, I think you might have a misconception about the true meaning of vairagya. It seems you are using it to denote abstaining from the pleasure/pain combo. That is not correct. Vairagya means to maintain equanimity when presented with either pleasure OR pain, any of the opposites one finds in duality. Heat/cold, happiness/misery, wealth/poverty, etc. Feeling loved and validated by other egos... or not.
Likewise, you err when you use modifiers after the words "I am." For example, "I am debauched, I am a sinner," blah blah blah. Assert and maintain your true identity always. You are Atman, nothing short of it, caught up in delusion.
Lastly, you didn't spend 40 "loveless" years without at least trying to get a portion for yourself or at least what you think you're due. And you assert that the effort to find love is the rationale for your lifestyle now. But consider this, perhaps the day is on the horizon when you figure out that the Love you are actually seeking isn't going to come from other egos who are in the same or worse condition than your own? Ha ha, sorry, that song, "Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places" just popped into my head.
I've said elsewhere but it bears repeating. WHY are we advised to forgo meat, alcohol, rajasic and tamasic foods, indiscriminate sexual energy loss, etc? These purifications? It's because the human body is like a light bulb. When full of toxins, it cannot bear the energy of divine Love. A poisoned body is like a 25w bulb, only capable of holding a little light without shattering. But divine Love is like the energy of 1,008 watts. The body must be prepared for it. Do not pray for God's Love if you are not willing to purify the instrument created to receive it. Just Who do you think is urging a shift and why? Do you think your prayers are unheard? Your tears shed in vain? You do your part. You walk in humble submission towards your Lord Shiva. And stop entertaining the silly idea that He is, was or will be anything like you (when you identify yourself as human). You do that and I guarantee you He will teach you how to dance. (Heh, heh, two ladies in this forum with punya to spare are making you promises. You must not be too far gone in the eyes of your Lord! )