This makes no sense to me.
Sure it does. If possible, please read all three of my posts before replying. They're not too long, unless you want to read what's in the spoiler.
Anyway I know it makes sense to you be because you didn't disagree with infinity+infinity=infinity. This concept simply needs to be applied. And it needs to be understood that infinity is not limited to numbers.
Each object in a way gets lost, nullified, in the endless expansion of detail.
any number gets lost, nullified in the endless details that are included in literal infinity
etc... there are endless examples
But not just numbers, any object gets lost, nullified, in the endless details that are included in literal infinity
etc... there are endless examples
Not just individuals, but also groups get lost, nullified, in the endless details that are included in literal infinity
etc... there are endless examples
And those groups have designated names which get lost, nullified, in the endless details that are included in literal infinity
all animals+infinity=infinity
all vehicles+infinity=infinity
all elected officials+infinity=infinity
etc... there are endless examples
And all the attributes that define each of these examples get lost, nullified, in the endless details that are included in literal infinity
And all the attributes that define each of the attributes
And the the attributes that define each of
those attributes, etc... it's an endless chain of attributes that are nullified
And the compliments/negations of all the attibutes
And the attributes that define the compliments/negations
And the attributes of
those attributes and all of
their corresponding compliments/negations, etc... it's
another endless chain of attributes that are nullified
And the compliments/negations of all the groups, and their corresponding attributes, and the attributes of those attributes, and all the corresponding compliments/negations, etc... it's another endless chain which is nullified
And the compliments/negations of all the non-numeric objects, and their attributes, and the attributes of those attributes, and all the corresponding compliments/negations of all the attributes of the attributes of the attributes, etc... it's another endless chain that is nullified
And there are infinite chains, and chains corresponding from those chains, both the chain itself and all the corresponding compliments/negations.
Everything, anything, and its compliment/negation are all nullified in literal infinity. literal infinity includes all of the general objects: physical actions, physical objects, ideas, symbols, and all the compliments/negations of these objects, and all the attributes which define those objects, and all the attributes which define those attributes, and all the attributes of those attributes, ad infinitum, and all the compliments/negations of the physical actions, physical objects, ideas, symbols, and all of their corresponding attributes, and the attributes of those attributes, and the attributes of those attributes, and the attributes of those attributes, and all of their corresponding compliments/negations.
These multiple paragrahps, this long statement, everything in it, and its implications are all described elegantly and accurately by the true statement I made earlier in the thread:
That's it. That's all there is to it. Limiting this to numbers, making it into a one dimensional number line extending in both directions expresses the exact same concept I described using multiple paragraphs, and numerous examples. So now you have it: a very detailed explanation of infinity+infinity=infinity and the nullification that is implied by it. And this concept is not limited to numbers.
This doesn't really clear up the ambiguity of 'domain'
It's really not that difficult. You defined a domain "x" in your signature.