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Looking for evidence linking Iraq to Al-Qaeda/911/WMDs.


What a strange thing to say?

What I meant was "more than usual". Saddam started his political career as a US imperialist finger puppet and got ideas about sovereignty that were above his station. The US has strategic interests in the region, so the loss of a puppet dictator was unacceptable. Meanwhile the tyrants in other nations who rape, torture, abuse, poison and wrongfully imprison their citizens to far a greater degree than Saddam ever did are permitted (even encouraged) to go on about their dirty business as long as they do not interfere with Western economic policy.


What I meant was "more than usual". Saddam started his political career as a US imperialist finger puppet and got ideas about sovereignty that were above his station. The US has strategic interests in the region, so the loss of a puppet dictator was unacceptable. Meanwhile the tyrants in other nations who rape, torture, abuse, poison and wrongfully imprison their citizens to far a greater degree than Saddam ever did are permitted (even encouraged) to go on about their dirty business as long as they do not interfere with Western economic policy.

"More than Usual" out of interest can you give me an example someone of a similar vein who are permitted or encouraged to go on about their dirty business?


"More than Usual" out of interest can you give me an example someone of a similar vein who are permitted or encouraged to go on about their dirty business?

"Similar" is tough, but "far, far worse" is easy. Pinochet. Suharto. Pol Pot. al-Bashir... I could go on but it takes a lot of fact checking because I'm crap with names. Do you have a more specific question?


"Similar" is tough, but "far, far worse" is easy. Pinochet. Suharto. Pol Pot. al-Bashir... I could go on but it takes a lot of fact checking because I'm crap with names. Do you have a more specific question?

No i was just using your "more than usual" quote.


Well-Known Member
There was no evidence linking Iraq to any "evil-doing" beyond Saddam getting fancy ideas about being in charge of his own country. I was not at all surprised there were no WMDs, nor was I surprised to find out that Britain's contribution to the "evidence" was a plagiarized, edited college paper, nor was I surprised to discover paper evidence of Iraq's alleged yellow cake purchases from Africa were a terrible, unconvincing forgery, nor was I surprised to discover "Ice Man", their ONLY informant, was a known pathological liar and a drug addict with no inside knowledge of the Iraq administration whatsoever.

What surprises me is that after all these generations of war, all these mountains of history books detailing the mechanics and politics of war, all the hard evidence that during all wars, every side is a perpetrator of murder, torture, rape, mayhem and general evil-doing, we still assume our side is "the good guys" despite any amount of evidence to the contrary.

Do you reckon Bin Laden is even alive? I have my doubts, I don't know who to believe. I rememeber when Benazir Bhutto said on an interview with David Frost that he was murdered, but I'm pretty-sure she meant to say that Daniel Pearl fellow.


Do you reckon Bin Laden is even alive? I have my doubts, I don't know who to believe. I rememeber when Benazir Bhutto said on an interview with David Frost that he was murdered, but I'm pretty-sure she meant to say that Daniel Pearl fellow.

A lot of his videos seem to indicate he looks a little different everyday.


Well-Known Member
A lot of his videos seem to indicate he looks a little different everyday.

LOL yeah:


I also like how he managed to ditch the grey beard look, didn't know he used Just for Men!




Veteran Member
Maybe one day the UN will have some kind of clout that will put an end or deter such horrors as you list. Until then i support unilateral military intervention of member states to stop Genocide.
Out of curiosity, Would you have supported unilateral military intervention when we were helping General Suharto commit genocide?

Would you have supported unilateral military intervention against Britain when we were murdering 24 million Indians?

Just curious.

kai said:
The democratic nations should be rightfully ashamed of inaction.
Quite right.


Out of curiosity, Would you have supported unilateral military intervention when we were helping General Suharto commit genocide?
To be honest i dont know much about this guy is this him?


How did we help him? and can you show me links to genocide Please?

Would you have supported unilateral military intervention against Britain when we were murdering 24 million Indians? I am afraid i wasnt born then but i do beleive there was quitre a bit of military action against the Empire.

Just curious.

Quite right.

I believe we are at a time when western nations should be willing and able to intervene in cases of such obvious horror such as Rwanda.

The historical rights and wrongs of the British Empire is another question.


Do you reckon Bin Laden is even alive? I have my doubts, I don't know who to believe. I rememeber when Benazir Bhutto said on an interview with David Frost that he was murdered, but I'm pretty-sure she meant to say that Daniel Pearl fellow.

I don't think it matters at all to anyone running this war whether he is alive or dead. It is advantageous to have a boogey man lurking somewhere in the hills, but history demonstrates that when a nation gets the itch for war a boogey man will be provided whether or not any exist.


I don't think it matters at all to anyone running this war whether he is alive or dead. It is advantageous to have a boogey man lurking somewhere in the hills, but history demonstrates that when a nation gets the itch for war a boogey man will be provided whether or not any exist.

"America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests."

-Henry Kissinger


I don't think it matters at all to anyone running this war whether he is alive or dead. It is advantageous to have a boogey man lurking somewhere in the hills, but history demonstrates that when a nation gets the itch for war a boogey man will be provided whether or not any exist.

yep and whether the US is really the Great Satan or not doesn't really matter As long as Extremists need a bogey man too.


yep and whether the US is really the Great Satan or not doesn't really matter As long as Extremists need a bogey man too.

Yeah, but what's scary is America actually has the means to carry out it's neo-colonialism.

Extremists carry out.. a few deaths?


yep and whether the US is really the Great Satan or not doesn't really matter As long as Extremists need a bogey man too.

Yes, this is true, and does not detract from my point in the least. They're as bad as we are, we're as bad as they are, yada yada yada. I only reserve the bulk of my contempt for our side because we have bigger guns and drop thousands of bombs all over the place that make babies come out like this:


I'm not suggesting that if Al Qaeda had big guns and depleted uranium munitions they would not use them against "us". It's just that I'm disgusted to be associated with either side.


Whats the story behind that picture Alceste?

It's one example of the birth defects that have become commonplace in Iraq since the end of Desert Storm, when large segments of the country were contaminated by depleted uranium - a by-product of the munitions used in that war. AFAIK, depleted uranium munitions are being used to an even greater degree now in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Best case scenario: X-Men. Worst case scenario: thousands or tens of thousands of babies born like the one in the picture, or worse (trust me, I picked the "cutest" one I could find).


Well-Known Member
It's one example of the birth defects that have become commonplace in Iraq since the end of Desert Storm, when large segments of the country were contaminated by depleted uranium - a by-product of the munitions used in that war. AFAIK, depleted uranium munitions are being used to an even greater degree now in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Best case scenario: X-Men. Worst case scenario: thousands or tens of thousands of babies born like the one in the picture, or worse (trust me, I picked the "cutest" one I could find).

Yeah man, I've seen some photos of what is claimed of babies being born defected as a direct result of DU shells that we've been firing out of our Tanks. To my knowledge, the US and UK are the only countries in the World who have actually used such ammunition in combat.

And when you consider that these wars are pointless and Iraq atleast was entirely waged on pure, deliberate lies, it makes things even worse. I've even heard stories of our own troops falling ill to due the radiation of DU ammunition.

But yeah, I agree with you about the Boogeyman idea, even if he is dead, it doesn't matter, they'll just claim he's still around to scare everyone into complying. It's like, even when we had that chance to catch Bin Laden during the Tora Bora battle, we let him slip away.

And yet after all of this, the people truely responsible are all living away in huge mansions safe and sound.