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Looking for people who have some aim or purpose in these forums


Nets of Wonder
@mikkel_the_dane I’m considering that part of your reason for posting in the forums might be for the good it might do for some people, or for the world, or for community life in the forums. If so, then for your purposes it might be good to discuss your theory with me. I would would want to do that privately, or in a separate thread. I would also like to have that discussion with you about thinking of the world around us as being created for us by someone. That discussion could help illustrate points that we’re making in our discussion about words. I think that would be fun for me.


Nets of Wonder
@mikkel_the_dane I’m thinking now of starting a thread about ways of using words, and another one about God analogies as a way of improving people’s use of some human capacities. For example, they can help us apply what we learn to do in our relationships with people, to our relationship with the rest of the world around us.


Nets of Wonder
Yeah, debating is some times about winning and nothing else.
But there is something else between us 2. You do your faith as a practice with other humans and I do intellectual "theology" as far as I can tell.
Now I might be able to show you some theory and you might learn from it, but you are asking for the practice of it. I suck at it. I am only capable of everyday human interaction with my wife on a regular basis. I can't do small talk or everyday talk about being a human. I turn it into theory.

Now if you want to do it for fun, I can do words about what a word is and what other words are. ;)
I’m still thinking of starting a thread about ways of using words, and one about God analogies as a way to make better use of some human capacities. For now, I’m working on becoming a better listener for you, about what you’re trying to do in the forums. It looks to me like you might be trying to point out some unfairness and fallacies in denunciations of religions and their followers, under banners of atheism, science and reason, so I did some experimenting with that.

I’ve been thinking about some things that I see people doing in Internet discussions, instead of trying to communicate with each other, to get ideas and encouragement from each other for whatever good they’re trying to do. I’ve been trying to explain to myself why and how that happens. I decided that I might never have all the answers to that, that I’m looking for. I see some value in looking for those answers, but at some point I need to stop and try some ideas for helping to change that.

Some people have told me that they’re trying to correct misinformation and misunderstandings about their religions. To be a better listener for them, I’ll be trying to to correct misinformation and misunderstandings about the light that I see in science and some religions, and people being blinded to that and repelled from it by what people do with what they think they know.


My own religion
I’m still thinking of starting a thread about ways of using words, and one about God analogies as a way to make better use of some human capacities. For now, I’m working on becoming a better listener for you, about what you’re trying to do in the forums. It looks to me like you might be trying to point out some unfairness and fallacies in denunciations of religions and their followers, under banners of atheism, science and reason, so I did some experimenting with that.

I’ve been thinking about some things that I see people doing in Internet discussions, instead of trying to communicate with each other, to get ideas and encouragement from each other for whatever good they’re trying to do. I’ve been trying to explain to myself why and how that happens. I decided that I might never have all the answers to that, that I’m looking for. I see some value in looking for those answers, but at some point I need to stop and try some ideas for helping to change that.

Some people have told me that they’re trying to correct misinformation and misunderstandings about their religions. To be a better listener for them, I’ll be trying to to correct misinformation and misunderstandings about the light that I see in science and some religions, and people being blinded to that and repelled from it by what people do with what they think they know.

I try to follow you and learn and you do the same. There is limit to the answer to everything, so don't get lost trying to find the One Correct One. That is with God and God alone. Instead go out among humans.
I can explain how it is that there is no One Correct Answer, but that is theory. As long as you in effect live that among humans, there is no need for you to learn the theory. Be you and try as a human to do good. But you already do that, I can sense that in you.



Nets of Wonder
I try to follow you and learn and you do the same. There is limit to the answer to everything, so don't get lost trying to find the One Correct One. That is with God and God alone. Instead go out among humans.
I can explain how it is that there is no One Correct Answer, but that is theory. As long as you in effect live that among humans, there is no need for you to learn the theory. Be you and try as a human to do good. But you already do that, I can sense that in you.

A while ago I was thinking that part of the problem is people thinking that they know something. Then I thought, no, it’s the unloving attitudes and behavior that the feeling of knowing (or being right or in the right) sometimes facilitates. Now I’m thinking that a lot of false thinking is excuses for unloving attitudes and behavior.


My own religion
A while ago I was thinking that part of the problem is people thinking that they know something. Then I thought, no, it’s the unloving attitudes and behavior that the feeling of knowing (or being right or in the right) sometimes facilitates. Now I’m thinking that a lot of false thinking is excuses for unloving attitudes and behavior.

Yes!!! Now how to reach out to such humans, is another matter. But we have in part covered that already. In terms of how I explain it, is that sometimes with such humans, you turn away and live to do good some other place. There are some "fights", you can't win and if you try you hurt yourself because you get sucked into their negativity.
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Nets of Wonder
Yes!!! Now how to reach out to such humans, is another matter. But we have in part covered that already. In terms of how I explain it, is that sometimes with such humans, you turn away and live to do good some other place. There are some "fights", you can't win and if you try you hurt yourself because you get sucked into their negativity.
When I can’t find anything in a person’s posts to me that looks like trying to communicate with me, I just stop responding to their posts. I still read them, but I don’t respond to them.


My own religion
When I can’t find anything in a person’s posts to me that looks like trying to communicate with me, I just stop responding to their posts. I still read them, but I don’t respond to them.

Yeah, I still get sucked into that. I notice it more now, but it is hard to break for me. It is a sort of bad habit.
You are wise.

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Nets of Wonder
Yes!!! Now how to reach out to such humans, is another matter. But we have in part covered that already. In terms of how I explain it, is that sometimes with such humans, you turn away and live to do good some other place. There are some "fights", you can't win and if you try you hurt yourself because you get sucked into their negativity.
If I don’t see anything in a person’s posts that looks to me like friendly interest in what I think, I don’t try to explain it to them. Sometimes people pretend to have a friendly interest when they really don’t. That sometimes leads to some grief for both of us. I’ve made a lot of progress recently in learning not to get caught in people’s webs.


My own religion
If I don’t see anything in a person’s posts that looks to me like friendly interest in what I think, I don’t try to explain it to them. Sometimes people pretend to have a friendly interest when they really don’t. That sometimes leads to some grief for both of us. I’ve made a lot of progress recently in learning not to get caught in people’s webs.

I am still learning, but you help me by confirming it.
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Nets of Wonder
I am still learning, but you help me by confirming it.
It might have taken me years to learn what I’ve learned in the last day or two with your help. I thought you might be trying to point out that the ground people are standing on is not as solid as they think. That led me to some wonderful new discoveries.


My own religion
It might have taken me years to learn what I’ve learned in the last day or two with your help. I thought you might be trying to point out that the ground people are standing on is not as solid as they think. That led me to some wonderful new discoveries.

Well, this is about QM, but it applies to the more fundamental problem of with only reason, logic and evidence.
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. - Albert Einstein.
Now if you walk through some of these and combine them, then you can by checking the more heavy long "theory" get them in combination:
- Man is the measure of all things: of the things that are, that they are, of the things that are not, that they are not. - Protagoras
- The human being is spirit. But what is spirit? Spirit is the self. But what is the self? The self is a relation which relates to itself, or that in the relation which is its relating to itself. The self is not the relation but the relation’s relating to itself. A human being is a synthesis of the infinite and the finite, of the temporal and the eternal, of freedom and necessity. In short a synthesis. A synthesis is a relation between two terms. Looked at in this way a human being is not yet a self. - Søren Kirkegaard.
- Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. Friedrich Nietzsche
- I am when I am lucky so rational that I know when I am irrational and I have learned to live with that - Me as Mikkel :)

That are also other cultures relevant for quotes, but I am a westerner so I start there ;) And there are loads of them in all cultures.
There are then in western tradition the terms like "the thing in itself" - a neutral placeholder for what objective reality really is. Then "conditional knowledge" and "science is axiomatic" - that are fancy words for beliefs, than seem persistent and seem to work.
And we are back to: Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. - You know, Albert Einstein. He was relatively bright. :D

E.g. in one tradition with western knowledge the "I" is an illusion, nothing but a "placeholder" for a process in a brain, right?!! But when you check for humans using that one, they still insist that it has to make sense to them. The joke is that "make sense" is also a "placeholder".

So after doing this for years, as an atheist, I found that it didn't quite work for me. So I am became religious. It is to me more honest about the limitations of with only reason, logic and evidence and it works for me as me. I am now with God, what ever that is except as the first unmoved mover(Aristotle) and it works for me.

With the best regards
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Nets of Wonder
I want to give it, Christianity, another shot.
The only reason relates to the enviroment and our perceptions of it.
I came on here to understand why we see it as we do for particular reasons.
been here ten years
sorting through what people believe
what they don't believe

I have no doubt.....I am an influence
... the point is to provoke critical thought.
I'm here for a couple of reasons. One of them is to try to build bridges of understanding between people of different faiths and to promote tolerance between people with different worldviews. The other is to try to set the record straight when it comes to information about Mormonism, i.e. to clear up the multitude of misconceptions about my religion that exist.
My aim is principally to explain the variety in Hinduism. In addition, I am an atheist, so I pick up on people who are overly theistic, Hindus or others, though that is not my main aim.
I am laying siege to heaven, seeking a transfer of power.
My purpose is to learn and to teach.
... Hinduism ... watch for gross misconceptions, and attempt to correct them.
I've used this forum to help me think. I've used it to do Bible study on Genesis and Matthew. I was hoping to finish so that I could write a book but I'm not there yet...got "distracted" by the Mahabharata.
To release some of the tension that builds up in not being able to question and critique people's ideas, and try to get them to see what I believe are the errors in certain modes of thinking. To hone my ability to quickly come back at people with analogies, or thought exercises or examples that lay bare such flaws. And to also correct my own thinking if there are things I am currently in acceptance of for which I do not have sufficient warrant.
I continue to come because I learn so much from the community. By engaging with people, even in contentious debate, I shape my own spiritual and philosophical views--sometimes solidifying, sometimes dropping, and sometimes reworking concepts and opinions.
My objective is to show that God is love. Anything that does not show that is not of God in my opinion.
Im in it to find high quality POV's that bring people closer to truth.
When someone offers a sincere perspective , be it scientific, or religious, it makes it worth my while to listen ...
I scold my daughter for wasting precious time on Instagram. My wife scolds me for wasting time on RF.
... so that I can learn about other religions, see other peoples perspectives and test how objective I can be when it comes to discussion.
To try to figure out, how to explain others, how subjective and objective moral and ethics work in the everyday world we share and how that connects to the ideas of Absolute Truth, Ultimate Reality, Objective Reality, Physical Reality and all there other versions of what reality really is.
I wanted to remind all of you that if ever you would like to have people to talk to about what you’re doing in these forums, I’m volunteering to be one of them. I also want to bring you up to date on what I’ve been doing.

I decided to try doing what other people are trying to do in these forums, so I can be a better listener for them. Here are some things that people said that they’re trying to do:
- Help improve relationships across religious divides.
- Educate and inform people about a religion or way of life.
- Correct misinformation and misunderstandings about a religion, or about science.
- Share some knowledge and understanding.
- Tell people about something they might need or want to know about.
- Improve their own ideas and ways of thinking.
- Some other kind of personal development.
- Personal research.

I decided to try doing some of those things, that I wasn’t already doing:
- Tell people about something they might need or want to know about. I’ve been trying to tell people about a light that I see in science and some religions, behind clouds of contending beliefs that are hiding it from people and repelling them away from it. Also, I started a thread to tell people my ideas about the gospel of Jesus.
- Educate and inform people. I’ve tried some different ways to educate and inform people about that light that I see.
- Correct misinformation and misunderstandings. I’ve started trying to correct misinformation and misunderstandings about science and religion.
- Share some knowledge and understanding. I’ve been trying to share knowledge and understanding about that light that I see.
- Help improve relationships across religious divides. I think for now that will just be trying to be openly friendly to people on all sides.

I’m also trying to practice and promote a kind of love, and a kind of community life, that I think the world needs, and learning not to think of people as being divided up into groups and categories defined by what they believe or don’t believe.

I’ve also been trying to learn how to see through all the smoke, dust and mirrors of words being used for other purposes besides communication, to see what people might be thinking, the way they see it. Some examples of smoke, dust and mirrors are virtue signaling, stigmatizing people, and debating between factions using words that everyone knows mean something completely different on side from what they mean on the other.


Veteran Member
I've done some things which I consider community service. Humor. Lately.

However, right now I'm just kind of trying to figure things out. People try not to hold my hand too much anymore on me finding answers, perhaps for the best, and so I'm determined to find them on my own. I feel like I have evidence that a few different religions contain correct elements upon further thought and investigation. Which leads me to think: "Perhaps the universe and its laws are much more vast than anyone knows, perhaps some of the best scientists aren't even uncovering 1% of it."
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Nets of Wonder
I've done some things which I consider community service. Humor. Lately.
I’ve noticed. I like it.
However, right now I'm just kind of trying to figure things out. People try not to hold my hand too much anymore on me finding answers, perhaps for the best, and so I'm determined to find them on my own. I feel like I have evidence that a few different religions contain correct elements upon further thought and investigation. Which leads me to think: "Perhaps the universe and its laws are much more vast than anyone knows, perhaps some of the best scientists aren't even uncovering 1% of it."
I’ve noticed that too.


Veteran Member
I've got some things to overcome. You've probably noticed that I kind of felt close to Jesus for awhile.

Still other things I must solve. I've been reaching an awareness lately that leads itself to me flirting with the spiritual realm once again, and maybe not just Jesus, and not with me bending myself out of shape to do so. It just happens.

To clear things up, I'm not a prophet or manifestation of God, I would know if I was. I'm just kind of experiencing something between the link between the human and spirit realm that Spiritualism speaks of, and the Awakening which New Age people speak of.


Nets of Wonder
... not with me bending myself out of shape to do so. It just happens.
That’s a central theme of Taoism. You don’t try to make things happen. You find the currents going your way and ride them, like birds do sometimes.


Nets of Wonder
I'm just kind of experiencing something between the link between the human and spirit realm that Spiritualism speaks of, and the Awakening which New Age people speak of.
Reading up on Gaia, and WIld Ethics, might help with that, or exploring a pagan path. Also, this post.


I wanted to remind all of you that if ever you would like to have people to talk to about what you’re doing in these forums, I’m volunteering to be one of them. I also want to bring you up to date on what I’ve been doing.

I decided to try doing what other people are trying to do in these forums, so I can be a better listener for them. Here are some things that people said that they’re trying to do:
- Help improve relationships across religious divides.
- Educate and inform people about a religion or way of life.
- Correct misinformation and misunderstandings about a religion, or about science.
- Share some knowledge and understanding.
- Tell people about something they might need or want to know about.
- Improve their own ideas and ways of thinking.
- Some other kind of personal development.
- Personal research.

I decided to try doing some of those things, that I wasn’t already doing:
- Tell people about something they might need or want to know about. I’ve been trying to tell people about a light that I see in science and some religions, behind clouds of contending beliefs that are hiding it from people and repelling them away from it. Also, I started a thread to tell people my ideas about the gospel of Jesus.
- Educate and inform people. I’ve tried some different ways to educate and inform people about that light that I see.
- Correct misinformation and misunderstandings. I’ve started trying to correct misinformation and misunderstandings about science and religion.
- Share some knowledge and understanding. I’ve been trying to share knowledge and understanding about that light that I see.
- Help improve relationships across religious divides. I think for now that will just be trying to be openly friendly to people on all sides.

I’m also trying to practice and promote a kind of love, and a kind of community life, that I think the world needs, and learning not to think of people as being divided up into groups and categories defined by what they believe or don’t believe.

I’ve also been trying to learn how to see through all the smoke, dust and mirrors of words being used for other purposes besides communication, to see what people might be thinking, the way they see it. Some examples of smoke, dust and mirrors are virtue signaling, stigmatizing people, and debating between factions using words that everyone knows mean something completely different on side from what they mean on the other.

It would be cool if you check out my thread:
Cult Psychology (amateur) Studies

It is about dangerous cults. I would like to get as many people's opinion as possible on the info and if they know of some suspected cults.


Nets of Wonder
if you would like some one on one....aim a conversation at me

any topic
One or more of these:
- A light that I see in science and in some religions, behind clouds of contending beliefs that hide it from people, and repel them from it.
- My ideas about the gospel of Jesus.
- A kind of love that I think the world needs.
- A kind of community life that I think the world needs, and that I want to practice and promote in online neighborhoods.
- Seeing through the smoke, dust and mirrors in forum debating, to see what people are thinking, as they see it.
- Usefulness of modeling our relationship with the world around us as a personal relationship with someone who created us for that purpose.
- Using Internet discussions to get ideas and encouragement from each other, for whatever good each of us is doing or hoping to do.