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Man - 'Created in the image of God'


Veteran Member
Seems like the two realities you describe are in some ways like the philosophical difference between rationalism and empiricism. What is the difference between your spiritual eye and reason?

That's a good question. Well, human is really a mystery. I believe that the spiritual eye and power of reasoning are related. I believe that our power of reasoning comes from our spirit. That's why, although animals are also alive, they don't have the power of reasoning at all. I offer this quotation:

"The human spirit may be likened to the bounty of the sun shining on a mirror. The body of man, which is composed from the elements, is combined and mingled in the most perfect form; it is the most solid construction, the noblest combination, the most perfect existence. It grows and develops through the animal spirit. This perfected body can be compared to a mirror, and the human spirit to the sun. Nevertheless, if the mirror breaks, the bounty of the sun continues; and if the mirror is destroyed or ceases to exist, no harm will happen to the bounty of the sun, which is everlasting. This spirit has the power of discovery; it encompasses all things. All these wonderful signs, these scientific discoveries, great enterprises and important historical events which you know are due to it. From the realm of the invisible and hidden, through spiritual power, it brought them to the plane of the visible. So man is upon the earth, yet he makes discoveries in the heavens. From known realities—that is to say, from the things which are known and visible—he discovers unknown things. For example, man is in this hemisphere; but, like Columbus, through the power of his reason he discovers another hemisphere—that is, America—which was until then unknown." Some Answered Questions - Abdulbaha
To: james2ko

Your postings tell me, that you definitely have the Holy Ghost within you. Many of the things that you have posted, are lost to Christian ministers. Their doctrines, bibles, and dogmas, have lead them astray. Instead of seeking wisdom from God (as Solomon did), they agree on an 'understanding' amongst themselves, and go forward and teach what they have agreed upon.

Somehow, you have been given an understanding, and this understanding is in parallel to what I experienced in two visions and a dream, that happened in 2006. :)


Well-Known Member
To: james2ko

Your postings tell me, that you definitely have the Holy Ghost within you. Many of the things that you have posted, are lost to Christian ministers. Their doctrines, bibles, and dogmas, have lead them astray. Instead of seeking wisdom from God (as Solomon did), they agree on an 'understanding' amongst themselves, and go forward and teach what they have agreed upon.

Somehow, you have been given an understanding, and this understanding is in parallel to what I experienced in two visions and a dream, that happened in 2006. :)

I appreciate the kind words, my friend. There are others in this forum whom we can learn from that also carry the Spirit. Let's continue to grow in grace and knowledge and keep each other sharpened, as we wait for the appearance of our King.


Well-Known Member
The bible interprets itself. All of the verses, taken in context, discussing the image of God are clear. You are creating your own interpretation based on preconceived notions and beliefs--and not scripture. Therefore, it cannot be inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Inspired by the Holy Ghost means it is revelational,not literal.This means the Bible is to be understood by the heart,not the carnal mind which is at enmity with God.


Well-Known Member
The bible interprets itself. All of the verses, taken in context, discussing the image of God are clear. You are creating your own interpretation based on preconceived notions and beliefs--and not scripture. Therefore, it cannot be inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Inspired by the Holy Ghost means it is revelational,not literal.

What this is telling me is that we no longer need to study our bibles to search for truth. Just wait for the Holy Ghost to reveal it to us? Scripture states the opposite:

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Tim 2:15).​
"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2Ti 3:16-17)​

If we do not allow the Spirit to reveal literal instructions from scripture, how are we suppose to grow in grace and knowledge? (2 Pet 3:18)

The Holy Spirit reveals doctrines and commands that have literal implications:

Rev 1:1, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John,"

Jesus, through the Holy Spirit (Rev 1:10), revealed to John end time events that will literally take place. (Rev 1:3)

This means the Bible is to be understood by the heart, not the carnal mind which is at enmity with God.

Many passages refer to the heart and mind as being one in the same. Those with the Holy Spirit have a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7) Those without the Spirit, have a carnal mind (Rom 8:7). Your statement above mistakenly blends the two.


New Member
In Genesis, it is written that God created man in His own image. The ministers that I have talked to, do not take this statement as meaning, "We look like God, or God looks like us". They interpret it as spiritual (ie. "holy", etc.). We know that we are created above all other living things on this earth. In the scriptures, angels appeared in similar form to humans. We know that Christ said, "If you see me, you see my father." If I just apply general logic, and look at the whole animal kingdom as well as man, and even call the young of animals 'sons/daughters', the young look the same as their 'parents' (ie. a newborn fish doesn't change into a turtle). If angels are 'sons of God', and we can become 'equal unto the angels', and angels look like man, then God must look like us?????????:) What are your thoughts?

I think that man's inner spirit is what is like the image of God. Look around at all of the animals and there's no denying that we share some characteristics with them as far as our physical appearance, but humans are the only created beings (minus angels) with a soul; this is what I believe is meant by being created in the image of God. Of course I suppose one could argue that the ability to have many of the attributes of God (free choice) is also being created in His image. I'm not saying that the physical isn't part of God's image in us, but I do say take a step back and look at the big picture.


Well-Known Member
What this is telling me is that we no longer need to study our bibles to search for truth. Just wait for the Holy Ghost to reveal it to us? Scripture states the opposite:
The Word of God is alive and gives life. If you read it directed by the Holy Spirit than it can reveal meanings that bring life.
Scripture needs to be approached with spiritual discernment and not intellectual understanding.


Well-Known Member
The Word of God is alive and gives life. If you read it directed by the Holy Spirit than it can reveal meanings that bring life.
Scripture needs to be approached with spiritual discernment and not intellectual understanding.

Once again, scripture indicates otherwise. Scripture needs to be approached with spiritual discernment and intellectual understanding.

Read the account of Apollos in Acts 18:24-28; Apollos was "mighty in the scriptures" (vs 24). He had excellent intellectual knowledge and was also "fervent in spirit" (vs 25) which imparted spiritual discernment.

Yet Apollos' understanding was incomplete. He only knew the baptism of John so Aquila and Priscilla taught him the things of God more accurately (vs 26) which gave him greater intellectual understanding of the way of God.
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Well-Known Member
god's creation of adam, biblically the first "man" from which we all descended from WAS created by god "in god's image"app. 6000 years ago. the definition of "image" is in the eyes of the reader's interpretation. physical, spiritual, attributes????????????

the evolutionary man, who walked this earth 100s of thousands of years ago, although created by god, WAS not created in his image.

thats just my belief
god's creation of adam, biblically the first "man" from which we all descended from WAS created by god "in god's image"app. 6000 years ago. the definition of "image" is in the eyes of the reader's interpretation. physical, spiritual, attributes????????????

the evolutionary man, who walked this earth 100s of thousands of years ago, although created by god, WAS not created in his image.

thats just my belief

Do you believe that the Bible is God's Word?


Well-Known Member
it is a compilation of writings by authors that wrote through god,s inspiration. those writings were sometimes subjected to human thoughts and influenced by their limited knowledge and primitive lifestyle.
god's creation of adam, biblically the first "man" from which we all descended from WAS created by god "in god's image"app. 6000 years ago. the definition of "image" is in the eyes of the reader's interpretation. physical, spiritual, attributes????????????

the evolutionary man, who walked this earth 100s of thousands of years ago, although created by god, WAS not created in his image.

thats just my belief

I agree. :)


Let's go racing boys !
This statement does not imply any physical likeness to God. Scriptures teach that God is a spirit and does not have any physical parts like a man. The image of God in a man has to do with personality. Man has a personality like God with the ability to choose right from wrong. This ability is called a conscience.
Since no one has ever seen God, nothing on earth could represent His spirit. ;)


Not your average Mormon
In Genesis, it is written that God created man in His own image. The ministers that I have talked to, do not take this statement as meaning, "We look like God, or God looks like us". They interpret it as spiritual (ie. "holy", etc.). We know that we are created above all other living things on this earth. In the scriptures, angels appeared in similar form to humans. We know that Christ said, "If you see me, you see my father." If I just apply general logic, and look at the whole animal kingdom as well as man, and even call the young of animals 'sons/daughters', the young look the same as their 'parents' (ie. a newborn fish doesn't change into a turtle). If angels are 'sons of God', and we can become 'equal unto the angels', and angels look like man, then God must look like us?????????:) What are your thoughts?
You are definitely on the right track. We look like God and God looks like us. Offspring resemble their parents. Kittens resemble full grown cats. Puppies resemble mature dogs. The children of God resemble Him as well. The scriptures say that we are God's offspring. There is nothing heretical about it.


Not your average Mormon
The burning bush seen by Moses atop God's mountain was probably as close to His true form as any human being will ever see.
There is nowhere where God is described as being a burning bush. His voice was heard coming from a burning bush. That's different entirely.

Can a God who is incorporeal have a form?
You're making the assumption that God is incorporeal. The Bible never says that.


Not your average Mormon
This statement does not imply any physical likeness to God.
Of course it does, unless you want to simply ignore it.

Scriptures teach that God is a spirit and does not have any physical parts like a man.
The scriptures teach that God is "spirit" (not "a spirit," unless you're going to insert the indefinite article to make it say something the original text did not say). There is nowhere in the Bible where we are told that God does not have any physical parts like a man. On the contrary, His physical parts are specifically mentioned in many verses.

The image of God in a man has to do with personality.
But the word "image" has absolutely nothing to do with personality or non-visible characteristics or qualities. An image, by its very definition, is the representation of physical qualities. The word "likeness" can refer to personality. That's why the scriptures use both words: We were created in God's image (physical appearance), after His likeness (non-physical attributes).

It's kind of like this... You can say that a person possesses great spiritual wealth, but you can't say he possesses a wad of spiritual hundred dollar bills. The word "spiritual" can be used to define certain words, but not others. The same is true of the word "image." It means what it means (the representation of something's physical attributes). It doesn't mean what people decide they want it to mean, based on their already pre-defined beliefs.

Since no one has ever seen God, nothing on earth could represent His spirit. ;)
But the scriptures mention people by name who have seen him. How do you explain that?
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Not your average Mormon
the evolutionary man, who walked this earth 100s of thousands of years ago, although created by god, WAS not created in his image.

thats just my belief
Interesting perspective. Oddly enough, sniper, that's my belief, too.