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Man - 'Created in the image of God'

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
In Genesis, it is written that God created man in His own image. The ministers that I have talked to, do not take this statement as meaning, "We look like God, or God looks like us". They interpret it as spiritual (ie. "holy", etc.). We know that we are created above all other living things on this earth. In the scriptures, angels appeared in similar form to humans. We know that Christ said, "If you see me, you see my father." If I just apply general logic, and look at the whole animal kingdom as well as man, and even call the young of animals 'sons/daughters', the young look the same as their 'parents' (ie. a newborn fish doesn't change into a turtle). If angels are 'sons of God', and we can become 'equal unto the angels', and angels look like man, then God must look like us?????????:) What are your thoughts?
My outlook on this is here; Image of God: Biblical Meaning.

The short of it is that based on the sentences that discuss the image of God in relation to Adam in the King James Bible, that phrase means that Adam has both dominion and was created a plurality. This is the direct meaning of Adam being in the "image of God."


Let's go racing boys !
Of course it does, unless you want to simply ignore it.

The scriptures teach that God is "spirit" (not "a spirit," unless you're going to insert the indefinite article to make it say something the original text did not say). There is nowhere in the Bible where we are told that God does not have any physical parts like a man. On the contrary, His physical parts are specifically mentioned in many verses.

But the word "image" has absolutely nothing to do with personality or non-visible characteristics or qualities. An image, by its very definition, is the representation of physical qualities. The word "likeness" can refer to personality. That's why the scriptures use both words: We were created in God's image (physical appearance), after His likeness (non-physical attributes).

It's kind of like this... You can say that a person possesses great spiritual wealth, but you can't say he possesses a wad of spiritual hundred dollar bills. The word "spiritual" can be used to define certain words, but not others. The same is true of the word "image." It means what it means (the representation of something's physical attributes). It doesn't mean what people decide they want it to mean, based on their already pre-defined beliefs.

But the scriptures mention people by name who have seen him. How do you explain that?

John 4:24 says that God is Spirit, true worship must be in keeping with God's nature, which is spirit.....

The Bible uses anthropomorphic expressions, such as "the hand of God" only to accomadate our human incapacity to think in any other terms....

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
The Bible uses anthropomorphic expressions, such as "the hand of God" only to accomadate our human incapacity to think in any other terms....

I agree. God is unseen and yet described using anthropomorphic expressions. But could it have been done any other way? :shrug:


Not your average Mormon
John 4:24 says that God is Spirit, true worship must be in keeping with God's nature, which is spirit.....
So how do you worship God in spirit, seeing as you are not a spirit?

The Bible uses anthropomorphic expressions, such as "the hand of God" only to accomadate our human incapacity to think in any other terms....
Most people seem quite capable of thinking in other terms. Everyone non-LDS Christian I've ever talked to insists that God has no form, even though the Bible clearly states that He does. Why do you say people are incapable of conceiving of a God who is not in human form when the better part of the world's 2 billion Christians have proven that they are quite able to do so?

You know how much I like you, Charity, so please don't see this as me trying to pick a fight. I'm not trying to do that. I'm trying to pick your brain; I'm trying to see why people understand "God is spirit" in such narrow terms. What do you believe "spirit" means? If you were to substitute another word or words for the word "spirit," what would you say? God is... what? And can God be more than spirit? In other words, is that all He is? Does the word "spirit" constitute a complete definition of what He is?
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Let's go racing boys !
So how do you worship God in spirit, seeing as you are not a spirit?

Most people seem quite capable of thinking in other terms. Everyone non-LDS Christian I've ever talked to insists that God has no form, even though the Bible clearly states that He does. Why do you say people are incapable of conceiving of a God who is not in human form when the better part of the world's 2 billion Christians have proven that they are quite able to do so?

You know how much I like you, Charity, so please don't see this as me trying to pick a fight. I'm not trying to do that. I'm trying to pick your brain; I'm trying to see why people understand "God is spirit" in such narrow terms. What do you believe "spirit" means? If you were to substitute another word or words for the word "spirit," what would you say? God is... what? And can God be more than spirit? In other words, is that all He is? Does the word "spirit" constitute a complete definition of what He is?

We are friends Katz, so I am not offended....I don't mind to let you pick my brain, it won't take long for that to happen though...:D
John 4:24 Tells us that "God is spirit " and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
The place you worship is irrelevant, because true worship must be in keeping with God's nature, which is spirit. According to the gospel of John truth is associated with God.
with some of the following scriptures, what do you think Spirit means?
Gen 1:2 And the spirit of God was hovering
Jdg 6:34 Then the spirit of the Lord came.
Ps 106:33 rebelled against the spirit of God
139:7 where can I go from your spirit
Isa 44:3 I will pour out my spirit

When I have any experience of the "God kind", I feel the spirit of God, but I don't see Him.....but I worship in spirit and in truth......


Not your average Mormon
We are friends Katz, so I am not offended....I don't mind to let you pick my brain, it won't take long for that to happen though...:D
Oh, knock it off! :D
John 4:24 Tells us that "God is spirit " and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
But what I'm trying to find out is what you mean when you use the word "spirit" and how you feel it is possible for a non-spirit (you) to worship God "in spirit." What is the process?

The place you worship is irrelevant, because true worship must be in keeping with God's nature, which is spirit. According to the gospel of John truth is associated with God.
with some of the following scriptures, what do you think Spirit means?
I asked you first! (And you didn't answer yet.) I said:

Katzpur said:
What do you believe "spirit" means? If you were to substitute another word or words for the word "spirit," what would you say? God is... what? And can God be more than spirit? In other words, is that all He is? Does the word "spirit" constitute a complete definition of what He is?

When I have any experience of the "God kind", I feel the spirit of God, but I don't see Him.....but I worship in spirit and in truth......
You feel the Spirit but you don't see God. I agree. This happens to me, too. But how do you think it happens? You feel His Spirit, but how do you feel it? Does He touch your arm or your face? How does a non-spirit feel a spirit if it's not a physical sensation? Or are you a spirit, too?
John 4:24 says that God is Spirit, true worship must be in keeping with God's nature, which is spirit.....

The Bible uses anthropomorphic expressions, such as "the hand of God" only to accomadate our human incapacity to think in any other terms....

So you are saying that The Lamb (Rev chpt 5) taking the sealed book out of the hand of He who sits on the throne (Rev chpt 4), is an anthropomorphic expression??? :)


Not your average Mormon
Somebody chose to use them. Someone felt they were necessary.
Somebody? Who was it who chose to use them and felt they were necessary?

Are you not personal dissatisfied with the anthropomorphic expressions? I rather like them.
I like them, too, but I don't see them as anthropomorphic expressions. I see them as statements of fact.

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
Somebody? Who was it who chose to use them and felt they were necessary?

The writers/translators of Scipture.

I like them, too, but I don't see them as anthropomorphic expressions. I see them as statements of fact.

Even metaphors can be statements of fact. But do you think God's hands are anything like yours or mine?


Not your average Mormon
The writers/translators of Scipture.
But wouldn't they have just been saying what God told them to say.

Even metaphors can be statements of fact. But do you think God's hands are anything like yours or mine?
I absolutely do. The scriptures tell us that Jesus Christ was "the express image of His [Father's] person." I take that literally.

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
But wouldn't they have just been saying what God told them to say.

I don't know to what extend a prophet is just a speech-recognition device for the Almighty. :shrug:

I absolutely do. The scriptures tell us that Jesus Christ was "the express image of His [Father's] person." I take that literally.

So do I. Butd does that God is a man?


Not your average Mormon
So do I. But does that God is a man?
Well, if you take it literally, it would have to mean that. Of course, that wouldn't mean that God is mortal. We know He isn't mortal, but immortal. That doesn't mean He couldn't have the appearance of a man.


Let's go racing boys !
So you are saying that The Lamb (Rev chpt 5) taking the sealed book out of the hand of He who sits on the throne (Rev chpt 4), is an anthropomorphic expression??? :)
No actually I'm referring to the verses that describe God, like eyes of fire and etc. Since the book of Revelation is based on prophecy I'm not sure that there is any other way except maybe by a vision that we can really have any idea about the appearance of God. According to scriptures and research by different scholars I have read, I don't think we could begin to imagine the actual magnitude of looking at God.
I don't believe that human eyes could behold his countenance and that we could only look upon Him when we are in a glorified body......


Let's go racing boys !
Oh, knock it off! :D
But what I'm trying to find out is what you mean when you use the word "spirit" and how you feel it is possible for a non-spirit (you) to worship God "in spirit." What is the process?

I asked you first! (And you didn't answer yet.) I said:

You feel the Spirit but you don't see God. I agree. This happens to me, too. But how do you think it happens? You feel His Spirit, but how do you feel it? Does He touch your arm or your face? How does a non-spirit feel a spirit if it's not a physical sensation? Or are you a spirit, too?

Here goes Katz ;)
I believe that someday we will see God. Not as we are now but in our glorified body.
All Christians base their belief on faith, at least some type of faith whether we all agree on the same terms or not.
The Spirit of God, now you know here I'm not referring to a spirit like a ghost or paranormal being.
The Spirit of God is something I can feel, by faith. There is comfort, joy, peace, love (yes for even the most annoying people :D) security, and a warm feeling that I cannot deny that it could only come from God. There is an unmistakable reassurance when I pray, a feeling that goes beyond normal affirmation.

Now I'm sure the non believer would say well you can get this same feeling after coming home from a hard day's work, putting on your nice comfy robe and house slippers, sipping hot clocolate or a glass of brandy. Maybe even get this comfort from your dog, but believe me, nothing gives me the feeling like I described about my God encounter of the first kind.

The spirit of God or the Holy Spirit is indeed a comforter. It's like oxygen, you can't see it but you know when it's there......
So how do you worship God in spirit, seeing as you are not a spirit?

We have a spirit. Although we exist physically we also have a spirit. For example, Genesis 41:8 says, " And it came to pass in the morning that his spirit was troubled; and he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt, and all the wise men thereof: and Pharaoh told them his dream; but there was none that could interpret them unto Pharaoh."
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So you are saying that The Lamb (Rev chpt 5) taking the sealed book out of the hand of He who sits on the throne (Rev chpt 4), is an anthropomorphic expression??? :)

The Lamb is referring to Jesus. Jesus has a physical body. He is God incarnate. (Jesus is the physical existence of God). God the Father and God the Holy Spirit do not have a physical existence. It goes back to what the others were saying with the anthropomorphic expressions.


Not your average Mormon
The Lamb is referring to Jesus. Jesus has a physical body. He is God incarnate. (Jesus is the physical existence of God). God the Father and God the Holy Spirit do not have a physical existence. It goes back to what the others were saying with the anthropomorphic expressions.
If God the Father and God the Holy Spirit do not have a physical existence, could you explain the difference between them? If they are both spirit only, and if spirit (I am presuming here) fills the universe, in what regard are they distinct and in what purpose does each of them serve? They seem more or less redundant, if you know what I mean.