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Man - 'Created in the image of God'


Rogue Theologian
It is unnecessary to recite Genesis literally...that you bolster your faith.

Genesis was set down with as much understanding as Man could hold.
But that was a long time ago.

We humans have learned a great deal about ourselves...our flesh...
and the stars above.

That you say as they did centuries ago...does not make you a strong believer.
Quite the opposite...really.
It is unnecessary to recite Genesis literally...that you bolster your faith.

Genesis was set down with as much understanding as Man could hold.
But that was a long time ago.

We humans have learned a great deal about ourselves...our flesh...
and the stars above.

That you say as they did centuries ago...does not make you a strong believer.
Quite the opposite...really.

Actually, if you don't take genesis literally, it causes the whole Bible to be in error. God inspired the words, not just the ideas. The only way the different men affect the Scriptures is their style's of writing.


Rogue Theologian
Actually, if you don't take genesis literally, it causes the whole Bible to be in error. God inspired the words, not just the ideas. The only way the different men affect the Scriptures is their style's of writing.

Style affects the meaning. Check this out.
From a topic I posted April 09....I quote myself....

"Specifically....Genesis. Real quick...here is the list in Chapter One.
Day One...Light
Day Two... Heaven
Day Three...everything that is green and bears seed.
Day Four...the seasons are set into order....the sun, moon, and stars
Day Five...everything that swims or flies.
Day Six...everything that walks...including Man.

Obviously, there are some discussions to make about which items are out of order...some things need be in position before others.
But, we can do that portion later. For now, the list continues.

Day Seven...all is created...God rests...no more will be created.

Chapter Two.
God takes a man and places him into ideal living conditions.
His life is greatly extended, as the conditions allow it to be so.
Nothing will harm him. He is sheltered.

This isolated living is terminal.
Without a mate, the man is doomed to a solitary life.
A deep sleep is administered.
A rib is removed.

The rib is increased to full stature as a woman.

This is the basic structure of Scripture...Chapter One, and the intro of Chapter Two."

In addition....
Eve has no navel.
Adam is given his twin sister for a bride.
Devoted, do you believe that there is anything in the Bible that we are to understand from a metaphorical or symbolic perspective?

Yes, there are some symbolic things. You have to take several things into account though before concluding that it is metaphorical. For instance, the style of writing (poetry, prose).


Not your average Mormon
Yes, there are some symbolic things. You have to take several things into account though before concluding that it is metaphorical. For instance, the style of writing (poetry, prose).
I'm wondering how you came to conclude that the account of the Creation is to be taken literally? I guess to me, the miracle of the Creation is what God did, not how long it took him or when He did it. I don't believe in a young earth or that God created the earth in seven 24-hour days, but I absolutely do believe that He created it.


Not your average Mormon
In addition....
Eve has no navel.
Adam is given his twin sister for a bride.
Huh? And you have come to this conclusion how? And why, if Eve has no navel, does Adam? (Or does he, according to your belief?)
I'm wondering how you came to conclude that the account of the Creation is to be taken literally? I guess to me, the miracle of the Creation is what God did, not how long it took him or when He did it. I don't believe in a young earth or that God created the earth in seven 24-hour days, but I absolutely do believe that He created it.

Can you present to me your proof for the old earth view that you hold?


Not your average Mormon
Can you present to me your proof for the old earth view that you hold?
I'm not a scientist, but the overwhelming majority of scientists believe there to be a great deal of evidence that the earth is millions of years old. I guess I just don't see any reason to distrust the evidence. It does nothing to affect my faith in God. I don't see science and religion as needing to be at odds with each other. Someday, when we're with God again in Heaven, perhaps he'll explain it all to us. When all of the facts are known, I don't believe there will be any contradiction between the scriptures and what science is telling us. I see Genesis as God's explanation to people the miracle of the Creation. The writers of the Old Testament were hardly in a position to be able to understand the intricacies of quantum physics, molecular biology or human genetics. Genesis was not written to be a science textbook. It was written to tell us that God created the earth and did so in an organized manner.


Rogue Theologian
Huh? And you have come to this conclusion how? And why, if Eve has no navel, does Adam? (Or does he, according to your belief?)

Not heard this before?
I've been reciting this perspective for a long time.

But then again...in all fairness...no one else gave me such instruction.
All those years in catholic schools...
all the weekend sermons in southern baptist churches.
all that Methodist upbring...otherwise....

Not once did anyone say....Eve had no navel.
Adam was given his twin sister for a bride.

But if you insist upon Genesis...Chapter Two...literally....
well....there you go.

But it's easier than you might think.
Day Six...Man is created as a species and turned loose on the earth.
No names...no law...no restrictions....

Day Seven...the creation process has stopped. No more will be created.

THEN Chapter Two.
This is a story of selection, isolation and manipulation...not creation.
There's a difference.

Apparently....obviously....Man was behaving too much like an animal.(Day Six)
The course of Man needed a more 'hands on' redirection. (Chapter Two)

Day Six allows time for evolution.
Chapter Two has all the earmarks of an experiment.
Adam is a chosen son of God.
I'm not a scientist, but the overwhelming majority of scientists believe there to be a great deal of evidence that the earth is millions of years old. I guess I just don't see any reason to distrust the evidence. It does nothing to affect my faith in God. I don't see science and religion as needing to be at odds with each other. Someday, when we're with God again in Heaven, perhaps he'll explain it all to us. When all of the facts are known, I don't believe there will be any contradiction between the scriptures and what science is telling us. I see Genesis as God's explanation to people the miracle of the Creation. The writers of the Old Testament were hardly in a position to be able to understand the intricacies of quantum physics, molecular biology or human genetics. Genesis was not written to be a science textbook. It was written to tell us that God created the earth and did so in an organized manner.

Exactly as you said: He did so in an organized matter. Evolution is not at all an organized matter. Also, I do not believe the Bible to be a science book, but when it discusses scientific matter it is 100% correct. Scientists have changes their minds so many times. No matter how overwhelming the evidence seems it comes to your interpretation of the facts. I don't see the evidence as supporting of evolution. They show us art drawings for the most part. When they do give a real picture of a fossil it can be explained to support creation. When it comes down to it, either way evolution or creation, it's based on faith.

Evolution is a mathematical impossibility. http://www.faizani.com/news/news_2003/math_impossibility.html
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Not heard this before?
I've been reciting this perspective for a long time.

But then again...in all fairness...no one else gave me such instruction.
All those years in catholic schools...
all the weekend sermons in southern baptist churches.
all that Methodist upbring...otherwise....

Not once did anyone say....Eve had no navel.
Adam was given his twin sister for a bride.

But if you insist upon Genesis...Chapter Two...literally....
well....there you go.

But it's easier than you might think.
Day Six...Man is created as a species and turned loose on the earth.
No names...no law...no restrictions....

Day Seven...the creation process has stopped. No more will be created.

THEN Chapter Two.
This is a story of selection, isolation and manipulation...not creation.
There's a difference.

Apparently....obviously....Man was behaving too much like an animal.(Day Six)
The course of Man needed a more 'hands on' redirection. (Chapter Two)

Day Six allows time for evolution.
Chapter Two has all the earmarks of an experiment.
Adam is a chosen son of God.

Chapter two goes back and explains in detail the account in chapter one on day six.


Rogue Theologian
Chapter two goes back and explains in detail the account in chapter one on day six.

Nope...not the same event.

That's why it's two chapters not one.

Or maybe you've been reading one of those creationist bibles?
the kind that strips the name of Moses...and Genesis from the first page?

That copy does declare Chapter Two as a retelling of Chapter One.

That's a lie.
Nope...not the same event.

That's why it's two chapters not one.

Or maybe you've been reading one of those creationist bibles?
the kind that strips the name of Moses...and Genesis from the first page?

That copy does declare Chapter Two as a retelling of Chapter One.

That's a lie.

Perhaps you are unaware that in it's original form, the Bible had no chapters. This is simply a bad chapter break placed by men later, not by the authors.


Not your average Mormon
Exactly as you said: He did so in an organized matter. Evolution is not at all an organized matter. Also, I do not believe the Bible to be a science book, but when it discusses scientific matter it is 100% correct. Scientists have changes their minds so many times. No matter how overwhelming the evidence seems it comes to your interpretation of the facts. I don't see the evidence as supporting of evolution. They show us art drawings for the most part. When they do give a real picture of a fossil it can be explained to support creation. When it comes down to it, either way evolution or creation, it's based on faith.

Evolution is a mathematical impossibility. Math Formula for the Impossibility of Evolution
I guess I see see it differently, Devoted. I definitely do not believe that the earth and all life on it happened by chance or randomly. I believe God was at the controls every minute of every hour since the beginning. I have no problem whatsoever believing that the earth has been around for a very long time and it has never crossed my mind to let that belief lessen my faith in God.


Not your average Mormon
Perhaps you are unaware that in it's original form, the Bible had no chapters. This is simply a bad chapter break placed by men later, not by the authors.
LOL! In its original form, the Bible wasn't a Bible. It was a collection of writings assembled over thousands of years.


Well-Known Member
Yeah well gee......
Are you hoping God looks like you?

And what if He doesn't?

Did I miss it?...did anyone describe what the image of God is?

The bible interprets itself. In Gen 1:26 states, God made the beast after "their" own kind. But He made man in "Our" [plural form of God]image and according to our likeness." The Hebrew word for image is "tselem" it is used 16 times in the OT. A casual glance at other scriptures utilizing this word gives us a sense God created us according to His physical outline, form and shape. Notice how the word image is used:

1Sa 6:5 Therefore you shall make images [tselem]of your tumors and images [tselem]of your rats that ravage the land, and you shall give glory to the God of Israel; perhaps He will lighten His hand from you, from your gods, and from your land.​

The Hebrew word for "likeness" is "demooth" defined as: resemblance concretely modeled, shape, fashion, similitude. It occurs 25 times in 22 verses. Here again we get a sense of the word "likeness" [demooth] describing the physical resemblance of the altar, Notice:

2 Kings 16:10, And king Ahaz went to Damascus to meet Tiglathpileser king of Assyria, and saw an altar that was at Damascus: and king Ahaz sent to Urijah the priest the fashion [demooth] of the altar, and the pattern of it, according to all the workmanship thereof.​

The bible is clear about the spiritual shape and form of God. He has our form and shape but composed of Spirit!