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Man 'Created' words


Active Member
Every word, symbol and letter used to define a term/idea, exchanged between mankind; are all 'creations' by mankind....

to comprehend this absolute truth; then the evolution of knowledge can progress for the future generations


Active Member
evolution vs creationism....

man created all word for the evolution of knowledge to even exist


Active Member
I'm lost. I have no idea what you are driving at.

Evolution is a pattern observe by Darwin shared in Origin of Speciese.

Even if the word was never in the book until the 6th edition I think it was.

Yet the pattern is pretty well defined into words (the book).

this pattern is defined by mankinds ability to create definitions within the usage of words. We read what the previous writers understood; in which the next generations should have a greater evolved set of understanding than the previous.

Like wise, in nature, the natural pattern of evolution shares the same pattern and to observe the golden ratio, then a mathematical form recognized by science, shares nature also reveals an evolutionary pattern that can be functionally defined.

and as knowledge continues to evolve than the idea that 'creationism' has any reality in an evolutionary existence becomes old history.

Evolution lives within nature as creationism is simply a created idea by mankind

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Evolution is a pattern observe by Darwin shared in Origin of Speciese.

Even if the word was never in the book until the 6th edition I think it was.

Yet the pattern is pretty well defined into words (the book).

this pattern is defined by mankinds ability to create definitions within the usage of words. We read what the previous writers understood; in which the next generations should have a greater evolved set of understanding than the previous.

Like wise, in nature, the natural pattern of evolution shares the same pattern and to observe the golden ratio, then a mathematical form recognized by science, shares nature also reveals an evolutionary pattern that can be functionally defined.

and as knowledge continues to evolve than the idea that 'creationism' has any reality in an evolutionary existence becomes old history.

Evolution lives within nature as creationism is simply a created idea by mankind

Okay. I get it now.



Active Member
Using words to convey knowledge is jst the best.

maintaining honesty as to where all words came from, allows knowledge to develop with integrity


Well-Known Member
Bishadi said:
We read what the previous writers understood; in which the next generations should have a greater evolved set of understanding than the previous.
Kids these days and their slang! *shakes fist in the air*

Our brains do keep getting bigger; more memory, more associations and hopefully, more understanding. A lot of times 'understanding' what was written requires knowledge of the time in which it was written, and this can lead to misunderstanding, imo.

The evolution of language is amazing though; I love languages! They are so interesting... some 'understandings' can only come from certain languages. But there is an underlying 'universal grammar' that humans, and only humans, have; likely from our mutated FoxP2 gene.


Well-Known Member
Actually your missing the point in our current context, that being for all intents and purposes departing from a Latin port. Take for instance classical Hebrew, or Arabic before the importation of Indian numerals; letters and numbers share the same figures, i.e. there is no difference between constanants and numerals. While we discovered mathematics, the mathematical structure, or at least the structure that can come to be known through math, of the universe is probably not worth discussing. So in a very real sense, 'In the beginning was the word'


Active Member
Actually your missing the point in our current context, that being for all intents and purposes departing from a Latin port. Take for instance classical Hebrew, or Arabic before the importation of Indian numerals; letters and numbers share the same figures, i.e. there is no difference between constanants and numerals.
are you suggesting symbols that look the same are equal in value?

While we discovered mathematics, the mathematical structure, or at least the structure that can come to be known through math, of the universe is probably not worth discussing.
if all people of thinking thought that way, we would not be on the internet, nor medicine, nor even leaving our own tent for trade

So in a very real sense, 'In the beginning was the word'

and the ultimate word is the name of God (the mathematical formula sharing how existence works)

basically the last word to all that exists

all that exists is bound to ONE

If existence only operated ONE way; then the math is the 'name' to know.

Truth is perfect with nature, existence, all of mankind, and thereby GOD in total.

Opinions are often bound to the sense of man, rather than the truth of GOD.

Such that if ever a contest is put between God and opinion, simply return to the garden and the rules represent themselves!



Words are a creation of man. To that which is infinite and indefinable, there can be no words or definitions. All words have limitations.


Active Member
Words are a creation of man. To that which is infinite and indefinable, there can be no words or definitions.
perhaps when trying to pin down LOVE

but be certain, much affect and action is caused by words; they transcend

All words have limitations.
almost like an opinion

that is why math is so pure (aka... the universal language)


Active Member
As we can only talk about things (subjects) that we know and what we have observed, Knowledge, and yet there are topics that can not yet be covered by us as have not yet been discovered.


perhaps when trying to pin down LOVE

but be certain, much affect and action is caused by words; they transcend

almost like an opinion

that is why math is so pure (aka... the universal language)

:D Funny!....I never liked math. I have always been more of an artist than a calculator. But math does have it's virtues.


Every word, symbol and letter used to define a term/idea, exchanged between mankind; are all 'creations' by mankind....

to comprehend this absolute truth; then the evolution of knowledge can progress for the future generations
Even if man 'created' words, it doesn't necessarily follow that he also created 'truth'.


Active Member
:D Funny!....I never liked math. I have always been more of an artist than a calculator.
you perhaps 'feel' existence

and that is how to prove the absolute beyond any shadow of a doubt

where doubt arrives in when opinions (which very from every other persons 'feelings') become isolated by the use of words

But math does have it's virtues.
because the formula (NAME) has never been understood pure to most all opinions

but equally, 5 apples is 5 apples to all mankind

names may change for the fruit, the count (experience of) exists equally

to combine the knowledge of mankind, reveals the name of God

that is what the evolution of knowledge is for

as well, that is the promise left in most every religious belief or hope; for our very souls 'to understand'

have faith in whatever God you choose, 'the truth will be known' (i believe that is one item we all as human being can agree on)

and them who discount the core of 'hope' ............ oooops?!?!?


Active Member
Even if man 'created' words, it doesn't necessarily follow that he also created 'truth'.

Truth just is.

Opinions vary by the use of word.

Man created words to define what he (it) experiences.

Therein shares that an evolution (progression) does exist.

'That' shows a flaw to existing sciences (2LOT).

Within the body of knowledge, and since that combined body is associated via the internet, then of mind a choice can pursue that 'truth' by choice.

The primary key to understanding is 'honesty.'

Such that if any ever ask themselves, 'have i done all that i could possibly to comprehend the truth?'

there is barely a human soul on this earth who could say 'YES'........... honestly!

and definitely not but a ONE on the internet (that be a truth and a ripley's at the same time)
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Active Member
As we can only talk about things (subjects) that we know and what we have observed, Knowledge, and yet there are topics that can not yet be covered by us as have not yet been discovered.

thank GOD for that.

be boring if man knew everything

heck how could i 'create' a drawing without experiencing 'life'

yet, we can know far more than many give themselves credit for.

and since our fathers (history) has given us soooooooooo many flavors of opinions, the richness of variety offers any to experience feelings from many perspectives

to experience the combining colors of life, a single white light shows the rainbow


Kids these days and their slang! *shakes fist in the air*

Our brains do keep getting bigger; more memory, more associations and hopefully, more understanding. A lot of times 'understanding' what was written requires knowledge of the time in which it was written, and this can lead to misunderstanding, imo.

The evolution of language is amazing though; I love languages! They are so interesting... some 'understandings' can only come from certain languages. But there is an underlying 'universal grammar' that humans, and only humans, have; likely from our mutated FoxP2 gene.

In english you "have" sex - materialistc
In french you make love