I think they'll naturally be able to expound on the romance, the villains, and, essentially, Superman kicking ***.
I think there was already enough of the last element in this one, and understand all the stuff he went through at a young age, because this is essentially what the whole inner conflict was about. Without that the movie would've been a lot lighter, and i think they did a good job in giving depth to his character. The contrast between what he can do and what he actually does when he has a choice is an interesting aspect, so is his confusion about his place in the world, and his general hesitance. These are elementary aspects to go through and if they were not found i think the movie would've been a lot less impressive. All that said though, i also understand why some people would be looking for a bit more aggressive or perhaps energetic Superman, and think this might happen in the next installment.
In regards to villains, i also think the villain in this one was pretty cool. I liked Michael Shannon's performance, and Zod's whole entrance to earth was awesome. But, naturally, since this one is oriented around Superman coming into being, there's less space for the villains. Zod's motives and personality in general weren't exactly intriguing for me, but i found them interesting enough. Coupled with Shannon's performance, and some of the set up around him, such as the awesome assistant Faora-Ul (Antje Traue), his dark entrance to earth and the fact that he almost took over his planet and killed Superman's father more than did the job in making him a pretty serious villain.
I found the cast in general to be excellent. To address those i haven't already addressed, Henry Cavill is a perfect Superman, Russel Crow rocked as Jor-El, Amy Adams did a pretty cool job (and i generally find her to be pretty hot, so that's a bonus
), Kevin Costner's performance was touching to me, so was Diane Lane's, and even in smaller roles i liked seeing certain faces such as Laurence Fishburne. They really added weight to the movie.
The only thing that i felt could have used more work was Kevin Costner's death. I really liked the idea of how they made him die, how Superman would stand their helpless despite being fully capable of saving him. But i think they rushed it a bit, and didn't squeeze enough out of it. There was nothing lacking on Costner's end, but I think they didn't work on Cavill's reaction properly and rushed the whole thing like i said. It could've added a lot of depth to his character if done more dramatically. It felt like something was wasted as i really liked the idea, but i think they might've not wanted to delve too much into dramatics for fear the movie would be perceived as too dark.
Finally, not to forget, as to the action; it was of course terrific. So, overall, like i said i found it pretty awesome.