I pointed out in detail WHAT he contributed to the vaccine -- and when -- and how long he's been out of that business. Then there's the other consideration: he and how many other doctors (and what are their current qualificationis) are on one side, and how many, and with what current qualifications, are on the other?
For example, Johns Hopkins hospital (the teaching hospital and biomedical research facility of Johns Hopkins University) administers all three vaccines, maintains that they are safe, and strongly recommends their use. Which well-known hospital doesn't? I mean, just out of curiosity.
That requires faith and trust in the current medical system.....I do not have that kind of trust in anyone but God. He has never let me down, but the medical system certainly has, more times than I can count. IMO, it is nothing more than a profit-driven global juggernaut, more interested in perpetuating ill health than in promoting good health......more interested in ongoing “treatments” (that simply control symptoms, and make them millions) than in facilitating “cures” for anything. There is no money in cures.
Humans are flawed creatures and the lobby in this instance, is very powerful both financially and politically. Power as we know corrupts all whom it touches, with few exceptions. When profit is the driver, I do not trust the science. It’s too easy to manipulate the findings and then people can be ‘scared’ into doing something that cannot be reversed. I hope you understand what that means, when the world’s population have been persuaded to take a vaccine that has had no long term testing, and people are already presenting with some very serious after effects. My own next door neighbor is still in hospital with heart problems, which presented just three weeks after the jab. No previous history.
No one really knows what will result in the weeks months and years to come.....but if this turns out to be a disaster of global proportions, as some of the medical fraternity are warning, what can anyone do about it. The pharmaceutical companies have indemnified themselves against any adverse outcomes. No one can touch them......Red flag right there. If these vaccines are so safe, why would they need to do that?
In Australia, doctors are even indemnified against legal action for any bad outcomes for the vaccines they are encouraged to administer......another red flag for me.
Perception management is a science practised on all of us.....my perceptions are not as manageable as yours may be. I am so sick of hearing about it.
I want the long term studies, not just by the vaccine manufacturers, but by independent bodies who have not been ‘bought’. If there are real dangers, I want them identified before I volunteer for something that cannot be undone.
If there are safer medications that will tackle the virus effectively and help with symptom control and lower transmission risks, then I want the option to choose them. I see people being herded like a flock of frightened sheep. No dogs are going to herd me into that pen. I am way more concerned about the vaccines than I am about the virus TBH.
Your choice is your choice.....mine is mine. I am not telling anyone that they cannot make their own decisions, but no one is going to decide for me....but me. No guilt tripping and no shaming will alter my decision.