Science is a tool used to obtain knowledge and understanding. It's how that is used by people is where ethics come into play.
Science used to be such a tool. For the last 100 years it has degenerated
into an institution without ethics, often inherited positions, often just a
ponzi scheme that pays lip-service to its origins, much like medieval monarchy.
Its still uses the tools it developed in the 19th and previous centuries,
and technology grows from these, but not because of the institutions
and certainly not from that ancient method.
Science is defined as "a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes
knowledge in the form of testable
explanations and
predictions". How does that teach anyone to kill, lie, or steal? Also, considering lying, stealing, and killing to be immoral is hardly original or exclusive to "Christian ethics". They're common sense rules required for any functioning society.
Materialist evolution uses animals as its test subjects, where any means
at their disposal justify procreation and (by subconscious implication)
sexual motives of increasing degenerate nature (for the people).
The case in point being, one Dawkins, and his concept 'selfish gene'
which specifically attempts to undermine fidelity, and places people
on the level of marauding beasts. 'Selfish' is the keyword here.
Many such animals are observed to kill, lie and steal. The materialist
only observes these as pseudo-ethical - to be used until the ego sees
an opportunity to do away with them and seize power for the self.
Because these ideas of ethics, are not transcendental or absolute to
the materialists, they will use them only as a ruse in order to abuse them.
In the Christian sense, the transcendental ethic is superior, not only
in logical terms, but also simply from the point of societies that survive the best.
The catch being that the materialist still seeks to use this as a ruse to
violate these ethics whilst benefiting from others obeying them absolutely.
Only with a judgement day, can the ethics be absolute.
Once the materialist ignores this, then religious society senses it,
and the system degrades to its base level.