No it didn’t. You just copied and pasted some right wing nonsense. Which I find odd. Because you allegedly watched the whole 7hours of her testimony and yet came to the conclusion that she lied based on two statements that were taken outta context but right wing media.
In any case here’s a clip of her being asked about her Being briefed on hunter Biden prior to her senate confrimation hearings.
So, in that video you just posted, she said she WAS AWARE of hunter and burisma.
Now, listen to me very carefully, because your getting NO RESPECT from me pale. What i posted to you of yovonavich two statements wer not right wing made up words, they wer her exact words IN CONTEXT!
Now, here is the news source that put the two statements together and made there point.
And below the article IS THE VIDEO for all to verify its authenticity! If you deny that, your not credable!
Um, Did Yovanovitch Lie In Her Testimony?