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Mars Colonists Will Be Free From Satan!!!

Reggie Miller

Well-Known Member
Revelation 12:9 states that Satan was cast out of heaven and thrown down to the earth.

Revelation 20:2-3 states that Satan was locked away into the Abyss. Traditional interpretation is that the Abyss is inside the earth, as many descriptors throughout the Bible talk about the earth opening up, pits, etc.

Everything that was written is based on the concept of geocentricity. Earth was viewed as the center of creation, and thus the focus of God, Satan, angels and demons. Religions are earthbound. However, those that escape earth, such as the planned Mars colonists, will be free from Satan according to the Scriptures, since he will be locked away here.


Or it could be that those early, primitive humans simple wrote about the world around them, and because they did not have telescopes and knew very little about astronomy, they had no clue about other planets. We now know that there are billions of stars and planets in our galaxy, and there are billions of galaxies in the known universe. Those ancient stories are not literal.

The whole Satan thing is simply a good vs evil fairy tale (or mythology if you prefer) and there's nothing to worry about. ;)

Well, Rev. 20 doesn't apply at all to your "argument" since it hasn't happened yet. And just because he was thrown down to Earth doesn't mean he can't go elsewhere if he wants.

So your little mockery of Revelation is a mockery of itself.

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
Well, Rev. 20 doesn't apply at all to your "argument" since it hasn't happened yet. And just because he was thrown down to Earth doesn't mean he can't go elsewhere if he wants.

So your little mockery of Revelation is a mockery of itself.

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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Only because God allows it. The Almighty could simply snap those divine fingers and uncreate this "Satan" but alas...

On a scale of 1 to 10, where something for sure exists at 10 and doesn't at 1.

I currently score:

2/10 = God
8/10 = Satan

Mostly, the rationale behind that:

1) God could snuff Satan out if he was real in one instant. So either he's lazy, doesn't care, or actually enjoys us being tormented. None of these ideas seem likely... If that God really existed...

2) Humans manifest a more "Satanic" nature naturally, the pious nature seems contrived. We spend our full time attempting to achieve the maximum sinning we can get away with -- without getting arrested.

3) Free will, why have it? God could have made us like angels - mindless automatons. It sure is simpler. Then we'd worship him all day without that pesky logic filter, etc...

Anyway, those are just some of the silly reasons I think about... there are more.. lol

David T

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Revelation 12:9 states that Satan was cast out of heaven and thrown down to the earth.

Revelation 20:2-3 states that Satan was locked away into the Abyss. Traditional interpretation is that the Abyss is inside the earth, as many descriptors throughout the Bible talk about the earth opening up, pits, etc.

Everything that was written is based on the concept of geocentricity. Earth was viewed as the center of creation, and thus the focus of God, Satan, angels and demons. Religions are earthbound. However, those that escape earth, such as the planned Mars colonists, will be free from Satan according to the Scriptures, since he will be locked away here.


Or it could be that those early, primitive humans simple wrote about the world around them, and because they did not have telescopes and knew very little about astronomy, they had no clue about other planets. We now know that there are billions of stars and planets in our galaxy, and there are billions of galaxies in the known universe. Those ancient stories are not literal.

The whole Satan thing is simply a good vs evil fairy tale (or mythology if you prefer) and there's nothing to worry about. ;)
Actually primative people with telescopes and quantum mechanics weren't intelligent enough to know that ancient writers were not writing science texts at all. In fact science existed in their day that's a fact and they were very clear to not even remotely write any scientific statements in fact the inverse
Over time this gave way to new generations of primatives, they created universities who proclaimed the text as scientific, that eventually was proven to be false by the same universities. And the primative concluded even more primatively that since the ancient texts is primative science our new science is superior!!! Be cause we have telescopes microscopes and iPad and the internet. We smaaaaaart they stupid.


Veteran Member
On a scale of 1 to 10, where something for sure exists at 10 and doesn't at 1.
I currently score:
2/10 = God
8/10 = Satan
Mostly, the rationale behind that:
1) God could snuff Satan out if he was real in one instant. So either he's lazy, doesn't care, or actually enjoys us being tormented. None of these ideas seem likely... If that God really existed...
2) Humans manifest a more "Satanic" nature naturally, the pious nature seems contrived. We spend our full time attempting to achieve the maximum sinning we can get away with -- without getting arrested.
3) Free will, why have it? God could have made us like angels - mindless automatons. It sure is simpler. Then we'd worship him all day without that pesky logic filter, etc...
Anyway, those are just some of the silly reasons I think about... there are more.. lol

1) God is patient with us in that He desires No one to be destroyed according to 2 Peter 3:9
If Adam and Eve would have No children we simply would Not be here, so the passing of time has allowed for the maximum amount of people to be born, and to choose to either ' repent' or ' perish' ( be destroyed )
It is Satan who challenges all of us according to Job 2:4-5. Touch our ' flesh ' ( loose physical health) and we would Not serve God. To me, under very adverse conditions both Job and Jesus proved Satan a liar and so can we.

2) Of course humans manifest a more ' satanic '(wrongdoing) nature naturally as described at Galatians 5:19-22
To me, at birth a parent already knows its child's leanings will lean toward/ wrongdoing.
We are to cultivate the fruit of God's spirit as listed at Galatians 5:22-23 because there is No law against them.
In other words, No one gets arrested for displaying any of those 9 attributes or qualities.

3) If angels were mindless robots or automations then they wouldn't have the choice to listen to God or not.
God forces No one to worship Him. Satan was drawn out by his own desires - James 1:13-15

4) Please keep in mind, to me, Satan bringing ' woe ' to Earth is temporary because the day (thousand-year day) is coming when Satan, whose days are numbered, will be No more ever again. Even if we look for the wicked they will No longer exist - Psalms 37:10-11; Psalms 92:7. Jesus will destroy Satan according to Hebrews 2:14 B.


Veteran Member
Well, Rev. 20 doesn't apply at all to your "argument" since it hasn't happened yet. And just because he was thrown down to Earth doesn't mean he can't go elsewhere if he wants.
So your little mockery of Revelation is a mockery of itself.

To me, according to Scripture, being cast down to the vicinity of the Earth places Satan as confined to earth's vicinity.
- Revelation 12:9; Revelation 12:12 - bringing temporary ' woe ' to Earth. Not woe any where else.

That ' woe ' will end when Satan is abyssed - Revelation 20 - Not when Satan goes elsewhere.
Then, at the end of Jesus' coming millennium-long day of governing over Earth Satan will be destroyed by Jesus.
- Hebrews 2:14 B - thus Satan comes to a final end in a symbolic ' second death ' for Satan - Revelation 21:8


Veteran Member
Only because God allows it. The Almighty could simply snap those divine fingers and uncreate this "Satan" but alas...

Would you consider 'destroy' rather than uncreate Satan?
To me, executional words from Jesus' mouth will ' destroy ' the wicked - Isaiah 11:3-4; Revelation 19:14-16
Satan is wicked and ALL the wicked will be destroyed forever ( annihilated ) - Psalms 92:7; Proverbs 2:21-22
So, when we reach the soon coming ' time of separation ' on Earth of Matthew 25:31-33,37 - then is the time for Jesus, as Prince of Peace, to usher in global Peace on Earth among men of goodwill, and abyssing Satan for a thousand years before Jesus then destroys Satan - Hebrews 2:14 B.


Well-Known Member
Mars colonists would still have their fallen hearts and fallen natures and need redemption
and they won't have the devil made me do it excuse but their fallen natures will be enough.

A premileenial view is that Satan is bound 1000 years and is release a season and there is a rebellion and why? perhaps to show even in the best of circumstances a generation growing up in a topic world can be deceived I am curious what a reformed view on the same is.

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
If Adam and Eve would have No children we simply would Not be here...

Oh for crying out loud! We did not all come from a single pair of humans. Genetics has already shown that. It would take 10,000 original humans to account for all of the genetic diversity that is prevalent one earth, especially if you are a Young Earth Creationist. The Adam & Eve story has been debunked for years via science. Time to step into the 21st century and stop repeating erroneous information.

Besides, Genesis is not literal.


Veteran Member
Herein lies the problem. You can't tell God what He meant.

If I don't say, " to me " then I could get a negative forum notice.

To me, God tells us what He means by the corresponding or parallel cross-reference verses and passages of Scripture being in harmony with each other. Since the Bible is Not written ABC as a dictionary is then we need to look at Scripture by taking one subject or one topic at a time to get a complete picture.
A comprehensive concordance puts Bible words in alphabetical order for us to see what the Bible writers had to say.

What can't be understood about the humble meek inheriting the Earth according to Matthew 5:5
Jesus was making reference to Psalms 37:11.
Earth's nations are here on Earth, so the healing of earth's nations will take place here on Earth - Revelation 22:2


Veteran Member
Oh for crying out loud! We did not all come from a single pair of humans. Genetics has already shown that. It would take 10,000 original humans to account for all of the genetic diversity that is prevalent one earth, especially if you are a Young Earth Creationist. The Adam & Eve story has been debunked for years via science. Time to step into the 21st century and stop repeating erroneous information.
Besides, Genesis is not literal.

No, Not a young-earth creationist. There is Nothing in Genesis as to how long each creative day was, or even if each creative day is of the same or of differing lengths of time. No 24-hour creative days.

According to Scripture we all come from one of Naoh's three sons. So, then from Noah back to father Adam.

You'll find there is nothing erroneous about the ' final signal ', so to speak, of 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 ahead of us in the 21st century. That 'signal ' is when ' they ' (powers that be) will be saying, " Peace and Security " as the precursor to the coming great tribulation of Revelation 7:14. Just because there will be a seeming peace does Not mean that Jesus will Not take the action of Isaiah 11:3-4; Revelation 19:14-16 to rid the Earth of the wicked.


Veteran Member
Mars colonists would still have their fallen hearts and fallen natures and need redemption
and they won't have the devil made me do it excuse but their fallen natures will be enough.
A premileenial view is that Satan is bound 1000 years and is release a season and there is a rebellion and why? perhaps to show even in the best of circumstances a generation growing up in a topic world can be deceived I am curious what a reformed view on the same is.

If there was Adam and Eve's on Mars, etc. they would have proven faithful because the ' sin issue' would Not have to be settled first here on Earth (Genesis 1:10) because it would have been already settled elsewhere.
They would Not have fallen natures. Fallen natures comes from sin.

Why is there rebellion at the end of the millennial reign is because Not all the resurrected ones will prove faithful.
To me, most of mankind have lived and died without ever knowing about Jesus.
That includes all who died before Jesus lived - John 3:13; Acts of the Apostles 2:34
Jesus' millennium-long day of governing over Earth will give the resurrected ones the same opportunity that was originally given to Adam before his downfall which is to live forever on a beautiful paradisical Earth in perfect health forever and ever. Each person is drawn out by his own desires - James 1:13-15

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
According to Scripture we all come from one of Naoh's three sons. So, then from Noah back to father Adam.

By Scripture, you mean those ancient people that had very little scientific or medical knowledge, who told stories around the campfire for entertainment, and those stories were later recorded in writing and eventually became "Scripture."

Yeah, I think we will go with proven scientific fact instead of illiterate, uneducated nomads who made stuff up 3,500 years ago.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Fun fact: CS Lewis wrote a series of fictional titles that played with the idea of a Mars with no Satan. In it an adventurer named Ransom is kidnapped, stuck into a rocket and flown to Mars by miscreants hoping the Martians would want him as a sacrifice. Instead they find a planet where there is no evil. Here are the titles of the books in the series:
Out of the Silent Planet
That Hideous Strength


Veteran Member
By Scripture, you mean those ancient people that had very little scientific or medical knowledge, who told stories around the campfire for entertainment, and those stories were later recorded in writing and eventually became "Scripture."
Yeah, I think we will go with proven scientific fact instead of illiterate, uneducated nomads who made stuff up 3,500 years ago.

Have you forgotten that just around 100 some years ago doctors went directly from the morgue to the maternity ward only to spread disease germs to mother and child ?

Under the Constitution of the Mosaic Law that would Not have happened because mother-to-be and baby were protected because No one who just touched a dead person could go and just touch a living person :
- Leviticus 5:2; 11: 24, 32; Leviticus 17:15-16; Leviticus 15:11; Numbers 19:11-13,16

Many believed the Earth rested on the backs of something, but the Bible taught that the Earth hangs upon nothing.
That still holds true today.- Job 26:7 B.


Veteran Member
Fun fact: CS Lewis wrote a series of fictional titles that played with the idea of a Mars with no Satan. In it an adventurer named Ransom is kidnapped, stuck into a rocket and flown to Mars by miscreants hoping the Martians would want him as a sacrifice. Instead they find a planet where there is no evil. Here are the titles of the books in the series:
Out of the Silent Planet
That Hideous Strength

CS Lewis, according to Scripture, is wrong. Yes, ' a planet where there is No evil ' would be fiction because until the ' sin issue ' is settled here on planet Earth, there will be No intelligent life anywhere else in the material universe.


Well, now.
Revelation, ch 9 relates Satan being hurled to earth. The abyss comes later.
Judging from the current conditions here on earth, I would suggest Satan is alive and well here.