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Master Path - Gary Olsen


MasterPath seems to only have defenders that are still in the fold.

I'd hazard to guess this is due to some feeling of guilt/obligation to their 'Master' and all the money they've spent in the form of monthly dues, pictures, regional 'seminars', tapes, CDs, etc. Ex-members speak of threats and oppression when you consider departing 'the Path'...and there are members watching these threads and reporting back to Olsen.

It may also speak to the fact that they are delusional and unwilling/unable to step back and question it all because Olsen is such a great salesman, and that his B.S. of giving them the master's 'protection' is enough to keep them on the hook and spending money.

One need not look any further than other similar movements where a single figurehead claimed to have all the answers....Jim Jones, Heaven's Gate, and more recently the James Ray sweat lodge tragedy.

I look forward to the day that this charlatan Gary Olsen is taken to task for his scam, and forced to come clean with his methods (plagiarized), credibility (none), tax evasion (claims Religious tax exemption and has assets in the millions), etc.

Many people have awakened to the scam and left on their own accord, and kudos to them all. I'm sure that there are many more who will follow their lead.


[FONT=&quot]From the Urban Dictionary:

"A US-based cult that purports to be a vehicle of the teachings of light and sound, a path which will lead to spiritual enlightenment.

The group suppresses free dissemination of teachings or writings, one must pay the group in order to access this information. Master Path was kicked out of [/FONT][FONT=&quot]South Dakota[/FONT][FONT=&quot] and now has a home in [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Temecula[/FONT][FONT=&quot], [/FONT][FONT=&quot]CA[/FONT][FONT=&quot].

The leader of the group indirectly encourages followers to pray on his visage. All MP followers have a picture of a creepy-looking, leather-faced man wearing a turquoise polo shirt. The leader tells followers he is just a humble servant of God, but requires them to follow himself, the Guru, or they cannot attain enlightenment.

The leader teaches followers to release sense of self, to not trust themselves or their instincts and to instead follow his path. Part of following requires a monthly payment of at least $30.

According to the leader, leaving the Master Path is the worst thing anyone could do, as without the Master's protection, they will run into all sorts of troubles which would not have happened had they remained with the Master Path.

The Master Path draws in seekers looking for answers, and the leader provides plenty of answers, copied from other neo-Eastern cults, such as Eckankar.

The leader holds seminars in US cities to pull in more lemmings and more cash.

In sum, Master Path is a cult that feeds on troubled souls. It kills self-identity and the ability to think for yourself. Its group structure is authoritarian, its methods are insidious, and its net effect is truly toxic. If you have loved ones who are involved, seek help before it is too late. Followers of that whacked-out cult called the MasterPath are such a bunch of zombies.


Send me $$$ every month, and don't you worry, just keep the checks coming, and you'll for sure reach enlightenment! Trust the MasterPath, bro!"[/FONT]


Its only a Label
Friend Fandango,

Send me $$$ every month, and don't you worry, just keep the checks coming, and you'll for sure reach enlightenment! Trust the MasterPath, bro!"

Yes, is that not what one calls a *masterly plan*? A path to enlightenment @ $30/pm.

anyhow, that is their karma and talking /discussing /criticizing their karma can never change our own. It is only by bring our own awareness and consciousness that such dark matter gets back of its own accord.

Love & rgds


New Member
Friend Fandango,

Yes, is that not what one calls a *masterly plan*? A path to enlightenment @ $30/pm.

anyhow, that is their karma and talking /discussing /criticizing their karma can never change our own. It is only by bring our own awareness and consciousness that such dark matter gets back of its own accord.

Love & rgds

That all may be true, but when people use 'religion' to make money, people should be warned.


The CD thread has some interesting new content that more or less confirms the whole MP thing is a fraud...sounds like the founder and his wife have some other business entities set up in order to hide assets and limit tax liability or something....so it really would appear to be a for-profit business venture, rather than a valid path to 'enlightenment' (unless you want to 'lighten' your wallet)


New Member
My experience has been good. The cards are on the table right from day one. No one puts a gun to your head. You participate if you want to, but there's no pressure to join.
In fact, you are asked to base your decision to join on direct personal spiritual experience, rather than hope or blind faith. In other words something should happen that is very obvious to you that induces an undeniable attraction. I feel this to be a more grounded and legitimate request than the way spirituality is generally preached.


Its only a Label
Friend Marktkinder,

Welcome to RF!
Best Wishes.

Agree with you that one is never forced to do anything it is voluntary.
Love & rgds


Tell that to this person, who posted over on the CityData thread:

"Had I known who and what "Master Path" was I would have never become involved with one if "its" followers as I did. We met,.... we fell in love,... and now the Master Path principles define her every thought, reason and movement. Yes, there's eerie meditation and chanting to his photo,.... life altering decisions (involving OUR lives together) are being made on principles that make absolutely no worldly or unworldly sense. Whenever the "path" is questioned by me it's met with a FIERCE defense mechanism which is totally unlike anything she really stands for. Other have written that anything other than introductory materials are ONLY for the eyes of "initiated members"; it's VERY true. All reading material other than introductory is kept under lock and key! What I have seen happen to the woman I love defies all logic. She's basing a decision to end our relationship / engagement on Master Path teachings and principles,...... "I don't understand the light,.... I don't hear the sound"!!
All this is good for is her payment of $30.00 per month to an absolute cult and it leader. Congratulations Master Path and Gary Olsen; your misguided crap has ruined the most wonderful relationship there ever was."


Bodhisattva in Recovery
My experience has been good. The cards are on the table right from day one. No one puts a gun to your head. You participate if you want to, but there's no pressure to join.
In fact, you are asked to base your decision to join on direct personal spiritual experience, rather than hope or blind faith. In other words something should happen that is very obvious to you that induces an undeniable attraction. I feel this to be a more grounded and legitimate request than the way spirituality is generally preached.
I suppose, but when one sets ones bar of expectation very low the likelihood of disappointment is slim.


New Member
To Bimmer,
I was a student on MasterPath for 12 years. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Please feel free to contact me via this forum...I'm happy to tell you whatever you would like to know.


New Member
To Bimmer,
I was a student on MasterPath for 12 years. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Please feel free to contact me via this forum...I'm happy to tell you whatever you would like to know.

I have a relative involved with masterpath. We don't talk, not even on the phone. I'm suspect of the whole master idea. She wont' talk about it with our family. If we ask questions she's defensive. can you help me understand why? We haven't talked for 2 years she's like a monotone zombie and anti-social. She used to be lively and outgoing, but she's changed. Can you help me understand why.


New Member
I am related to Joy, her real name is Joyce Elaine, Olsen and can tell you that Masterpath is nothing more than cult. She underwent such a transformation after meeting Mr. Olsen. She is a liar and has absolutly no moral compass. Stay away from them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Paul Twitchell did not come out of Scientology.

Have you read one of Paul Twitchells many books? They are pure spirituality.

Paul Twitchell may well have had some association with Ron Hubbard. But what was it? Do you know? Were you there? Do not quess at such things. And you will be extremely hard put to find anything of Scientology in the teachings of Eckankar.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Hi jcalberta, if he had attained the level of 'clear', then he would have had to be a member of Scientology don't you think?

Eckankar - ReligionFacts

Eckankar was founded in Las Vegas in 1965, when John Paul Twitchell (c.1908-71), who had previously been among the first Scientology 'clears,' declared himself to be the 971st Eck Master.


New Member
paul twitchell was in scientology and one of the first clears.

gary olsen of masterpath was an initiate of darwin gross who was only the master of eckankar for a short time and then was discredited. many eckists do not believe darwin gross was a legit master.

mr. olsen's spiritual lineage is questionable since darwin gross initiated him. olsen doesnt even claim darwin gross as his master, he says he was born a master. the guy is not only an egomaniac, but he's crazy and stupid. a bad combination. he also smokes pot and is a jerk to his followers.

i suggest getting out of this group and helping your relatives and friends do likewise.
Couldn't agree more, scarygary...Gary is scary! :eek: There are over 150 pages of valuable discussion on Gary Olsen and the MasterPath at the CD link provided earlier in this thread. And online in general...a couple hundred AND COUNTING. :p

The Eckankar stuff has always been interesting to me because Gary had a "master" for over a decade that he does not even mention in his publications. Why doesn't he pay any reverence to Darwin Gross...if for nothing else than just "initiating" him in this life?! Is that normal?

And if that's normal, I'm sure it's NOT normal to recommend armageddon-esque preparations for bird flu. :areyoucra Very cultish with the fear mongering. A lot of his chelas were damaged financially, mentally, and even physically over that debacle. It's a real shame that a nut like that has so much power over people's minds.


New Member
Hi All, I am an ex-chela of 16 years and can tell you that MP is definitely a cult. This is an excerpt from Gary’s One on One book that was handed out in the 90’s. The lines in this text are very telling as to the subtle manipulation and control tactics that he used and still uses to keep tabs on the chelas and grow the path. This incarnation of the one on one program never took off. It was later re-spun as the Master’s Global Cause in 2000. The membership grew considerably at this time and so did the profits

List of responsibilities for the “ Area Supervisor”

1. To monitor all chelas as to their progress on attracting a new seeker. Each Chela will be contacted and expected to inform the supervisor, as to their current position on new seekers. If someone has not contacted some new seeker, the supervisor will help in this regard.
2. The supervisors will be held accountable to the Living Master. When I need to know how many new seekers are knocking at the door, or how many more new seekers are needed to bring the Living Master to that area for a meeting, I will just contact these supervisors for the needed information.
3. The supervisors will help all those who are struggling with finding a new seeker. If a new chela is having difficulty in talking to someone, the supervisor should be contacted. Either the supervisor or somebody they recommend, can talk to the new seeker on behalf of the new chela. Eventually this new chela with this help, will be able to do it for himself. This will be invaluable. Also, if a new chela can’t find a new seeker, then the supervisor will find an extra new seeker, and line this new seeker up with the chela who initially could not find one. If there is a chela with some personal problems, like feeling inadequate about channeling, the supervisor will line up a new seeker, and instruct and guide the new chela in the proper ways of channeling. This will slowly but effectively, build up the new chela’s confidence, and put into motion this One on One, bringing ultimately, everything that the new chela needs. If there was no one to help the new chela to understand one on one, then this would not be fair.
4. The supervisor will be acting according to my wishes. If they handle something incorrectly, or to coarsely, they have me to deal with. This supervisor position is one of love, caring, help and assistance. It will be a big job and be completely separate from satsangs, or the like. I expect each supervisor to hold regular meetings with ALL chelas individually, keeping an account on each chela and his/ her results concerning new seekers.
5. The supervisors will be responsible for determining when the new chela should be instructed on the One on One format. For some, this can happen almost immediately. Foe others , it may take three or four months before they feel comfortable with attempting the One on One. There will be a small booklet that all supervisors will have, and they should contact the new chela about this one on one, when the Shabda Master informs them to.
6. No Flack, back talk, or bad vibrations should be directed towards the supervisors. They are acting on my behalf. I have asked for the One on One to implemented by ALL CHELAS. This is crucial. The supervisors are only to assist me in this area. I do not have the time to check up on everyone, wondering what their progress has been regarding this. This will be the supervisors job. I can call them to find out the current conditions, regarding a full house. If it is full, I’ll line up a new seekers meeting pronto. Also if there is a chela that is not responding to the one on one, the supervisor can inform me of it, and then I can address the situation….without playing Dick Tracy.
7. The supervisors will have all the brochures, profiles and One on One booklets, to distribute to all chelas in their area. Their responsibilities are only to organize and supervise the gathering of new seekers. Each chela now knows that they are responsible for being a mini-lecture themselves, and the supervisors will only be checking on what the chela already knows he/she is supposed to be manifesting. The supervisors position is one of help and assistance; no power plays or unwanted judgments.
8. Any problems whatsoever, that the chela has in this One on One, should be taken to the supervisors, and they will help in the best way possible. We have satsang teachers to assist the Master, in helping chelas understand the Divine Mysteries, and likewise we now have supervisors to help those chelas with the One on One thrust, that replaces lectures and less efficient means of spreading the truth.
9. I would like each chela to visit with the supervisor, at least twice, or until a new seeker is contacted. Once there is a new seeker with a chela, basically the supervisor’s responsibilities are done. It then is in the hands of the chela, to take mastership of the relationship, and prepare the new seeker for the meeting with the Living Master.
10. As it stands now, maybe three seminars a year would be tentatively scheduled. This means that each chela would have approximately three new seekers to find, screen and prepare. The supervisors are to assist in this. It is not the supervisors job to round up new seekers, for that is the chelas cause and creation.
Therefore, if we have twenty chelas in an area and a new seekers meeting is realized, then we will have forty people present for the new seekers meeting. The next meeting should see an equally increased turnout, so you can see that this should expand considerably. As the Masterpath expands, so does the group consciousness, giving it more love, power and wisdom. It allows me to reach into the far corners of the globe, where I could not have reached otherwise. It also unleashes my love to you, which all unfoldment and expansion is based upon.
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New Member
Hi everyone - new and old -

It's good some of us have chosen to keep similar identities - looks like "the party" has moved here from the CDF thread, which was closed earlier this week after running for two whole years - For those of you who know me from there, yes I am the same PM21, an MP chela of 15 years and counting...still sensing that SGO (Sri) Gary Olsen / Gary / The Master is a genuine bona fide satguru i.e. someone incarnated with the power, ability and authority to "zap" consciousness into activation - this is known as initiation into the Sound / Shabda.

@Violet Jones: Violet11 I assume?

Anyone seen Allan1015 or Still_Kicking yet?

Does anyone know who the servers of this website are owned by - e.g. active chelas etc?

Not interested in conflict - just to learn, grow, understand and share.

Anybody please feel free to speak to me about anything.

peace, love, and may clarity and healing come to all :)
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New Member
I have a relative involved with masterpath. We don't talk, not even on the phone. I'm suspect of the whole master idea. She wont' talk about it with our family. If we ask questions she's defensive. can you help me understand why? We haven't talked for 2 years she's like a monotone zombie and anti-social. She used to be lively and outgoing, but she's changed. Can you help me understand why.

Hi wildflower,

I can relate to what your relative is going through as I went through a self-imposed period of isolation myself, which initially caused my relatives and close friends to be concerned - my explanation was that I enjoyed the practice of "going within" so much that I was starting to withdraw from the outside world, but I think it's a phase that all chelas have to go through until they find a balance point that works.

Hope this helps,
