Hi All, I am an ex-chela of 16 years and can tell you that MP is definitely a cult. This is an excerpt from Gary’s One on One book that was handed out in the 90’s. The lines in this text are very telling as to the subtle manipulation and control tactics that he used and still uses to keep tabs on the chelas and grow the path. This incarnation of the one on one program never took off. It was later re-spun as the Master’s Global Cause in 2000. The membership grew considerably at this time and so did the profits
List of responsibilities for the “ Area Supervisor”
1. To monitor all chelas as to their progress on attracting a new seeker. Each Chela will be contacted and expected to inform the supervisor, as to their current position on new seekers. If someone has not contacted some new seeker, the supervisor will help in this regard.
2. The supervisors will be held accountable to the Living Master. When I need to know how many new seekers are knocking at the door, or how many more new seekers are needed to bring the Living Master to that area for a meeting, I will just contact these supervisors for the needed information.
3. The supervisors will help all those who are struggling with finding a new seeker. If a new chela is having difficulty in talking to someone, the supervisor should be contacted. Either the supervisor or somebody they recommend, can talk to the new seeker on behalf of the new chela. Eventually this new chela with this help, will be able to do it for himself. This will be invaluable. Also, if a new chela can’t find a new seeker, then the supervisor will find an extra new seeker, and line this new seeker up with the chela who initially could not find one. If there is a chela with some personal problems, like feeling inadequate about channeling, the supervisor will line up a new seeker, and instruct and guide the new chela in the proper ways of channeling. This will slowly but effectively, build up the new chela’s confidence, and put into motion this One on One, bringing ultimately, everything that the new chela needs. If there was no one to help the new chela to understand one on one, then this would not be fair.
4. The supervisor will be acting according to my wishes. If they handle something incorrectly, or to coarsely, they have me to deal with. This supervisor position is one of love, caring, help and assistance. It will be a big job and be completely separate from satsangs, or the like. I expect each supervisor to hold regular meetings with ALL chelas individually, keeping an account on each chela and his/ her results concerning new seekers.
5. The supervisors will be responsible for determining when the new chela should be instructed on the One on One format. For some, this can happen almost immediately. Foe others , it may take three or four months before they feel comfortable with attempting the One on One. There will be a small booklet that all supervisors will have, and they should contact the new chela about this one on one, when the Shabda Master informs them to.
6. No Flack, back talk, or bad vibrations should be directed towards the supervisors. They are acting on my behalf. I have asked for the One on One to implemented by ALL CHELAS. This is crucial. The supervisors are only to assist me in this area. I do not have the time to check up on everyone, wondering what their progress has been regarding this. This will be the supervisors job. I can call them to find out the current conditions, regarding a full house. If it is full, I’ll line up a new seekers meeting pronto. Also if there is a chela that is not responding to the one on one, the supervisor can inform me of it, and then I can address the situation….without playing Dick Tracy.
7. The supervisors will have all the brochures, profiles and One on One booklets, to distribute to all chelas in their area. Their responsibilities are only to organize and supervise the gathering of new seekers. Each chela now knows that they are responsible for being a mini-lecture themselves, and the supervisors will only be checking on what the chela already knows he/she is supposed to be manifesting. The supervisors position is one of help and assistance; no power plays or unwanted judgments.
8. Any problems whatsoever, that the chela has in this One on One, should be taken to the supervisors, and they will help in the best way possible. We have satsang teachers to assist the Master, in helping chelas understand the Divine Mysteries, and likewise we now have supervisors to help those chelas with the One on One thrust, that replaces lectures and less efficient means of spreading the truth.
9. I would like each chela to visit with the supervisor, at least twice, or until a new seeker is contacted. Once there is a new seeker with a chela, basically the supervisor’s responsibilities are done. It then is in the hands of the chela, to take mastership of the relationship, and prepare the new seeker for the meeting with the Living Master.
10. As it stands now, maybe three seminars a year would be tentatively scheduled. This means that each chela would have approximately three new seekers to find, screen and prepare. The supervisors are to assist in this. It is not the supervisors job to round up new seekers, for that is the chelas cause and creation.
Therefore, if we have twenty chelas in an area and a new seekers meeting is realized, then we will have forty people present for the new seekers meeting. The next meeting should see an equally increased turnout, so you can see that this should expand considerably. As the Masterpath expands, so does the group consciousness, giving it more love, power and wisdom. It allows me to reach into the far corners of the globe, where I could not have reached otherwise. It also unleashes my love to you, which all unfoldment and expansion is based upon.