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Master Path - Gary Olsen


New Member
Well HELLOOOOOOO! Now it just wouldn't be the same without me, would it?

And as some you already know, I have to little to add but biased opinion BUT in the last few days I (going through SERIOUS CD withdrawl - I can quit anytime I swear) have spent some time reading more about Eckenkar as well as David Lane, a well known and respected critic of Eck. So i have a question to pro-pathers...

If you read anything about basic Eck prinicpals and practices, how then can you still think that Gary Olsen is at ALL original or authentic? I am honestly completely befuddled how one can believe he is special or THE one - Even A one.. For any who may not know, Gary was a long time Eck chela. So he learned the methods, learned them WELL, and split off to do his own gig and he is a LIVING MASTER? why would a living master spend years in search of... well in search of ANYTHING? Mastership came to him on a jog in the 90s? I don't mean to be rude - I am just at a total loss that he is perceived to be anything but Darth Amway.

And another genuine question for pathers - what is your opinion then of Eck?
I am a former member of the group in discussion. I was introduced to the "Light and Sound Teachings" in 1981 by Joyce Olsen, wife of Gary Olsen. I was one of his first students when he began his path in Aug. 1987. When I met Gary and Joyce they were both dyed-in-wool initiates of Eckankar.

I left Gary Olsen's tutelage in 2006. Based on long-term close association and direct knowing of the man, the "self-proclaimed saint Gary," the conclusion arrived at through real-life experience (inner and outer) is that he is not a bona fide master, true Sat Guru, or real Saint.

He is a false guru. The simple truth realized after spending years of hardcore devotion serving at "his feet."

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Hi to all the MPathers and ex-MPathers, welcome to RF. Please take the opportunity to check out the teachings of other religious traditions discussed here.

Ultimately there is only ONE goal but many paths, but always remember that the path is a temporary expedient, for when the goal is realized, there is only non-dualistic Truth, and THAT is beyond all paths.
Hi to all the MPathers and ex-MPathers, welcome to RF. Please take the opportunity to check out the teachings of other religious traditions discussed here.

Ultimately there is only ONE goal but many paths, but always remember that the path is a temporary expedient, for when the goal is realized, there is only non-dualistic Truth, and THAT is beyond all paths.

Hi Ben,

Thank you for the warm welcome to RF.

I agree with your viewpoint that the Truth is beyond all paths. And given the topic, I would only add that It is also beyond the many 'gurus' peddling their wares to the unwary and sincere.

The MP is not an expedient teaching/path to the goal. On the MP, the student is taught and trained to think that the "master" is a fundamental key to all unfoldment. They are also taught they are not on the path unless they have met and received initiation into the Sound Current or Audible Life Stream by the "living master." They are also taught that the "goal" may take up to 4 lifetimes to achieve.

In short, the living master is an essential on the MP. I see the entire concept as a major trap that has, and will continue to ensnare many sincere folks.

Last, I also love the Gandhi quote. I recently watched the movie Gandhi and was struck in an entirely new and open way by his life and the sacrifices he made in the name of Truth. It was a deeply moving and stark contrast to the way of life and dogma on the MP.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Hi Ben,

Thank you for the warm welcome to RF.

I agree with your viewpoint that the Truth is beyond all paths. And given the topic, I would only add that It is also beyond the many 'gurus' peddling their wares to the unwary and sincere.

The MP is not an expedient teaching/path to the goal. On the MP, the student is taught and trained to think that the "master" is a fundamental key to all unfoldment. They are also taught they are not on the path unless they have met and received initiation into the Sound Current or Audible Life Stream by the "living master." They are also taught that the "goal" may take up to 4 lifetimes to achieve.

In short, the living master is an essential on the MP. I see the entire concept as a major trap that has, and will continue to ensnare many sincere folks.

Last, I also love the Gandhi quote. I recently watched the movie Gandhi and was struck in an entirely new and open way by his life and the sacrifices he made in the name of Truth. It was a deeply moving and stark contrast to the way of life and dogma on the MP.

Thank you end_of_faith ,

I understand how you must feel but there is an important lesson you have learned and if it wasn't Gary O., it would be some other deceiver.

Generally the first move a deceiver makes is to warn the deceived against all other deceivers and deceptions so as to avoid losing control of the deceived to some other deceiver...

The thing is though concerning the spiritual journey, the solution to the mystery of what and who we are does not lay outside our own being, the seeker has all the resources needed within, and anyone/guru/master who wants money etc., for teach is false IMHO.

Still for those who still feel they need an external master/guru, then that is OK, sooner or later they will realize there is more to it.

Does anyone know who the servers of this website are owned by - e.g. active chelas etc?

How is that question relevant to the discussion? :confused: The only relevance I can see for asking that question is you (or Gary/MP) would like to squelch or censor the discussion, just a thought.

And since we are continuing the discussion, and you are familiar with MP, perhaps you could answer some of our unanswered questions from the other thread beginning with:

Please enlighten us on the 'esoteric truth' in "The Master Satsangs the Bird Flu" talk.
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Generally the first move a deceiver makes is to warn the deceived against all other deceivers and deceptions so as to avoid losing control of the deceived to some other deceiver...

This certainly appears to be true of Gary Olsen. In his books, he subtly lambastes other religions/paths and there is a recurring theme of "only a TRUE master can initiate you"...so don't make a mistake with all the false masters out there!

Obviously the reader is expected to assume or be reassured that Gary is a "TRUE master". Because why? :confused: Oh that's right, because after they give him a period of "provisional faith", there will be a "sign" and then they'll know. :sarcastic And, of course, the "sign" could be anything because it's different for every individual...so seeing this "sign" is pretty much inevitable. Particularly if one is doing the prescribed spiritual exercises and really WANTS MasterPath and Gary to be real.

There is also audio we heard recently from a seminar where Gary speaks of "cults" and corrupt spiritual leaders. He attempts to separate himself from the other charlatans by saying "even I, even the 'master' am being questioned"... because of these OTHER false gurus and cult leaders in the world.

These tactics seem to work on his chelas. :shrug: Even after multiple blatant "signs" that he's the same as other false gurus and cult leaders. One example being his fear mongering bird flu seminar as mentioned above.
These tactics seem to work on his chelas. :shrug: Even after multiple blatant "signs" that he's the same as other false gurus and cult leaders. One example being his fear mongering bird flu seminar as mentioned above.

if chelas don't follow the master's directions, they are being way too vain and prideful (excerpt interpretation taken from the Bird Flu talk)....the "master" also told them they would be colossal fools to not prepare for his fear mongering Bird Flu pandemic, after all, according to him, his chelas are spiritual babies. :run:

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Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
This certainly appears to be true of Gary Olsen. In his books, he subtly lambastes other religions/paths and there is a recurring theme of "only a TRUE master can initiate you"...so don't make a mistake with all the false masters out there!

Obviously the reader is expected to assume or be reassured that Gary is a "TRUE master". Because why? :confused: Oh that's right, because after they give him a period of "provisional faith", there will be a "sign" and then they'll know. :sarcastic And, of course, the "sign" could be anything because it's different for every individual...so seeing this "sign" is pretty much inevitable. Particularly if one is doing the prescribed spiritual exercises and really WANTS MasterPath and Gary to be real.

There is also audio we heard recently from a seminar where Gary speaks of "cults" and corrupt spiritual leaders. He attempts to separate himself from the other charlatans by saying "even I, even the 'master' am being questioned"... because of these OTHER false gurus and cult leaders in the world.

These tactics seem to work on his chelas. :shrug: Even after multiple blatant "signs" that he's the same as other false gurus and cult leaders. One example being his fear mongering bird flu seminar as mentioned above.

Hi Violet Jones,

Haha...though I realize it really isn't funny for those who are still struggling in the web of the 'spider', but you have really put it so well that the deceptive nature of such a false 'master' is so unambiguously 'in your face'. :)
You're so right Ben, it isn't funny for those who are still stuck in the web. And it's not very funny what happened to the chelas who followed their "master's" instructions in the bird flu boondoggle of 2006.

Here are a few excerpts from the seminar Gary Olsen gave:
"When it becomes communicable, they’re gonna shut down America. Quarantine and cordon off cities"…"shut down New York, LA, Phoenix, they're gonna seal the freeways."..."This is going on in all the cities, this is the federal government strategy and their plan"..."It springs up and everyones’ gonna be on their own".
"Then they're just gonna have to wait for it to pass. No one’s getting out and apparently no ones getting in. So all planes, all travel gets cancelled. Here we sit."..."This could get pretty hairy, loved ones. You start talking about food and water, if people aren’t prepared you know, if you were starving or dying of thirst, what would you do?"

"The WHO is saying that the virus is imminent. That pretty much means it’s gonna hit and it could hit anytime. It’s too risky to bank on it not hitting. My assumption is that it’s gonna hit. And one would be a colossal fool if you weren’t prepared."

"That’s just the bottom line. If you're not prepared and you get yanked out, not only would you blow your opportunity for light and sound in this lifetime"..."but one would just been ignorant and way too vain and prideful"…"you’re on your own then."
"Newt Gingrich said"…"two weeks lock yourself in your house and let it blow over. WHO is saying that’s absolutely ridiculous and we’re looking at 3 months to 3 years."
"It can go on for a number of years"…"The TV, what you’re getting off the TV is so watered down. That information is geared to religious people"... "You can’t even begin to tell people like that the truth"..."You’re gonna have to tell them fables to keep them satisfied."
"When this thing hits, if it hits, it’s gonna come in like a cloud burst. And suddenly it’s gonna be upon us. Everyone’s on their own."
It's actually difficult to select excerpts because the whole bird flu tape is jam-packed with insanity and doom and gloom.

But yes, I tend to find humor in the absurd and Gary Olsen's MasterPath definitely strikes me as absurd. My intention is not to demean or make fun of the chelas who are still in the fold. The targets are Gary Olsen and his wife Joyce, for they are answerable to all of the damaging effects their "path" has had on the lives of their followers and their families - including the extreme measures taken after the seminar quoted above.


Truth Seeker
Greetings to Everyone. I'm another "refugee" who is here to join in with the discussion and learn about MasterPath.

The student is taught and trained to think that the "master" is a fundamental key to all unfoldment. They are also taught they are not on the path unless they have met and received initiation into the Sound Current or Audible Life Stream by the "living master." They are also taught that the "goal" may take up to 4 lifetimes to achieve.

Thank you for the new pieces of information End_Of_Faith: That Joyce Olsen was a former Eck chela, like Gary, also. And that it may take up to 4 lifetimes to reach god-realization (?).

I gather that the MP idea of lifetimes is along the same lines as those of Hindus and Buddhists: that we are caught up in a cyclic existence of human reincarnation in order to progress on our individual course of evolving perfection etc. It has been confirmed (by SoulPatriot on the CD forum) that the Second Initiation incorporates a commitment to Gary, for however many lifetimes it will take, to reach god-realization. What do the MP teachings articulate in regard to a chela's prospective lifetimes?

What happens: Does a chela search out Gary once again upon the termination of their present life? Do they carry on from where they left off this time round, at their last attained level of initiation? What happens when Gary is superseded by a successor: will everybody (past and present) have to worship the new contemporary Living Master, or are those previous bound to Gary because of their vows to Him? How will you recognize “The Master” in your future incarnations (I gather that the soul will experience birth, and everything else in life, and occupy a physical, but unrecognizably different body)? Are these lifetimes restricted to planet Earth, the rest of the universe being out-of-bounds? I gather god-realization means receiving the 12th Initiation. What becomes of the chela when they have reached their destination of god-realization? Are such questions at all considered, or is the chela relegated to undertake a raft of other tasks and is predisposed to circumvent any forethought to what the answers may uncover?

Can you (or anyone else) inform us, provide detail to what Gary teaches his students, in respect to their future lifetimes and what they will entail.


"It has been confirmed (by SoulPatriot on the CD forum) that the Second Initiation incorporates a commitment to Gary, for however many lifetimes it will take, to reach god-realization."

And therein lies the money train @ $40/month per member...tax-free!

Slick little sales plan he's got going, sorta like Amway...do members get a referral bonus or perhaps a month's worth of dues waived for however many 'seekers' they bring into the fold? Or maybe a signed copy of the creepy trademark picture of him...?



What do the MP teachings articulate in regard to a chela's prospective lifetimes?
Can you (or anyone else) inform us, provide detail to what Gary teaches his students, in respect to their future lifetimes and what they will entail.

I am new to this thread. I have changed user name from CD. I was a chela for 12 years too long. It seems that he has now lightened the stringency of the practices on the path. For example, He discourages new chelas up to the second initiation to to mantra meditation, although he calls it contemplation. He used to encourage chelas to contemplate his image because we were incapable of imaging the divine and his image is the Godman, "the word made flesh". Gary now insists that chelas focus on the reading contemplation and read primarily his works.

Gary has stated many times that this path is so powerful and the present Guru is so highly evolved on the spiritual ladder, he has been instructed to begin a new teaching under the "House of Olsen". He states that on other paths it takes maybe 100 lifetimes to reach God Realization but MP is so evolved and his influece is so powerful that "chelas" can accomplish this in only 4 lifetimes as He (Gary?, the inner master if you have reached Sach Kand) will meet you at the time of death and escort you to the next level. After 12 years, thousands and thousands of dollars, and big bags of rice and beans for surviving the bird flu, I have acheived only a spiritual hangover and a huge ego because this path was sooooooo special. The double talk, the polemics, the manipulation, the mind control are behind me now. :run:


Well-Known Member
I briefed over very quickly but don't agree with him that most religions find God and truth outside of themselves as he claimed is a common denominator.I have seen that most look within even as Jesus taught that the Kingdom of heaven is within.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Hi zizzer, welcome to RF and congratulations on attaining to the realization that your mind has been manipulated. But still beware, this world is full of mind manipulators,...but "by their fruits you shall know them".
Thanks and welcome, zizzer. :) Out of curiousity, what exactly does Gary mean by "reading contemplation" vs. mantra meditation? And how does "simran" fit in? Because from what I understand (as an outsider), "simran" somehow involves repeating words or phrases, etc. which sounds similar to mantra meditation. Maybe I'm stuck on semantics, and it's a not hugely important point, but I'm curious to know how, and more importantly WHY, Gary continues to change the "path" as he goes along?

Also, I'm still a little unclear on how it's such a major problem in MP when someone dies in this lifetime. Relating back to some of the concepts Zeeker mentioned, isn't the "master" supposedly with that soul forever anyway?! I mean sorry, but everyone's gonna die. If every last chela got wiped out by bird flu, Gary/Garji would've supposedly been right there waiting to escort them to the next life, right? Even if he died long before them. And presumably they would've been "just fine"...just like the chela Gary mentioned in the bird flu seminar who had recently died and he said was "just fine" after she "translated". Seems like dying should be "just fine" for everyone in THAT case since they're on the right course and he's in charge of what happens from there?! :shrug: To put it another way, why is THIS human body such a crucial one compared to the NEXT human body they will be in?!

I'm totally open to corrections/clarifications from all current and former students of Gary Olsen's MasterPath. Although I'm not sure that we will hear from any current chelas anymore, since their "master" has recently advised them not to proselytize online. ;)


I see a lot of Rumi books lying around that 'they' read...I guess Sufi poetry is encouraged (??)

Olsen only needs the living bodies now because they produce money...:facepalm:

The chelas with open minds will still be looking at these threads...curiosity is a powerful thing!


Thanks and welcome, zizzer. :) Out of curiousity, what exactly does Gary mean by "reading contemplation" vs. mantra meditation? And how does "simran" fit in? Because from what I understand (as an outsider), "simran" somehow involves repeating words or phrases, etc. which sounds similar to mantra meditation. Maybe I'm stuck on semantics, and it's a not hugely important point, but I'm curious to know how, and more importantly WHY, Gary continues to change the "path" as he goes along?

Also, I'm still a little unclear on how it's such a major problem in MP when someone dies in this lifetime. Relating back to some of the concepts Zeeker mentioned, isn't the "master" supposedly with that soul forever anyway?! I mean sorry, but everyone's gonna die. If every last chela got wiped out by bird flu, Gary/Garji would've supposedly been right there waiting to escort them to the next life, right? Even if he died long before them. And presumably they would've been "just fine"...just like the chela Gary mentioned in the bird flu seminar who had recently died and he said was "just fine" after she "translated". Seems like dying should be "just fine" for everyone in THAT case since they're on the right course and he's in charge of what happens from there?! :shrug: To put it another way, why is THIS human body such a crucial one compared to the NEXT human body they will be in?!

I'm totally open to corrections/clarifications from all current and former students of Gary Olsen's MasterPath. Although I'm not sure that we will hear from any current chelas anymore, since their "master" has recently advised them not to proselytize online. ;)

Violet, let me answer briefly, Gary states that when a person gets the 2nd initiation the Master (gary) takes 90% of the chela's karmas. He has also used "I" phrases in the seminars because he claims that Anami (god) speaks through Him (gary).
I do not want to go into the teachings and practices of MasterPath at this time as it is so open to interpreteration(read proselytize).

Gary and Joy have put together a mish mosh of bits and pieces of East and West philosophies and religous practices. I say East-West because there are many Darhmic traditions like Ben d says. These beliefs include reincarnation, dieties, and levels of consciousness. While at the same time he imports that ole' LAKE WOEBEGONE strict christian practices, asethetics,and values. After all, he is the great american guru (not). He throws in some gnostic belief, New Age msticism, Eck, Scientology, mix in his ego and voila you have MasterPath.

Like Gurdjev in his compilations of Eastern and Western religious practices in creating the "Fourth Way" Path, Gary will be exposed--or better yet continue to expose himself as being quite invalid. The bird flu fiasco is evidence.

I think Gurdjev used the kabala in his "Fourth Way" practices during the 30s and 40s here in America and in Europe. Gary uses his mystical charts and the painting of himself with other ascended masters.

Gurdjev teamed with Ouspensky for awhile but as Gurdjev's reputation became more tarnished and his finances were being investigated they broke up and went their seprate ways. Like Dennis and Gary may do eventually when the poop hits the fan. I am in no way comparing Dennis with the status of Ouspensky. :facepalm:

Gurdjev espoused "there are no accidents", so when he had a serious car accident he could not explain it away. Like Gurdjev, Gary will expose himself and the bird flu fiasco is his waterloo.

He is now becoming more ad more distanced from reading the chela reports, writing "the works", they no longer have monthly meetings in New Mexico, he has stopped doing darshan, and announced that Richard is the "Master in waiting". I think he is about to take a powder. Just fade away.
Thank you for such a thoughtful reply, zizzer. :) And I understand about not going into detail about the practices/teachings. One thing I've noticed about the different chelas who participated in our discussions on City-Data is that they do seem to interpret (or rationalize) things their own little way.

The MP beliefs about reincarnation and karma, the gnosticism and even the new age-y mysticism are okay as far as I'm concerned. And I can deal with the convenient hodge-podging. But Gary Olsen being a "living master"?...that's where it all goes terribly wrong!

Some chelas want to minimize Gary Olsen's importance it seems, some claim they don't use his image in spiritual practice, etc. They seem to revel in implying that MP represents the idea of "I'm the Master, you're the Master, he's the Master, everyone's the Master...so therefore it's not about Gary Olsen the man". I mean, I get that there's a "master" within everyone (though that's not a word I personally would use for it). Fine.

But Gary Olsen presents himself as THE "Outer Master". The ONLY "Outer Master". And the "Inner Master" is the "Shabda Master" that supposedly works through the "Outer Master" Gary Olsen...and happens to look exactly like him too. And I suppose the justification for that is something along the lines of the "Inner Master" actually representing the "God" that is in all of us...even though he only looks like Gary! :rolleyes: For some, I guess the mind can rationalize and package it all into something perfectly acceptable and believeable with a pretty bow. :cover:

Whatever the rationale however, Gary Olsen still appointed himself "the Master", still presents himself as a "Godman" and still claims to have certain spiritual powers, ie. knowing people are doing "just fine" when they've died, taking the chela's karma (or liquidating even more of their karma...if they are willing to pay MONEY!!! :rolleyes:), etc. And then there's the paintings of himself, the glorification of his image, etc. All very, very wrong.

Gary says things like "Do you think there won't be a strike against you when you don't follow the Master's directions?" Which is clearly meant to put fear into the chelas so they will do what the "Master Gary" says...or there will be consequences otherwise. :eek: His way or the highway. That's MESSED UP, period!!! That is not at all becoming of a spiritual person, or "just a humble guy" as he claims himself to be...let alone a "God-realized being". :no:

So yeah, Gary Olsen's reputation is tarnished like Gurdjev's with good reason. He is not a sat guru. He's not even a good guy. He seems to be a tyrant, a megalomaniac who might even believe his own load of B.S. sometimes. The bird flu debacle almost seems like just a symptom of the neverending dysfunction that was always part of MP?

When Gary does take a powder soon)(, hopefully this Richard character will be a little smarter...or at least be a more kind human being. Or better yet, the whole entity of MasterPath will simply fade away.


I see a lot of Rumi books lying around that 'they' read...I guess Sufi poetry is encouraged (??)

Olsen only needs the living bodies now because they produce money...:facepalm:

The chelas with open minds will still be looking at these threads...curiosity is a powerful thing!

The only reading that is encouraged is the works written under auspice of MasterPath while the authors steal and interpret others works and quote them to their own end. As far as reading Rumi and the others, it is in line with a Sound path. These were written ages ago and are outdated for 21st century Westerners. It is rumored among the Muslims and probably some Sufis that even Rumi was a plagurizer. The Masnavi was stolen. Certainly there are a handfull of authors that tell the same stories illustrated in the Masnavi (Mesnavi in Turkey). Tabriz did not desert Rumi as has been louded. Tabriz was murdered (thrown in a well) by others within this sect for political purposes.

Now I agree "to each his own". Religious freedom is the mainstay of the American foundation, and I agree. But there is a brain washing, and manipulation of many desperate people on this path. I do not have the information to confirm the machinations at work on chelas that causes them to explain everything away. But there is definately a hard sell and a brain washing that happens.
No one is allowed to question Gary or they will be thrown off the path. It is not encouraged in groups of chelas to question, and there is a paranoia that it will get back to him. You are only supposed to talk about how great the Master is. Now the double talk about how Gary looks just like the Inner is just more double talk. How can someone explain such a blatant lie away?

Just look at the basic demographic makeup of the chela body. There are many middle class white wine bibbing yuppies, a number of elderly, and the impoverished and disenfranchised due to mostly disabilities. These people scrape up money to give to him and leave MP in their wills. They pay $40 per session to listen to him talk? I do not blame Gary for my being on the path for so many years, but I would like my money back. Gary states that before we are initiatied on the path we are asleep or dead. I was quite asleep while on the path. I just want to warn others before they get in too deep.

I had a real fascination with Dharmic philosophy and practices. After thorough investigation I have decided I do not want anyone telling me what to do anymore. I thought Gary was plain spoken but now I know he is an imbecile. Dear Ones, Wise Up.