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Master Path - Gary Olsen

This post is intended for anyone checking out the MasterPath with a sincere inquiry to see if it is what you’re looking for....Anyone who expresses a positive opinion here about MasterPath is charged with being deluded and a cult zombie. Well, this is just not the truth.

I’m 100% positive that followers of Eckankar, MSIA, Scientology, ATOM, Summit Lighthouse, Michael Turner’s group, and 1000’s of other quasi-spiritual groups (like MasterPath) all share your exact opinion about their respective path and “master.”

But hey, your “living master” calls Christianity a cult. He also calls people who have not met the “living master” the walking dead (isn’t that from their holy book the Bible?). I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but that sure sounds a whole lot like calling them “cult zombies.”

He calls Christianity a cult irrespective of the “positive” praise & conviction of adherents and the transformative life changes they attribute to their belief and faith in Jesus. Oh, lest we forget, according to your “living master”: Jesus is dead and those people are also counted among the deluded, “amazingly ignorant and unenlightened” who need “fables to keep them satisfied.”

And it also just happens that your master is rather fond of those fables for his own chelas...ya know, his interpretation and understanding of them. Do you think Christians would find offense or charge him with “misinterpreting or misunderstanding?”

So, is it “just not the truth” when it specifically deals with “your master and path?”

I guess what’s “positive” and “negative” is debatable, but it sounds like you “never really experienced a deep contact with anything that [allowed you to] recognize” the obvious contradictions, hypocrisy, and unproven fantastical God hypothesis purported by your “master and path”.

.....my father came to a meeting to check out this guy I was giving so much attention to. He came away completely satisfied that Sri Gary was sincere and had my best interest at heart....

So, you think that an hour-long stage show is enough to completely satisfy concerns about the authenticity of the path or master? You think “Sri Gary” has your best interests at heart? :run:

You are no more able to prove that Gary Olsen is an Emissary for God than you are able to disprove that he is more deluded then what he labels as the teachings of the god of Brahm. Some of those teachings were actually written by the teacher. What an original idea. An enlightened being that writes his own books rather than plagiarize and then convinces people it is the work of "God manifesting in the master."

Your positive endorsement of 17+ years of following MP does not convince anyone of the authenticity of Gary's so-called "sainthood."

On this whole issue of worshiping Sri Gary: ....any statement that implies this is a misunderstanding or a misinterpretation. It’s what he represents, and in my experience, he represents the divine Spirit that lives within us all, waiting to be recognized....

Yes, any viewpoint that is contrary, critical, or challenging of the obsequious non-thinking subservient devotion that your “master” represents and requires is simply a “misunderstanding or misinterpretation” by the person. Your master represents his own ego, not the divine Spirit.

Do you enjoy the MP privilege of laughing in agreement during a seminar when you hear your master “represent” people not on MP as “stupid, ignorant, and unenlightened?” Do you smugly relish the “elitism” as the “most evolved souls on the planet” — the “subliminal advertisement” supplanted in your mind by your artificial guru?

His ethics in how I have been treated, and seeing how my friends on the Path are treated, convince me that his standards are of the highest. I have entrusted him with something much more precious than money, and he treats my love and trust with the greatest respect and care.

Obviously you don’t know him or his wife, or the experience of many people who have left the MP.

Nor do you know the experiences of tens of thousands of people who are experiencing “deep contact in recognizing” immediately that Gary is just another Joe-blowhard claiming to be the Word in Flesh who doesn’t deserve their faith and is not worthy “to tie their shoe laces.”

Several of my friends have left the Path over the years; by far most of the friends I’ve made have continued. Two who left never really experienced a deep contact with anything they recognized....

Oh please.... “deep contact” on the MP is the shallow end of the ocean. I’m sorry....is that too negative for your sacred ears?

Additionally, why do you automatically presume that your friends did not experience a deep contact? Perhaps their contact is & was much deeper than yours in recognizing the truth and thus they chose to pass on pursuing MP. Though I understand that concept is beyond your reach of consideration and ability to comprehend, let alone seriously contemplate. I understand the “happy chela mentality” of elitism in thinking of themselves as being the “most evolved souls on the planet” because they are on the MasterPath.

Btw: can you explain and enlighten us on the SCIENCE of the “Divine Science of Light and Sound?

I’ve written enough for now. I guess my only comment on the negative slant on this site is just to note that, in all the history of the world, nothing worthwhile was ever accomplished without opposition.

We are not your opposition. But I hear there are thousands of paths that exist in the world that are worthwhile pursuits. So count MP among the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.....and thank your Brahm-god that paths like MP exist since it serves a relative purpose for the “unenlightened, ignorant and stupid.”

Perhaps that quote from your master is more palatable in resonating with your “happy chela” positive state : “it is amazing how ignorant and unenlightened people can be...” Or perhaps your “master” calling people “stupid” is the positive spiritual slant you relate to.

Or perhaps the fact that your master likes to rely on the writings and wisdom of past masters in preaching "his version of truth" while simultaneously demeaning the teachings and practitioners of those past masters is something you relate to.

And last, welcome to a discussion that goes much deeper in contact than the gullibility of believing your master is a saint. We've been there and done that....and are sooooo HAPPY to be free of the dogma, doctrine, and discipline of serving a false guru.

:) so happy to be free of MP
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Why is Gary Olsen Married?
I'm hoping that happy_chela or any other current MP chela out there can help me by answering this question. Why is Gary Olsen Married?



In 1995 Davd Lane forced Gary Olsen into publically admitting that he plagiarized Radha Soami works word for word. Olsen had no choice but to cop to those charges because he was trapped and the charges were true.

This week David Lane came out with part one of a new series revealing that even though Olsen apologized back then, Olsen has continued to plagiarize ftrom Radha Soami and other sources ONE FOR WORD. Olsen continues to cheat and lie and steal the teachings of others. Guess he has nothing original to say. Sounds like there will be more forthcoming from Prof. Lane.
Here's the title and link:

THE MASTER PLAGIARIST: How Gary Olsen Appropriated from Radhasoami Books
This is a new study on recent findings about how Gary Olsen and Masterpath have apparently continued their plagiaristic tendencies, even after issuing a formal apology back in 1995 to copying Radhasoami works without attribution.

This was discovered by an independent researcher, not me.

Go here for the free PDF download: https://sites.google.com/site/msacmagazinesparttwo/
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Use the above link and then go to attachments and scroll down to:

garyolsenplagiarism1a.pdf - on Dec 15, 2010 1:20 AM by neural surfer (version 1) 883k View Download

Sounds like there is more to come :)


The Master Plagiarist
The Master Plagiarist |2
Back in 1995, I wrote Gary Olsen, former Eckankar member and founder of Masterpath, pointing out his extensive plagiarisms from copyrighted Radhasoami books. I received a phone call a day or two later at my office from his secretary asking if I would be willing to fly out to New Mexico to meet with Gary and discuss the issue. They even kindly offered to pay for the trip. I declined.
Gary eventually called me on the phone himself and I informed him that I was going to post my findings on the Web, which back then was still in its infancy. He admitted on the phone that he had indeed plagiarized from some Radhasoami books, but pleaded that it was unintentional and that he meant no harm. We went back and forth on how he would issue a worldwide apology for his appropriations and how I would post it on the internet. Gary also promised that he wouldn’t plagiarize in the future and would properly cite his materials in future discourses and books published by Masterpath.

The following is Gary Olsen’s original apology,
"Hi Dave, Would you please post this memo. Thank you, Sri Gary Olsen, dated September 11, 1995":
"MasterPath has utilized a number of Radhasoami Satsang Beas publications in their written discourses. However, it has not properly cited or referenced these copyrighted materials. MasterPath regrets this mistake and is committed to revising all of their publications in order to clearly identify Radhasoami masters and books when quoted. MasterPath accepts full responsibility for improperly using copyrighted materials and will refrain from doing so in the future. MasterPath also apologizes for any confusion this may have caused."
Signed: Sri Gary Olsen, MasterPath

Documenting Gary Olsen’s Appropriations |
I think it was the next day that Gary sent me a pot of flowers as a token of his appreciation for the deal that we hammered out. Surprisingly after things settled down, Gary took me in his confidence and revealed that he actually lived in Glendora just a few miles away from Mt. San Antonio College. Why he wanted to have me meet him in New Mexico (was he planning on taking the same flight with me from LAX?) is still a mystery to me. Although I found Gary’s plagiarism fairly overwhelming, he would later claim on tape that it was but a small percentage of the total writings in Masterpath. Be that as it may, Gary Olsen and Masterpath have not stopped plagiarizing their materials from Radhasoami books. This magazine, the first of several installments, is designed to graphically illustrate to what extent Gary Olsen and Masterpath have appropriated their materials.
The following was not compiled by me, but rather an interested researcher who wishes to remain unnamed. However, it should be noted that these plagiarisms are but the tip of a much larger iceberg of appropriations. For other previously published examples of Gary Olsen’s plagiarisms, please refer to The Guru in America: Radhasoami’s Influence on New Religions (see msacphilosophygroup.com).

It appears that the key source material here for Gary Olsen are three Radhasoami books, Discourses on Sant Mat by Sawan Singh, The Path of the Masters by Julian Johnson, and Science of the Soul by Jagat Singh. Each contains extensive glossaries. Gary Olsen used these books as part of his glossary material in his third volume of Master Path: The Divine Science of Light and Sound. In the Letter of Acknowledgment to his book (published in May 1999; 2000 copies), Gary claims that Masterpath teachings mostly
Documenting Gary Olsen’s Appropriations |


Gary claims that Masterpath teachings mostly
Documenting Gary Olsen’s Appropriations |
The Master Plagiarist |3
‚parallel‛ the writings of Sawan Singh and other saints within the Sant Mat tradition. However, Gary Olsen neglects to mention that his book also copies, sometimes verbatim, from that same literature without direct references or quotes.
The interested reader should keep in mind that the Radhasoami literature Masterpath appropriates was published and copyrighted at least three decades before Olsen’s book. Ironically, Gary Olsen also copyrights his own works, even the ones with extensive plagiarisms, with the declaration of ‚all rights reserved.‛
Gary Olsen claims that he is a ‚Swateh Saint‛ even though a close analysis of his biography reveals that the source of his present ministry is based on his previous association with Darwin Gross and Eckankar. When Gary Olsen branched off to start his own movement, he systematically began to incorporate the writings of earlier Radhasoami gurus. His initial plagiarisms in the early 1990s were much more blatant. For example, in one case he didn’t even bother to create his own cosmological map but instead simply photocopied a chakra illustration directly from the Radhasoami publication Call of the Great Master by Daryai Lal Kapur. Even today, however, Gary Olsen’s plagiaristic tendencies remain as we shall see by the following comparative analysis.


A Glossary Comparison
RSSB: AGAM LOK—Lit. the inaccessible region; the name of the seventh spiritual region.
MP: AGAM LOK—Literally, ‘the inaccessible region’; the name of the seventh spiritual region.
RSSB: ALAKH LOK—Lit., the Invisible or Indescribable Region; esoterically, the name of the sixth Spiritual Region.
MP: ALAKH LOK—Literally the invisible or indescribable Region; the name of the sixth spiritual region.
RSSB: ALLAH—Arabic name of God; esoterically, the Lord of the first Spiritual Region.
MP: ALLAH—Arabic term for God; esoterically, the Lord of the First Spiritual Region.
RSSB: AND or ANDA—The lower portion of Brahmand; the region between Pind and Brahmand.
MP: AND or ANDA—Literally means Egg or Universe; esoterically, the lower portion of Brahmand; the region between the Physical and Causal (Pind and Brahmand) Regions, known as the Astral Region.
RSSB: ASHTANG YOGA—The yoga of eight parts, the chief one being Pranayama or the holding of breath.
MP: ASHTANG YOGA—The yoga of eight parts, the chief one being Pranayama or the holding of one’s breath.
RSSB: BHAGAVADGITA—Literally, ‚The Song of the Lord‛. It embodies the teachings of Lord Krishna, given in the dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna on the battlefield, and is the most popular book on Hindu Philosophy.
Documenting Gary Olsen’s Appropriations |
The Master Plagiarist |6
MP: BHAGVADGITA—Literally, ‚The Song of the Lord‛. It embodies the teachings of Lord Krishna, given in the dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna on the battlefield, and is the most popular book on Hindu Philosophy.
RSSB: BRAHM—Lord of the second Spiritual Region; the Power that creates and dissolves the phenomenal world.
MP: BRAHM—Lord of the Second Spiritual Region or Brahmanda Egg; the Power that creates and dissolves the phenomenal world.


RSSB: BRAHMA—The first of the Hindu Triad (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva), in charge of creation below Sahans Dal Kanwal, the first Spiritual Region.
MP: BRAHMA—The first of the Hindu Triad (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva), in charge of creation below Sahans Dal Kanwal, the First Spiritual Region. Ruler of the reproductive center in man.
RSSB: BRAHMAND or BRAHMANDA—Literally, the egg of Brahm; the entire universe over which Brahm has jurisdiction.
MP: BRAHMAND or BRAHMANDA—Literally the egg of Brahm; the Mental, Causal, Etheric Planes; the entire universe over which Brahm has jurisdiction.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ RSSB: BUDDH, BUDH or BUDDHI—Intellect; discriminating power. MP: BUDDH, BUDH or BUDDHI—Intellect; discriminating power. _____________________________________________________________________________________
RSSB: DHARMA RAI or Dharm Raj—King Judge; Divine Accountant, who administers reward or punishment after death, according to the karmas of the souls. However, the Initiated soul is not under his jurisdiction because the Master Himself takes care of the soul, and He tempers Justice with Mercy.
MP: DHARMA RAI—King Judge; Divine Accountant, who administers reward or punishment after death, according to the karmas (actions and reactions) of souls. However, the initiated soul
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is not under his jurisdiction because the Master Himself takes care of the soul, and He tempers Justice with Mercy.
RSSB: DHYAN—Contemplation; a form of spiritual practice; attention; esoterically, beholding the form of the Master within.
MP: DHYAN—Contemplation; a form of spiritual practice; attention; esoterically, beholding the form of the Master within.


RSSB: GURUMUKH or Gurumukh—Literally, one whose face is turned towards the Guru; one who is guided by the Guru; a highly advanced soul which has cast off the three coverings and has reached Par Brahm. It is also said that only the Saints are the Gurumukhs.
MP: GURUMAN—One whose face is turned towards the Guru; one who has completely surrendered to the Guru; one who is guided by the Guru; a highly advanced soul ; a term sometimes used for the saint or perfect Master. (The word “guruman” was later changed to “gurumukh” in the MP dictionary/writings)
RSSB: LOGOS—The same as the Word of God, Nam, Shabd, etc. The ever outward-flowing Power of God in dynamic action to create and sustain the world.
MP: LOGOS—The same as the Word of God, Spirit, Shabda, etc. The ever outward-flowing Power of God in dynamic action to create and sustain the world.
RSSB: BANI—Teachings, spoken or written, particularly of the Saints; esoterically, the Inner Sound or Music; also speech or language.
MP: BANI—Teachings, spoken or written, particularly of the Saints; esoterically, the Inner Sound or Shabd; also the Word.
RSSB: DARSHAN—‘Vision’, ‘sight’, ‘seeing’, implies looking intently at the Master with a deep feeling of respect and devotion and with one-pointed attention.
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MP: DARSHAN—Vision, sight, seeing, implies looking intently at the Master with a deep feeling of respect and devotion and with one-pointed attention.
RSSB: DASWAN DWAR—‘Tenth gate’ or ‘tenth door’; the name of the third spiritual region. Daswan, ‘the tenth’, refers to the subtle opening in the head through which the disciple passes to higher planes.
MP: DASWAN DWAR—Tenth gate or tenth door; the name of the third spiritual region. Daswan, ‘the tenth’, refers to the subtle opening in the head through which the disciple passes to higher planes.


RSSB: DHYAN—Contemplation; a form of Spiritual practice; esoterically, beholding the Radiant Form of the Master within.
MP: DHYAN—Contemplation: a form of spiritual practice; attention; esoterically, beholding the form of the Master within.
RSSB: KABIR SAHIB — He condemned the follies and external observances of Hindus and Muslims alike but was reverenced by both.
MP: : KABIR SAHIB— He condemned the follies and the external observances of Hindus and Muslims alike.
RSSB: KAL—Literally, Time or Death; the time spirit, the name given to the Power that controls the Three Worlds, which are perishable. Kal rules and regulates the physical universe, the Astral Region and the Causal Region, and will not let anyone leave his realm to rise to the soul’s True Home in the Fifth Region until that soul has been thoroughly cleansed of all low, material desires, attachments, and so forth.
MP: KAL—Literally Time or Death; the time spirit; the name given to the Power that controls all the three worlds, which are perishable. Kal rules and regulates the whole universe (gross, subtle and causal) and will not let anyone cross his threshold to enter the realm of Sat Purush, until that soul has been cleansed thoroughly of all desires, and so forth.
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The Master Plagiarist |9
RSSB: KALI YUGA—The fourth cycle of Time, known as the Dark Age or the Iron Age. It is the age in which we live now.
MP: KALI YUGA—The fourth cycle of Time, known as the Dark Age or the Iron Age. It is the age in which we live now
RSSB: MAHA SUNNA—The great void; the region of intense darkness situated above the third Spiritual Region, Daswan Dwar, and below the fourth Spiritual Region, Bhanwar Gupha. It can be crossed only with the help of the Master.
MP: MAHA SUNNA—Great Void or vacuum; the name given to the upper part of the third spiritual region. Daswan Dwar; it is a region of impenetrable darkness that can be crossed only with a Master.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ RSSB: MAHATMA—Great Soul, a term applied to highly spiritual persons. MP: MAHATMA—Great Soul; also applied to highly spiritual persons. _____________________________________________________________________________________
RSSB: MAYA—Illusion or delusion; deception; unreality; the phenomenal universe. All that which is not eternal is not really real and true, and is called Maya because it is but transient and unreal and is not. The veil of Maya or illusion, the temporary world, conceals the vision of God from our sight. Maya is also the female principle of the universe and the consort of Kal.
MP: MAYA—Illusion or delusion; deception; unreality; the phenomenal universe. All that which is not eternal is not really real and true, and is called Maya because it is but transient and unreal or ‚is not. ‚ The veil of Maya or illusion, as temporary world, conceals the vision of God from our sight. Maya is also the female principle of the universe and the consort of Kal.
RSSB: PIND or PINDA —The physical and material universe; the region of lower mind and matter. Also the physical body.
MP: PIND or PINDA —The physical body; the physical and material universe; region of lower mind and matter.
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RSSB: SANT MAT— The Teachings of the Saints; the Science of God-Realization, practiced while living in this world. It is the Science of merging in the Supreme Creator, just as the drop merges in the ocean. This can be accomplished only under the guidance of a True Master in the physical form.
MP: MASTERPATH—The Teachings of the Saints; the Science of God-Realization, practiced while living in this world. It is the Science of merging in the Supreme Creator, just as the drop merges in the ocean. This can be accomplished only under the guidance of a True Master in the physical form.


RSSB: PRAKRITIS—are twenty-five in number and consist of five manifestations of each of the five tattwas:
1. ETHER—Desires, anger, bashfulness, fear, infatuation. 2. AIR—Running, walking, smelling, contracting, expanding. 3. FIRE—Hunger, thirst, sleep, personality, laziness. 4. WATER—Vital fluid, blood, fat, urine, saliva. 5. EARTH—Bones, flesh, skin, veins, hair.
(The above definition is from the Science of the Soul; read below to see that Gary combined 2 definitions from 2 separate books using the wrong word of Pranas. The definition for Prakriti from Path of the Masters is the definition used for the word Pranas)
RSSB: PRAKITI—The essential nature of mind and matter, which projects itself in various forms of emotions and actions, and which also influences the various parts of the body; they are twenty-five in number and consist of five principal manifestations of the five elements or tattwas in the body.
MP: PRANAS—The essential nature of mind and matter, which projects itself in various forms of emotions and actions, and which also influences various parts of the body; they are twenty- five in number and consist of five principal manifestations of the five elements in the body.
1. ETHER—Desires, anger, bashfulness, fear, infatuation. 2. AIR—Running, walking, smelling, contracting, expanding. 3. FIRE—Hunger, thirst, sleep, personality, laziness. 4. WATER—Vital fluid, blood, fat, urine, saliva. 5. EARTH—Bones, flesh, skin, veins, hair.
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The Master Plagiarist |12
Empirical Correlations from The Guru in America
Radhasoami Literature:
Charan Singh’s Words Eternal (published 1983)
MasterPath Literature:
Gary Olsen’s MasterPath Book II (published 1988)
Example One
The very reason we are placed on this earth is to enable us to realise God within ourselves. (p. 2)
Example One
The very reason we are placed on this earth is to enable us to realize God within ourselves. (p. 96)
Example Two
There is nothing in this world that is worthy of our effort and achievement except the wealth of Nam, the jewel of Shabd...(p. 7)
Example Two
There is nothing in this world that is worthy of our effort and achievements except the Jewel of Soul...(p. 96)
Example Three
The real form of the Pertfect Master is the Word of Shabd. It assumes the human form in order to be able to communicate with man and to show him the way back to his home. (p. 10)
Example Three
The real form of the Pertfect Master is the Word of Shabd. It assumes the human form to communicate with man and to point the way back home. (p. 96)
Example Four
The first and most important thing for an initiate to realize is the great value of human life and its true purpose. The human body is a priceless gift (p17)
Example Four
The first and most important thing for an initiate to realize is the great value of human life and its true purpose. The human body is a priceless gift, (p. 96)
Documenting Gary Olsen’s Appropriations |


OK Happy Chela...still happy?

Let's show everyone how you can irrationally rationalize the cheating, lying and stealing your...Ahem...MASTER (PLAGIARIZER) does.

Oh right! He conveniently claims that he was Sawan Singh in his last life so he is only plagiarizing himself :clap


New Member
People don't realise that "Masterpath" is just another "CULT" invading the minds of perfectly normal people who seek something else... The way we live our lives is not up to anyone else, it's up to "Us" ourselves only. No one can dictate the way we do things outside of working life.. I know soemone who is doing masterpath and he was just an average bloke with family and friends.. He's now been left with nothing cos "Sri Gary Olsen" told him he didn't need anything in his life.. What a load of crock.. He listens to these rediculous tapes and takes everything in, and i mean everything from the crap Gary goes on about how everyone is out to manipulate and deceived everyone else. Those who believe this rot need to look deeper into this so called "religion". It is not a religion people, it is simple a "CULT" Get out and save yourself from a lifetime of lies....:no: Say No to Masterpath....
This week David Lane came out with part one of a new series revealing that even though Olsen apologized back then, Olsen has continued to plagiarize ftrom Radha Soami and other sources ONE FOR WORD. Olsen continues to cheat and lie and steal the teachings of others. Guess he has nothing original to say. Sounds like there will be more forthcoming from Prof. Lane.

Kudos to David Lane! :clap2:

After reading the magazine, I checked a glossary that I'd found a while back - this one was published in 1997. It has several of the same terms, apparently word-for-word copied from RSSB. And this glossary would have been in creation shortly after Gary's plagiarism "apology", so you'd think the sensitivity to plagiarism would have been fresh.

But HERE is what sent me directly to the toilet with my finger in my throat...check out this definition, it's a real doozy:

PHYSICAL DEVOTION - Phenomenal Consciousness is the outer affair experienced through the gross and subtle senses within the Pinda Egg; systematically corresponds to the chakras beneatht the Third Eye:

1) Surat Bhakti - When a chela listens to the discourses with his/her ears while in the presence of the Living Master.

2) Sparsh Bhakti - When the chela touches the Master in any way or the Master touches the chela. Devotion experienced through touch.

3) Rup Bhakti - Viewing the form of the Master with one's eyes (without blinking). Lovingly and steadily gazing at the Master's Third Eye.

4) Smell Devotion - Sensing through smell the subtle currents emanating from the Master's aura whether present or not in the physical body.

5) Pashu Bhakti - Separate level of devotion (apart from the subtle senses) which embodies all five gross elements as one. Deals with the animal nature of humans - beneath the heart center. Predominant interactions manifest in forms of arguing, debating, and quarreling with fellow souls.
1) Admi Pashu Bhakti - Those who cling to old spiritual habits and training. All told to them by the Master is involuntarily forced through their habitual matrix initially formed from old training.

2) Aurat Pashu Bhakti - Those who are so dogmatic about their beliefs. They often disregard or go against the wishes and instructions of the Master but they are so attached to their Pinda minds that constant fights between what they feel and think versus the Master's instruction constantly rage. They are the lowest in consciousness and cause the most pain for the Master.
Holy creepiness. :eek: Where to begin?

The devotion through touching the master made my skin crawl ("sparsh"). Touching the master "in any way"...so how many ways ARE there to touch the master?

The devotion where you gaze into the Master's eyes lovingly ("rup") was rather expected - but not the "without blinking" requirement. :confused: You can't blink because why? I think I read somewhere that Scientology audits involve some sort of no-blinking contests between people too...maybe Zeeker can confirm this?

The smell devotion is just funny. I wonder if this could involve going into the bathroom after he's been reading his paper in there for a while?

And then of course there's all those different types of devotion where you argue and quarrel with other souls and you don't follow the Master's instructions...which causes "the most pain for the master". :rolleyes: Please. What a whiner. Get over it.

This definition may not be plagiarized, but it certainly is yucky. :cover:


New Member
Funny...I smell something too :)
Yeah i smell another Cult.. A cult that allows, sorry, makes you starve yourself for numurous days.... This to me is them starving their brains so Gary Olsen can Brainwash them even more.... What a load of Crap!! Who even knows if we have evolved? do you hear a little tree saying "I was a cat yesterday" or do you know for sure that spirits fly high above us, i mean Gary goes on about stuff that the spirits think, i don't think that spirits have e-mail or face book to actually get in contact with Gary Olsen to tell him that these things happen. EG: Animals become plants, plants become Reptiles and reptiles become Human... What a load of ****e...So, put your hands together for Happy_Chela:clap, she/he talks more **** than gary olsen!! Everything has a beginning, and in turn it also has an end... This so called "Masterpath" was started by someone who neede to have control over people, and he has succeeded... Wake up WOLRD, this is not real, it's just another CULT... Get a life, or a job!! You obviously have nothing else better to do with your life than follow a pathetic old man that actually needs to get a job and stop bludging off of these poor suckers who keep paying him for tapes and worthless books that fill your head with worthless crap... HAPPY_CHELA, get a life, get out and about and erxperience the "NOW" NOT THE FUTURE, COS YA GUNNA BE DEAD AND BURRIED, 6FT UNDER, Stop worrying about whether you were a tree or a frog, you were Sperm:baby: from your dad's ball bag, HE made you, not anythng else.. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE:flower2:


Can't wait for David Lane's next expose on Olsen. Since Olsen couldn't back up his apology for a measely two years, I think David Lane's gloves have come off. Good.

Violet-that was hysterical! Sparsh Bhakti? Reach out anf touch someone :slap:

Anti-Gary-totally understand your outrage. Where you a student of Olsen?
It seems Gary Olsen’s followers are under the mistaken impression that those of us who see MasterPath as a cult are ignorant, unenlightened manumukhs doing the work of “Kal” (the MP devil).

This “teaching” is an extremely effective tactic! Anytime a chela is presented with information that incriminates or questions the validity of the MasterPath, no matter HOW much sense it makes or how OBVIOUS it is, the chela can outright reject it.

Because apparently in their minds, it must be a clever evil trick of "Kal Niranjan". Gary has warned the chelas just how far "Kal" will go to lead them astray. So when they dare to legitimately question Gary or MP’s authenticity, they can just stop themselves by remembering that “thinking” is dangerous to their soul’s evolvement. And then :icon_evil **Abracadabra!** :icon_evil …Gary is real again.

MP chelas believe they are far more spiritually evolved than the rest of the world. :rolleyes: In their minds, those who don’t see what THEY see are just “not ready”, “attached” to the lower worlds, or caught up in the “mind ego”.

That belief not only serves to explain everything else away, but (ironically!) serves the ego of the chela - that which they are supposed to be escaping. It conveniently leaves them feeling intellectually and spiritually superior to everyone else. :facepalm:

All of this is redundant of course. But just for the record once again: Gary Olsen and other self-appointed gurus are NOT rare special elite emissaries chosen by God to bestow a magic awakening on “ready” souls. :no:

It is the technique/practice (call it meditation, simran, contemplation, or whatever you want) and the faith of the practitioner that bring about the profound inner experiences chelas perceive as “proof” that MP is legit.

In other words, those who believe Gary represents God will no doubt see Gary’s image in their inner experiences...the very same way those who follow Eckankar's Harold Klemp will see his image manifests in theirs.:liturgy: Yadda, yadda, yadda.

Gary Olsen and other self-proclaimed “saints” do not possess anything that the rest of us don’t. They are simply capitalizing on what they learned from their own supposed “masters"...and reveling in the ultimate messianic trip.