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Master Path - Gary Olsen


This Richard could take over MP but Olsen will take the money and run. Very much like Wall Street criminals who obscenely financially reward themselves for lying, stealing and ruining the lives of other people, sociopath Gary Olsen will $ reward himself in the same way.

Just guessing...
In all seriousness, I do think Richard will try to take over what's left of MP and steer the flock. If he's smart he'll just use the same mailing list and change the name of the organization. Then start recruiting some more people who are looking for "masters" and fables to be satisfied by.



I can't tell if yours is a fantasy, an idle threat, or you really have a "Master" Plan (couldn't resist) :). I'm hoping the latter. Gary Olsen and his wife are both human garbage and POS so I would love to see them go down in flames.


But I can't seen to let go of the fact that this Gary needs to be stopped, and I know exactly how.

So Gary, if you are reading this, or if any of your minions read this and report back to you. Heed my warning, you are done, I am going to end what you are doing to these poor people. You should pack up your bags, and leave town. This is my quest, like the name Judas_kiss suggests, when Juda kissed Jesus so the Centurions would know who which one he was. So now I kiss you Gary. You think you are Jesus, then you shall be dragged through the streets in utter humiliation, you will stand in mock trial, found guilty, and you will be hung
Well Anticult7, I'm pretty angry and have been for 3 years. I cant let it go! I would have to say I'm obsessed. But talk is cheap. and I'm tired... tired of seeing the destruction this guy is creating with his... Path! I'm sure he believes he is untouchable, safe and sound in his olive grove/compound. I wont spell anything out here... that would just be stupid on my part. I will tell you this though... I'm getting to the point where I may just take a little road trip and finish this once and for all! That's the fantasy brother. Take care of business and accept the consequence! This does sound like a bunch of BS ranting doesn't it. Just a bunch of words, describing a bunch of thoughts, that seem to have not manifested into action... yet! We will see...



I totally understand your feelings. You are certainly are not alone in them. I have friends who were very generous to Olsen for many years. When they finally decided to quietly leave because they had seen too much lying, deceit, theivery and blatant mean-spiritedness toward MP chelas...instead of both Olsen's profusely thanking them for their generosity, they slandered my friends...trying to save face with their followers. The Olsen's claimed that my friends were on "Messianic Trips" and wanted to destroy the masterpath.

What a bunch of crap!! Its the Olsen's who are on Messianic trips (claiming to be God incarnate!!) not my friends who are good, kind, generous people.

Though these sleazy, phony guru, con-artists types are a dime a dozen, it would be very satisfying to specifically see Olsen and his wife busted, broke and in prison!

While we can all agree that Gary Olsen is a fraud and has damaged the lives of his followers and their families, we do have a responsibility to make it perfectly clear that there are absolutely no intentions to confront or bring harm to any person.

Not that I believe anyone here actually has such intentions. But it's really important to recognize that anything left open to interpretation in forums like this may be counter productive. If nothing else, it could be used to bolster Gary’s goofy Jesus complex. Let's not help him make his case less of a delusion.

For the record, I personally support everyone in researching, investigating, filing complaints, speaking with journalists, interacting with MP, exposing Gary’s stupidity, contradictions, and inauthenticity, etc., etc., using whatever legal avenues are available. And there are plenty.

Hopefully everyone can make it crystal clear that we are not like Gary. We're not above the law, we’re not crooks and thugs. We have compassion for our fellow man, and our intentions are to inform and expose Gary Olsen's unethical dealings in the interest of social justice.

Just my two cents.


Truth Seeker
While we can all agree that Gary Olsen is a fraud and has damaged the lives of his followers and their families, we do have a responsibility to make it perfectly clear that there are absolutely no intentions to confront or bring harm to any person.
I agree with you Violet.

We’ve got to beat this dude at his own game. Use his own teachings (that he does not live up to), to show him up. Remember what a sat guru, and predecessor of Gary, said: to “love your enemies” and to “turn the other cheek.”

If you want a good role model to live up to (a real human being, like all of us, who we can reliably investigate), study the life of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi’s policy of non-violence was instrumental in overcoming the escalating religious fervor between Hindus and Muslims and having British rule ousted out of India.

Pssst….. Don’t tell anyone. I think JK has pulled a prank for Gary’s spies.


The MP site has been revamped in recent hours. There’s a new “Sri Gary Olsen Responds to Internet Criticism About MasterPath” section, where we have received an honorable mention. Also Gary documents his meager subsistence allowance and company car in the “About Masterpath” section. Go have a look, then post your rebuttals:

Lotsa hyperbole, as usual. I thought this part was interesting:

"It is important for seekers to realize that a True Path never has anything to hide. Truth is its own defense and stands on its own. Error, sensing its weakness, becomes angry and defensive..."


re: JK - I have no problem with concerned citizens confronting a suspected con artist in person to ask valid questions. A person with nothing to hide would invite this (right Gary?)

No proof, no truth.
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I hate seeing loved ones with sincere interest in a spiritual pursuit being duped by a dope.

I'm all for freedom of religion and freedom of choice, but I'm sorry...there are just too many red flags to ignore about MP...the finances, the posh desert hideaway, dope smoking, the 'inner circle', the reclusive nature of Joy and Gary, cheesy pictures, temper tantrums, backstabbing, plagiarism, narcissism, the directive for daily 'contemplation', the bird flu scare, the 2012 nonsense, Joy standing in for Gary at satsangs, the parallels and ties to Eckankar, the list goes on.

I have to wonder what will happen when it all falls apart.
I also completely agree, with what Violet and Zeeker have said!

I agree with you Violet.

We’ve got to beat this dude at his own game. Use his own teachings (that he does not live up to), to show him up. Remember what a sat guru, and predecessor of Gary, said: to “love your enemies” and to “turn the other cheek.”

If you want a good role model to live up to (a real human being, like all of us, who we can reliably investigate), study the life of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi’s policy of non-violence was instrumental in overcoming the escalating religious fervor between Hindus and Muslims and having British rule ousted out of India.

Pssst….. Don’t tell anyone. I think JK has pulled a prank for Gary’s spies.
I definitely wanted to get his attention, I think we have... But even I understand that the only true way to beat an evil like Gary is not with more evil, but with goodness truth and Love!

I will be honest, open minded, and ever willing to live in the spirit of peace, love and non-violence! This is the way of truth, this is the way of right, this is how the cancer that is Gary Olsen will be defeated!
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If Gary truly was God Realized, if Gary truly was a Swateh Saint, if Gary truly was the self-luminous soul as he claims, he would never feel the need to defend himself from anything, let alone from what he is calling Internet Criticism. These are the actions of a man, a man in fear, a man who knows that very soon his little following will get wise to the fact that he is nothing but a self doubting, fear filled, con artist!

Ask yourself this... Does the Truth need to explain or defend itself?


Wow, can Olsen spin the BS or what?. There are clearly dozens (if not more) former students blowing the whistle on this pathetic liar and scam artist. So according to his circular logic, if former students are criticizing GOD INCARNATE, then clearly they didn't have the right vibration and level of consciousness in the first place :eek:

Q. There is a public forum on the Internet wherein two or three former MasterPath students are engaging in a rather hostile attack on you, the MasterPath, and the MasterPath students. Are these accusations and criticisms truthful?

A. No, these accusations are definitely not truthful, and there is actually a wealth of misinformation and false charges being manufactured and projected on this forum. To put this into proper perspective, I must state that out of the thousands of students I have initiated, only this small number have taken such a stance. Thus, rather than diminishing the MasterPath doctrine, this truth actually reflects and gives testimony to the tremendously high success rate of those embracing this Teaching. Even though this forum embodies a barrage of false accusations along with an attempt to demean the Master and invalidate the Path, I maintain that every experience within the divine creation, regardless of how retrogressive it may initially appear, will eventually reveal an intended purpose that holds essential value for the experiencer. The predominant vibration of anger projected in this forum leaves little question as to why these former students found it difficult to harmonize with the spiritual objectives of MasterPath, but nonetheless, all individuals have the right to their own opinion, and these former students and their associates are free to express themselves in any way they choose.


He uses the term 'success rate'...more like 'milking it'...so many people have been paying dues for 10+ years, being strung along not knowing any better because they're lost in the fantasy...and let's not forget about the money all those people are paying on a regular basis.

I suspect a fair amount of the money is going elsewhere, and according to the IRS:

Annual returns are made available to the public. Exempt organizations generally must make their annual returns available for public inspection. This also includes the organization’s application for exemption. In addition, an organization exempt under 501(c) (3) must make available any Form 990-T, Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return. These documents must be made available to any individual who requests them, and must be made available immediately when the request is made in person. If the request is made in writing, an organization has 30 days to provide a copy of the information, unless it makes the information widely available.

And if they don't provide one's request for this info, you can file a complaint form and remain anonymous:



here's a little nugget posted back in 2008 on another chat board - please forgive me if this is already posted on this thread ...

"I now see MasterPath as nothing more than the very thing it says it is
not: a light path of misinformation and half-truths. Just another
new-age teaching created by man. A product of the wild imaginings of
some man or woman, or both. A purposely laid snare for the
unsuspecting soul. Another relative path of light claiming to be the
representative of the Sound Current, or the Word of God. A path with
leaders who have not yet attained the rarified states of consciousness
which they proclaim as their living reality. A path of incomplete
realization. A path of subtle control and manipulation of the
thoughts and feelings of the followers. A path born from the
messianic complex of human beings. These are not the things I signed
up for when first meeting Gary, whom I immediately placed great trust
and spiritual aspirations in.

I now consider and contemplate intelligent and thoughtful inquiries
posed by such people as Dr. Lane. Things like why should the
plagarism matter to us? As a beginning student on MP, I remember
being told that the reason for not reading outside material was
because we lacked the necessary discrimination to properly discern or
filter the truth from other sources. Or, that we could not court two
masters. I unquestioningly heeded the guidance of my 'chosen guru.'
Since leaving the MP, I have spent considerable time reading so many
books. And it's been a trip. A wonderful journey of exploration and
renewed inspiration. Staggering recognition of how entrenched my life
had become in what I am now able to see as a cultic experience.

I woke up one morning a couple years before leaving the MP, and knew
that my entire life was based on a lie. The internal conflict could
not be reconciled on the outer. I think it's a travesty that people
get caught, lost, and entrapped by the concept of the teaching or the
leaders. The whole point is to outgrow the need for the outer
teaching. Yet, on paths like MP, the revenue needed to sustain the
lives of the leaders is paramount. Take away the money, and they have
to actually work for a living. Hmm, isn't that one of the
requirements: an honest living.

And what about the spiritual principles they claim to represent and
know: "the Sound Current cannot be bought, marketed, or sold." Yet,
on the MP.... for $30 month you get access to the seminars, a monthly
discourse of the 'secret teachings,' and 'the ever-present protection
and guidance of the Inner Master.' Hmm.... in a moment, in a day,
after a great number of years, I woke up and all I heard inside is
'truth is free.' Everything about MP began imploding on me. There
were countless experiences leading up to and contributing to that
auspicious moment. But that one resounding line of truth became a
defining awareness inside that ultimately changed the course of my life.

Anyway, the last two years have been an intensive process of
introspection and re-integration into society. I have grieved, not so
much the loss of association with MP, but the years lost in serving
them. I find it incredibly painful to actually know that in those
final hours, Gary was as far from wishing one well as he could
possibly be. Those final moments of interaction were both shockingly
revealing, and simultaneously, confirming. Confirming that he is not
who and what he presents himself to be. Upon leaving, I was flooded
with awareness of so many before me who had left the MP. People that
I once called friends. And it was only then that I really understood
their experience. And I also knew that those on MP could not really
understand ours. We would have to be categorized in these ways: 'they
just don't get it; they are not ready for the spiritual journey; they
will just have to die, reincarnate, and pick up where they left off in
their next lifetime; they are on a messianic trip; they are out to
destroy the MP, on and on.... It was funny because a part of us still
expected, or silently hoped, to hear or see a new spiritual insight
coming who we called "guru." Instead, it was like hearing the
uncontrolled reactions of an adolescent who isn't getting his way.

Gary's parting words to me were cold, harsh, and calculated. They were
meant to hurt, to put me in my place, to instill fear, and to maintain
their sense of sovereign control. His words were neither supportive
nor kind. And they did not come from a place of loving benevolence or
enlightened inspiration. Those final words are forever etched in my
consciousness as a daily reminder of a life spent devoted to a pseudo

Who would have thunk that the final moment is where you see the
illusion of what we project onto others as who they are is only that.
Certainly not me."


BTW...Have you ever read such an obviously contrived question as this on the MP website? Probably written by a pothead trying to pretend its a real question :cool:

Q. There is a public forum on the Internet wherein two or three former MasterPath students are engaging in a rather hostile attack on you, the MasterPath, and the MasterPath students. Are these accusations and criticisms truthful?

A. No, these accusations are definitely not truthful, and there is actually a wealth of misinformation and false charges being manufactured and projected on this forum. To put this into proper perspective, I must state that out of the thousands of students I have initiated, only this small number have taken such a stance. Thus, rather than diminishing the MasterPath doctrine, this truth actually reflects and gives testimony to the tremendously high success rate of those embracing this Teaching. Even though this forum embodies a barrage of false accusations along with an attempt to demean the Master and invalidate the Path, I maintain that every experience within the divine creation, regardless of how retrogressive it may initially appear, will eventually reveal an intended purpose that holds essential value for the experiencer. The predominant vibration of anger projected in this forum leaves little question as to why these former students found it difficult to harmonize with the spiritual objectives of MasterPath, but nonetheless, all individuals have the right to their own opinion, and these former students and their associates are free to express themselves in any way they choose.


I think we all know Gary isn't the one writing this Q & A on the site...probably one of his underlings, or his wife, since he's probably out golfing or tanning most of the time.

They even made up a new word...."experiencer"....:sarcastic
The MasterPath proclaims that it is impossible to find your true self if you persist in searching outside the body. All great saints of the past and present unequivocally state that TRUTH, SOUL, THE TRUE MASTER, AND THE SUPREME DEITY ARE ALL LOCATED WITHIN THE HUMAN BODY, and to look for them anywhere else is an exercise in illusion and futility.

You are the master and you are the path, and with the advent of consciousness, you will realize that you are also the truth. The truth is not far away, and only requires an inward retracing of the attention back to the third eye. If you are sincere, you can, of your own volition, verify these principles for yourself.

VS. -->
Gary Olsen, “Cardinal Principles of the Masterpath” YouTube video:
“God is very exalted, and to even brush up next to him, or to be an acquaintance of the supreme deity takes a long time, and much, much unfoldment in consciousness.

Joy Olsen, “God Manifests in the Master” October 1999:
“GOD IS NOT PRESENT IN THIS WORLD. God can only be contacted through one of it’s Sons. In that way is the Son greater than God because without that conduit, without that vehicle, we would never be able to establish any contact or sense of the Divine. Pure and simple.

He entered this life as a Swateh Saint, a self-luminous Soul whose mission is to represent the Sound in a new era, culture, and geographical location.
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Gary Olsen letter to David Lane, as shared in Lane’s February 2011 publication “The Master Apologist”:
“In the years directly preceding the inception of MasterPath, I repeatedly turned away spiritual seekers requesting my tutelage, for in truth, I never had any intention of starting a path or assuming the position of guruship.”
The religious, philosophical, and metaphysical organizations of the world have usurped the power of the individual and supplanted it with their own hidden agenda, an agenda that never serves the individual, but always the collective consciousness. The MasterPath restores within the individual the power of pure spirituality.

The SOUL OF THE SEEKER IS INITIALLY DRAWN TO THE MASTERPATH THROUGH AN UNDENIABLE MAGNETISM MANIFESTING IN THE SEEKER'S CONSCIOUSNESS. The power that has divinely commissioned the Living Master in His earthly mission is the same divine power that draws and calls the weary seeker once again. Without this inner spiritual draw and divine magnetism deep within the heart of the soul, little can be done in the way of spiritual advancement.
VS. -->
Gary Olsen, One-on-One Booklet from the 1990’s:

List of responsibilities for the “Area Supervisor” -
1. To monitor all chelas as to their progress on attracting a new seeker. Each chela will be contacted and expected to inform the supervisor, as to their current position on new seekers. If someone has not contacted some new seeker, the supervisor will help in this regard.
2. The supervisors will be held accountable to the living master.
3. The supervisors will help all those who are struggling with finding a new seeker. If a new chela is having difficulty in talking to someone, the supervisor should be contacted.
4. The supervisor will be acting according to my wishes. If they handle something incorrectly, or to coarsely, they have me to deal with…I expect each supervisor to hold regular meetings with all chelas individually, keeping an account on each chela and his/ her results concerning new seekers.
5. The supervisors will be responsible for determining when the new chela should be instructed on the one on one format.
6. No flack, back talk, or bad vibrations should be directed towards the supervisors. They are acting on my behalf. I HAVE ASKED FOR THE ONE ON ONE TO BE IMPLEMENTED BY ALL CHELAS. THIS IS CRUCIAL. The supervisors are only to assist me in this area. I do not have the time to check up on everyone, wondering what their progress has been regarding this. This will be the supervisors job. Also if there is a chela that is not responding to the one on one, the supervisor can inform me of it, and then I can address the situation…without playing Dick Tracy.
7. EACH CHELA NOW KNOWS THAT THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR BEING A MINI-LECTURER THEMSELVES, and the supervisors will only be checking on what the chela already knows he/she is supposed to be manifesting.
8. Any problems whatsoever, that the chela has in this one on one, should be taken to the supervisors, and they will help in the best way possible.
9. I would like each chela to visit with the supervisor, at least twice, or until a new seeker is contacted. Once there is a new seeker with a chela, basically the supervisor’s responsibilities are done. It then is in the hands of the chela, to take mastership of the relationship, and prepare the new seeker for the meeting with the living master.
10. As it stands now, maybe three seminars a year would be tentatively scheduled. This means that each chela would have approximately three new seekers to find, screen and prepare. The supervisors are to assist in this. IT IS NOT THE SUPERVISOR'S JOB TO ROUND UP NEW SEEKERS, FOR THAT IS THE CHELA'S CAUSE AND CREATION.