1. that "there has been 'no' president that...." is a negative claim
2. you seem to be confusing the act of falsification with the principle of falsifiability.
You CAN falsify the claim that all presidents were males, by finding records / evidence of female presidents.
It's that simple. That no such evidence exists or can be found only means that you can't falsify the claim. That doesn't mean it is therefor unfalsifiable.
I said: "...
of the predicted nested hierarchy of genetic common ancestry,"
That means that known exceptions, such as the ones that
can be caused by known mechanisms like horizontal gene transfer, are taken into account.
Not any violations can be explained with HGT.
You should read up. Obviously you don't know what you are talking about.
It's like in geology. There are standard expectations of how the geological columns form, how rivers cut out canyons, etc. There are phenomenon that can cause deviations from those standard expectations and geologists are able to recognize those.
Young Earth Creationists like to ignore such things also and then try and argue that "
see???? geology is wrong!".
It's ridiculous and just arguing from a position of (willful?) ignorance.
No, you can't do that.
If you had the slightest clue, or a speck of intellectual honest (not sure which it is here), you'ld know that it doesn't work that way.
It's in fact the nested hierarchy that tells you on which branch it is. So your comment here is just a demonstration of your ignorance on the topic.