In my opinion, if a religious man named Yehoshua (Yeshua, Jesus) even existed in biblical times, then it's most likely that his followers embellished the stories about him, and more embellishment and folklore were later added to these stories to make him appear to be more than he actually was. It's possible, in my opinion, that he was simply a well-liked religious teacher whose followers spread false stories about him to make him appear godlike. I also think that it's likely that a few stories about him were copied and adapted from Greek mythology and other pagan religions as well, which predate both Christianity and the Bible. The "savior story" of Jesus isn't the first of its kind, and it shouldn't be viewed as remarkable or unique in any manner. I think it was greatly impacted by paganism, and as I explained in other threads (such as
this one), paganism significantly influenced Christianity. In my opinion, Jesus' story isn't any more credible than the other savior stories that predate his, such as "
10 Christ-Like Figures that Predate Jesus," and "
Other Gods That Rose From the Dead in Spring Before Jesus Christ." Jesus' story is one of many, and I don't think it's any more believable than the others.