And my son's last blood results ...
Wow! I completely ignored your response!, well let me see what you wrote o.o
And my son's last blood results showed that he needs more nutrients, which are readily available in meat. So there are alternatives; however, eating non-meat items is not a must either. If you really wanted to get down to it, one could survive off an IV. You choose to get certain nutrients from various living organisms, and I choose to get them from other living organisms.
I am not sure if we agree that a healthy diet can be 100% free of meat, but I think we do(you may correct me) and I´ll elaborate on such premise:
My postulate simply says, if we can sustain our life without causing suffering to other sentient beings (meat), isn´t it the taste a poor reason to just keep on making them suffer unnecesarily?
So me eating meat is natural.
Poison Ivy and disease is natural too. Wars in between human tribes is incredibly natural, as natural as it is in the animal kingdom.
Reality is, it is
natural for the human being to rise above all of this. It is our nature to be able to change and direct our nature if we so choose to.
I choose the meat that I eat based on a variety of circumstances. I buy a lot of it from a local meat market, that slaughters the animals humanely. I know this because I have spent the time to learn about it.
Thats great! I truly mean it. but the reality still is that that is hardly the case with most meat eaters.
You being a vegetarian, and trying to tell me that it is more compassionate or moral simply is egotistical. It is you saying you're better than other simply because you think you're better. There is no evidence that people who eat meat are not compassionate or moral, or that they are less so.
I am saying that being a vegetarian is the most compassionate choice in this matter specificaly. I am not saying that just because you are compassionate in one way you are compassionate in all. Just because the OP says "Meat Eaters= Selfish" and I am promoting vegetarianism in this thread, doesn´t mean
I Said that all meat eaters are less compassionate and more selfish that all vegetarians. I would deem such a posture unrefined to the least. There are all kinds of people with all kinds of beliefs for all kinds of reasons.
Just that I have a posture in what I believe it´s more compasionate and am promoting it as such doesn´t make me more egotistical than anyone doing so
Most of us promote compassion in one way or another, consiously or unconciously. I do would invite you to rethink such title that you put me in : /
You are being very misleading. Cow farts (and burps actually) do not compromise a large part of the Green House effect. It actually compromises about 2%, which is the same as the amount produced from trash decomposing in landfills. Not really much at all. And really, the research shows that even if people stopped eating beef (say 50%), it would only drop the percent by maybe 1%. Really not significant.
Well, UN seemed concerned with their contribution to greenhouse effect to a kind of large extent last time I read it. I think it was in a msn today message. In this article it was said that the UN wanted to promote people eating bugs because bugs produce far less methane.
I may have been misinformed as I never looked deeply into it, but on a quick google search, here is an article that at least backs up the fact that UN reported concern in the subject.
Rearing cattle produces more greenhouse gases than driving cars, UN report warns
I appreciate any insight you may bring on it as I see you have the badge of research, but to suggest that I am being purposefyully misleading is somewhat of a stretch (maybe I am drawing conclusions and you didn´t mean I did it on purpose?)