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Megiddo: March to Armageddon


Veteran Member
You need to watch this video. It's not what you might suppose...

Very very very well done...

Half of this video focuses on the Illuminati, Masonry and the New World Order...

This video focuses on all the various organizations which have sought to overthrow Christianity....

If you have dial-up, download it overnight, it's worth it..

Megiddo I: The March to Armageddon

The second half is better than the first half, which focuses on the New World Order...

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
If Masons are trying to over throw Christianity, then why are there Christians who belong to the Masons? My grandfather was a 32nd degree Mason, and he was also a very zealous Christian. Masons aren't a threat to anyone.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Eze 3:17-19
(17) Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.
(18) When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
(19) Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.

1918 Battle of Megiddo = Start of Peace treaty with Israel

1977 Release of Maccabees 3/4 = Abomination of desolation

John was a Pharisee, most likely Nicodemus/Nicolaitans.
= Makes Yeshua look like a Dragon.

Paul contradicts Yeshua on well over 36 clear points.
= Murderer of the faithful.

Simon the stone (peter) of stumbling was also Pharisee
=Fake Prophet.

So when all nations follow it, then this is what these established….it is a city built on blood shed with many children stemming from it…..basically Pharisees have a new name, anyone following these has not been following Yeshua teachings!

1)No drinking other then water (wisdom is justified of her children: Habakkuk 2)
2)If you say it is good a son dies as a sacrifice, it defiles the law of Good.
3)Yeshua was divider, not peace (that we must work towards).
4)Don’t follow Pharisees!
5)Don’t convert peoples.
6)Here is hell or God’s foot stool, so we are on the bottom step.

That is to begin and loads more could be added quite literally, every word spoken by the Pharisees…..
I do not wish to argue over the things of God and come in the name of the lord, so please ask and will explain.
Over throw Christianity done! Words of Yeshua remain!


Veteran Member
If Masons are trying to over throw Christianity, then why are there Christians who belong to the Masons? My grandfather was a 32nd degree Mason, and he was also a very zealous Christian. Masons aren't a threat to anyone.
Watch the video...


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Watch the video...
Don't watch the video! I tried yet Dave Hunt having met him in person, has a spirit far from heaven and very egotistical driven, to prove his point....there are others and the film continues...
yet began to make me sick after about 1 minute....it is purely Anti-Christ’s material...there is none in it trying to be peace makers they are more trying to prove why the Pharisees are right :angel2:


Well-Known Member
The masons are far from trying to overthrow Christianity. Every male in my family is in the Masons and all much more religious then myself. My step father is also a mason and he is Brethren.


Well-Known Member
The battle of Meggido will have its 90th birthday next year, its 89th anniversary is this month.

In the battle General Allenby defeated the Turks and ended 600 years of occupation of Palestine by the Ottoman Empire.

Sinai and Palestine Campaign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

General Allenby finally launched his long-delayed attack on September 19, 1918. The campaign has been called the Battle of Megiddo (which is the correct spelling of the name of an ancient town known in the west as Armageddon). Again, the British spent a great deal of effort to deceive the Turks as to their actual intended target of operations. This effort was, again, successful and the Turks were taken by surprise when the British attacked Meggido in a sudden storm. The Turkish troops started a full scale retreat, the British bombed the fleeing columns of men from the air and within a week, the Turkish army had ceased to exist as a military force.
Australian Lighthorse troops marched unopposed into Damascus on September 30, 1918. T.E. Lawrence and his Arab troops entered Damascus the next day to receive an "Official" surrender. The war in Palestine was over. The Turkish government signed an armistice on October 28, 1918 and outright surrendered two days later. 600 years of Ottoman rule over the Middle East had come to an end.


Flaming Queer
this is basically a guy comparing Masonic practices to the Bible, and quite rightly saying that the two are different.... so what's new?


Veteran Member
Don't watch the video! I tried yet Dave Hunt having met him in person, has a spirit far from heaven and very egotistical driven, to prove his point....there are others and the film continues...
yet began to make me sick after about 1 minute....it is purely Anti-Christ’s material...there is none in it trying to be peace makers they are more trying to prove why the Pharisees are right :angel2:
Yeah, this video will make one who is opposed to Christ and Christianity very very very sick indeed...

This video exposes Masonry, Freemasonry, Illuminati and all other groups associated with them, who have the same goal in mind, to undermine and/or illiminate Christianity...


Veteran Member
The masons are far from trying to overthrow Christianity. Every male in my family is in the Masons and all much more religious then myself. My step father is also a mason and he is Brethren.
Many LDS members are also involved, even Joseph Smith and Brigham Young fell for their tactics...

Cleary these groups have a stronghold on Christians from all walks of life and every denomination...

Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger, one of the highest leaders in the Catholic faith, was heavily involved with Freemasonry as were many of our founding fathers, such as Thomas Jefferson.

The Masons search out high ranking Christian officials in all walks of life and recruit them into their societies and pullute their minds with subtle anti-Christian thinking..

It's a very very very subtle deception that is messing with best among us...

George Bush and John Kerry are an example of some of their victims...as was Franklin Delanor Roosevelt, who gave us our social security system, thanks to the Illuminati and their New World Order agenda...

President Roosevelt put the pyramid with the all seeing eye and the phrase "The Beginning of the New World Order" in latin around it on the dollar bill, with the date of the establishment of the Illuminati on it also...


Well-Known Member
Many LDS members are also involved, even Joseph Smith and Brigham Young fell for their tactics...

Cleary these groups have a stronghold on Christians from all walks of life and every denomination...

Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger, one of the highest leaders in the Catholic faith, was heavily involved with Freemasonry as were many of our founding fathers, such as Thomas Jefferson.

The Masons search out high ranking Christian officials in all walks of life and recruit them into their societies and pullute their minds with subtle anti-Christian thinking..

It's a very very very subtle deception that is messing with best among us...

George Bush and John Kerry are and example of some of their victims...

LOL..Well I guess it did not work on my family my father died a christian after being a mason for 30 years, My brother is a mason and a christian for over 20 years, my stepfather is 81 years old and still brethren, he has been a mason for over 50 years.


Veteran Member
LOL..Well I guess it did not work on my family my father died a christian after being a mason for 30 years, My brother is a mason and a christian for over 20 years, my stepfather is 81 years old and still brethren, he has been a mason for over 50 years.
The Masonry deception is subtle and infiltrates the mind to a degree that you would probably not notice a difference in a Christian not involved with Masonry and a Christian who is involved, unless you were to ask them specific questions in which they would reply, "those are secret oaths I have sworn not to devulge," at which point they have given away their true allegiance...

That's the Mason's goal, to infiltrate the minds of Christians in order to tear them down spiritually, by teaching subtle anti-Christian philosophies, while keeping them in good standing with their local churches and high Chrisitan and political leadership positions..

Christ will say to many Christians, when he meets them at the judgement bar, "depart from me, ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you".

There are many who profess to be Christians, but who are secretly, in their hearts and minds, far from a relationship with Christ...

Christ said, "Even the very elect will be deceived," in the last days.


Citizen Mod
I just watched the first half and it seems to be comparing superstition with superstition. It is a bit biased with quoting scriptures from the Bible. The narrator seems to be promoting that the Bible has it right and every other person who speaks about afterwards cannot have it correct because the Bible says it is not so. More circular logic.


Veteran Member
this is basically a guy comparing Masonic practices to the Bible, and quite rightly saying that the two are different.... so what's new?
For example, when I see an obliesk, with the words, "Welcome to South Jordan," and I know one of the city council members responsible for erecting this, is a well known LDS member and leader in my ward/church, it serves to warn me each day of the depth to which the Illuminati, and their sister groups, the Freemasons and the Masons, have infiltrated our particular highly concentrated LDS community...

It can serve to warn me to avoid individuals who are involved with this group, right in my own neighborhood and community...

This obleisk is within sight of an LDS temple construction sight and I pass it every day to work, again it says "Welcome to South Jordan", so obviously those on the city council had a vote on the style of the marker and I know one of those city council members...he is my next door LDS neigbor..

Obleisks are associated with the ant-Christian organizations, like the Illuminati and Freemasonry, but recruit Christians in order to tear down our societies. Brilliant thinking on Satan's part, got to hand him that one at least...


Flaming Queer
For example, when I see an obliesk, with the words, "Welcome to South Jordan," and I know one of the city council members responsible for erecting this, is a well known LDS member and leader in my ward/church, it serves to warn me each day of the depth to which the Illuminati, and their sister groups, the Freemasons and the Masons, have infiltrated our particular highly concentrated LDS community...

It can serve to warn me to avoid individuals who are involved with this group, right in my own neighborhood and community...

This obleisk is within sight of an LDS temple construction sight and I pass it every day to work, again it says "Welcome to South Jordan", so obviously those on the city council had a vote on the style of the marker and I know one of those city council members...he is my next door LDS neigbor..

Obleisks are associated with the ant-Christian organizations, like the Illuminati and Freemasonry, but recruit Christians in order to tear down our societies. Brilliant thinking on Satan's part, got to hand him that one at least...

and your point is?


Veteran Member
I just watched the first half and it seems to be comparing superstition with superstition. It is a bit biased with quoting scriptures from the Bible. The narrator seems to be promoting that the Bible has it right and every other person who speaks about afterwards cannot have it correct because the Bible says it is not so. More circular logic.
Watch the rest of it, the second half is much better and the theme shifts quite a bit...


Veteran Member
and your point is?
You figure it out, the rules here don't allow me to come out and say certain things. Trying to be as polite as possible, but that makes for a vague incinuation, for the most part...

If I said everything I wanted to concerning this, I would surely be banned...

Don't push me into making another mistake...

Edit: In other words I'm not at liberty here to post all I would like to post concerning this...


Flaming Queer
You figure it out, the rules here don't allow me to come out and say certain things. Trying to be as polite as possible, but that makes for a vague incinuation, for the most part...

If I said everything I wanted to concerning this, I would surely be banned...

Don't push me into making another mistake...

i genuinely do not see any connection with some obelisk you pass every day on your way to work, and your theory that Masons are out to destroy your religion.


Veteran Member
Freemasons of Utah

I also dated a girl, for years, who was not LDS, but was investigating the church (her parents had raised her as an Episcapalian and she also professed to be Presbyterian), who was involved with Job's daughters, and they would meet in the Masonic temple, here in Utah. I went to one of their public ceremonies. It gave me the creeps.. Sort of a secret Masonic society for young women. That girl messed me up bad. I wish I had never dated her.. She was messed up bad. Her last name was Drehman (too close to the spelling of Demon, and I actually saw a demon come out of her, who reached out to try and grab me, when I backed off the image left as quickly as it came)

That's the only time I've ever seen a demon or an evil spirit. I quit seeing her the next time I saw her after that happened and have not seen her since, in 25 years... She has since tried to meet with me, even though I am married...

The Illuminati, Freemasons and Masons have infiltrated all parts of our society..

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
FFH this is a crap.....(not really what I wanted to say).

You can't believe everything you hear or read. I thought you would have figured that out already. As far as Obleisks are concerned.....So what if some one want sto build one and place an inscription on it. I've heard the washington monument has an inscription on it......

Speaking of Illuminati... look at the back of your dollar bill. It's full of secret society symbols and bears the inscription "In God We Trust".....So what point are you trying to make?