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Megiddo: March to Armageddon


Veteran Member
FFH this is a crap.....(not really what I wanted to say).

You can't believe everything you hear or read. I thought you would have figured that out already. As far as Obleisks are concerned.....So what if some one want sto build one and place an inscription on it. I've heard the washington monument has an inscription on it......
Obleisks are a symbol adopted by the Illuminati/Freemasonry/Masonry.

Speaking of Illuminati... look at the back of your dollar bill. It's full of secret society symbols
I'm more aware of it than you know...

Thanks to President Roosevelt, we have these Illuminati/Freemasonry symbols on our dollar bill, with the inscriptution, "The Beginning of the New World Order" and the date in which the Illuminati was founded, right on the back of our dollar bill.

and bears the inscription "In God We Trust".....So what point are you trying to make?
Satan mixes good with bad, truth with lies.

He infiltrates Christian's minds by recruiting them into these "secret" brotherhood groups... Satan could care less about Satanists and Lucifarians, they are already his, he is mainly focused on those who are a threat to his kingdom, those being Christians of course. He can appeal to their male egos by recruiting them into these "secret" brotherhood groups and push his subtle anti=Christian philosophies there, with an oath attached, so his secret lies opposing Christ's teachings will not be revealed...

Got to hand it to him, he's the master deceiver...


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Yeah, this video will make one who is opposed to Christ and Christianity very very very sick indeed...
Christ and Christ-i-an-ity can not go together, one is religious the other not...

That video makes any who love Yeshua like family..... Opposed to everything and everyone...so blatantly Anti-Christ....
when will you realize i want to help not hinder......:angel2:


Flaming Queer
Freemasons of Utah

I also dated a girl, for years, who was not LDS, but was investigating the church (her parents had raised her as an Episcapalian and she also professed to be Presbyterian), who was involved with Job's daughters, and they would meet in the Masonic temple, here in Utah. I went to one of their public ceremonies. It gave me the creeps.. Sort of a secret Masonic society for young women. That girl messed me up bad. I wish I had never dated her.. She was messed up bad. Her last name was Drehman (too close to the spelling of Demon, and I actually saw a demon come out of her, who reached out to try and grab me, when I backed off the image left as quickly as it came)

That's the only time I've ever seen a demon or an evil spirit. I quit seeing her the next time I saw her after that happened and have not seen her since, in 25 years... She has since tried to meet with me, even though I am married...

The Illuminati, Freemasons and Masons have infiltrated all parts of our society..

so your mixing of a personal experience with one girls proves that all Masons are out to destroy your religion? i don't see that as a justification for the conclusion you are making here.


Well-Known Member
Why are you opposed to Christianity and Christ ???

he actually is very respectful of and seems to accept Christ. he does not like what Chrinity has transformed Christ into.

Now, that said, i think that Christianity has not done such a bad job. Te message of Christ is still clear after two millenia, no matter how much the clergy may have tried to keep it under their collective thumb.



Veteran Member
so your mixing of a personal experience with one girls proves that all Masons are out to destroy your religion? i don't see that as a justification for the conclusion you are making here.
Illuminati/Freemasonry groups push a "New World Order".

A forced world wide money, political and religious system...

Christ was opposed to such tryannical governments...

On this basis alone they have proven to be anti-Christian...


Veteran Member
Obelisks were created in stone age Egypt.

Right and is an adopted symbol by the Illuminati/Freemasonry groups...

They have aligned themselves with this ancient Satanic symbol...

The Washington Monument is a prime example as is the obleisk in the Vatican courtyard....


Flaming Queer
Illuminati/Freemasonry groups push a "New World Order".

A forced world wide money, political and religious system...

Christ was opposed to such tryannical governments...

On this basis alone they have proven to be anti-Christian...

no more than the religious right, or any other organised religion to be fair. you telling me that Christian who proselytise are not pushing for a new world order? the coming of the kingdom on earth? or is it different when the subject is your beliefs...?


Veteran Member
The Illuminati was founded May 1, 1776, which is inscribed in Roman numerals, on the base of the pyramid, on the American Dollar. The Illuminati and the Mason's were for the establishment of a "New World Order".

Annuit Coeptis - Annuit (Announcing) Coeptis (Birth)
Novus Ordo Seclorum - Novus (New) Ordo (Order) Seclorum (World)

"Announcing the Birth of the New World Order"

At the base of the pyramid, 1776 is written in Roman numerals.

MDCCLXXVI - MDC (1600) CLX (160) XVI (16)

(1) numerical meaning is (beginning)
(666) is the number of the (beast)

"The Beginning of the Beast"

The male/female god Shiva is also represented in the pyramid shape with the eye at the top, or "head" of the pyramid.

Shiva is raising her right hand and has a mark on her forehead, which is a "Third Eye", or the "Mark of Shiva"

"Announcing the Birth of the New World Order" and "The Beginning of the Beast"


Veteran Member
no more than the religious right, or any other organised religion to be fair. you telling me that Christian who proselytise are not pushing for a new world order? the coming of the kingdom on earth? or is it different when the subject is your beliefs...?
The difference is, one is forced the other is not..

I was not given a choice to take a social security number by President Roosevelt. All citizens are required to take it, no choice in the matter whatsoever...

All U.S. born citizens are assigned a number at birth, no choice in the matter...

All U.S. citizens are allowed to choose their religion, there is a choice in the matter, and that's the way God wants it to be...

Satan would have us forced into his religion, monetary system and government, which many evil men in many different organizations are pushing for in these last days, so that all might not be able to buy or sell unless they had the "mark of the beast"..

Christ would have us choose our religion and government and share equally with all our goods...


Veteran Member
Satan would have us forced into his religion, monetary system and government, which many evil men in many different organizations are pushing for in these last days, so that all might not be able to buy or sell unless they had the "mark of the beast"..

Christ would have us choose our religion and government and share equally with all our goods...

And this 'evil' is all the Masons doing? :areyoucra


Liebe ist für alle da
Right and is an adopted symbol by the Illuminati/Freemasonry groups...

They have aligned themselves with this ancient Satanic symbol...

The Washington Monument is a prime example as is the obleisk in the Vatican courtyard....

The Illuminati was founded May 1, 1776, which is inscribed in Roman numerals, on the base of the pyramid, on the American Dollar. The Illuminati and the Mason's were for the establishment of a "New World Order".

Annuit Coeptis - Annuit (Announcing) Coeptis (Birth)
Novus Ordo Seclorum - Novus (New) Ordo (Order) Seclorum (World)

"Announcing the Birth of the New World Order"

At the base of the pyramid, 1776 is written in Roman numerals.

MDCCLXXVI - MDC (1600) CLX (160) XVI (16)

(1) numerical meaning is (beginning)
(666) is the number of the (beast)

"The Beginning of the Beast"

The male/female god Shiva is also represented in the pyramid shape with the eye at the top, or "head" of the pyramid.

Shiva is raising her right hand and has a mark on her forehead, which is a "Third Eye", or the "Mark of Shiva"

"Announcing the Birth of the New World Order" and "The Beginning of the Beast"

Once again it's nice to know that you will find was to say every one else religion and believe is evil and Satanic with out coming out and saying it. The obelisk is of Ancient Egypt, so what now the religion of Egypt is evil, that what I see. And the picture you have up there is of a Hindu is I'm not mistaken, so what, Hinduism is evil now too. Stop beating around the burning bush here and say what you truly mean...... what that will get you banned, right. Stop trying to make every thing out to be poor old me and my religion, every one is evil and out to get us:sad4:.


Flaming Queer
The difference is; one is forced the other is not..

I was not given a choice to take a social security number by President Roosevelt. All citizens are required to take it, no choice in the matter whatsoever...

All U.S. born citizens are assigned a number at birth, no choice in the matter...

All U.S. citizens are allowed to choose their religion, there is a choice in the matter, and that's the way God wants it to be...

Satan would have us forced into his religion, monetary system and government, which many evil men in many different organizations are pushing for in these last days, so that all might not be able to buy or sell unless they had the "mark of the beast"..

Christ would have us choose our religion and government and share equally with all our goods...

and how are you being forced into a Masonic way of thinking? a Masonic religion? other than the fact that they are putting pressure on the government for what they think to become the norm, but a lot of other religious groups do that to. what it looks like to me is they advertise. advertising doesn't force people into something and it doesn't remove choice.


I do not think Satan ruling the world would be so bad. Look at it this way. God has murdered at least two million people, which He freely admits. God only claims that Satan has killed ten people and that was only when God told him to. The words of a mass murderer are not so reliable, so it is not that far of a leap to assume God lies when he calls Satan evil. Satan is most likely a true freedom-fighter, fighting against the tyranny and oppression of God as demonstrated in the Old Testament.