Can you kindly explain it a bit more?
"That which is not uttered by speech, that by which the word is expressed, know That alone to be Brahman, and not this which is being worshipped."
Explain: Ok, I'll try, can't promise to give you what you seek.
I copied your moto, thought it is interesting, what is the motto referring to?
The books, as far as I'm concerned, were written, directed, for a specific group of people.
The Old books are not for the ones who are called Jews, they are just being fooled.
Religions don't start at grass root level, religions come from the Emperor, they are the ones who issue religion, It's an Order and in the Order you do as you told, Obey.
The 'New' books are directed for those who believe they follow Jesus' teachings but are fooled as well.
Rather, the books are two sides to the coin, the Old and the New.
There is a certain group called ISRAEL, again not the Jews. In the Old books we are called 'the children of Israel'.
ISRAEL is JACOB, Jacob is James-English. The 'House of Jacob' are the ones who made a pact with the concept of YHVH, Lord. YHVH offered them the priesthood in exchange for worship, Ex19.3-6.5 the second half of the verse is there to throw us off. The language used is confusing; 'These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.'
If we begin from a view point that the books are not written for our benfit as a guide book, then who were they written for?
I'm working on getting people to see that.
Too many people 'believe' the books were written for them, most people don't see the 'play' in the script, they read the stories believing them to be real history or allegory but they don't really know what is going on.
Psychology and body.
How do you capture ones attention especially one who's meditating? Going to the mountain of Elohim-God-Mind-reason-Logos-word.
You'd use sound and light show, aka the angel of the Lord (YHVH) in the burning bush.
Once you turned from the path, you are captured by YHVH, that's what happened to Moses Ex.3.
There are 4 majour players, at first I saw only two, then noticed that the two become 4. Used differently in the books, each one means something different.
The books were not written as an afterthought, they were/are premeditated.
1. God-Elohim
2. Lord-YHVH-Yahweh-Adonai
3.Lord God-YHVH Elohim- Lord God-Adonai Elohim
4. My Lord Yahweh-Adonai YHVH
The system we live in is based on the concepts and rules written in the Bible according to the 'play'.
It's a 'play' to be played and acted by us on a daily basis and a 'play' to be acted by those certain people who then perform it on the world's stage.
'The world's a stage' Shakespeare, read that and you'll see the 7 days of creation.
We perceive the world, so it is about our 'perception'.
it's all about 'Entertainment, depends what we 'Entertain' ourselves with.
Either doing/touching or watching or listening, smelling, tasting, entertainment.
5 senses=5 fingers, each one represents a sense.
Many things don't make sense because they are concepts, we imagine them, each one of us uses our capabilities and mental image pictures that stem from our resevoir of pictures at the time of learning the concept.
Most are stuck in the childhood concepts, what they heard when children'.
Problem is, the concepts can be misleading if we don't know the meaning of the words used and for what purpose they are used.
Plenty of resistance within us causes us to dismiss off hand any different way of looking at the script, we don't wish to have the rug pulled from under us, we may fall without stopping, fear, we are only going to fall on our bums, get hurt a little, then get up, but fear causes us to imagine that it wil be the never ending fall, that we'll lose our minds etc. The defence mechanism kicks into over drive.
We don't ask questions.
We end up fighting or willing to die for the cause, we can't change our views, not allowed. Whereas those who the books were written for as a guide book can change their religion and outward beliefs at a moment notice, they can be a part of any of the religions around, makes no difference to them, it's all part of the con for the masses.
I can see the play, not all of it, that will probably require one of them to teach me but I doubt anyone will. I'd have to be part of the 'Family', 'the House of Jacob', or a 'Levite', Levi BTW was endowed with '24 priestly gifts' when born (wikipedia).
When you read Jerusalem, think; new Jerusalem, London, the temple is just outside the City.
Books are not that ancient, most of the ancient records are hidden or burnt, history was changed, religions and beliefs changed altered, new versioned etc from the time the printing press came into effect.
Simple folks didn't live long, were starved many times over, killed and re-educated.
The killing of the aristocracy also happened through wars, a lot of what we think we know is simply not is/was.
Throughout time We were not trained to see, we were traind to believe/imagine the stories/narrative and react/obey/under stand.
Now we get confused on who is who.
How can God be this way and then change? we ask.
There is more than one entity in the play, we confuse them by thinking/believing there can be only one within the concepts, it is drummed into us everyday.