When God created Adam, or even the prehistorical humans before Adam, he reached into the earth and formed us from the dirt. Interesting. He wanted us composed of the very planet we were to live on. So physically, humans can be related to anything that comes from the earth. And science has proved that, we are related to " Butterbeans", we share something in common with any living plant. With any living creature, there is then common descent.
Which makes perfect sense to me, God wanted humanity to be " Earthy, or of the earth." And this is what I think misleads science in their theorys of evolution, they can see the commonality, but do not understand the things that God did.
God said " From the earth we can, and to it shall you return." A profound statement of how even in death, we are related to the earth. We depend on the earth for living our lives, it depends on us to nurture it. The earth then is a giant incubator where nothing has evolved, but all things constantly grow. This gives the illusion of evolution, when its really Life substaining life, which is a definition and proof of God.