Its not irrational to my mind. God is my consciousness, my very being, and yours to. Our consciousness comes from him, not from some big bang theory or useless interpitations of something evolving from nothing. Salvation is free because its the true destiny of all humanity, to live with God forever, and has absolutely nothing to do with us believing it or not. God has planned it for us all, and none of us will be left out.
The only cost to salvation that God required is that Jesus become human and be killed, that, and that alone has paied Gods requirements for humanity. Salvation has been falsely protrayed by foolish believers as some kind " Of Test", that only those who pass will " Make it." Or a thing thats only for " Good Believers", such is nonsense, every human being who has ever lived and not believed, needs God more than believers do, and God understands this. God is not stupid or ignorant. Humanity is.