That's the issue. We tell people they can be anything they want, and then want to act like they shouldn't be upset when the reality is that if you want to make a decent living you have to forfeit your potential and do the dull, boring, and "safe" route. It's not living your life, but living to be an expendable cog feeding the whims of the bourgeoisie, the owners who are choosing what gets invested in and what gets done. We scoff at arts and humanities, but cry that we are becoming so dumb and culturally bland. Go ahead, be anything you want to be, but just don't expect to make enough to have a roof over your head or food on the table.
I never told you to be anything you want. I dont personally go telling anyone to do what they want.
Heck, if I followed that mantra, I would fail miserably trying to be in the NBA.
Like I said, hard work and smart choices.
I have no idea what else to say in this matter. It's like some are already the proverbial old dog that can't learn new tricks.