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Miracles (Does God Exist?)


Two Tears In a Bucket
You don't happen to be a gangsta god lover?

lol, I don't normally care for rap music, and I'm certainly no gangsta. My mother played this song for me a few weeks ago, and I enjoyed it. It made some sense, and kinda opened me up to look around the world, helping me to acknowledge some things I've been missing. We are a diverse people. From gangsta god lover to gay god lover, I don't think there is really much difference between those who love him.


godless wonder
It is in everyday occurrences that we experience God. I think in order to live ones life fully, there must be gratitude and appreciation for what is. Otherwise, there can be no joy in what we've been given. Whether you believe in God or not, appreciation for life itself is vital if you wish to find happiness.
Most of America has NO IDEA what it's like to live in a 3rd world country. Been there and seen it first hand (many times). It's times like those that ensure to me that a loving god doesn't exist, but at the same time I appreciate all that I have (health, house, food on the table, and loving family). Appreciation comes when you have to compare what you have with those that have nothing.


Two Tears In a Bucket
In other words go blow your money on everything you want because tomorrow is only possible....:rolleyes:.

Blow my money? No, enjoy life, ninerbuff! Money is hardly an issue. Live each day to the fullest because you never know what tomorrow will bring, but be wise at the same time.


godless wonder
lol, I don't normally care for rap music, and I'm certainly no gangsta. My mother played this song for me a few weeks ago, and I enjoyed it. It made some sense, and kinda opened me up to look around the world, helping me to acknowledge some things I've been missing. We are a diverse people. From gangsta god lover to gay god lover, I don't think there is really much difference between those who love him.
So are you a Big Brother like me? Or are you just appreciating your own life?


Two Tears In a Bucket
Most of America has NO IDEA what it's like to live in a 3rd world country. Been there and seen it first hand (many times). It's times like those that ensure to me that a loving god doesn't exist, but at the same time I appreciate all that I have (health, house, food on the table, and loving family). Appreciation comes when you have to compare what you have with those that have nothing.

Appreciation comes when you are grateful for what little you do have. Many in third world countries are more grateful than us. Just because a person has little doesn't mean that gratitude is not part of their daily lives. We all want better lives, but it isn't until we find appreciation for what we do have that we are able be grateful. No matter how small our blessing may seem, they are large enough to share with those we share this world with. Our blessings 'should' be extended to those who have less (IMO).
What specifics would you like to know, and why would the details be so important for those of you who do not believe in a creator at all?

I believe in God (Creator of all things) and I believe in love. The rest is inconsequential baggage. Most people are in sinking ships refusing to toss out the baggage (Religion) in order to keep the boat afloat, while others (Atheists) choose to swim the span of the ocean without so much of a life jacket to hold them up. We have two extremes with most people, both of which lead to the same end.


more accurately atheists are standing on solid ground wondering why so many weirdo's are screaming "QUICK, GET IN MY BOAT BEFORE YOU DROWN!!!"

sortof the equivalent of walking into a room where a six year old is playing and they say "DONT STEP ON THE HOT LAVA!" only instead of jumping up on the couch to appease the kid, we simply ask to be left alone.


Well-Known Member
Evidence of life is evident. I myself see evidence of God all around me. You see nothing but fancy chemistry. How do people come to such opposing views all while given the same substance to taste? I guess some like tofu while others don't. Perhaps some people just have a dull palate, and are unable to experience the subtle flavors that some are able to enjoy.

The usual condescending religious stuff, I see.

I am fine with subtle flavours, thank you, and I don't need an imaginary friend to experience them.

If we see beauty in something, it just tells us something about ourselves. No mystical imaginings are needed. In fact, I think that those who try to see things as they are, without theological decorations, have a far deeper appreciation of them.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Belief in God is religion? Sorry, penguin but belief in God is simply acknowledging a creative force greater than self. It is hardly religion. Religion (My definition of) is a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects.
You've already outlined enough of your beliefs in this thread to qualify as a religion on that basis.

If you're simply quibbling that because your beliefs are unique to you, you aren't a member of a religion (a religion of one, effectively), then I suppose that's a fair (albeit hair-splitting) point, but it doesn't really speak to the relative merits of your belief system vs. the belief systems of others, does it?

Belief in God, or rather a creative force behind life itself is not what I would call religion. Unless of course one thinks this force demands worship, sacrifice, and/or should be feared.
No... there are more approaches to religion than the "standard" approach of the Abrahamic religions. It seems you've found one of them. Fine for you, but it doesn't necessarily make your beliefs better than anyone else's.


Well-Known Member
Passing judgement? LOL I'm delusional according to you ..... Is that religion? You seem confused.....

"I'm delusional according to you"

Well, then prove me wrong.

Here is a suggestion for you, first unplug your keyboard; you will not need it. Then actually read some of the posts by the theist around here. You know the ones with the grits to actually engage the atheist in open debate, the ones that put real thought, work and intelligence into their posts. You might actually learn something, and clearly you are in desperate need of some learning.
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Two Tears In a Bucket
"I'm delusional according to you"

Well, then prove me wrong.

Here is a suggestion for you, first unplug your keyboard; you will not need it. Then actually read some of the posts by the theist around here. You know the ones with the grits to actually engage the atheist in open debate, the ones that put real thought, work and intelligence into their posts. You might actually learn something, and clearly you are in desperate need of some learning.

Are we full of ourselves Jeremiah? Thus far you have done nothing of the sort and you expect me to do that which you are either unwilling or unable to do yourself? Lets add double standards, condescending attitude, inflated ego, and hypocrisy to your list shall we? If you are capable of debate without displaying such characteristics then I'll be more than happy to conduct myself with a little more seriousness. Thus far you have done little more than be insulting; I have followed suit.

Lets start with you thinking myself to be delusional for believing there is a God, eh? Are all believers delusional, then? That's like a slap in the face to millions of people you share this world with. It's people like you that add to the division between atheists and theists.

Listen, You don't need to believe in God to benefit from Gods creation, but you do miss out on something far greater than the material world. You miss out on the spiritual benefits than stem from a persons faith. That is your choice, but I find it a bit sad that you would deem the faithful to be delusional simply because you are not capable of realizing that there are very real and very powerful spiritual aspects to life.

You want proof that God exists? Well, I'm sorry, but the proof you are looking for will never be delivered to you as long as you keep yourself closed off from the spiritual aspects of life. I suppose all invisible things are nonsense to you as well? Music, love, the air you breath, etc.

If these things are [not] nonsense, then why are those who believe in an invisible God delusional? You don't believe, and it is because of your unbelief that you have deemed millions mentally ill (Delusional) all while you puff yourself up, and boast in your own so called sanity. You can't fill a cup full of old wine with new wine without the old spilling over can you?

The point is that no matter where we are and no matter what we believe about God and religion, we constantly have to empty ourselves of that which we think we know in order to gain further insight. Those who refuse to dump the baggage they have acquired over a lifetime will never be able to attain new truths simply because the old prevents it.

You seem to be comfortable on self reliance, but you are swimming the span of an ocean with out even a safety net. God is my safety net, or rather the love of God is my safety net. Living my life in a manner beneficial to those I share this world with is what I aspire to do. No matter how blind I think atheists to be, they are still a part of this very diverse world, and I desire only the best for them.

As an atheist, do you think belief in God to be dangerous? If so, how/why? Should it matter to you that millions have found solace in their faith? It is quite telling what the truth is in a thread like this one. What is the theist to atheist ratio on this particular thread? It seems to me that anything God related is taboo to many of you, so like a pack of dogs you pounce on the outcast who believes in God and miracles, you insult them, and suggest they have much to learn.

Maybe a mirror would benefit you more than anything?



Two Tears In a Bucket
more accurately atheists are standing on solid ground wondering why so many weirdo's are screaming "QUICK, GET IN MY BOAT BEFORE YOU DROWN!!!"

sortof the equivalent of walking into a room where a six year old is playing and they say "DONT STEP ON THE HOT LAVA!" only instead of jumping up on the couch to appease the kid, we simply ask to be left alone.

We compass this life alone, yhbh. No one is asking you to jump in their boat. If you wish to compass live with nothing but yourself as a vessel, then that is your choice. Good luck with it ..... When you tire out, and have nothing left to hold on to maybe you'll realize that God provides. Even if it's just an old log to wrap your arms around.


Two Tears In a Bucket
The usual condescending religious stuff, I see.

I am fine with subtle flavours, thank you, and I don't need an imaginary friend to experience them.

If we see beauty in something, it just tells us something about ourselves. No mystical imaginings are needed. In fact, I think that those who try to see things as they are, without theological decorations, have a far deeper appreciation of them.

Really? Are you able to walk in my shoes and vice versa? Is the grass truly greener on the other side? Neither of us can speak for the other as far as who has a deeper appreciation of what is. You know what they say about assumptions, right? They make an *** out of U and ME.

Surely you're not able to determine who has a deeper appreciation for life. Your comment has no basis in reality. :facepalm:



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Really? Are you able to walk in my shoes and vice versa? Is the grass truly greener on the other side? Neither of us can speak for the other as far as who has a deeper appreciation of what is. You know what they say about assumptions, right? They make an *** out of U and ME.

Surely you're not able to determine who has a deeper appreciation for life. Your comment has no basis in reality. :facepalm:



I'm saying if God didn't exist then there would be no life to live


Two Tears In a Bucket
I don't know if there is a God or not, but that song was GOD awful!

LOL, Another Barry Manilow fan? :facepalm: ICP is kinda like dark German beer, ya gotta acquire a taste for it. It isn't the music, but the message of the song. Try to look past the music and hear the message. It is a good one. Actually, most rap songs have a message if you can get past the music .....


Two Tears In a Bucket


[If] there is a Creator than life is dependent upon His existence. Being that I am one who believes in a Creative force behind life, its only reasonable to believe that life would not exist without that creative force. Would you suggest that there is no higher force behind life? Maybe one day all you critical thinkers will identify the force that triggered creation. Until then, feel free to deny whatever you wish. It doesn't matter either way as life does exist and [you] are able to experience it whether you believe in God or not.

When you are able to prove that there is no creator, I'll concede. Until then you can remain in your little materialized box, deny your maker till you are blue in the face, acknowledge only that which you can see, and criticize those of us who know otherwise.
