Good for him/her! fast did s/he get to you? I think my fastest approach when I was a missionary was thirty seconds. I would have been faster, but I had to dodge around a toddler.
But yeah, an interfaith gathering would have been a good place to get one of those. I hope you also got all the goodies from every other faith that was there that day.
I remember an interfaith gathering that our own 'stake' hosted a few years ago. There were Wiccans who blessed the chapel, Methodists who sang blessings on it, Presbyterians who rang bells in it, a Muslim who called everybody to prayer in it, a Rabbi who brought his cantor to sing...that was my favorite for sheer beautiful music...(actually, my favorites were the Wiccans) and a bunch of Lutherans, Seventh Day Adventists and Catholics (monks from the local priory...they were great!) pretty much everybody but Jehovah's Witnesses, who were invited but didn't come.
Lots of Books of Mormon were passed out, and we made sure that everybody else had stuff to pass out, too. A good time was had by everybody except the Muslim, who had a huff because the Rabbi came on before him (or after him? I forget) .
Everybody else had a very nice day.