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Mitt Romney for president, 2020.


Well-Known Member
That's flat out false.
I have consistently referred to Slick Willy Clinton as a sleazy scumbag.

That's fine. He IS a sleazy scumbag. And he was absolutely and completely responsible for everything that happened at the time. Monica Lewinsky was not responsible for anything HE did. She was only responsible for herself and her own actions. To talk about how she was responsible for her own actions is to take responsibility away from what he did.

Monica has to deal with her own issues, and she's had to take the blame for his for a long time. Nothing she did, or thought, takes a thing away from HIS sleazebaggery. The two things are entirely different issues.

And that is what I was referring to. In terms of his cheating, his lies and his actions, nothing SHE did or thought matters. Had he behaved himself, she would either not have had the occasion to need to be 'responsible' for her own actions with him. She might have gone off and been irresponsible with someone ELSE, but not with him. She is not in any way responsible for his choices or actions, and mentioning that she 'is responsible for her own actions" is making her responsible for, and thus excusing, his.

NOTHING Monica did excuses what Clinton did. Her 'responsibility' is utterly beside the point and completely irrelevant.

What I did say is that Lewinsky was an adult. She chose an adulterous affair. She was not raped, which is what you claimed. I'm not a feminist. I consider women quite capable of making their own choices. Monica did that.

Yes. She did, perhaps. That doesn't mean anything at all as to what CLINTON did. columbus, in general terms, when a situation like that arises, where the balance of power is that off; when the one with the power can fire, abuse, order, whatever, the one without the power, and the powerful one has sex with the one without, it is considered to be 'rape' as thoroughly as when a legal adult has sex with a minor. It's called 'statuary rape' in that instance, and is punished as strictly. This is based upon the idea that if the one without power doesn't have a whole lot of choice in the matter because of age OR because of that power imbalance, it is as if physical force is being used. It's rape. If the one without the power can't say 'no,' or perceives that s/he could have negative consequences if s/he did say no, it's rape. By definition.

In the case of statuary rape, it doesn't matter whether the fifteen or sixteen year old SAYS the sex was consensual...it wasn't. Even if the younger one was eager for the encounter, or even sought it out, the responsibility is ALL on the part of the adult.

The recent 'ME TOO" thing, where all the women were going after the 'casting couch'...talking about sexual pressure or expected 'favors' in order to get or keep jobs, should tell you; the responsibility belongs entirely to the one with the power (and no, it isn't always a man with that power; mostly, but women will pull this stuff if they have power, too).

With Clinton and Monica, we aren't talking about whether Monica was an adult....a whoppin' 21 years old...or not. We are talking about the power imbalance. She was an INTERN, and he was POTUS. A greater power imbalance would be difficult to find, frankly.

It is my opinion...and from what I've been reading and dealing with over the last few years, I think it's a well founded one...that Democrats think that in the case of sexual misconduct, that conservatives are responsible for any incident in which they are involved, perpetrator or victim, and liberals never are, perpetrator or victim.

What YOU did, in talking about how Monica was responsible for her own actions, is the equivalent of saying that if the rape victim hadn't worn quite so short a skirt.......

The thing is, what makes it 'rape' is what CLINTON could have done in terms of threat or pressure or power, not what Monica did or thought.


Premium Member
Who in their right mind would vote for Trump or Warren?
The rest of the centrist candidates are either elderly people like Biden and Sanders, or noobs like Gabbards.

I want to see a candidate for president in 2020 who isn't painfully unprepared and demonstrably incompetent.

So, I'm willing to put aside my "straight ticket Democrat" voting pattern if the traditional conservatives can get get a real conservative on the ballot. Not another TeaParty progressive like Trump.

Do you think that the GOP can get Romney to run? He said he wouldn't, but you know what Capitalists are like. It's always a question of price. I think that Romney, a true Republican, would run if the RNC convinced him that he would get support from other true Republicans.

I'd vote for him, if the other option was Gabbards or Biden. And I'm not even a partisan.
What do we have to do to get a competent centrist leader into the game?
I like Warrens policy take Clinton’s but I would consider Romney.


Veteran Member
Who was William Jefferson Clinton convicted of murdering? No one.
Who was William Jefferson Clinton convicted of raping? No one.

there you go again, moving goal posts and equivocating. I didn't claim that he was convicted of anything. In fact, he wasn't convicted of anything. He was IMPEACHED.

and he was indeed guilty of the offense for which he was impeached. We have the evidence, and we have his own admission of guilt.

I'm moving goalposts? Seriously?!? You twist and turn - duck and dodge - and finally - "he was indeed guilty of the offense for which he was impeached" - WHICH WAS NOT RAPE as you implied. You also mentioned MURDER and have ducked completely - as always.


Veteran Member
It's really hypocritically funny and sad that you consider Clinton using his power as President having sex with an over 21 consenting female to be rape.

Yet you are completely OK with your 1/3 God using his power as God having sex with a young ignorant virgin.
Dunno why you think it's 'hypocritical' or 'sad,'

Now where have I ever claimed that God had sex with Mary?

Regardless of your stated "claims" you are a member of LDS. Your beliefs are those of LDS.

Jesus Christ/Conception - FairMormon

For example, Brigham Young said the following in a discourse given 8 July 1860:

"...[T]here is no act, no principle, no power belonging to the Deity that is not purely philosophical. The birth of the Saviour was as natural as are the births of our children; it was the result of natural action. He partook of flesh and blood—was begotten of his Father, as we were of our fathers." [2]

"result of natural action"
"He partook of flesh and blood"
Do you really want to continue your argument about abuse of power and rape?


Veteran Member
Well, yes. I am very careful about them. Do you ever think about the positions I take? Or are you so busy making them up that you don't actually CARE what positions I take?
Your duck and dodge positions that waver from post to post? Yes, I think about them.

Your hypocrisy when it comes to your LDS beliefs and your political beliefs? Yes, I think about it.


Well-Known Member
I'm moving goalposts? Seriously?!? You twist and turn - duck and dodge - and finally - "he was indeed guilty of the offense for which he was impeached" - WHICH WAS NOT RAPE as you implied. You also mentioned MURDER and have ducked completely - as always.

I implied nothing.

I straight out stated that he was impeached for lying to congress. About the rape. Which I called rape because had it been between anybody else with that level of power over anybody else with that lack of power, it would have been CALLED rape.

In my opinion, it was as much a rape as if he had said 'you have sex with me or I will fire you and see to it that you never get a job doing anything but flipping burgers in Keenawacket Iowa. (Wait, IS there a Keenawacket in Iowa? If so, I humbly apologize...)

And that would be rape, according to the dictionary. Just as the 'casting couch' is....as the "METOO' people charged everybody who put THEM in that position.

As to murder, I never claimed that he committed murder. In fact, I straight out said that I didn't believe that he did, but he WAS accused of it.

................and if you use the same standards to judge Clinton as you do Trump, the accusation is sufficient to convict.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of your stated "claims" you are a member of LDS. Your beliefs are those of LDS.

Jesus Christ/Conception - FairMormon

For example, Brigham Young said the following in a discourse given 8 July 1860:

"...[T]here is no act, no principle, no power belonging to the Deity that is not purely philosophical. The birth of the Saviour was as natural as are the births of our children; it was the result of natural action. He partook of flesh and blood—was begotten of his Father, as we were of our fathers." [2]

"result of natural action"
"He partook of flesh and blood"
Do you really want to continue your argument about abuse of power and rape?

ecco, I'm LDS. I tell YOU what my beliefs are. You don't tell me. Jesus was born naturally of a mother. We believe that God the Father is the Father of Jesus. We DO NOT BELIEVE that He had sex with Mary.

WE mere humans can do that now, y'know: cause a virgin to become pregnant without sex being involved. I find it weird that you claim that even though WE can do that in an outpatient office procedure now, that OF COURSE God, creator of the universe and all, couldn't manage it two thousand years ago.

OR that you get to define what our beliefs are.

Oh....and you won't find, from any LDS leader anywhere, any statement that 'God had sex with Mary."

If you want to argue this, pick another thread in the appropriate forum. This ain't it.


Well-Known Member
Your duck and dodge positions that waver from post to post? Yes, I think about them.

Your hypocrisy when it comes to your LDS beliefs and your political beliefs? Yes, I think about it.

You really need another hobby.


Well-Known Member

It is considered bad form, never mind a logical fallacy of the most unethical sort, to take stuff out of context.

IN THE SAME POST that you just quoted...indeed, in the VERY NEXT LINE...

Who was, in fact, impeached over the rape thing.

Not fired, but he was indeed impeached because he lied to congress over the rape thing. You know...or perhaps you are too young. I don't know....the "I did not have sex with that woman..." bit?

Do you have a problem with actually reading the post you quote from?


Veteran Member
Quite a few. We have court cases and settlements on public record. Paula Jones, for instance, was given $850,000 in her lawsuit claiming rape. Oh, and he was disbarred.

ecco: How many women did Trump pay off?​

We don't actually know, since all we have are accusations...and no court settlements.

No court settlements? Why? PAYOFFS with non-disclosure riders.

Are you really that naive? Or are you just blinded by His Greatness? Perhaps you see Him as the second coming.


Veteran Member
I find it hypocritical and hilarious that you insist that Clinton is lily white innocent of everything because Liberals aren't guilty of anything unless convicted in a court of law, but insist that every single accusation or allegation against Trump MUST be true, because of course when one is a Conservative, accusations are all true.
I didn't think highly of Clinton when the Lewinsky thing came out. I believe what he did was completely wrong.

You, on the other hand, turn a blind eye to everything Trump. You accept the truthfulness of the women who accused Weinstein. You ignore the accusations against Trump. You disregard that Trump has told the American people over 1000 documented lies. You ignore that Trump had Flynn lie to Pence about his (Flynn's) meetings with the Russians.

I really wonder what kinds of ethics you learned in LDS. Even Mitt Romney has had enough.


Veteran Member
And you know that, how? Because they SAID so? I mean, we have the actual court cases regarding Clinton having to pay people off. What do you have for deciding that Trump did?

Would you care to use a single standard for judgment here?
See my previous comments about Clinton.
See your previous comments about Weinstein.

It is you who has a double standard.


Veteran Member
But, again, you are OK with 1/3 of your God impregnating a virgin who was probably well under age 21. Balance of power? Seriously?

Intern : President
Ignorant Virgin : God

Balance of power? Seriously?
Ecco, stick to the topic.

I am. I believe you raised the balance of power issue when you talked about Clinton and Lewinsky. Or is that something else you are going to deny and duck and dodge?


Veteran Member
One can say something that isn't true without being a liar, certainly. If one believes that what one is saying is true, then one is not lying when one says it.
Why are you so upset with lying? Trump's lying doesn't bother you.


Well-Known Member
No court settlements? Why? PAYOFFS with non-disclosure riders.

Are you really that naive? Or are you just blinded by His Greatness? Perhaps you see Him as the second coming.

Ecco, since you are so insistent that nobody is guilty until the court proves him so, then you should be able to prove the above statement from court records.

It remains: we have such court records for Clinton.
We have NONE for Trump.

I'm just using your own standards here.


Well-Known Member
I didn't think highly of Clinton when the Lewinsky thing came out. I believe what he did was completely wrong.

You couldn't have proven that by anything you wrote here.

IYou, on the other hand, turn a blind eye to everything Trump. You accept the truthfulness of the women who accused Weinstein.

Do I? I don't remember anybody bringing up Harvey Weinsten here. You have no idea what I accept in that matter. However, it seems that Weinstein has had to pony up a huge amount of bail, and he's finally coming to trial in January. (I had to go look that up; I had no idea who was accusing Weinstein of what...) I did find out that he's a Democrat, though. STRONG supporter of Hillary Clinton.

I You ignore the accusations against Trump. You disregard that Trump has told the American people over 1000 documented lies.

I'm sure you can list those.

I You ignore that Trump had Flynn lie to Pence about his (Flynn's) meetings with the Russians.

Do I? Odd. I don't remember a single mention of the above anywhere in a thread I'm participating in. Where is it so that you can show me where I ignored anything?

II really wonder what kinds of ethics you learned in LDS. Even Mitt Romney has had enough.

I learned pretty good ethics, actually. What I did NOT learn was how to completely ignore facts in support of partisanship. I opposed removing Clinton from office, even though he did what he did. I really disliked Obama's policies (his "Obamacare' thing nearly bankrupted three of my children) but when the 'birther' thing came up, I defended him.

I'm not an 'ends justify the means' sort of person.


Well-Known Member
See my previous comments about Clinton.
See your previous comments about Weinstein.

It is you who has a double standard.

WHAT previous comments about Weinstein? Did I sleep write something I"m not aware of?


Well-Known Member
I am. I believe you raised the balance of power issue when you talked about Clinton and Lewinsky. Or is that something else you are going to deny and duck and dodge?


Great googly moogly. This is the biggest strawman argument I have EVER seen.


Well-Known Member
Why are you so upset with lying? Trump's lying doesn't bother you.

Y'know, ecco, our conversation is far too personal here. You attack ME, personally. You insult me, personally. You don't respond to the content of my posts...you attack me, the writer of them.

...and I'm tired of it.