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Modern Skeptic's Bible (MSB) - Genesis Chapter 1

I Am Hugh

I'm not sure you have the patience or a sufficient grasp of the English language to be authoring a "Modern Skeptics Bible".

One chapter. It took me the better part of the day. With interruptions from family visitors, and domestic tasks I performed throughout the day.

Yes, that is how a modern skeptic would interpret those words.

It's silly. I guess I'm not much of a bad sci-fi / horror fan. I have always thought it stupid, boring, unimaginative and predictable. They are sort of like a romance novel western set in space.

A monkey is highly intelligent.

Hmmm. Interesting.

Well done, however Earth should be capitalized.

I don't care.

Elohim? Why are you bringing up Elohim?

I don't think your grasp of the English language is quite as good as you think.

I'm reading your "accurate translation" aren't I?

I doubt it. Skimming maybe.

So to understand your accurate translation I have to read the original scriptures anyway..

That would be up to you. You don't have to do anything.

AND I need to purchase a dictionary...great. I hope you include these as a 3 for 1 Amazon bundle with your MSB.

Don't you have one? They are free online, so. Look. You're a young guy with a chip on his shoulder. That isn't skeptical in and of itself, though one would think so. I've talked to people like you for almost as long as you've been around. Smug, smart ***, uninformed, worldview groupthink. It's boring. Give me something to work with other than that. Put some thought into it. I don't care what you disbelieve. I don't dictate your world. I don't want to save you from yourself or tell you where to put your junk. I'm not a Christian.

Don't be disheartened, see the value in what people are saying and try again.

Well, that's where you're especially wrong. You wouldn't believe the cards, letters, telephone calls, text messages, emails, and invitations to do the talk show circuit, book deals, and awards that have come pouring in. It's amazing.

If you can crack the word God without using God you deserve a Nobel in literature.

I already did. You complained about having to use a dictionary. Remember? In this post. God is easy. Something or someone venerated due to its might compared to the one attributing it. That's God. The rest is bull****.

And Nobel is a joke. A scam.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
You aren't suggesting the single card you draw reveals the whole picture?

If you want to know what's in the Torah, ultra-orthodox God-fearing Jews will give you unfiltered, unapologetic, information. The other denominations trade accuracy for an agenda. You might find individuals within each denomination that are outliers.

I Am Hugh

Not based on what you've written, it's not.

The 6 directions of connection:
  1. Left
  2. Right
  3. Forward
  4. Backward
  5. Inner
  6. Outer
. It's complete. What's missing?

Above, below. What you say above, I don't know what that is exactly. My perspective is Biblical. Your perspective is, I assume, traditional? When I talk about the number of man being 666, of incompleteness, that is Biblical as well as some Christian tradition. Some Christians think the number is a boogey man Satan view, like a horror flick or something. So, we have all of these different perspectives and traditions. If you claim that 6 isn't complete based upon what I've written show why. When you show your directions of connection thing, there may be reasoning behind that, or it may be tradition. I don't know. I would want to see something from the Bible or even the tradition to know where you are even coming from.

They don't necessarily jive, you see? Maybe something about your directions above is complete, but that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the Bible's perspective contextually regarding imperfection. The sabbath. The seventh day. That's what it refers to. Did you realize that? I don't remember if I pointed it out. I think I did, vaguely, briefly.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
No, not really. Unqualified? I didn't mention anything about being unqualified.

That's not what I meant.

Traditional Jewish thinking was corrupted by pagan (outside of) beliefs,

The above statement is unqualified. It is a universal declaration in opposition to Traditional Jewish thinking. It needs qualification to limit the scope.

What sort of Jewish thinking are you talking about? All Jewish thinking? If you look back to the post which I quoted ( #73 ) you'll see there are no examples of Jewish Thinking given. The assertion "Traditional Jewish thinking is corrupt" is completely unsupported.

For example, this is how one could qualify it:

"Jewish Thinking which deviates from Torah has been corrupted by pagan ideas.". The qualification is "which deviates from Torah". Then if you give some examples it's a much stronger argument. Lacking both qualification and examples, it's just name calling.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I don't know what that is exactly.

It's a refutation of what you wrote.

The number 6 represents the incomplete.

No. It's the opposite. The number 6 represents complete connection in all 6 directions.

  1. Left
  2. Right
  3. Forward
  4. Backward
  5. Inner
  6. Outer
6 does not represent incomplete. I could have simply said "you're making it up", instead I shared with you some Traditional Jewish thinking.

Do you know what we do, what happens, when we, Traditional Jews, say Hoshana? On the floor of the temple? At the altar? In our homes?

Talmud Berachot 11b confirms I am not making this up, and it is indeed the Traditional Jewish Thinking you think is pagan, yet, you're not going to find anything like it in any pagan myth


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Wikipedia says

The problem with relying on Wikipedia is that without fact checking it, it's impossible to tell if it's accurate or not. Wikipedia is a starting point for research, not the end.

This came for Wikipedia. Can you honestly say that you know what Yahwism is? Does it have scripture? Adherents? Where did it come from? How does a person go about confirming that it exists and isn't just a myth? What evidence would one expect coming from before 2000bce? How sure can anyone be, including academic experts, regarding Yahwism?

These are the questions that are inherent when relying on Wikipedia for information on any ancient religion, not just Judaism.

Besides, is Yahwism pagan? Do you know what pagan means?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
My perspective is Biblical.

Without Hebrew language knowledge, there is no way to make novell discoveries about Judaism. You'll need to borrow from others, and you'll never be able to error check your own work.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
When I talk about the number of man being 666, of incompleteness, that is Biblical as well as some Christian tradition.

Then talk about Christian traditions. If that's what you know, talk about that. Don't talk about Jewish anything if you don't know. This should be easy and obvious. The problem is, you've been raised to believe a lot of rubbish about Judaism. And you don't have the tools to correct your own misconceptions.

I Am Hugh

That's not what I meant.


The above statement is unqualified.

No, I don't think so. The Jewish thinking I'm talking about is not something I object to. You are taking a us vs them position. The Jewish thinking I'm referring to is right there in the Bible. Probably in the Pirkei Avot which, in the past, I've published (reproduced) on several of my websites. My thinking is corrupted often. I have to watch it.

It is a universal declaration in opposition to Traditional Jewish thinking. It needs qualification to limit the scope.

Wouldn't that, by its very own nature, be corruption? Or at least the indication of some corruption?

What sort of Jewish thinking are you talking about? All Jewish thinking?

All thinking, really. Specifically in context I'm referring to religion in general and in this particular case, Jewish/Christian. What it means, simply, is that the tradition that we know comes from the original and is changed contrary to that. I use the immortal soul. The Bible doesn't teach the soul is immortal. Modern theology tradition deviates from that. That's just one example.

If you look back to the post which I quoted ( #73 ) you'll see there are no examples of Jewish Thinking given. The assertion "Traditional Jewish thinking is corrupt" is completely unsupported.

For example, this is how one could qualify it:

"Jewish Thinking which deviates from Torah has been corrupted by pagan ideas.". The qualification is "which deviates from Torah". Then if you give some examples it's a much stronger argument. Lacking both qualification and examples, it's just name calling.

Trying to save us time - let me think. I gave the example of the immortal soul. Your definition of deviation is right on. The immortal soul is an example. The Jewish thinking itself hasn't really been corrupted. It's still there, I think, pretty much as it was. If you have interpretations which deviate from that, and you can trace it to some external influence, you see it documented historically, that's corruption. Now, like the "Christian" trinity, for example, can be argued to be scripturally supported. You could be given scriptural references that make you say, okay, yeah, that seems reasonable, but just because you can make a good case for the trinity being supported scripturally, it isn't. It isn't the way Moses or Jesus thought. And you can see that with, again, I think, a better argument. And then you have the historical documentation.

On the other hand, the Pirkei Avot, that isn't really contrary to the Torah. It isn't a part of it, it's separate but you don't, I don't think, I don't recall, it being contrary to Moses or the Torah. You see what I mean? Various Jewish traditions exist. Some of them in line with and some of them not, with the Torah, Moses etc. The same with Christianity, Taoism, Buddhism, etc. Religion is often syncretistic. The tradition expands or enhances on the original, and that's okay - unless it contradicts it.

I've got it, so Christianity, the original, the teachings of Jesus, the disciples, Paul, is in line with Moses, David, Abraham. Jewish thinking. In fact it is literally Jewish thinking, but Jewish thinking became something else and that is the tradition you see today. The same with Christianity.


Active Member
I already did. You complained about having to use a dictionary. Remember? In this post. God is easy. Something or someone venerated due to its might compared to the one attributing it. That's God. The rest is bull****.

And Nobel is a joke. A scam.
This sums you up nicely.

The key words here being easy, bs, joke, and scam.

Enjoy mediocrity, you do excel at it.

I Am Hugh

The problem with relying on Wikipedia is that without fact checking it, it's impossible to tell if it's accurate or not. Wikipedia is a starting point for research, not the end.

The same with everything. There is no infallible source for anything on this earth. Not me, not you, not any tradition or theology.

This came for Wikipedia. Can you honestly say that you know what Yahwism is? Does it have scripture? Adherents? Where did it come from? How does a person go about confirming that it exists and isn't just a myth? What evidence would one expect coming from before 2000bce? How sure can anyone be, including academic experts, regarding Yahwism?

Yahwism is just a word used by scholars. From the fallible Wikipedia article linked here, it says: " Yahwism was essentially polytheistic and had a pantheon, with various gods and goddesses being worshipped by the Israelites.[2]"

So, just with that, just so far, does the Tanakh (I kept saying the Torah in earlier responses, I meant Tanakh, I'm not all that familiar) confirm the Israelites of that time had gods and goddesses? Was there a problem with useless gods of the nations? Idols. Baal. etc.

These are the questions that are inherent when relying on Wikipedia for information on any ancient religion, not just Judaism.

Besides, is Yahwism pagan? Do you know what pagan means?

Pagan means outside of.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I use the immortal soul. The Bible doesn't teach the soul is immortal.

That is JW doctrine. I've debated it many times. First, the immortal soul is in the Hebrew Torah, very clearly in many places. The best example comes right at the end of Ecclesiastes. The reason you and the JWs don't know that is because you're assuming there is only one word for soul, nefesh. But that's not true. There's an entire book on the immortal soul with Torah references throughout which was written in responses to the Sadducees who denied it.