You seem to think that the Bible is a history book and it's contents are an accurate account of those times, let me tell you that it most certainly is not. Don't beat yourself up about it though as most atheists are under the same impression, or they use it as such to try and discredit the existence of Deity. The New Testament is not even chronologically correct.
The main impetus and objective for the existence of the Bible is to help us to draw nearer to God by adhering to the concepts and principles in this magnificent book of commandments. By using the Bible to help
manoeuvre us through life's trials and tribulations will help us to gain eternal life in the presence of God.
It is very possible that many of the stories and allegories contained in the Bible are just that, fictitious stories with a moral undertone. For example, we pretty much know that it is unlikely that a world flood ever occurred, however, by reading that story we can learn what the reward for excessive and persistent evil might be. That is the reason why the Bible contains that principle. This can all be corroborated by looking up the definition of a "parable"
it is "a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels." A moral fable selected by God to teach us correct principles so that we may be the benefactors and reap eternal life with Him.
The bible is full of these moral tales that can only produce virtuous and edifying fruit when teaching them in our schools, and all places of learning, to instill wholesome moral principles in our society instead of hostile children with a chip on their shoulders who have no real direction in life. No reason for their existence. Heck, I would sooner that it was all a lie and when I die there would be nothing, rather then to have no purpose or meaning for my life, how very desperately depressing. No wonder our world is on a social kamikaze mission to final and certain coup de grâce.