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Muhammad The Greatest: A comparative study


Well-Known Member
And again in my very own words i do not brlieve it is a challenge for today and i agree with ManESL in the thread "The Challenge of the Quran" who explained it very well and it made sense,unfortunately for you the criteria that you think is correct isn't agreed by all Muslims,in fact there appears to be some confusion over it.
The difference between the Pagans of Muhammeds time and people today is 1400ish years ago and the challenge is stuck there,however one must admire your dedication in flying the flag for your faith.

Response: You have a beautiful way of dodging the challenge, that is something to marvel at as well.
so what happens when i come to a different conclusion than you?

the lies which well meaning zeal has heaped around this man,muhammed

are disgraceful to ourselves only"..(thomas carlyle)...

You wont come into different conclusion if you open your heart and

mine...be objective... Would you heaped praises on your

enemy?...yes??, only if you have high regard for him...why would you

have high regards for him?...let me tell you. Why..becoz your enemy is

not what you initially thought of him....so its your choice man ,to do

more honest research.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
You wont come into different conclusion if you open your heart and

mine...be objective... Would you heaped praises on your

enemy?...yes??, only if you have high regard for him...why would you

have high regards for him?...let me tell you. Why..becoz your enemy is

not what you initially thought of him....so its your choice man ,to do

more honest research.
So are you saying that it is better to be disingenuous than it is to simply be honest?
So are you saying that it is better to be disingenuous than it is to simply be honest?

Originally Posted by siddqqeeutube
You wont come into different conclusion if you open your heart and

mine...be objective... Would you heaped praises on your

enemy?...yes??, only if you have high regard for him...why would you

have high regards for him?...let me tell you. Why..becoz your enemy is

not what you initially thought of him....so its your choice man ,to do

more honest research.






Admiral Obvious
the lies which well meaning zeal has heaped around this man,muhammed
are disgraceful to ourselves only"..(thomas carlyle)...

You wont come into different conclusion if you open your heart and
mine...be objective... Would you heaped praises on your
enemy?...yes??, only if you have high regard for him...why would you
have high regards for him?...let me tell you. Why..becoz your enemy is
not what you initially thought of him....so its your choice man ,to do
more honest research.
I cannot tell if you are flat out lieing or if you are merely delusional.

Seems to me your whole argument boils down to: "if you honestly look with an open mind you will agree with me and if you disagree with me than you either did not look honestly or your mind wasn't open enough."

I am not impressed, not even with the lengths you go to to protect your box.
I mean, after all, Fatihah is here on RF.
I cannot tell if you are flat out lieing or if you are merely delusional.

Seems to me your whole argument boils down to: "if you honestly look with an open mind you will agree with me and if you disagree with me than you either did not look honestly or your mind wasn't open enough."

i am not impressed, not even with the lengths you go to to protect your box.
I mean, after all, fatihah is here on rf.

fyi. I'm not trying to impressed u..let me give u an anology...by looking at your baldy signature photo anyone would have an impressioned that u are not a nice guy..but then we should not come to conclusion.i should find out more about you and not only from your opponents...and whats with fatihah? I cant let him fight all alone.all muslims are brothers in case you forgot.
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New Member
[FONT=&quot]ما ضرب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم شيئا قط بيده . ولا امرأة . ولا خادما . إلا أن يجاهد في سبيل الله . وما نيل منه شيء قط . فينتقم من صاحبه . إلا أن ينتهك شيء من محارم الله . فينتقم لله عز وجل[/FONT] .
[FONT=&quot]الراوي: عائشة المحدث: مسلم - المصدر: صحيح مسلم - الصفحة أو الرقم: 2328[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]خلاصة حكم المحدث: صحيح[/FONT]

First, may you please be gentle when you speak J We are not fighting…

I didn't compile the Hadith which is mentioned above in Arabic (By Lady Aisha) whom you say that she was beaten by the Prophet, as she mentions in this Hadith that “The Prophet -peace be upon him- never hit anything with his hand, not a woman nor a servant, except if he struggled in the Cause of Allah (those who start with attack) and he was never been lost one of his rights and then he took revenge from this person (if he attacked the Prophet, in person) except if some of Allah safeguards have been violated, then he takes revenge for the cause of Allah" (Narrated by: Aisha, Source: Muslim, No. or page no. 2328)

Regarding the hadith you mentioned that the Prophet hit his wife Aisha which he married at the age of 9 as he married her very young, as it was something normal then because the sun heat in the Arabian Peninsula stimulated the hormones of women to grow quicker and to look elder than their counterparts in other areas of the world and by the way my great grandma got married at the age of 12 and Lady Aisha was the only virgin he married very young, who transferred to the Muslims later on, half the teachings of Islam; for about half a century and who was the fourth most knowledgeable person to narrate the Hadiths (Sayings) of the Prophet -peace be upon him-. She loved the Prophet -peace be upon him- and he loved her that he died between her arms.
The Hadith: “When it was my turn for Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) to spend the night with me, he turned his side, put on his mantle and took off his shoes and placed them near his feet, and spread the corner of his shawl on his bed and then lay down till he thought that I had gone to sleep. He took hold of his mantle slowly and put on the shoes slowly, and opened the door and went out and then closed it lightly. I covered my head, put on my veil and tightened my waist wrapper, and then went out following his steps till he reached Baqi'. He stood there and he stood for a long time. He then lifted his hands three times, and then returned and I also returned. He hastened his steps and I also hastened my steps. He ran and I too ran. He came (to the house) and I also came (to the house). I, however, preceded him and I entered (the house), and as I lay down in the bed, he (the Holy Prophet) entered the (house), and said: Why is it, O 'A'ish, that you are out of breath? I said: There is nothing. He said: Tell me or the Subtle and the Aware would inform me. I said: Messenger of Allah, may my father and mother be ransom for you, and then I told him (the whole story). He said: Was it the darkness (of your shadow) that I saw in front of me? I said: Yes. He poked me in the chest which cause me pain, and then said: Did you think that Allah and His Apostle would deal unjustly with you? She said: Whatsoever the people conceal, Allah will know it”. Sahih Muslim Book 4 #2127
Regarding the hadith, here is the explanation and it can’t counter the hadith I mentioned at the beginning, as he pushed her on the chest as he used to do with the companions as a way to kick out evil spirits, and the Hadith in Arabic shows a very gentle way of the Prophet –peace be upon him- when he saw Lady Aisha who followed him as he was calling her A’ish (her soppy name):

This explanation I brought from Dr. Zakir Naik’s facebook page:[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The term used in the hadith is:

Imam Nawawi in his Sharh states that:

The word "lahada" according to the lexicographers means, "to push" (dafa'a).

The usage of the word "struck" is not a correct translation. Rather, the phrase should be translated as (as sheikh Gf haddad said):

- He pushed my chest with a push that made me sore

Secondly, this calls to an important matter that is related to the Hand imposition of the Prophet - Allah bless him - because it is a gesture associated with driving away evil influence (waswâs) and conferring blessing as the following reports show:

1. Ubay ibn Ka`b said:

"There occurred in my mind a sort of denial which did not occur even during the Days of Ignorance. When the Messenger of Allah - Allah bless and greet him - saw how I was affected, he slapped me on the chest. I broke into a sweat and felt as if I were looking at Allâh in fear." (Sahih Muslim)

2. Jarir ibn Abdullah Al Bajalî was sent by the Prophet - Allah bless him - on a mission to destroy Dhu Al Kahalasa, the idol-house of Khatham, nicknamed the Yemenite Kaba. Jarr narrates:

"I went along with a hundred and fifty horsemen but I could not sit steadily on horse. I mentioned it to the Messenger of Allah - Allah bless and greet him - who then struck his hand on my chest so hard that I could see the trace of his fingers on it, saying: 'O Allah! Grant him steadfastness and make him a guide of righteousness and a rightly-guided one!' (Bukhari and Muslim) [/FONT]

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 7.132 Narrated by Abdullah bin Zama:
The Prophet said, "None of you should flog his wife as he flogs a slave and then have sexual intercourse with her in the last part of the day."

Actually this hadith means completely the opposite of what you want to mention, as the Prophet –peace be upon him- criticizes those who beat their wives and then sleep with them as if she is a slave and this is what Islam denounces not the opposite!! These hadiths are translated in English, so people translate them according to their wording but when you get to read these same hadiths in Arabic, you’ll just feel that there’s nothing wrong about them but it’s just the translation which mixes up people. Give this hadith to any Arabic speaking person and he’ll clarify it to you, actually it denounces this beating not the opposite!!


Well-Known Member
stonning and what you call torture are Punishments given only to criminals , they are part of a penal system..do you get it ?..so ,if you think youe secular penal system is better for the society..prove it with scientific statistics..can you ?

as for women ,Islam honoured women..this is what not4me ,peace ,FVM ,sajdah,me and all the other female muslim members of this forum agree upon...so why don't you keep your sympathy for yourself and let the muslim women talk for themselves..ha ?

As for slavery ,it was something deeply rooted in arabia..that's why islam worked on solving it gradually , just like it dealt with many other deeply rooted problems...drinking ,for example

The point is that these punishments display abominable cruelty. Even criminals deserve to be treated in a civilized way.

One would expect that muslim women would be brainwashed into subservience and distaste for their own humanity. It is a rather odd form of honouring to deprive someone of their rights as a human being, as muslim societies incontestably do.

It is not the case that calling a body of thought a religion exempts it from criticism.