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Muslim Belief on Torah


Well-Known Member
Deut 13:1 said:
So what changed, why the hate?
Until the Toleration Edict of 1843, Jews were restricted from returning from Europe, Spain, and other places to the Holy Land. Jewish re-settlement was patient and acceptable until the Zionist movement began and in particular the Balfour Decision FUELED Zionism so intensely at the end of the First World War. From that time on the British tried to put a lid on Jewish settlement to avoid honoring the Balfour Decision and the Jewish pioneers came anyway - mostly illegally. This continued with rising Arab hostility until 1947 when the issue of independence for Israel and Trans-Jordan was before the brand-new United Nations.

Until the beginning of the last century Muslim/Jewish relations can only be described as good.



Religious Zionist
Ulver said:
Also, please don't be bashing Muslims. Most Islamic empires were far kinder to Jews then most of Christian Medieval Europe was. Christians massacred Muslims and Jews in Spain. Before that, Spain had been a thriving place for both religions/cultures.
unless of course you talk about the Almohades, a fanatical group of muslims, who oppressed and expelled the jews from spain or forced them to convert

The Almoravids were substantially less tolerant of Christians and Jews than the earlier Umayyads, and were succeeded in the 12th century by the even more fanatical Almohads, another Berber dynasty, after the defeat of the Castilian Alfonso VIII at the Battle of Alarcos.
The first major persecution occurred on December 30, 1066 when the Jews were expelled from Granada and fifteen hundred families were killed when they did not leave. Starting in 1090 with the invasion of the Almoravides, the situation worsened further. Even under the Almoravides, however some Jews prospered (although far more so under Ali III, than under his father Yusuf ibn Tashfin). With the defeat of the Almoravides in 1148 by the puritanical Almohades, the Jews were forced to accept the Islamic faith; the conquerors confiscated their property and sold many captives into slavery. The most famous Jewish educational institutions were closed, and synagogues everywhere destroyed.


Active Member
Deut 13:1 said:
So what changed, why the hate?

Besides what Popeyesays has said, there's one other thing that I remember.

During WWII, Nazi Germany for a time held a fair bit of control over the Middle East and North Africa. During then they pushed a lot of anti-Jewish propaganda to the public. An example of such is the "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", which hate groups around the world still publish and propagate as fact. Interestingly enough Henry Ford fully believed it and in a Jewish/Zion conspiracy. Hitler idolized Henry ford.