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Muslims and Jews


Faded and X-rated
Do most muslims have a problem with jewish people or is it just the palestinians that have a problem with them?

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Muslims have a problem with Zionists and the Zionist movement, not Jews. However, as the Zionists fufill their agenda to merge with the Jewish identity more and more, it is becoming hate of Jews. Jews like myself are trying desperately to keep the Jewish identity seperate from Zionism


Well-Known Member
I have no problem with Jews as a race, but I do have a problem with Zionist nutters, just as I would have a problem with Islamic nutters!


Yeah, I have always known it to be the extremists that Muslims have a problem with, and vice versa.


Higher and Higher
I think I would want to say that some Muslims have a problem with Zionism, to one degree or another. Not all Muslims, and mostly, just Zionism and not Judaism, although it becomes difficult to separate out sometimes, given that the two are frequently intertwined, and the statistical majority of affiliated Jews are Zionists to one degree or another.

By the same token, most Jews have no problem with Islam or Muslims, but many have a problem with terrorists or other kinds of extremists who use Islamism or Islamic politics as the cover for their political and social agendas.


I don't have a problem with Jews or Judaism just like i don't have a problem with any other religion/lack of religion.

As long as they don't declare war on Islam.

Jews and Muslims lived happily together for centuries until the Zionists started the conflict by invading Palestine (or any other country if they had).

Just like tolerant Christians and Jews don't have a problem with Moderate Muslims and rightfully have a problem with Extremist Muslims that kill innocent people.

In Islam, the killing of an innocent is like the killing of all human kind. Whether it is a self-claimed Muslim or any other person that does the killing.


The Lost One
tmThEMaN said:
I don't have a problem with Jews or Judaism just like i don't have a problem with any other religion/lack of religion.

As long as they don't declare war on Islam.
Excuse me, but how do you declare war on a religion.

Now unless people go around demolishing mosques and burning the Qur'an and burn effigy of Muhammad or Allah, I don't see how war can be declared on Islam.

Now, if you think that fighting against Palestinians, who may happened to be Muslims, then do Muslims think that the people are "Islam"? Or is the Palestinian state is "Islam"? Or do you think the land is part of Islam? Or is political entity or party, like the Hamas, be considered "Islam"?

I think the Israel-Palestinian issues are social and political ones, not religion. If you think they are the same, then you have to consider all the attacks around the world by terrorists are also religious as political issues, and I don't think you want to do that, because that give ammunition or fuel for non-Muslims attacking Islam as being not a religion of peace.

Sorry, but please define "Islam"? And explain how declaring war on Islam is possible?
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Excuse me, but how do you declare war on a religion.

Now unless people go around demolishing mosques and burning the Qur'an and burn effigy of Muhammad or Allah, I don't see how war can be declared on Islam.

Now, if you think that fighting against Palestinians, who may happened to be Muslims, then do Muslims think that the people are "Islam"? Or is the Palestinian state is "Islam"? Or do you think the land is part of Islam? Or is political entity or party, like the Hamas, be considered "Islam"?

I think the Israel-Palestinian issues are social and political ones, not religion. If you think they are the same, then you have to consider all the attacks around the world by terrorists are also religious as political issues, and I don't think you want to do that, because that give ammunition or fuel for non-Muslims attacking Islam as being not a religion of peace.

Sorry, but please define "Islam"? And explain how declaring war on Islam is possible?

You're right, the occupation of Palestine is political. What i said about war on Islam is not related to Palestine.
What i meant is that I don't have any problem with any PERSON no matter what his religion is, unless if he is attacking Islam. Note that i'm talking at a personal level, i'm not representing anyone but me.

A simple example is that if i talk badly about x religion just to ridicule it and upset its followers. Then i am declaring war on that religion and i don't expect love and roses from them.
If i debate that religion without intentionally hurting the followers, then i would simply expect people to correct me, or agree to disagree with me.

It is obvious that some people hate Islam and every Muslim and don't want to discuss and debate, they just want to ridicule and attack. I have zero respect for these people and i do have a lot of problems with them.

It is everybody's right to consider those who hate and attack him as enemies and treat them as such.


TheReligionofPeace - Islam: Verses of Violence

Care to explain why all of those verses don't contradict the statement you just made?

These verses are against fighters and for the times of war, not against innocent people. Taking verses out of context is the best these anti-islam sites can do ... and for what purpose except hate and misguidance !!!.

Yes Islam does not accept aggression and Muslims will fight to defend themselves and their religion. We are a religion of peace, but not a religion of weakness.

My question to you is Do you get your knowledge from sites like this ?! if you are sincere in wanting the right answer, you can find many neutral sites, but you choose a site that's sole purpose is to misinform people about Islam.


Uber Tool
These verses are against fighters and for the times of war, not against innocent people. Taking verses out of context is the best these anti-islam sites can do ... and for what purpose except hate and misguidance !!!.

Yes Islam does not accept aggression and Muslims will fight to defend themselves and their religion. We are a religion of peace, but not a religion of weakness.

My question to you is Do you get your knowledge from sites like this ?! if you are sincere in wanting the right answer, you can find many neutral sites, but you choose a site that's sole purpose is to misinform people about Islam.

That's fine and dandy for the Quranic verses that are obviously directing violence not necessarily at unbelievers, but the one's that do can not be excused because of the context that you are finding, or creating in order to justify your interpretation. Christians often do the same thing to dismiss or work around the nasty bits of their holy (lol, I almost typo'd that to say hoky) text.

The fact is, many Muslims find the context and interpretation to differ from yours, and in ways that justifies their violence. Why are you convinced that they are wrong? The text is just too vague, and to use the above word for it, cryptographic, to be able to decisively say what it means or justifies.


That's fine and dandy for the Quranic verses that are obviously directing violence not necessarily at unbelievers, but the one's that do can not be excused because of the context that you are finding, or creating in order to justify your interpretation. Christians often do the same thing to dismiss or work around the nasty bits of their holy (lol, I almost typo'd that to say hoky) text.

The fact is, many Muslims find the context and interpretation to differ from yours, and in ways that justifies their violence. Why are you convinced that they are wrong? The text is just too vague, and to use the above word for it, cryptographic, to be able to decisively say what it means or justifies.

The extremists have been defied by all Muslim scholars and their ways are not accepted by anybody with proper understanding of Islam. Your understanding of these verses is as wrong as their understanding. They too took these verses out of context and recruited young and confused Muslims to fulfill their own agendas.

If all Muslims did take these verses out of context, you would have found 1.3 Billion human being fighting non-muslims and killing them. However, it is relatively a very small group who are extremists.

If Muslims had to kill every non-Muslim like you said, then you would not see any coexistence between the two groups. Which is obviously not the case as per History and Present.

Anyway, my words are in vain if you had set your mind to reject Islam as a tolerant religion. And refuse to properly research before making your judgement on Islam.


@ tmtheman

'You're right, the occupation of Palestine is political.'

Thats not true. If that were true, Why cant zionist israelis and its occupants go live in US ,UK, EU ? These countries are the biggest supporters of Israeli- war aggravations all over the world, then why a little piece of land, palestine, which is all destroyed and apparently has no future, why would the richest people in the world kill muslims and try to occupy their land? if there's no hidden agenda behind it, how can anyone explain decades of war and commotion among palestine and israel?

why are other countries of the world NOT fighting a war for political reason, inspite of the fact that they are very capable of doing so?

And finally, if the war of US was intended to find and neutralize weapons of mass destruction, which it never found, care to expalin whats the political agenda of US in Iraq? oil?


Well-Known Member
I think that there are some Muslims that simply do not like or actually hate Jews just because they are Jewish. However, most Muslims just simply do not like Zionism to some degree or another as others have said.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that a vast majority of Jews identify themselves as Zionist. so where is the line?

I mean, when you look at the Pesach seder it does say, "Next year in Jerusalem."


@ tmtheman

'You're right, the occupation of Palestine is political.'

Thats not true. If that were true, Why cant zionist israelis and its occupants go live in US ,UK, EU ? These countries are the biggest supporters of Israeli- war aggravations all over the world, then why a little piece of land, palestine, which is all destroyed and apparently has no future, why would the richest people in the world kill muslims and try to occupy their land? if there's no hidden agenda behind it, how can anyone explain decades of war and commotion among palestine and israel?

why are other countries of the world NOT fighting a war for political reason, inspite of the fact that they are very capable of doing so?

And finally, if the war of US was intended to find and neutralize weapons of mass destruction, which it never found, care to expalin whats the political agenda of US in Iraq? oil?

The occupation of Palestine is not because it is a Muslim country, even though that made it easier for them. But they have their religious reasons and it happened to be a Muslim country. They consider it their Holy land as much as we do. Of course It does not justify their occupation at all, but being a muslim country is not the main reason they chose Palestine.

Now the other part of the story is that if Palestine was a Christian country, then the world would not have supported the occupation, this is a fact. EDIT: well, it cannot be a fact because it did not happen, but highly probably.

It is partly our fault as muslims for being weak at that time (and now) which allowed them to take advantage over us. Partly because the world does not care about Muslims, and they sympathize with the Jews for what happened to the them in Europe. What's shameful is that Zionists chose to do to Palestinians what is worst than what was done to them by others, not by Palestinians or Muslims.

Judaism is a Religion, Zionism is a political movement with extremist religious beliefs.

The occupation of Iraq is to support Israel, to gain access to large natural resources, to expand their influence over the middle east region, therefore strengthening their world dominance . It is not a religious war against Muslims, but being a Muslim country, it was easy for them to gain support from their people and other countries. In other parts of the world, they did not have to invade them to place military bases.

It seems i will be flamed by everyone for my statements. :rolleyes:
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The Lost One
tmThEMaN said:
A simple example is that if i talk badly about x religion just to ridicule it and upset its followers. Then i am declaring war on that religion and i don't expect love and roses from them.
If i debate that religion without intentionally hurting the followers, then i would simply expect people to correct me, or agree to disagree with me.

Sorry, tmThEMaN, if I am making you explaining yourself again.

But explain "talking badly" about Islam, or any religion for that matter?

I have heavy criticism about Islam, Judaism and Christianity all the time, about the faith, teaching dogma, etc, it can hardly be considered a declaration of war.

Look, I will give you an example.

You know I am fascinated by the creation given in the Genesis, found in the Torah/Tanakh or Bible. To me, it (referring to Genesis 1-11) is the most interesting in both the Judaic and Christian scriptures. However, when creationists take this creation myth literally and seriously, by trying to fit into historical and scientific contexts, that when I criticize their belief. I would show what, where, when and why the Genesis doesn't fit into history as a true historical event, or that it is scientifically possible for the creation to happen within 7 days or that the humans, animals and plants didn't exist before 6000 years ago.

Am I declaring war on Christianity or Judaism? Definitely not.

They can believe in the Genesis all they want, but the parts about 7-day Creation, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Noah's Ark and the Flood, right up to the Tower of Babel, are all myth. Fascinating myth, but myth all the same. But I will criticize the scripture if they try to make as it being historical true or make it as it if had scientific merit.

Would I burn the Tanakh/Bible because I don't believe the scriptures have no historical or scientific values? Definitely not.

I am totally against burning books, regardless whether I agree with it or not. The same can't be said about some Jews, Christians or Muslims, historically. They have in the past destroyed books, temples and artworks of pagan religions, and some parts of history are lost because of these destruction.

Yes, I have criticize Islam when they tried to fit quote from their verses in scientific context. Is that declaring war on Islam?

No, it is criticism on Muslims interpretations of their own Qur'an, which I call on to question.

I'd question about the doctrine and laws that are found in the Qur'an, especially if I think the usage (or implementation) of the law are outdated or demonstrate their inequality towards women, for example.


The Lost One
tmThEMaN said:
These verses are against fighters and for the times of war, not against innocent people. Taking verses out of context is the best these anti-islam sites can do ... and for what purpose except hate and misguidance !!!.

That's not always true, tmThEMaN. Yes, some non-Muslims do use the quotes, but it is not always one-sided.

There are Muslims who take these out of context too, to justify attack, by quoting exactly these verses.

The Hamas who have sent suicide bombers to marketplaces, bus stops, at wedding reception; these are civilian targets, and the Hamas tried to justify their attacks with the use of the Qur'an, and declaring Jihad against Israeli. They considered these civilian targets to be justifiable on the ground of Israeli invasions to their lands. Surely you have seen those videos by those terrorists before the attacks are made on civilian targets. Yes, the Israeli armed forces have attacked the Palestinians, but their main targets are usually against the Hamas militants, but often civilians are killed. However, the Hamas attacks have specific targets, and these are civilians targets. But what do you expect from these Islamic terrorists, who hide among the general populace, therefore having human shields. If the innocent Palestinians are killed by the attacks, they can accuse the Israeli as being terrorists, but these Palestinian civilians wouldn't be killed, if the terrorists weren't hiding among them.

Do you deny they don't target civilian targets in their jihads?

So don't us that only non-Muslims misuse your Qur'an. Muslims do it themselves, especially if they have agenda.


The occupation of Iraq is to support Israel, to gain access to large natural resources, to expand their influence over the middle east region, therefore strengthening their world dominance . It is not a religious war against Muslims, but being a Muslim country, it was easy for them to gain support from their people and other countries. In other parts of the world, they did not have to invade them to place military bases.

Your explanation justifies those actions, but all this had been predicted in hadees and it had to happen, no matter what anybody did or say. People are being fooled all over the world in the name of corrupted chrisitanity and judaism, and its only the zionists who are taking the cake back home and eating it too. But since we have been told in our book what will become of the zionists and the people who corrupt religion for worldly gains, we worry only as much as we should, which is to save ourselves, and as many as people as we can from their false agenda.

And some who find the stories of the divine books as myth, are those who question the world only through a material eye. They only see and believe what is visible to the limited scope of the naked eye..
Why do they believe in gases and oxygen? they are invisible, but yeah they are proved to exist scientifically. But they can never put their logic to it when their minds would ask, but who created oxygen and nitrogen? how can our atmosphere be carrying 78 % of a highly inflammable gas Nitrogen ,and yet in does not interfere in human's breathing systems? why or who would put gases in such a proportion and yet make it so feasible for survival? If man can make such an environment, for himself, and the animals around him, does he really think he's capable of handling such a colossal responsibility on his own?

Well, Atheists always say that science explains everything so God is a myth. How can studying something make you claim ownership of the world, inspite of the fact that science cannot create anything, it just studies them? And for the argument that science CAN create , is all a sugar coated lie against what God has been creating.
God created everything for free and when science will start creating anything ( by the slimest chance that it has) it will charge millions of dollars for you to keep it. Be it a clone of the model you want to live with or a clone of yourself. Wait 100 years ,then if science can stop you from dying, beg the clone to stay with you because she will find a younger man. :)

And as for the argument of creating inorganic cultivation, science couldn't have possibly done that, had it not been provided with excess of naturally created cultivations and crops. Science only copies it, and puts its own tag to it. How original.


New Member
You're right, the occupation of Palestine is political. What i said about war on Islam is not related to Palestine.
What i meant is that I don't have any problem with any PERSON no matter what his religion is, unless if he is attacking Islam. Note that i'm talking at a personal level, i'm not representing anyone but me.

A simple example is that if i talk badly about x religion just to ridicule it and upset its followers. Then i am declaring war on that religion and i don't expect love and roses from them.
If i debate that religion without intentionally hurting the followers, then i would simply expect people to correct me, or agree to disagree with me.

It is obvious that some people hate Islam and every Muslim and don't want to discuss and debate, they just want to ridicule and attack. I have zero respect for these people and i do have a lot of problems with them.

It is everybody's right to consider those who hate and attack him as enemies and treat them as such.

You my freind are the true deffinition of Islam:clap. I am not Islamic and have very different views from the Islamic culture...but agree 100% with what you say...Islam itself is Not evil nor is judaism or christianity...Evil and good comes from how we act upon our views...Islam has many good sides to it as do other religions...also christianity has its bad side too we speak about Islam being bad because we see all the bombers on TV and that sort but forget about our own religions history and the Crusades of the Roman Catholic Church and how they massacerd thousands of innocent men, women, and children in the name of God, because they didnt believe in the same things as them! In the end it all comes down to how you act upon your beliefs and cannot associate all muslims with Evil just like we cant do it with Jews or christianity. It is Not the religion that is evil. Evil comes from the actions of the person Individualy and is not deffined by the religion. Al Salam Alaikum