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"Muslims must be held responsible for France terror attacks"

Do Muslims have a responsibility to weed out extremist views?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 3 10.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
That's simply not true.

It is true.
He was knight and terrorist of christianity, killing of the apostate secularists. He did this because these leftists are soft on muslims and islam.

That was his belief.
So iam shocked that he is not called Christian Terrorist, or follower of Radical Christian terrorism.


Active Member
The 1.6 million need to grow up and realize that their superstitious taboos do not apply to other people.

If islam is noxious, as many find it to be, the number of its followers is irrelevant to whether it should be opposed.
The 1.6 billion Muslims are not alone in condemning the magazines depiction of the prophet in sacrilegious ways. Even the senior staff and the president of America Obama did not join in the celebration of these free speech diehards. Nothing good ever came out of a Frenchman's mouth. It is even harder to shut it.


Well-Known Member
The 1.6 billion Muslims are not alone in condemning the magazines depiction of the prophet in sacrilegious ways. Even the senior staff and the president of America Obama did not join in the celebration of these free speech diehards. Nothing good ever came out of a Frenchman's mouth. It is even harder to shut it.

If one is not a muslim, no depiction of anything muslim can be sacrilegeous.

Racism is not attractive.


yawn <ignore> yawn
We have just witnessed what the magazine created using only their hearts and minds. They mocked and insulted the prophet loved by 1.6 billion Muslims with total disregard for their scriptures.
The magazine did not create this.

Whoever they were satirizing did. This seems like a fundamental misunderstanding. Social commentary is a peaceful way to address problems. But the problems are real or the satire would be ignored.

People who are not accustomed to free speech don't seem to get that part.



Hammer of Reason
The magazine did not create this.

Whoever they were satirizing did. This seems like a fundamental misunderstanding. Social commentary is a peaceful way to address problems. But the problems are real or the satire would be ignored.

People who are not accustomed to free speech don't seem to get that part.

Yes. There would have been no cartoons, unless there was something to laugh at.


Hammer of Reason
The 1.6 billion Muslims are not alone in condemning the magazines depiction of the prophet in sacrilegious ways. Even the senior staff and the president of America Obama did not join in the celebration of these free speech diehards. Nothing good ever came out of a Frenchman's mouth. It is even harder to shut it.
They are all welcome to their respective opinions. But please note that 1.6 billion muslims, the senior staff, and president obama DID NOT CONDEMN THEM TO DIE! You are an idiot! Give me my notification.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
One should ask how much deviation from the ideal of True Islam can be allowed without comment or even outright repression.

True Islam is by definition blissful. But for good or worse, we all often have to deal with something that is plainly a lot less transcendental, and it is all too obvious that there are people that are misguided without realizing it.


Murdoch says Muslims must be held responsible for France terror attacks | World news | The Guardian

"Rupert Murdoch has been strongly criticised after tweeting that “most Moslems” – even if peaceful – must be held responsible for the religion’s “growing jihadist cancer” in the wake of the terror attacks in France.

The News Corp boss added his influential voice to the global discussion on terror that has convulsed social media since gunmen slaughtered 12 people at the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris on Wednesday."

The exact tweet from Murdoch was:
"Maybe most Moslems peaceful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer they must be held responsible."

Thoughts? Do Muslims have a responsibility to "destroy their growing jihadist cancer", to condemn and speak out? Or is it nothing to do with the everyday Muslim, and a separate issue that invokes no such responsibility?

Should Muslims be holding marches of their own through big cities to show their condemnation of extremism?

I remember 150,000 people (vast majority of whom were Muslim) marched through London to protest against Israel and show solidarity with the Palestinians during the Israel-Palestine conflict last year. Where is the same outrage and enthusiasm to march and condemn Islamic extremism?
While I think Islam is based on false hoods and consider a false religion a great evil I cannot condemn people who did not perform an action for those who did. I myself do not want to be held responsible for the crusades or witch hunts. I cannot see any reasonable justification for holding people who did not do a thing responsible for doing it. However Islam as a faith does have some culpability.

1. Why if it is true does it produce so much ignorance and illiteracy? Why so much poverty and misery?
It is this disaffection and lack of the ability to succeed that is partially responsible.
2. Why is the Quran so easily mistaken for demanding these actions from believers. Did Allah not realize that tens of thousands (maybe millions) of Muslims would get it wrong and use it support violence and hatred. I can't find a single verse in the NT that when even misunderstood gives me an excuse for violence for any reason.
3. Why do the so called peaceful Muslims not regulate their own faith? Christianity has over and over and over examined it's self and attempted to weed out practices that defy it. There is no reformation in Islam.
4. Why are the more learned of Muslim leaders misunderstanding the Quran to command them to armed resistance? If that was not Islamic why do more of those who know it best side with terrorism.
5. Why is every problem in Islamic circles someone else's fault even if it is a rival Muslim group. Sunni's blame Shia's and the same in reverse. Islam never says it was our fault and holds it's self accountable. It is always someone else to blame whenever they produce one of their many failures.
6. When even the peaceful Muslims march in the streets chanting death to America, and Jews are dogs, applaud terrorist attacks on innocent people, demand the beheading of a teacher because her class named a Teddy bear Muhammad, etc........ then the faith in common to them and thousands upon thousands of events just like them is needs revision.

While I would not hold a Muslim accountable for a terrorist act they did not participate in, I can and do hold the faith responsible for the conditions which so easily produce terrorism.


Active Member
It was 3 Muslim martyrs out of 1.6 billion Muslims who took upon themselves to defend the prophet. The magazine was mocking and insulting a prophet who has been dead for over 2000 years. They were kicking a dead man repeatedly and for years in their cartoons. How offensive is that?
Muslims are being responsible. 1.6 billion Muslims have held their peace and ignored the defamation of the beloved prophet because Islam is a religion of peace. There are 164 jihad verses Muslims are given to deal with infidels. But they chose to keep the peace instead.
The martyrs responded to the magazine blasphemous insult of the prophet. Both parties are responsible for what ensued. 80,000 police were mobilized. The martyrs are with their virgins in paradise. No Muslim should shed a tear or have cause to pursue this any further.


Well-Known Member
I think it might be helpful for the Muslim community to speak out against extremists, but I don't think it will help educate the average person, who already has broad brushed an entire religion, with the ''sins'' of a few. (''few'' being comparative to all Muslims, worldwide) I have Muslim friends who are very dear to me, and a few years back, they encouraged me to read the Qur'an on my own, and ask them questions. Until I read it, and the Hadith, I wasn't aware of what Islam was truly about. So, if one doesn't wish to educate him/herself on Islam, how can one broad brush the entire religion as being responsible for recent violent events? (or past ones)

Knowledge is powerful. Now, I don't believe Islam is the 'right path' to god, but that is only because I don't support organized religion, in general. But, there is a lot of beauty in Islam, and my friends have helped me understand it better.


Active Member
It was reported there are some 3.4 million protesters gathered to show solidarity in the fight for freedom of speech. What they are fighting for is the right to continue to insult and mock the prophet loved by 1.6 billion Muslims. Because surely they must know Islam is a religion of peace. Muslims have no problem with free speech. But they do have a problem with hate speech directed at their prophet.
Even some intellectual Americans said what the magazine published would not be allowed in America under the free speech protection because they were distasteful and hateful and design to incite a strong reaction in Muslims.


Hammer of Reason
It was 3 Muslim martyrs out of 1.6 billion Muslims who took upon themselves to defend the prophet. The magazine was mocking and insulting a prophet who has been dead for over 2000 years. They were kicking a dead man repeatedly and for years in their cartoons. How offensive is that?
Muslims are being responsible. 1.6 billion Muslims have held their peace and ignored the defamation of the beloved prophet because Islam is a religion of peace. There are 164 jihad verses Muslims are given to deal with infidels. But they chose to keep the peace instead.
The martyrs responded to the magazine blasphemous insult of the prophet. Both parties are responsible for what ensued. 80,000 police were mobilized. The martyrs are with their virgins in paradise. No Muslim should shed a tear or have cause to pursue this any further.
In 100 years, people will remember the name Charlie Hebdo. It will be in history books around the world. They will mention 3 crazed religious radicals that died for nothing. They will not even mention their names. In muslim books, they will touch how stupid it is to kill, murder, and die, for cartoons.


Hammer of Reason
It was reported there are some 3.4 million protesters gathered to show solidarity in the fight for freedom of speech. What they are fighting for is the right to continue to insult and mock the prophet loved by 1.6 billion Muslims. Because surely they must know Islam is a religion of peace. Muslims have no problem with free speech. But they do have a problem with hate speech directed at their prophet.
Even some intellectual Americans said what the magazine published would not be allowed in America under the free speech protection because they were distasteful and hateful and design to incite a strong reaction in Muslims.
LOL, if muslims have no problem with free speech than why is Raif being lashed for speaking?


Hammer of Reason
It was reported there are some 3.4 million protesters gathered to show solidarity in the fight for freedom of speech. What they are fighting for is the right to continue to insult and mock the prophet loved by 1.6 billion Muslims. Because surely they must know Islam is a religion of peace. Muslims have no problem with free speech. But they do have a problem with hate speech directed at their prophet.
Even some intellectual Americans said what the magazine published would not be allowed in America under the free speech protection because they were distasteful and hateful and design to incite a strong reaction in Muslims.
No, you are wrong about that. There are cartoons of mohammed on everyone's FB page in america. Even muslims are posting them and saying they post them because "As muslim, the murder of these people INSULTS me 1.6 billion more times than ANY cartoon" In america, even the muslims are ashamed to be on earth with ISIS.


The Lost One
It was 3 Muslim martyrs out of 1.6 billion Muslims who took upon themselves to defend the prophet. The magazine was mocking and insulting a prophet who has been dead for over 2000 years. They were kicking a dead man repeatedly and for years in their cartoons. How offensive is that?
Muslims are being responsible. 1.6 billion Muslims have held their peace and ignored the defamation of the beloved prophet because Islam is a religion of peace. There are 164 jihad verses Muslims are given to deal with infidels. But they chose to keep the peace instead.
The martyrs responded to the magazine blasphemous insult of the prophet. Both parties are responsible for what ensued. 80,000 police were mobilized. The martyrs are with their virgins in paradise. No Muslim should shed a tear or have cause to pursue this any further.
Then you don't understand the nature of satires.

Satires, whether they are represented in literature or cartoons, were used as voices for the populace against powerful public figures.

Muhammad, like Jesus and the prophets, dead as they may be, were public figures, like any leader, political or military, past and present, and should be freely depicted in satires.

So what the satirists made fun of public figures. Shouldn't they have voices?

Would you murder Aristophanes or Horace because one of them had hypothetically wrote something about Jesus or Muhammad in their satires? (I speaking of hypothetically.)

It was the only mean for Aristophanes for criticise 5th century BCE powerful Athenian leaders.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The United States has, for pretty much it's entire existence, relied on illegal wars, depended upon those operating outside the law, slaughtered innocents, and has provided arms for wars around the world. Should all American citizens be held responsible?
All Quranic verses about killings is revealed during war. What disbelievers(Meaning disbelieving in Allah and the prophets) forget to mention is that the war verses is revealed in context and should be read in context.
Not all of us disbelievers are ignorant on this.;) It may seem like there aren't many of us, but we're here.


the facts the reality is France is Christains land , IF they don't tell it , it's not my problem .
No, France is anti-religious-bigotry land, not "Christian land". That's why they allow non-Christians to migrate there. The French are not religious bigots. Most Muslims are religious bigots.

Muslims in Europe fear anti-Islamic mood will intensify after Paris attacks

Anti-immigrant politicians from Germany to Sweden citing Charlie Hebdo killings as support for their position

Muslims in Europe fear anti-Islamic mood will intensify after Paris attacks | World news | The Guardian

so your claim is ideol .
Muslims are always "fearing" attacks from non-Muslims which never actually happen. They should instead "fear" that they themselves are religious bigots and partly responsible for terrorism. Especially people who refer to the terrorists as "martyrs".

I reject your miquote what caused the misunderstood , not Quran .
There is nothing misunderstood about 33:50 allowing you to rape your slaves. That is how ISIS justified enslaving and raping Yezidis: BBC News - Islamic State: Yazidi women tell of sex-slavery trauma


The United States has, for pretty much it's entire existence, relied on illegal wars, depended upon those operating outside the law, slaughtered innocents, and has provided arms for wars around the world. Should all American citizens be held responsible?
As an Australian, I consider US actions since Pearl Harbour to be exemplary. See Anti-Subjugator: Thanks America And yes, individual Americans can be proud of the fact that they contributed to making the world a better place. Assuming they supported those actions and were happy for their tax dollars to be spent on improving the world.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
As an Australian, I consider US actions since Pearl Harbour to be exemplary. See Anti-Subjugator: Thanks America And yes, individual Americans can be proud of the fact that they contributed to making the world a better place. Assuming they supported those actions and were happy for their tax dollars to be spent on improving the world.
You do know the American government armed Al-Qaeda and helped to get them started don't you? America done quite abit to help create this current mess.


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
As an Australian, I suspect we have a Tony Abbot supporter among us!!!

Some Muslims might be wrong about a lot of things, but they are right on one thing, America is the great Satan.....