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My Favorite Ann Coulter Quote

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Well-Known Member
I certainly don't agree with everything she says but I find her comments to be pretty funny. I like her in a "George Carlin" kind of way.


Veteran Member
doppelgänger said:
Ann Coulter makes me embarrassed to be a human.
Her words speak directly to the part of my being that wants to fend for only me. The part that holds compassion equal to weakness, that is suspicious of good intentions, that wants me to drop my principles now and save the hassle and energy of becoming as corrupt as those who have went before me, that accepts with contendedness that my priveledges cost other peoples' suffering, that hates, that is vengeful.

I can put my hand on heart and admit that such a side of me exists, and that it empathises with Ann Coulter. I do not think I could more strongly described my dislike of that woman.


Active Member
Democrats always assure us that deterrence will work, but when the time comes to deter, they're against it.


Active Member
Nope--just like the quote.

I think most of the postings I have read give her more importance than she deserves. I fail to see why anything she does or says--would be a source of embarrasement to other forum members. The more response there is to her quotes--tv appearances--or purchase her books--just lengthens the time she will be around. Let her have her 15 minutes--and move on.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Good point, Kateyes!

I often find myself wondering if there were a 'left' version of Ann Coulter, if I would agree with what the person said, or how they said it. To be honest, I would be ashamed of myself if I did. Even if they're joking, the vitoral is still evident.


Obstructor of justice
FeathersinHair said:
Good point, Kateyes!

I often find myself wondering if there were a 'left' version of Ann Coulter, if I would agree with what the person said, or how they said it. To be honest, I would be ashamed of myself if I did. Even if they're joking, the vitoral is still evident.

There is....Al Franken. But, he doesn't go out of his way to offend just about everybody possible.


Well-Known Member
MaddLlama said:
There is....Al Franken. But, he doesn't go out of his way to offend just about everybody possible.

His radio show is going bankrupt, not sure why but apparently he's not cutting it.


Well-Known Member
One of my personal favorites:
"Liberals hate America, they hate flag-wavers, they hate abortion opponents, they hate all religions except Islam, post 9/11. Even Islamic terrorists don't hate America like Liberals do. They don't have the energy. If they had that much energy, they'd have indoor plumbing by now."


Well-Known Member
FeathersinHair said:
I'm just curious, Ciscokid, is it a favorite of yours because you enjoy the way in which it is said, or do you agree with what was said?

I think she's pretty humorous but like I said I take what she says with a grain of salt. I think she's over exaggerating a bit in that particular quote.

As much as liberals probably hate her...I don't anyone can criticize her quick witted comebacks and over the top statements. I don't hate liberals like she does...I just disagree with them quite a bit.

You know I think part of my enjoyment is watching her **** people off. I get a kick out of that just as much as anything. I think these days people are wound SO tight.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Ciscokid said:
I think she's pretty humorous but like I said I take what she says with a grain of salt. I think she's over exaggerating a bit in that particular quote.

As much as liberals probably hate her...I don't anyone can criticize her quick witted comebacks and over the top statements. I don't hate liberals like she does...I just disagree with them quite a bit.

You know I think part of my enjoyment is watching her **** people off. I get a kick out of that just as much as anything. I think these days people are wound SO tight.

Ah, okies. I can respect that. :) My sense of humor comes from a different place, I suppose. ("Everybody getting along" might be nice for a way to approach things, but it can't really be used for good jokes.) I apologize for my knee-jerk reaction, though. When one is constantly told that they don't love their country, despite the fact that they do, one can get a little paranoid.

Mercy Not Sacrifice

Well-Known Member
kateyes said:
Nope--just like the quote.

I think most of the postings I have read give her more importance than she deserves. I fail to see why anything she does or says--would be a source of embarrasement to other forum members. The more response there is to her quotes--tv appearances--or purchase her books--just lengthens the time she will be around. Let her have her 15 minutes--and move on.

I used to think the very same thing, until I learned a horrifying truth: A sizeable number of conservatives look up to her as some kind of a savior.

Just go into any Right-leaning forum and ask about her, and you'll see this for yourself.

Frankly, I think it speaks volumes of the quality of the Right's talking heads. However, I do not think this lack of character extends to all conservatives in general; it simply goes to show us how vulnerable we are to being manipulated if we do not keep our guard up.


Lacking Common Sense
Oh please. Shall we quote some Michael Moore, Al Franken, Bill Maher? Come on. One of the things I can't stand is when people lose their sense of perspective and viciously attack someone who speaks their mind - simply because they are effective and outspoken.

You may not like what she says, but she often nails it. She seems to take little notice of the vitriol hurled her way (she much too busy hurling her own brand across the fence).

For example:
"You know, ok. I made a few jokes--and they killed 3000 Americans. Fair trade."


Through the Looking Glass
Moon Woman said:
Oh please. Shall we quote some Michael Moore, Al Franken, Bill Maher? Come on. One of the things I can't stand is when people lose their sense of perspective and viciously attack someone who speaks their mind - simply because they are effective and outspoken.

Stirring up hatred for money isn't praiseworthy no matter who does it.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Moon Woman said:
Oh please. Shall we quote some Michael Moore, Al Franken, Bill Maher? Come on. One of the things I can't stand is when people lose their sense of perspective and viciously attack someone who speaks their mind - simply because they are effective and outspoken.

You may not like what she says, but she often nails it. She seems to take little notice of the vitriol hurled her way (she much too busy hurling her own brand across the fence).

For example:
"You know, ok. I made a few jokes--and they killed 3000 Americans. Fair trade."

I don't 'viciously attack someone who speaks their mind'. I intensely dislike those that seem to enjoy (or profit from) insulting, ridiculing and putting down those that don't agree with them. If Al Franken wrote like that, even if I agreed with what he said, I wouldn't agree with the way he said it and would never read any of his books. (I'm less familiar with Michael Moore, and have never read Bill Maher, so I can't claim to speak as someone who is familar with their work.) Someone can be effective and outspoken without being rude.


The Devil's Advocate
Jaiket said:
Her words speak directly to the part of my being that wants to fend for only me. The part that holds compassion equal to weakness, that is suspicious of good intentions, that wants me to drop my principles now and save the hassle and energy of becoming as corrupt as those who have went before me, that accepts with contendedness that my priveledges cost other peoples' suffering, that hates, that is vengeful.

I can put my hand on heart and admit that such a side of me exists, and that it empathises with Ann Coulter. I do not think I could more strongly described my dislike of that woman.
Wow, what an amazing post.


The Devil's Advocate
FeathersinHair said:
When one is constantly told that they don't love their country, despite the fact that they do, one can get a little paranoid.
Yeah, I fail to see the humour there.

I don't hate Ann Coulter. I do think she hates me (as well as hating about 6 billion other people). How is that funny?

So someone repeatedly calls you "godless" (ie- immoral), accuses you of hating your country, terrorist lover, etc, and you get mad at her because of that, and somehow you're the one that's hateful? The "logic" here eludes me.

Capt. Haddock

Evil Mouse
I've only read a few of this woman's missives, and I can't quite make up my mind.

I'm not sure if she is:

a) A tawdry fascist propagandist and rabble rouser


b) A brilliant and dead-on satirist of the redneck right.

I know most people think she's serious, but it makes the joke that much better if the objects of her ridicule don't even realize they are being mocked. Kind of like Ali G's interviews: the whole fun is that the people he interviews actually take him seriously and answer earnestly.

Taken a certain way, much of what she says really is quite funny. Kind of like Stephen Colbert, yet less obvious even though it's more over-the-top.
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