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My personal encounter with Jesus


Active Member
4. Through Other Believers

God may use a friend, a teacher, a parent, or a preacher to convey His message of truth to us. Their words may come as a warning, a blessing, or as a prophetic truth about our lives.Whether we choose to hear it or ignore it, depends on us. Do their words line up with Scripture? Will God confirm or affirm that truth in us? “The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere” (James 3:17, NIV).

SEE ALSO: A Reason for Hope

I’ve “heard” God speak to me numerous times through other people. A good friend once cautioned me about flirting with danger. Words from a speaker or Christian author have both challenged me and convicted me at times. And I’ve “heard” God talking to me through my own children as their pure and honest words cut clear to my heart and spirit, reminding me of God’s true priorities.

All these things may not sound to you like ways of ”hearing God’s voice,” but it’s possible to reduce God to our own image if we insist on Him acting or reacting a certain way. God is bigger than that. He once spoke through a donkey (Numbers 22:28). Why then, can’t He speak through anyone at anytime or in any way He wants to?

Bottom line is that if we are His children, God loves us unconditionally and will spare no expense to show us. Our part? Believe Him!

Hearing His “audible” voice would no doubt cinch His reality in an awesome way. But I’ve never heard God through an angel’s message. I have no taped recordings to tell you what God sounds like. But I have heard God “speak” through the above ways–and in a few more. Read on.

SEE ALSO: What Makes Your Heart Sing?

5. Through Music
Perhaps one of the ways I can sense God’s presence the most and “hear” His voice the best is when I am praising Him through music. Maybe it’s because in times of depression and difficult trials in the past, I would pour over David’s songs in Psalms, often singing them back to God with my own tunes. Praise brings me instantly to attention, like a sergeant’s command to his soldiers. The words and the notes bring a soothing comfort, excitement, and passion that open my ears and heart and lift my spirits immediately.

In 2 Chronicles 20, King Jehoshaphat faced a huge army of enemies who could have easily destroyed His people, but he did a strange thing. With a declaration that his eyes were on God, he sent in a choir of praise singers: “Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the LORD and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying: ‘Give thanks to the LORD, for his love endures forever’” (2 Chronicles 20:21, NIV).

God “spoke” clearly. He released His power, and Jehoshaphat’s army defeated their enemies!

6. Through Circumstances
When others claim to hear God through circumstances, I try to caution them to test their conclusions with other evidence. God is a Holy God, and often uses circumstances to get our attention. But He will usually confirm it in other ways.

SEE ALSO: 10 Ways to Hear from God Regularly

This happened to us before my husband and I married. We were dating in high school and were both involved in what could have been a deadly accident, when a speeding pick-up hit our car broadside. Through that accident, my husband felt God had a special purpose for his life. Did he “hear” God’s literal “Yes?” No, but through much prayer, seeking God’s Word, and talking to others, he felt God’s confirmation. Several months later, he committed his life to full-time Christian service.

Someone once told me they just knew God was telling them it was okay to buy a brand-new pickup. They’d prayed about it, and circumstances confirmed it: the local car dealership had just the color and model they wanted. But there was one small problem they were neglecting. They couldn’t afford it on their income. And they ignored other red flags as well.

Through Moses, God used circumstances (plagues) to convince Egypt’s leader to release God’s people from slavery. But Pharaoh wouldn’t listen.

Sometimes God uses our circumstances to test our faith. We don’t always know how to interpret the things that happen to us. I recently took my first trip in an ambulance to the local ER–unfortunately as a patient. My pulse, along with my blood pressure, dropped dangerously low. For several minutes my world looked like a spinning photo negative. Scary, to say the least. Four hours of testing later found no cause as to why it happened. The doctor pronounced me healthy and sent me home, after encouraging me to get a follow-up–which I did. Nothing showed up.

I don’t know if God was speaking to me about something special, but the first thing I did was tell Him I was listening! If nothing else, life–and loved ones–suddenly became much more precious to me. One of the first things I usually ask God when circumstances change is: “God, is there something you want to teach me through this?” Yes, I know everything is “fodder” for writers. But I want to make it personal and learn the lesson first.

7. Through His Spirit
I once heard someone teach about “minding the checks” in your spirit. Some may call it “God’s whispers,” while others say, “God’s still, small voice.” We are made in the image of God, and when we confess Jesus and follow Him as our Lord and Savior, His Spirit comes to live in us (John 14:17, 1 Corinthians 3:16). God’s Spirit speaks to us through our conscience, helping to make the right decision. When we’re tempted, that same Spirit warns and nudges us to do the right thing.

As a writer, I depend on God’s Spirit to give me direction. There are times when ideas pop into my mind totally unexpectedly–and sometimes directly after a plea for help from God. The good ideas I credit to God, because after all, He is the source of every good and perfect gift. The others? They’re in file 13. Even the good ones need developing and rewriting, but that’s a different subject.

Why do you suppose ten people can “hear” a sermon, but each person will walk away with a different truth that applies to him? In some cases, the speaker never spoke what the people say they “heard.” Many times, that may be the result of God’s Spirit speaking a personal “Rhema,” a living, breathing word of truth to our spirits. It’s when Scripture comes alive to us–because it is truly “God-breathed.”

8. Through Prayer
Each way I’ve shared that God may speak to us today meshes into the other. God often speaks to us through His Spirit, through prayer. We may not know how to pray, but God’s Word tells us His spirit makes intercession for us (Romans 8:26-27).

Often through a combination of fasting and prayer, our minds become clearer and our hearts are more sensitive to God. Again, we may not hear God’s literal voice, but His Spirit confirms a certain direction or answer for us. As the distractions fade, we can sense His leading in a new way. Sometimes while praying, God’s Spirit will remind us of a Scripture or a truth in His Word that we can directly apply to the situation.

Does that happen immediately? Not always. There have been occasions where I still had no clue what to do, but in faith I thanked God whenever and however He would answer. A day, a week, maybe even months pass. Then one day in the shower or on a walk, a thought comes–that gentle “whisper” that could only come from Him, accompanied by His peace.

You Are Unique
Does God speak to all of us the same way? No, we are all unique. Are these the only ways God speaks today? No. He’s a creative God. He speaks so many ways, including through miracles. In other countries where Christianity is taboo, God is also revealing Himself repeatedly through dreams. Report after report confirms that an unbeliever who has never heard of Jesus dreams of Him–but doesn’t know who the “man” is–or what the dream means. Then a messenger comes, shows a film about Jesus’ death and resurrection, and the one who has dreamed recognizes the man in his dream: It’s Jesus, the Son of God!

Remember One Truth
Regardless of the way God chooses to reveal Himself or “speak” to us today, remember one truth. He will never contradict His Word, and the message He gives will always bring glory to God. The Bible warns about adding anything to the already written, God-breathed Word of God, or accepting any other messenger who claims to be superior to Jesus (Revelation 22:18-19;2 Corinthians 11:4).


Active Member
No, I haven't thought of that because I'm 45 years old and have had a life full of honest discussions. My mother "talks to God" via prayers, others tell me the same thing.

Trust me, most people are not hearing voices in their heads, Christian or otherwise.

I just post a link that best explains what I have been trying to say


Active Member

Question: "Does God still speak to us today?"

The Bible records God speaking audibly to people many times (Exodus 3:14; Joshua 1:1; Judges 6:18; 1 Samuel 3:11; 2 Samuel 2:1;Job 40:1; Isaiah 7:3; Jeremiah 1:7 ;Acts 8:26; 9:15—this is just a small sampling). There is no biblical reason why God could not speak to a person audibly today. With the hundreds of times the Bible records God speaking, we have to remember that they occur over the course of 4,000 years of human history. God speaking audibly is the exception, not the rule. Even in the biblically recorded instances of God speaking, it is not always clear whether it was an audible voice, an inner voice, or a mental impression.

God does speak to people today. First, God speaks to us through His Word (2 Timothy 3:16–17). Isaiah 55:11 tells us, “So is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” The Bible is God’s Word, everything we need to know in order to be saved and live the Christian life. Second Peter 1:3 declares, “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by his own glory and goodness.”

God can also “speak” to us through events—i.e., He can guide us through arranging our circumstances. And God helps us to discern right from wrong through our consciences (1 Timothy 1:5;1 Peter 3:16). God is in the process of conforming our minds to think His thoughts (Romans 12:2). God allows events to occur in our lives to direct us, change us, and help us to grow spiritually (James 1:2–5;Hebrews 12:5–11). First Peter 1:6–7reminds us, “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

God may sometimes speak audibly to people. It is highly doubtful, though, that this occurs as often as some people claim it does. Again, even in the Bible, God speaking audibly is the exception, not the ordinary. If anyone claims that God has spoken to him or her, always compare what is said with what the Bible says. If God were to speak today, His words would be in full agreement with what He has said in the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16–17). God does not contradict Himself.


Active Member

How Can I Hear God Speaking to Me?

Turning to the right channel
Like turning to the right channel, God speaks to individuals who are ready and prepared to listen. A friend once put it this way: A Christ follower who builds the following four habits in his life will be in a good place to hear from God.

First, Christians should build relationships with other Christians. This doesn’t mean excluding those who are not of the same faith from your circle of friends. Rather, a believer in Christ who makes close friends out of those with the same priorities finds it easier to live a faith filled lifestyle.

A Christ follower should spend daily time reading the Bible, mulling over the message, and praying for ways to make scripture’s lessons into a lifestyle. Setting aside time for reading and reflection immerses a Christ follower in God’s purposes and nature.

By adding prayer for others and himself to this daily quiet time, the Christian will find it easier to turn away from their own self-focused desires, and advance God’s priorities to first place.

The fourth discipline is the most challenging. Christians should actively seek opportunities to tell others about what they are learning from and about God. By sharing your thoughts about God, the internal becomes external, and the lessons learned in private become part of an outward lifestyle that is changing toward God’s purposes.

If you do these 4 things every day, you will be in a good place to hear from God. You will have turned to the right channel, so to speak. God can speak to anyone, at any time or place. Yet God will not often speak with a person who is not ready to hear.

Reading the Channel guide.
In the Bible, God used talking animals, a flaming bush, angels, visions, and a “still small voice” to speak to his people. God can use anything to communicate to a person who is ready to hear. Nonetheless, here are a few methods which God often uses.

God will often speak to you from another friend or leader. Often we need only see a situation from another set of eyes in order to hear God’s will. A good friend whom you trust as a committed and consistent Christ follower can bring God’s voice to you.

The Bible has examples of most of life’s problems, pitfalls and priorities printed throughout its pages. These words from God tell of God’s general plan, and often will spell out the advice you need to find God’s will for a specific situation.

The Bible describes God speaking in a ‘still small voice.’ God often speaks directly into your mind if you will set aside the time to pray, and wait for his answer. This practice should not be confused with some kind of cosmic vending machine. God is under no obligation to give you the answer you seek after you deposit the “coins” of an hour or two of prayer. Yet God promises that he will answer if you will pray and wait. His still small voice can be a thought in your mind, a clear and simple response to your prayers.

Tuning Out the Static
Hearing from God is primarily a heart issue. You will hear from God when you decide to hold his will as your most important priority. More than being disciplined or practicing religious habits, a disciple willing to let go of his own desires that are counter to God’s expressed purpose shows single minded, pure hearted devotion. This person will hear God’s voice, not because he’s good enough, but because God promises to speak to the pure of heart.

If you want to hear from God, you must tune out the static from your receiver. God promises that if you are a person who deliberately, willfully, and repeatedly puts your own will ahead of his, He will not likely speak to you. Period. Deliberate, repeated and habitual disobedience will silence God’s voice. He will often not speak again until you put his priorities back into first place in your heart and life. (Bible references related to this article:2 Timothy 2.20-21, Acts 2.46-47, Philemon)


Well-Known Member
God may sometimes speak audibly to people. It is highly doubtful, though, that this occurs as often as some people claim it does.

Essentially, Ben, this is all I'm trying to say. Although of course I'd say it's never actually real, not sometimes.

But please note that even whatever religious website you pulled this stuff from is warning people against hearing God audibly. The very last sentence is obviously a warning to anyone who thinks they heard God tell them to do something wacky. Have a peek at the attached link...this is the kind of thing I fear when people report hearing the voice of God.


Teacher Says 'Higher Power' Told Him To Attack Kid With Skateboard
Mom Allegedly Tries To Drown Son In Puddle Because Jesus Told Her To
Man Allegedly Stabs Grandma, Blames Archangel Michael
Nurse Thinks Grandmother Was Possessed, Beats Her To Death: Cops
Suspect: "Jesus And Mary Told Me To Kill Him Because He Is Satan's Spawn!"

There are many, many more sad stories like this. Hearing voices is a sign of mental illness. I'm sorry if this is somehow insulting to you. It shouldn't be, and I don't intend it to be, but I won't sit back in life and pay lip service because I think the mental illness issue is to serious to just ignore.


Active Member
Essentially, Ben, this is all I'm trying to say. Although of course I'd say it's never actually real, not sometimes.

But please note that even whatever religious website you pulled this stuff from is warning people against hearing God audibly. The very last sentence is obviously a warning to anyone who thinks they heard God tell them to do something wacky. Have a peek at the attached link...this is the kind of thing I fear when people report hearing the voice of God.


Teacher Says 'Higher Power' Told Him To Attack Kid With Skateboard
Mom Allegedly Tries To Drown Son In Puddle Because Jesus Told Her To
Man Allegedly Stabs Grandma, Blames Archangel Michael
Nurse Thinks Grandmother Was Possessed, Beats Her To Death: Cops
Suspect: "Jesus And Mary Told Me To Kill Him Because He Is Satan's Spawn!"

There are many, many more sad stories like this. Hearing voices is a sign of mental illness. I'm sorry if this is somehow insulting to you. It shouldn't be, and I don't intend it to be, but I won't sit back in life and pay lip service because I think the mental illness issue is to serious to just ignore.

You don't seem to grasp or understand that each website said the same thing. It's a small still voice that you hear in your spirit. God speaks to me that way, also through music, movies, the word and going to church and praying. I have never met any believer in my whole 33 years of living that has not heard that small still voice speaking to them. That is how you know they are a believer. Cause God's foot print is on their life.


Well-Known Member
You don't seem to grasp or understand that each website said the same thing. It's a small still voice that you hear in your spirit. God speaks to me that way, also through music, movies, the word and going to church and praying. I have never met any believer in my whole 33 years of living that has not heard that small still voice speaking to them. That is how you know they are a believer. Cause God's foot print is on their life.

Then we're talking about two different things. Seeing a chubby baby or a beautiful sunrise and "feeling God" isn't what I'm talking about. Reporting actually, audibly hearing God and being able to repeat the actual words God supposedly said is what I've been refering to.


Active Member
Then we're talking about two different things. Seeing a chubby baby or a beautiful sunrise and "feeling God" isn't what I'm talking about. Reporting actually, audibly hearing God and being able to repeat the actual words God supposedly said is what I've been refering to.
It's called small still voice. Every believer should be hearing that small still voice in their soul its called the holy spirit


Well-Known Member
It's called small still voice. Every believer should be hearing that small still voice in their soul its called the holy spirit

I'm telling you, I grew up in a very devout family, I'm well aware of what you are talking about. Non religious people call it their conscience. Religious people call it God.

In either case it's different from more specific claims some religious people make like "God told me to" do x, y or z thing. You're not crazy for having a consciousness and framing it as God. You're very likely crazy if you're hearing actual voices making specific statements or commands.


Active Member
I'm telling you, I grew up in a very devout family, I'm well aware of what you are talking about. Non religious people call it their conscience. Religious people call it God.

In either case it's different from more specific claims some religious people make like "God told me to" do x, y or z thing. You're not crazy for having a consciousness and framing it as God. You're very likely crazy if you're hearing actual voices making specific statements or commands.
Do you not realize that is pretty much the same thing? If it's your own conscience it is still a voice. I think we might just have to agree to disagree here you know


Well-Known Member
Do you not realize that is pretty much the same thing? If it's your own conscience it is still a voice. I think we might just have to agree to disagree here you know

You think the stories I posted about people doing things like attacking someone with a skateboard because God told them to is the same thing as the general feeling that God is present?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
How does one know if one's revelation or encounter is actually Jesus? It could be organic -- a temporal seizure, or a psychological unburdening -- and didn't Krishna say he'd appear to devotees in whatever form they were most comfortable with?


Active Member
Ben, I love your style--and you are making constructive use of Demonslayer as your rhetorical whipping boy.

Thanks I guess lol. This debate is nothing. I've been on the message boards since I was a teen in the late 90's. The board I came from was on aol then moved to proboard. Those people we're harsh. But then again they knew me very well and had been posting with me for years and years. I learned a lot from them. I learned how to have a backbone and stand up in what you believe in