Let me just add one more thing here for you to respond to as well. Then I will get back to replying to your 1st reply, your 2nd reply, and finally your new reply to this post I am going to make right now:
How intense your emotions are determines how sensitive of a human being you are. This is because our brains are hardwired in such a way that if you have a thought of compassion or love, then that sends a signal to the emotional part of your brain that experiences compassion or love. In other words, the more intense feelings of compassion and love you have, the more of a compassionate and loving personality you have. So if you have very intense feelings of compassion and love, then that would obviously mean that you are a very compassionate and loving person. But if you have less feelings of love and compassion towards someone even though you choose to help them out, then that would obviously mean you are not a very compassionate or loving person since the only thing that determines how compassionate and loving we are is the intensity of our emotions love and compassion. You cannot have a very intense loving and compassionate personality/thoughts without having very intense emotions of love and compassion since our brains are hardwired in such a way that the more intense compassionate and loving thoughts/personality we have, the more intense of an emotional signal is sent and the more intense we feel the emotions compassion and love. But an exception to this would be if you have anhedonia or some mental defect that doesn't allow the full or significant experience of emotions. If you have no emotions, then you can still have very intense thoughts of love and compassion. But to determine whether those thoughts of love and compassion were intense in a genuine way or were just nothing more than mere thoughts being spoken in your mind, we would bring back your ability to experience your full emotions and we would then see as to whether those said thoughts you had send an intense emotional signal or not. If the signal is intense, then those were genuinely intense thoughts of love and compassion. But if the signal was not that intense at all, then those were not very intense genuine thoughts of love and compassion you had at all.
Since our thoughts of love, compassion, good value, worth, etc. are only genuine when they send the emotional signals, then you cannot live a good life while feeling depressed or having anhedonia. This is because none of those good thoughts you are having are sending any emotional signal. During depression (hopelessness), you could either have a mental defect going on that is causing this depression which is preventing any good thought from sending any pleasure signal to your brain. Or you could have a negative thought causing you depression which is preventing any good thought you are having from sending any pleasure signal. During anhedonia, since all feelings of pleasure are turned off, then your good thoughts are not genuine or any other thoughts of love, compassion, happiness, joy, etc. This is because they are not sending any pleasure signals. The thoughts sending the pleasure signals is when they are actually perceived by our brains as being good thoughts, compassionate thoughts, loving thoughts, etc. Otherwise, they would simply be just spoken words, phrases, and messages in our brains and nothing more. Once the pleasant emotion has been induced from those good thoughts, then that feeling of pleasure is then the actual true perception of good value, worth, compassion, love, etc. Since good thoughts always send pleasure signals, bad thoughts always send signals that make us feel sad, enraged, depressed, etc., while neutral thoughts always send no emotional signal, then all our good and bad thoughts without our emotions are all actually neutral thoughts since they aren't sending any emotional signals. We would not refer to them as good or bad thoughts. So that is why our lives can't be good or bad without our pleasant/unpleasant feelings/emotions since all our thoughts would not send any emotional/feeling signals. Actually, we would only refer to our pleasant emotions/feelings as being good and our unpleasant emotions/feelings as being bad since they are actually the only good and bad things in life.
Going back to my example with how our thoughts are only genuine when they send the emotional signals, if you are someone who think that pleasurable feelings such as love and joy are primitive and not needed and that you think you have "evolved" past those primitive feelings since you think that intelligence is of the far greater value in life, then that would not make you anyone caring, compassionate, loving, etc. as long as you do not feel love and compassion. You would be like an inferior insensitive biological robot. As long as you do not significantly, fully, or intensely feel emotions such as love and compassion, then you are not a significantly caring, loving, or compassionate person since all those thoughts of love and compassion you are having would not be genuine since they are not sending any emotional signals to make you feel significant love and compassion. It is only when our thoughts are genuine that they send the emotional signals to our brains. So it is the intensity of those emotions that you deem as primitive and inferior that indicate our level of love and compassion we have towards others in life. Therefore, I am like an inferior insensitive biological robot since I have no pleasant emotions which means that my thoughts of love and compassion towards others cannot be genuine since they cannot send any emotional signals to make me feel any love or compassion. This also holds true for any good thoughts I might have towards my life and composing dream. My life cannot be genuinely perceived as being good and worth living without my pleasant emotions since those thoughts of good value and worth in my life cannot send any emotional signals to my brain to make me feel pleasant emotions from that. One more thing here. If you have a thought of love that does not send a signal to your brain that makes you feel love, but instead makes you feel motivation or some other form of pleasure such as peace, then you would not be a loving person. You would instead be a motivational or a peaceful person.
Finally, people who say "A suffering artist is a great artist," then these people really don't care that much about this artist's suffering or his/her absence of pleasure. It would be no different than if some artist was getting his/her arms and legs sawed off and other people thought that made this artist great and made his/her life great simply because he/she made works of art at the very brink of his/her last breath and misery. "Oh, look at that suffering artist. We are glad he is suffering to give us great works of art. What a wonderful life he must have," these people would say. It wouldn't be anything great. That artist is going through so much suffering and misery that he/she cannot possibly live a life of any good value or worth while going through all that suffering and through having an absence of pleasure as well. This would also apply on a smaller scale as well. In other words, artists who go through a moderate or a little bit of suffering or an absence of pleasure, then even that amount of suffering/absence of pleasure would not make this artist and his/her life anything great. So as you can see here, it is only our pleasant emotions and us not having any suffering/anhedonia in our lives that makes us great people, great artists, with great lives.
So do not call me a great composer with a great life if I were to somehow compose having this anhedonia/depression. It doesn't make me or my life anything of good value or worth and it would be utterly insulting to say that it does make me, my life, and my composing dream something great. Even if my suffering, anhedonia, and depression somehow made me grow as a person and as as composer, it still would be nothing of any good value or worth to me based on my example I have just given here and also based on what I said earlier which is that not only is it only our pleasant emotions that make us and our lives good and worth living, but that we can also grow as artists and people through our pleasant emotions. We can grow in healthy ways instead and there is no need for any of this suffering, depression, and anhedonia. They need to find a cure for suffering, mortality, anhedonia, and depression through science in the future as I've said before.
If you were on a battlefield and had to go through much suffering and misery to help or save another innocent person's life on the battlefield, then I could understand. Although you and your life would not be great during that moment of suffering, you would be someone who would help that person out anyway. But that is just speaking here on the battlefield and in other dire moments where innocent people such as your family need you to save their lives. This life and composing dream were never meant to be like those situations I've just described. It was not meant to be a life of suffering and misery. Composing and this very life is meant to be inspired, motivated, blissful, etc. through our pleasant emotions. I only compose through my pleasant emotions which would be my emotions of inspiration, motivation, transcendence, etc. That is the one and only way I wanted to live my life and is the one and only way I wanted to be a composer. I find no good value or worth whatsoever in living my life and pursuing my composing dream like a suffering soldier on the battlefield saving someone else's life or like some biological suffering robot who has no pleasant emotions.
The fact is, we can help and inspire people in healthy ways. We do not need to inspire and motivate others through our absence of pleasure or suffering. There are plenty of people who already inspire and motivate others through living blissful lives. For example, with Walt Disney, even though he lived a blissful life of very little suffering and misery, he has inspired and motivated other suffering people anyway and has inspired and motivated many others. Despite his lack of suffering and misery, he had full compassion and empathy towards other suffering people anyway.
Therefore, since he and many others have motivated and inspired others and have had full compassion and empathy towards other people and other suffering people despite the fact that they have lived blissful lives, then this says right here that we do not need suffering or an absence of pleasure in our lives to motivate and inspire others. Or, at least, we might need at least a tiny bit of suffering/absence of pleasure in our lives to have compassion and empathy towards other suffering people. But that would be it. As a matter of fact, I don't think we even need any suffering or absence of pleasure whatsoever to help, inspire, and to have empathy and compassion towards others. This is because we are naturally born with empathy and compassion towards other people. We have our full empathy and compassion fully intact even if we were to have no suffering or absence of pleasure in our lives. The only thing that can either make us less or more empathetic/compassionate would just be our attitude.
Since there are many suffering people who do not become any more compassionate and empathetic towards others and instead take their suffering out on others, then this says right here that suffering/absence of pleasure in of itself does not make you a more empathetic/compassionate person. Rather, it is just your attitude that makes you either a less or a more empathetic/compassionate person. I know for a fact that my suffering/absence of pleasure has not made me any more empathetic or compassionate towards others. If anything, it has made me cold and ruthless and has taken away my motivation and inspiration in my life and has taken away my motivation and inspiration to compose. But not in such a way that I am demeaning and criticizing other innocent suffering people. Rather, it would instead be in such a way that says: "Give up. Your life is worthless since you suffer. If you cannot fully recover from your suffering and from your absence of pleasure within a reasonable time frame, then just kill yourself."
But I have every reason to have this attitude since it is only our pleasant emotions that define the good value and worth of us and our lives. Therefore, since it is our attitudes alone that determine our amount of empathy and compassion towards others, then none of us need any suffering, mortality, or absence of pleasure in our lives. As a matter of fact, if we all lived perfect blissful lives of no suffering, then we wouldn't even need to help anyone else out. Actually, it would work out like this. Innocent caring people would still have as much compassion and empathy as they ever did. But it wouldn't be in such a way that it would be inspiring and motivating other suffering people since there would be no other suffering people in a perfect eternal blissful life of no suffering. These innocent non-suffering people would instead inspire and motivate others in a different way. It would instead be in such a way that would inspire/motivate other blissful people to live even further blissful lives so that they can further pursue their goals/dreams and be even further blissful than they already are.
But with this life of suffering, absence of pleasure, and mortality, it is different. It would instead be like we are inspiring people who have had their arms and legs being sawed off to keep on crawling through the battlefield. For anyone to try and motivate/inspire me would be just like that and for me to inspire/motivate other severely suffering people would also be like that to them as well. As I've said before, such a dramatic and horrific life was never meant to be and needs to be eliminated through cures for suffering, absence of pleasure, and mortality in the future. Also as I've said before, I am not a warrior who crawls through suffering in a battlefield. I am not such a warrior and never was I meant to be such a warrior. If I have to live my life like that and my composing dream like that, then I would end my life if my pleasant emotions do not fully or sufficiently come back to me within a reasonable time frame. That is not how I live my life and is not how I compose. I came here to enjoy anime/videogames through my pleasant emotions, I came here to enjoy the beauty and greatness of this life through my pleasant emotions, and I came here to enjoy my composing through my pleasant emotions. Suffering, mortality, and an absence of pleasure only serve to destroy me and my life. They are depressing restrictions put upon that one and only way of life I wanted to live. They need to be eliminated through a cure. Otherwise, I am not going to live this life and I will end my life if my pleasant emotions do not fully recover.
Since we can be more empathetic/compassionate through our attitudes alone, then this also means we can become more creative and intelligent through other means in life besides our suffering, mortality, and absence of pleasure. For example, you could study up and learn more things to become more intelligent while living a happy blissful life and it would be completely unnecessary to have suffered and to have had an absence of pleasure. Same thing goes for creativity. You can instead be more creative in healthy ways and you don't need any suffering, absence of pleasure, or mortality to do so. I know that artists and such value their suffering since they can create dark, gothic, and tragic works of art from that. But that is just plain unnecessary.
You can instead create such works of art through your pleasure in dark, gothic, and tragic things instead and it would be unnecessary to have suffered and it would have been unnecessary to have had anhedonia. For example, just look at a dark sky that is pitch black and purple/red on some painting or some other work of art and I would bet you would feel pleasure from that. You would feel a sense of dark beauty and greatness from that. That pleasurable feeling would then motivate and inspire you to create dark, gothic, or tragic works of art despite never having gone through any suffering in your life. Even if we never knew what tragedy and suffering were if we all never went through any of it in our lives and could never create tragic works of art, the fact remains that tragedy and suffering only serve to take away your life and lower you down.
So instead of works of art that convey tragedy and suffering, we would instead have dark and gothic works of art that convey dark and gothic pleasurable feelings instead (as with my example with that painting of the dark sky). So anyone who is dark and gothic, then it is dark and gothic pleasure that we need in our lives. We do not need any dark gothic despair, absence of pleasure, or suffering that only serves to take away our lives and saps our very being away from us. As I've said before, despair, suffering, and absence of pleasure is like cold and empty space. But dark and gothic pleasant emotions are like a dark and gothic transcending life force (energy) that is vibrant, hot, and fills us with transcending vigorous life energy. Dark and gothic pleasure and dark and gothic suffering/absence of pleasure/despair are like two enemies. One is transcending (dark and gothic pleasure) while the other is not and only serves to sap your very being and take away your life. If dark and gothic pleasure and suffering, absence of pleasure, and despair were two different beings, then dark and gothic pleasure needs to maul, destroy, and slay this inferior suffering, absence of pleasure, despair, and mortality.
I would not choose to live on and pursue my composing dream with this absence of pleasure. I would instead end my life since I would feel utterly insulted having this anhedonia and I would be living a life of no good value or worth to me. To say that "life is suffering," "suffering is greatness," "a suffering artist is a great artist," or "an artist who has no pleasant emotions is greatness and is a great artist with a great life," then that is utterly insulting to me. I would end that mockery and insult in my life by putting an end to my life in the event that my pleasant emotions do not fully recover within a reasonable time frame. To also tell me to just accept and move on in life with this absence of pleasure in the pretend situation that I could not fully recover my pleasant emotions within a reasonable time frame, this is also a complete insult to me. It would be a complete insult to me since a life of me having my full pleasant emotions is the one and only life that has ever mattered to me and is the one and only life I came here to live for and nothing else. That, and an afterlife of eternal pleasure and no suffering as a reward after this life is done. But since I am not getting either of those lives to live, then I would just end that utter insult to me by ending my life if I can't fully recover. But if I can fully recover my pleasant emotions, then I will fully live this life and for my composing dream since I would then be inspired, motivated, and have my good value and worth back to me, my life, and my composing dream.
One last thing here. I do not compose through my feelings of rage, depression, sadness, etc. either since they are all unpleasant (bad) feelings that only serve to make me, my life, and my composing dream bad. I live and compose only through my pleasant emotions alone since they are the only things that make me, my life, and composing dream good and worth living for and are the only things that give me bond, inspiration, motivation, joy, love, happiness, etc.