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My views on homosexuality


Veteran Member



Admiral Obvious
You guys, it’s starting to get to that point where this is seeming redundant and monotonous.
You give yourself far to much credit.
It was redundant and monotonous by your fifth post in this thread...

I’ve found out that on this forum when people don’t agree with you or like what you are saying they either skip over or act like they don’t see the facts you give them, act like they don’t understand them, or just say you’ve never answered them or given them any facts at all.
STILL waiting for facts from you...
No, your opinions are not facts, regardless of badly your belief system needs them to be.

(laughs!) You can deny it, but you know it's true.
Your ego knows no bounds.

It’s unbelievable! The people I've talked to about some of the conversations I've had on this forum (this thread and another) with you guys can’t understand how I’ve been able to maintain calmness and be so patient with you all.
Yes, choirs are really good for stroking the egos of fellow members.

Especially with having to repeat myself over and over and over again. Look, what I’m saying is that it’s time for me to move on from this thread. This is going nowhere fast. You are never going to make me see it your way.
Here most of us have been trying to merely get you to stop jumping up and down screaming "It's Wrong" and actually explain it.
But since it seems that the only thing you have is "It's Disgusting" as your reason...

The bottom line is...
Oh god, not another opinionated sermon free from facts and truth...

Homosexuality is wrong (and so is incest, by the way). Yes, wrooooong. There is no getting around that. It is simply wrong, unnatural, immoral, and, quite frankly, sickening for a man to have sex with another man and/or a woman to have sex with another woman. Period. Now I’ve already stated on an exhausting number of occasions why it is wrong, unnatural, and immoral. You don’t want to hear it. You are going to disagree no matter what I say because you’re into that freaky stuff and you don’t want anyone telling you it’s wrong. You want it to be right so it will remain right in your eyes no matter what. You want to be in an anarchic world where anything goes and want to force right to be wrong and wrong to be right as long as it suits your needs.

The fact of the matter is that you’re in denial if you think homosexuality is okay. As a matter of fact, there have been gay people who have right out said themselves that they know that homosexuality is wrong. And before you say it’s because that’s what society has made them believe, let me tell you, you’re wrong. There have been gay people that have said they always felt it was abnormal or unnatural, not because society said it was and not because their parents or families made them feel that way (some have very supportive families). They, themselves, always felt it was wrong since they were really young and because they themselves felt it was wrong, they hid it until later. There have even been those that felt so strongly it was wrong that they have actually tried to get treatment for it, so that they can have a normal heterosexual life. I’ve heard gays say they know it’s wrong, but they simply can’t help how they are so they act upon it. That the yearning to be with the same sex is too strong for them to ignore so they act upon it. But they still know it’s wrong.

Let me be clear...I don’t feel that homosexual people should be mocked, physically attacked, or treated inhumanely. Just because you’re gay, doesn’t mean you’re not human. I don’t feel that a person will go to hell just because they are gay. Being gay does not make a person deplorable. There are so-called religious people who sit on high moral horses yet have the worse personalities and really care for no one. I feel that gay people should be able to get a job like anyone else and rent an apartment like anyone else. When it comes to legality, with the exception of marriage and adoption, I feel gay people should have pretty much the same rights as everyone else. I don’t treat gay people any differently than I treat heterosexual people. If you are kind and respectful to me, I am kind and respectful in return. What a person does in their personal lives is between them and the Creator Himself. It’s not for me to judge what happens to a person when this is all over. But...I will not ever condone what I know is wrong. And that’s with anything. Not just homosexuality. As I’ve said before, there are a lot of heterosexual immoralities as well. And I don’t condone those either. If I do something wrong, I don’t condone it.

So if someone wants to say I’m wrong for being honest, then really, (in all honesty),I just don’t care. That’s blunt, but it’s true. I really could not care less. You can call me every name in the book...it won’t sway me even a little. That’s just how I am. I’m very headstrong (and I’m used to being around and conversing and debating with headstrong people). I’m the type that if you can give me some hard facts and make sense, then you can change my point of view. It’s happened in my life before. My points of view have changed before. But, If you’re not proving anything to me and you’re not making any sense, then you truly are wasting your time. Homosexuality is wrong. Period. That’s how I feel and that’s not going to change. Now we could go on and on and on discussing this, but really what’s the point? We’d just be going around and round in circles. I’ve said before (on another thread) that I don’t mind debating as long as the debate is moving forward. But, whenever it reaches that point where I feel like I’m on a monotonous carousel, then I get off the ride and move on. I’m afraid I’m starting to feel dizzy and nauseated from the circles we’re going in. I’m starting to feel like I’m needing to exit this ride.
It IS nothing more than a self serving sermon long on opinion and short on facts and truth.


You guys, it’s starting to get to that point where this is seeming redundant and monotonous.

I’ve found out that on this forum when people don’t agree with you or like what you are saying they either skip over or act like they don’t see the facts you give them, act like they don’t understand them, or just say you’ve never answered them or given them any facts at all. (laughs!) You can deny it, but you know it's true. It’s unbelievable! The people I've talked to about some of the conversations I've had on this forum (this thread and another) with you guys can’t understand how I’ve been able to maintain calmness and be so patient with you all. Especially with having to repeat myself over and over and over again. Look, what I’m saying is that it’s time for me to move on from this thread. This is going nowhere fast. You are never going to make me see it your way.

The bottom line is...

Homosexuality is wrong (and so is incest, by the way). Yes, wrooooong. There is no getting around that. It is simply wrong, unnatural, immoral, and, quite frankly, sickening for a man to have sex with another man and/or a woman to have sex with another woman. Period. Now I’ve already stated on an exhausting number of occasions why it is wrong, unnatural, and immoral. You don’t want to hear it. You are going to disagree no matter what I say because you’re into that freaky stuff and you don’t want anyone telling you it’s wrong. You want it to be right so it will remain right in your eyes no matter what. You want to be in an anarchic world where anything goes and want to force right to be wrong and wrong to be right as long as it suits your needs.

The fact of the matter is that you’re in denial if you think homosexuality is okay. As a matter of fact, there have been gay people who have right out said themselves that they know that homosexuality is wrong. And before you say it’s because that’s what society has made them believe, let me tell you, you’re wrong. There have been gay people that have said they always felt it was abnormal or unnatural, not because society said it was and not because their parents or families made them feel that way (some have very supportive families). They, themselves, always felt it was wrong since they were really young and because they themselves felt it was wrong, they hid it until later. There have even been those that felt so strongly it was wrong that they have actually tried to get treatment for it, so that they can have a normal heterosexual life. I’ve heard gays say they know it’s wrong, but they simply can’t help how they are so they act upon it. That the yearning to be with the same sex is too strong for them to ignore so they act upon it. But they still know it’s wrong.

Let me be clear...I don’t feel that homosexual people should be mocked, physically attacked, or treated inhumanely. Just because you’re gay, doesn’t mean you’re not human. I don’t feel that a person will go to hell just because they are gay. Being gay does not make a person deplorable. There are so-called religious people who sit on high moral horses yet have the worse personalities and really care for no one. I feel that gay people should be able to get a job like anyone else and rent an apartment like anyone else. When it comes to legality, with the exception of marriage and adoption, I feel gay people should have pretty much the same rights as everyone else. I don’t treat gay people any differently than I treat heterosexual people. If you are kind and respectful to me, I am kind and respectful in return. What a person does in their personal lives is between them and the Creator Himself. It’s not for me to judge what happens to a person when this is all over. But...I will not ever condone what I know is wrong. And that’s with anything. Not just homosexuality. As I’ve said before, there are a lot of heterosexual immoralities as well. And I don’t condone those either. If I do something wrong, I don’t condone it.

So if someone wants to say I’m wrong for being honest, then really, (in all honesty),I just don’t care. That’s blunt, but it’s true. I really could not care less. You can call me every name in the book...it won’t sway me even a little. That’s just how I am. I’m very headstrong (and I’m used to being around and conversing and debating with headstrong people). I’m the type that if you can give me some hard facts and make sense, then you can change my point of view. It’s happened in my life before. My points of view have changed before. But, If you’re not proving anything to me and you’re not making any sense, then you truly are wasting your time. Homosexuality is wrong. Period. That’s how I feel and that’s not going to change. Now we could go on and on and on discussing this, but really what’s the point? We’d just be going around and round in circles. I’ve said before (on another thread) that I don’t mind debating as long as the debate is moving forward. But, whenever it reaches that point where I feel like I’m on a monotonous carousel, then I get off the ride and move on. I’m afraid I’m starting to feel dizzy and nauseated from the circles we’re going in. I’m starting to feel like I’m needing to exit this ride.
All these words and yet you still did not say anything about why homosexuality is wrong and immoral.

The closest you got was; "quite frankly, sickening for a man to have sex with another man and/or a woman to have sex with another woman. Period." and, "because you’re into that freaky stuff..."
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
***Mod post***

Please refrain from personally attacking other members. Criticize opinions and ideas, not the person holding them.​

Twig pentagram

High Priest
I think I was born straight, because I never decided to be sexually attracted to women. I just woke up one day and seen a woman and it was as if it was my first time really seeing a woman. And every since that day I haven't been able to take my eyes off of them. I think it's the same for most homosexuals.


thebigpicture, is birth control wrong, immoral and evil since it interrupts with natural reproduction? Please answer this with a "yes" or "no" answer. Also, you said that the Bible is a bunch of myths and fables, so you are obviously not a Christian. Yet, you seem to believe in hell. What religion or philosophy do you belong to? * Edited *
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Active Member
Yep. And round and round we go. Gotta exit this ride. I'm not at all interested in continuing to participate when it will all end up going nowhere. So...Arrivederci! Moving right along!


Resident Liberal Hippie
Yep. And round and round we go. Gotta exit this ride. I'm not at all interested in continuing to participate when it will all end up going nowhere. So...Arrivederci! Moving right along!
You can't back up your claim of homosexuality being "unnatural"?

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
Same sex marriages are the latest bone of contention with conservative politicians and like it or lump I think it will be only a matter of time same sex marriages will be perfectly legit; just as the right for woman to vote and in my country Australia, the Aboriginal vote back in 1967. So just like it is now commonly excepted that it is OK for women to vote and OK for Australian aboriginals to vote I think it the not too distant future people will be looking back at those campagners of same sex marriages as being a bit like a modern day Suffragette.
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