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Myers Briggs Type Inventory

What is your Myers Briggs Personality Type?

  • Total voters


The Devil's Advocate
kreeden said:
Ok , I would perfer to give the person an apple because I tend not to be very good at this . For excample , I describe bear's meat as being like pork , but sweeter . Most people who have eat bear just kinda give me a funny look and say that it nothing like pork .... But if not , then what is it like ? I try to find someone another can relate to , and go from there .
Hmm...well that didn't help, me at least. But then again, I'm no expert on Myers Briggs. The point of the "describe the apple" question was to see whether you would naturally use sensory information to describe it (round, sweet, crunchy, green/red, shiny.... ) versus placing the apple in a contextual framwork. For example, the first thing that comes to mind when I think apple is 'Adam and Eve', honest.

I was afraid that this question wouldn't work as well because you don't have an apple right in front of you the way you would when it's normally asked. If you have to rely on memory, your answer is probably bound to be more conceptual than sensory. But I thought I'd give it a shot anyway. If you answered with sensory type answers, we would definately know you're S but if you answered with borderline conceptual responses (which I think you did, in my non-professional opinion) we still don't really know. <shrug> And I definately didn't take into account that you might politely refuse to answer the question! :p

kreeden said:
Now this one is easy . Having been in a labour union for 30 years , and being active in the labour movement off and on throughout these years , I would go by seniority . :) But if the seniority was the same , then there would be too many variables for me to say without more info .

I have only ever taken one professional personality test that I have taken seriously . Without getting into too many details , it was back in the 80s , and I don't recall what it was all about . But I do recall that there was one question that kept coming up , and it appeared to have nothing to do with the other questions at first . { It was something about the book " Through the Looking Glass " , Alice in Wonderland } . Now it didn't take long for me to realize that everytime this question came up , there were several before it that kinda lead you towards an emotional state . So I assumed that was the prepose of the question , to act as a neutral question to gage your repronse to the other questions . I figured ok , if that was what they wanted .... and answered without thinking about it at all . Allowed my emotions to answer for me . Now , the interesting thing about that test was that the results came back in graphform . And I couldn't believe that all of my pretty little lines were right on the center line of the graph . Not a little above , or below , but right on it . All except one . :) The line for " flexible thinking " was right off the graph . About a 1/4 inch above the graph actually .

I have always wondered how it would have turned out if I had used logic instead of allowing my emotions to answer that one question when it came up ? They told me that it wouldn't have made any difference . That the test was designed to take that into account and all ... But I still wonder . And wonder just how accurate these test are ?
Well after you aswered the "who would you fire" question, I was going to say that you are a T. But after your story, I don't know anymore! lol. Ts are supposed to use principles to determine their decisions, like the principle of who has the most senority. Fs otoh, would take into account emotional context, how would the firing affect people on an individual basis? who has more mouths to feed? etc. These are just examples, I'm not saying that every F would ask exactly those questions. I still think your a T, but probably borderline as you said.

kreeden said:
BTW I didn't " fail " the test . They actually liked my scores .
I bet they did!

btw, Myers Briggs is not a test. You can't fail it. And as I was saying to Divine, it's not prescriptive (even tho I used prescriptive language above). Your type, whatever it is, does not prescribe how you act. All sorts of complicated considerations come into play. It's just supposed to help us see that we all approach things in strikingly different ways and help identify potential sources of conflict.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
O.K, I give in..............

ISFP[SIZE=+1]IntrovertedSensingFeelingPerceiving[/SIZE][SIZE=+0]Strength of the preferences %[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]78503822[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]Qualitative analysis of your type formula[/SIZE]
You are:
  • very expressed introvert
  • moderately expressed sensing personality
  • moderately expressed feeling personality
  • slightly expressed perceiving personality
So, what does that mean?


Pneumatic Spiritualist
I took it again and got the same letters (ENTP) but the percentages were differant. This time I got a 44 for E, a 62 for N, a 75 for T, and 44 for P.

It is intereasting for me to see the people they have listed as famous ENTP's, as some of them are people I greatly admire. Thomas Edison, Ben Franklin (quoted in my sig), Rodney Dangerfield, and George Carlin to name a few.


Virus of the Mind
:) I know that you can't " fail " these tests Lilithu . I was just using that term ... well , because of my lack of command of the English language .... :) And I'm afraid that I didn't answer your questions very well .

Ok , the question about the apple . I would try to find something as close to an apple that the person could relate to , then try to expain the differences in terms of taste , texture , colour , etc . I would also try to explain that it is a fruit , grows on trees , and the like . Used to make pies ...

The question about the employees is easier , because I can use life excamples . Senority makes the decession easier . But there are other things that I would take into consideration too . How important is the job they are doing ? That would play a large role on who may be fired . The more important the job , the more I would look at who could preform it the best . I have taken lay-offs before , so that people with families to feed could continue to work , but that is easier to do when I am the one taking the lay-off . And of course things like work records and friendship would come into play also . Yea , lets not think that personal likes and dislikes play a large role in such things .

I do tend to be a person of principle . One must stand behind what they believe in . I can't stand hypocrites , which likely comes through when I talk about politics . { I feel that most politicans are hypocrites } . But at the same time , principles can bind one , and must be somewhat flexible to allow one to grow , to see other possibilities .... And of course , principles and the like are always open to interpretation .

So I guess that I'm just wishy-washy ..... :)

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Your Type is

Strength of the preferences %

Qualitative analysis of your type formula​

You are:
  • very expressed introvert
  • distinctively expressed intuitive personality
  • slightly expressed thinking personality
  • slightly expressed perceiving personality
Famous INTPs:

Sir Isaac Newton
Albert Einstein
C. G. Jung, (Freudian defector, author of Psychological Types, etc.)


Will to love
Hmmm...now I remember this. I did not take the long test, I put NFJ but I think this was based on something that had about 8 questions in it, and I had a hard time choosing my answers. I kind of felt like I should be a P rather than a J, but it could be that I'm a J resisting my J-ness and aiming for P-ness. I also consider myself a thinking and feeling person, rather than feeling and thinking person. :shrug:


The Devil's Advocate
Hmmm...now I remember this. I did not take the long test, I put NFJ but I think this was based on something that had about 8 questions in it, and I had a hard time choosing my answers. I kind of felt like I should be a P rather than a J, but it could be that I'm a J resisting my J-ness and aiming for P-ness. I also consider myself a thinking and feeling person, rather than feeling and thinking person. :shrug:
:D Because harmony seems more important to you than principle (which does not mean that you are unprincipled), I would venture that you are F over T. It certainly doesn't mean that you can't think or aren't rational. It just means that when you have to choose, this is what you prefer to go by.

Someone was asking me to post about the workshop that I took on Myers Briggs and our spiritual types. I can't remember who - maybe standing_alone? :confused:


Will to love
Hmmm...now I remember this. I did not take the long test, I put NFJ but I think this was based on something that had about 8 questions in it, and I had a hard time choosing my answers. I kind of felt like I should be a P rather than a J, but it could be that I'm a J resisting my J-ness and aiming for P-ness. I also consider myself a thinking and feeling person, rather than feeling and thinking person. :shrug:

Just reviewed the short version of the test I took, based on self-reporting. I think the N is probably most accurate, but for the thinking-feeling questions I was completely torn until the harmony question, which tipped me into the feeling catagory. As for perceiving-judging I wrongly thought that was about how we view others. Judging is a better description than perceiving for me...I hate to multitask.


Will to love
:D Because harmony seems more important to you than principle (which does not mean that you are unprincipled), I would venture that you are F over T. It certainly doesn't mean that you can't think or aren't rational. It just means that when you have to choose, this is what you prefer to go by.

Someone was asking me to post about the workshop that I took on Myers Briggs and our spiritual types. I can't remember who - maybe standing_alone? :confused:

Ummm...if harmony is an important priciple for me, isn't it more important that I adhere to it rather than debate it? Not that I want to debate about this...:D


Active Member
Well I took a little online thing. Don't know how accurate that is but it is this:

  • very expressed introvert
  • slightly expressed sensing personality
  • slightly expressed feeling personality
  • slightly expressed judging personality
I thought it was more INFP so...
The online test is here:
I found many of the questions very ambigious.


Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Ummm...if harmony is an important priciple for me, isn't it more important that I adhere to it rather than debate it? Not that I want to debate about this...:D

Speaking as an INFP, one of the easiest ways of telling if you're of that type is if you'd prefer to bow to what other people say than to risk arguing with them and upsetting anyone! :) (Generalization, but... well, I don't have any excuse for it!)


Well-Known Member

# slightly expressed introvert
# distinctively expressed intuitive personality
# distinctively expressed thinking personality
# moderately expressed perceiving personality


Will to love
[SIZE=+1]I took the longer test to see if it would be different.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]Your Type is [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]Extraverted Intuitive Thinking Judging[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]Strength of the preferences &#37;[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]1 62 12 89[/SIZE]


Will to love
[SIZE=+1]I took the longer test to see if it would be different.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]Your Type is [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]Extraverted Intuitive Thinking Judging[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]Strength of the preferences &#37;[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]1 62 12 89[/SIZE]

ENTJ profile said:
ENTJs have a natural tendency to marshall and direct. This may be expressed with the charm and finesse of a world leader or with the insensitivity of a cult leader. The ENTJ requires little encouragement to make a plan. One ENTJ put it this way... "I make these little plans that really don't have any importance to anyone else, and then feel compelled to carry them out." While "compelled" may not describe ENTJs as a group, nevertheless the bent to plan creatively and to make those plans reality is a common theme for NJ types.
ENTJs are often "larger than life" in describing their projects or proposals. This ability may be expressed as salesmanship, story-telling facility or stand-up comedy. In combination with the natural propensity for filibuster, our hero can make it very difficult for the customer to decline.
TRADEMARK: -- "I'm really sorry you have to die." (I realize this is an overstatement. However, most Fs and other gentle souls usually chuckle knowingly at this description.)
ENTJs are decisive. They see what needs to be done, and frequently assign roles to their fellows. Few other types can equal their ability to remain resolute in conflict, sending the valiant (and often leading the charge) into the mouth of hell. When challenged, the ENTJ may by reflex become argumentative. Alternatively (s)he may unleash an icy gaze that serves notice: the ENTJ is not one to be trifled with.

This sooo NOT me, it's not even close.

I formally declare the Meyer's Brigg Type Inventory Crap, and you all had better agree with me.