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Mystics Only: Extended Discussion

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
My second question is. "What do you think of what is termed "revelation" (in the religious context) versus "realization" in the personal context?

"Revelation" appears to refer to something less mundane than "realization," but in the end, it's all the same thing. Different emotions may be associated with each, though, so in a personal sense, there is a different power in revelation, which can be equated with my personal favorite: "epiphany."

Revelation is often supplied by the Holy Spirit, Awen, The-Spirit-That-Moves-Through-All-Things, the Muses, alcohol, etc.


Glass half Panda'd
Hiya y'all, it's that pesky devilish mouse again. The idea for this thread arose whilst reading another thread that contained an interesting discussion between TheNewReality, MetholatedGhost and Omnipresent Truth. What I propose is that we take a topic one at a time and simply state what we think about the idea itself. This is NOT meant to be a happy bash fest although I would request that those who do not consider themselves to be "mystics" to keep the thread derailments to a minimum as things are likely to get rather deep, rather quickly.
sounds decent ;)

My first question is, "The modern mystic will understand that labels are essentially meaningless, but that doesn't mean some labels may well be applied regardless of our thoughts on the matter. So, the actual question is, if you do not consider yourself to be a mystic, then why not? Have you found any other meaningful label that others may appreciate?"
I label myself as mystic. I'm not sure of every little thing that it implies, but that I'm following my feelings.

My second question is. "What do you think of what is termed "revelation" (in the religious context) versus "realization" in the personal context?
I can't imagine that they're all that different.

Sorry Paul, I don't have that much to give... I'm a bit pooped :) I did want to contribute though :D

Isabella Lecour

amor aeternus est
Bravo :clap I live momentarily like this but I'm personally having problems sustaining the commitment. :eek: Regarding the post about knowledge earlier, if such knowledge is applied, then it becomes Wisdom. I am not a Wise person. I have knowledge but I'm not wise. IMO lol <<<< arrogant??? :help:



Well-Known Member
Premium Member
.... mysticisal detachment from life .....
...... find myself having to deal with right here and right now. ...
Greetings Rolling_Stone. Let me propose that in this modern age there need be no mystical detachment at all, and on the contrary there can be more meaningful involvement in life and the right here and right now. The mystical experience, if that is what we are going to call it, can provide a centeredness of spirit that can focus the involvement. And hopefully, through purity of heart we can avoid the 'sentimental fluff and pretentiousness.'
Best Wishes,



Greetings. Interesting thoughts. Do you have the drive to make your wondrous view available to others, even those who 'cannot see it' ? Would you say that one's being, true to itSelf, is revealing enough. Our being which comes from an unknown source to many certainly offers surprises now and then as we go about living that may make one with a conventional view do double takes.

I basically share my "mystical" life
with my children,
and online here,
in my blog(s) (presently undergoing reconstruction),
and especially in AUDIO recordings.

It is only really on the internet
that I reach out beyond my own home,
to share the fullness of what I have seen & experienced.

I just don't have the time or opportunity,
for more than "light" engagement with those
in my "physical vicinity".

I find on the internet,
that there is more of a likelyhood of reaching people.
So with as little time as I have,
I go for the most hits possible.

The neighbors,
I prefer to keep guessing......:D
(and they come up with some real dooseys!)


I said I am in the Western tradition and here's why:

When consciousness was not yet aware of itself in the individual, the world had no meaning and no intellectual, moral or aesthetic value. The awakening of consciousness in the individual brought discrimination, dualism and ignorance into the world. The intellect was not content to simply delight or luxuriate in the wonder of existence, for to do so would be to remain in ignorance of the world and its potential. But it went too far. It concretized dualism, made it the final reality, and wrecked the bridge between its self and the other.

Hey Rolling,

I particularly loved that last statement.
"It concretized dualism... made it the final reality"....
great stuff.

I'm having a bit of trouble understanding some of your later posts here though,
and the thing is, I really do want to understand you.

Here is my reaction to what I THINK you said.
Correct me if I'm down the wrong path here.

We are ever and always in the here and now.
"mystical" type people are different
in that they live in ever awareness of that fact.
They keep their experience centered in the here and now
EVEN as they walk through the world,
doing this, creating that, examining this, enjoying that.

The "inner life" isn't about
"turning inward" AWAY from the outer world...
it's more about EMBRACING the entire experience of the world,
of life......
from a place deep within.....
from a place where the "knowing" is infused into the experience of being,
no matter what you are seeing, or touching or doing.

It is all illuminated....
revealing infinite possibility.
improbable possibility.
and a life wide awake... that is truly your own.


"Revelation" appears to refer to something less mundane than "realization," but in the end, it's all the same thing. Different emotions may be associated with each, though, so in a personal sense, there is a different power in revelation, which can be equated with my personal favorite: "epiphany."

Revelation is often supplied by the Holy Spirit, Awen, The-Spirit-That-Moves-Through-All-Things, the Muses, alcohol, etc.

GC!!!!!! So nice to see you back!
And here in the "mystical mystic" convo.....

Yes! I don't usually use the word "epiphany"...
but I rather sense it would describe my "supernatural summer"
rather well. :rainbow1:


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
"The modern mystic will understand that labels are essentially meaningless, but that doesn't mean some labels may well be applied regardless of our thoughts on the matter. So, the actual question is, if you do not consider yourself to be a mystic, then why not? Have you found any other meaningful label that others may appreciate?"
Greetings. Agreed that it is basically meaningless to apply labels and it seems that it might be best to not apply mystic or other labels to oneself; let 'others' apply labels as they deem fitting. The reason is that there are just too many interpretations in minds and also some come with attached 'baggage' to a given label. For example, for me to apply 'mystic' to myself the definition must include as a key that which is the aim - direct experience of reunion with God (Brahman, Tao, Source, Infinite, Ground, other) or said differently, of God's reunion. The method of seeking is not as key to the definition. This is the key in my understanding of the sages throughout time that have been called mystics; they have had that direct experience and live in that union. As people surface in the modern time that meet this 'condition' - a being who is living in oneness with God - I think inwardly with the 'label' the New Being as has been defined in other threads.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
To answer your second question, revelation is the answer to something that is revealed outside of yourself. Realization is the answer to something revealed within.
Hehe. Thanks Rojse, but I had surmised that much already. Thanks for the heads up though.

And it should be added that a mystic is one in such a quest or one living after such realization.
This idea also merges with what I mentioned in the OP that everyone of us alive is "mystical" to an extent. In this way the modern mystic is not different from the average person, aside from the possibility that they have looked into themselves a bit more deeply than their fellow human animals.

Revelation is one of those words that has many meanings but in my view the two, revelation and realization, are the same. Revelation in this usage is sometimes termed 'original revelation.'
I look at it in much more fundamental terms; "revelation" cannot be verified by others because it is wrapped in the peculiar coding of the observer's viewpoint and not directly transferable save only by muddy metaphor. Realization should be, imho, transferable so that others with differing viewpoints can independently verify what is "realized" or made real. I could be wrong, but to me that is an important difference.

missed, mist, midst, mystique, mystic, mystical, majickal, mystery, mysterious....
You have such an interesting, poetic, way of elucidating your ideas that I fine quite wonderful. Yes, I agree with your multiple imagery as well. Very nice.

doppelgänger;972924 said:
To be mystic is to regain my inheritance - the power to be a co-creator, along with all the thoughts and symbols from which I sprang, of the meanings and values and symbols we share and through which we encounter one another and the universe of all our experiences.
Well, you nailed it as usual Dopp. I am also on record as saying "claim your birthright" and "accept your inheritance". I heartily agree that we are co-creators and to express it rather simply, if we are truly "made in the image of God" then it is reasonalbe to assume that we too would be co-creators. What is often overlooked is that by realizing you are in fact a co-creator, it adds a considerable level of responsibiilty to ones actions. Very well put and I agree entirely although we perceive symbols in slightly different contexts, then again, that shouldn't be much of a surprise, lol.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I’m not sure if the term “mystic,” as commonly used, applies to me. I have a “mystical” bent, but am also of the Western tradition.
I think both are revelations, the one external and the latter internal. All revelation is necessarily accommodated to the audience. Considering its effect on me, The Impersonal Life is representative of the former and Paul’s revelation on the road to Damascus (or the Buddha's enlightenment) is representative of the latter.
I feel similarly, He_who-gathers-no_moss, I am highly mystical but also from a "western-centric" vantage point, hence my term, "modern mystic". Try as I might, my very first inner experiences were certainly a "revelation" but I now see them through the lens of my "old age" and am compelled to think that the current "me" is what precipitated the experiences of my youth. I also suspect that that future "intervention" is still going on with my current outlook.

I seek within.
Other than tacking an adjective to the word mystic, I don't have a better description.
I do sense what you mean. The simple fact is there are no other suitable, polite, label to attach to "our" experience. I did settle on "Dis-integrated Neo-Gnostic" awhile back and still rather like it since it is open to interpretation.

It is the difference between knowing versus becoming with an interesting effect on time. Knowing is sudden like flipping on a light while becoming is like using a dimmer switch to turn the light on. And then there is the physicalness that's in question. Knowing is mental while becoming is physical and if there are quibbles....realization tends to cause physical change in the person who has the realization. Revelations on the other hand can be left alone and not acted upon physically. Which brings up the question of will....so much power both can wield..one we can ignore the other we can not.

I'll stop my blather now.
You are not blathering in the slightest, my dear. I understand fairly clearly what you are meaning, and yes, revelation CAN be "fobbed off" and ignored as some heady dream encounter whereas, to my thinking at least, realization by its very nature is not so easily ignored, as it should follow a logical pattern whereas "revelations" don't seem to need to follow logic.

I never before "tagged" this with the "label" "Mystic"....
but what an awesomely MYSTICAL life co-creatorship is!
The "mystique" of our give and take relationship,
with/in the LIVING UNIverse....
is the greatest most astounding mystery of all to me.

Co-authorship in the ONEverse.
Real Majick. The real thing.
Interestingly, I thought of the term "godhood" for many years but grew to realize that that would put some off and give egotistically bound people a very wrong idea, so I simplified things a lot and currently use the term, "creaturehood" instead. I originally came across this term in a book by Jane Roberts called "The God of Jane". I loved it, not to mention the fact that "creaturehood" is far less pretentious while at the same time remains quite unlimited in its scope.

ahem... it's spelt... methylatedghosts.
EGADS! I stand corrected. Forgive my sullying of your handle as it were.

It's nothing that I really spend too much time thinking about. I use labels only loosely so people can kind of get an idea where my PoV is coming from.
I do agree but sometimes it IS helpful to narrow things down a tad for the "home audience" to digest in nice, easy to swallow, spoonfuls.

Revelation seems to me that it is a "flash-of-light" thought that then is followed by careful thought, because something else from elsewhere seems to cause it. Realisation seems to me a careful thought process that suddenly clicks and all the pieces fall together to make a complete picture that makes sense.
I understand, I guess what I am trying to flesh out here is the idea that concepts or symbols are shared on quite subtle levels and are highly graphical, almost like "living" dreamlets or "mini movies" that contain different "tracks" like in a song, that register with each of our physical senses... even smell...

My own experience is that I get the images first and then wait until my reasoning faculty begins to assimilate the data. In effect, it is very much a trickle down scenario. Sometimes there are no words or mental constructs to adequately resolve the images and so the mind has to extend itself, which takes "time", in order to catch up. During interpersonal communications, errrr - talking, these images flash back and forth seamlessly and are instantly translated through our common symbol libraries... which allows us to understand each other.

On a side note, I think that realisations are able to be communicated much better to others than revelations in this sense, purely because you know the thought process behind it and you know how you arrive at the... well... the realisation of it.
exactly. It is my suspicion that trying to elucidate the visions of revelation is for the most part, a fool's effort as the only way to do it for the most part is via metaphor, analogy and other tricks of speech.

Revelation - Reveal. something is revealed to you
You see, this is where I get stuck actually, I am not so sure it is actually "revelation" per se, but to try a Doppelganger... if I understand him adequately... I perceive that it is just glimpsing a symbol library that sits just below our "conscious" symbol library through which we construct or co-create "reality". It only seems like so-called "revelations" where in fact, and again, this is only my perception, those "revelations" represent "bursts of awareness" beyond our normal and cozy confines. Since we are not used to perceiving this underlying layer we almost always will attach greater significance to it that is perhaps necessary and here I am thinking of religious revelations that get dressed up in somewhat ridiculous and arbitrary pre-exisitng religious symbolism.

realisation - realise - real. something that is percieved or made to be real by you
Then again, revelations certainly seem to be very real but I would suggest that they are merely the medium, no pun intended and that the inexperienced conscious minds that "burst" through their self-created limitations can become overloaded on the direct data they receive. I would assert, for example, that people who have visions of angels, demons, gods and devils are projecting their latent expectations onto the raw experience. It is my thinking that they cannot handle consciously the fact that reality is far richer than they can imagine and so the conscious mind hallucinates the drastic imagery simply to understand it. Does that make sense to you (or anyone)?


Well-Known Member

My first question is, "The modern mystic will understand that labels are essentially meaningless, but that doesn't mean some labels may well be applied regardless of our thoughts on the matter. So, the actual question is, if you do not consider yourself to be a mystic, then why not? Have you found any other meaningful label that others may appreciate?"
Hi YmirGf. I don't think all labels are meaningless. Any one person might find a particular label more or less meaningful. On the other hand I ascribe to the idea is that all meaning is contingent. Personally I consider labels given to psychological qualities are in fact meaningless though someone else might find them meaningful. I find them meaningless because psychological qualities can only be defined in terms of further psychological qualities ad infinitum, leading an infinite regress of meaning.

Compare the label given to a psychological quality to that given to a physical object like an apple. The label given to the physical object has a far greater chance of acquiring exact meaning as agreed between two observers. Anyone having experience with an apple can more or less understand what the label means: ie apple classes a group of objects called apples. Two observers viewing a particular apple are in a good position to a understand exactly what is mean't by the label apple. Without a particular apple being physically present that both observe however the label becomes fluid and represents rather a class of objects in the minds of the two observers. Hence the label begins to acquire contingency in the absence of its direct physical referent.

I suppose a third category of object that labels are applied to are objects might be physically represented like God/Jesus etc. Once these are represented in idolatry, or pictorially, the label acquires the ability for definite meaning in the minds of two observers viewing the same idol. Two Christians worshiping the same statue might understand the statue to be Jesus in a meditative stance. As soon as one of them understands the statute is rather a representation of Jesus, or if they view different idols representing Jesus, the label Jesus acquires contingency.

I don't personally like the term mystic because it belongs to the category of labels that are psychological in my opinion (although I would agree that two observers might reasonably label agree a person is (has the ontological reality of) a mystic mystic by virtue inferring mystic qualities from their actions without meaning exactly the same thing by the term mystic except that the person they refer to fulfills the term mystic in the same way a statue of Jesus fulfills the term Jesus to two observers viewing the same statue).

My second question is. "What do you think of what is termed "revelation" (in the religious context) versus "realization" in the personal context?
Revelation had an anterior quality to realization. Realization implies second person awareness in a personal context, revelation a third person awareness (because the observer attributes the knowledge to God).


Bodhisattva in Recovery
As an addendum to my last post, I should say that I have the sense that “revelation” is information; the result, the “miracle,” is a shift in consciousness that effectively recreates reality along the lines of a higher continuum.
Admittedly yes, but is there, in fact, any guarantee of the individual successfully recreating that "higher continuum" in their physical experience? Would you agree that there are varying degrees of success in this form of endeavor? Would you be inclined to call the birth of given religions "success stories" or perhaps "general distortions" of this process, or perhaps something else entirely?

Because the sacred is not different from the ordinary, and the same process that reveals the ordinary to others can reveal the sacred to others. It's just a matter of choosing words.
I am learning to read you more carefully Willamena. At first I bridled when I saw the use of the word "sacred" then when I realized fully the context you've implied. I have to say that I agree. At my stage there are no differences as everything is "sacred" but because it has been a part of my understanding for so long it has become rather "ordinary" now. The behavior of reality is funny that way in that the observer eventually gets used to the ALL. I do knit-pick on the idea of it being semantics however. Though I might sound clinical and cold, "revelation" and "realization" are essentially perspectives or perceptions about reality.

I could be off base, but "sacred" denotes a special status on a given "thingy" in that the observer is projecting onto the object, regardless of what the object, in fact, is. That "thingy" has that special quality while we are still warming up to the ideal. When the ideal is concretized, via further exposure to the "special" nature of the "thingy", it becomes familiar and eventually is seen as ordinary. The object of our observation doesn’t change in the process but our perception of it certainly does.

doppelgänger;973210 said:
Knowledge destroys and diminishes life even as it creates the illusion of building some thing - arrogance, idolatry. Unknowing is the antidote to the ignorance of knowledge and the blind arrogance that comes with it.
doppelgänger;973210 said:
An amateur shouldn't work with a master's tools. He'll only cut his hands.

I look at it this way. The student must, by default, cut their hands on those tools and if wise, they just might learn to use them properly. It is a tad bit difficult to master the art of flying a 767 by becoming an expert on the art of roller skating. Aside from this the so-called “master” may well have left their tools out for a good reason.


Well-Known Member
I am learning to read you more carefully Willamena. At first I bridled when I saw the use of the word "sacred" then when I realized fully the context you've implied. I have to say that I agree. At my stage there are no differences as everything is "sacred" but because it has been a part of my understanding for so long it has become rather "ordinary" now. The behavior of reality is funny that way in that the observer eventually gets used to the ALL. I do knit-pick on the idea of it being semantics however. Though I might sound clinical and cold, "revelation" and "realization" are essentially perspectives or perceptions about reality.

I could be off base, but "sacred" denotes a special status on a given "thingy" in that the observer is projecting onto the object, regardless of what the object, in fact, is. That "thingy" has that special quality while we are still warming up to the ideal. When the ideal is concretized, via further exposure to the "special" nature of the "thingy", it becomes familiar and eventually is seen as ordinary. The object of our observation doesn&#8217;t change in the process but our perception of it certainly does.
So sacrament and sacrilege are both sacred acts in Willamena's meaning?

I look at it this way. The student must, by default, cut their hands on those tools and if wise, they just might learn to use them properly. It is a tad bit difficult to master the art of flying a 767 by becoming an expert on the art of roller skating. Aside from this the so-called &#8220;master&#8221; may well have left their tools out for a good reason.
And a good inventor might well add something useful to the tool box.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
I apologise for fumbling through this and especially if my thought train is beginning to de-rail, but my mind's kind of gone walkabouts and I haven't managed to hold it still enough to attach a tracking device to it so it might be easier to find again. However I shall try to get through this (albiet slow :p)

YmirGF said:
EGADS! I stand corrected. Forgive my sullying of your handle as it were.

Ask and it shall have been granted. All was forgiven - maybe even before you might have written it... (there can be many, many reasons as to why... just a little something to ponder).

And I'm pretty sure my handle is quite alright. (although my handle-ing of reality and of life may be another matter altogether :p)

YmirGF said:
Sometimes there are no words or mental constructs to adequately resolve the images and so the mind has to extend itself, which takes "time", in order to catch up.

And this is why I do not like others to interpret my dreams. My symbol for one thing may be different to anothers. I feel that no-one can interpret the symbols I experience as well as I can - even though I may still need to find my meaning to attach to the symbol - and my intuition and reasoning search out the meaning quick enough, I'm in no hurry.

YmirGF said:
You see, this is where I get stuck actually, I am not so sure it is actually "revelation" per se, but to try a Doppelganger... if I understand him adequately... I perceive that it is just glimpsing a symbol library that sits just below our "conscious" symbol library through which we construct or co-create "reality". It only seems like so-called "revelations" where in fact, and again, this is only my perception, those "revelations" represent "bursts of awareness" beyond our normal and cozy confines. Since we are not used to perceiving this underlying layer we almost always will attach greater significance to it that is perhaps necessary and here I am thinking of religious revelations that get dressed up in somewhat ridiculous and arbitrary pre-exisitng religious symbolism.

So what I think I understand you to be saying is that most revelations aren't actually revealing anything, but that they can seem as though they are. And I can agree. I don't *trust* a revelation as much as a realisation in that - like I said in the "True to yourself" thread - messages from outside of yourself can get mumbled and jumbled on the way to you or indeed on the way to your understanding. Simply knowing in yourself, either by some kind of reasoning, deduction or meditation process an inner understanding follows and you understand fully all of the parts within that knowledge, thus making it much more powerful for you. And I'm like you Ymir, in that I have so much "stuff" in my mind - images, feelings, knowledge that I can't find the words to express it. And I think also that this is in part the key to letting other people know the same knowledge. You cannot always simply tell them what is and isn't as you understand them, but you can describe the process that they need to undergo and they then (as far as I am aware) should arrive at the same knowing, feeling, imagery as you do. They also may not be able to put that into words, and so you have much less "revealed" something to them, and given them a stronger sense of knowing and a much stronger more powerful feeling and you have in this way let them real-ise it themselves.

YmirGF said:
Then again, revelations certainly seem to be very real but I would suggest that they are merely the medium, no pun intended and that the inexperienced conscious minds that "burst" through their self-created limitations can become overloaded on the direct data they receive. I would assert, for example, that people who have visions of angels, demons, gods and devils are projecting their latent expectations onto the raw experience. It is my thinking that they cannot handle consciously the fact that reality is far richer than they can imagine and so the conscious mind hallucinates the drastic imagery simply to understand it. Does that make sense to you (or anyone)?

It does make sense to me.

Speak to a few people who either read auras or something similar, and different colours they see, they each attach a different meaning (even if only slight) to them.

In this way, any revealing that may look like a realise-ation is quite probably a result of both a projection as well as a reception. One aura reader may have ascribe one colour green with growth while another ascribes growth to a different shade - even though it is still the same. And they will both say "growth" even though they see different things. And much like that, people project symbols or ideas or concepts (e.g. demons) and attach certain meanings and things to that (evil) and have preconcieved ideas of what things are equal to those meanings or can also be given those meanings (magic, psychic abilities, astral travel etc etc etc) and thus if these people were then to undergo the same process as you or I and they associate parts of that process with evil, then naturally any symbol they equate with evil will be highly likely to appear, such as demons, and their inner attempt to battle what they percieve is evil symbols of that appear also and all they really get is angels fighting demons. It is their own projection that many people will see.

I think that may give one or two of us here a fair amount to think about while I run off for a bit

*disappears and goes hunting for the wondering mind*


Can't brain. Has dumb.
One more thing I'd like to add - with our discussions - as you probably will have experienced with others also - is that our seemingly collective PoV requires some sort of language philosophy - in the process of defining meaning by symbols to others


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Greetings YmirGF. You folks may be much more learned on revelation that I; my thoughts are only positive towards revelation and obviously come from a 'different school.' Your discussion with methylatedghosts is not one which allows me even to participate because it moves into the thoughts, internal methodologies, manner of 'discoveries,' etc. within others seemingly for different types of their experiences. I am just not qualified in that realm. Besides that, you guys think much faster than I.:)

Let me offer a couple of ideas on realization and see what you think. Realization has two meanings. One is aimed at (
[FONT=&quot]1st [/FONT]meaning) 'making real' as you suggest or 'to bring into concrete existence' as Webster puts it. The other meaning is more aimed at perception (as methylatedghosts mentioned) or ([FONT=&quot]2nd[/FONT] meaning) 'to conceive as real or be fully aware of' as Webster puts it. May we examine the phrase 'Realization of Oneness with God' which is the only experience to which my words can refer? In my humble opinion, the term Realization is applied here with both meanings. Let me explain.

The Oneness is real for everybody, it already is, and it is just that most beings do not realize it. There is no need to 'make it real' because it already is. It is possible for a being to become aware of this Oneness and Realize (
[FONT=&quot]2nd[/FONT] meaning) that it is so. This awareness the first time for many occurs as a burst into awareness (your words 'burst of awareness' applicable to revelation) followed by conceptualization of 'what' it was and 'being' it continuously. During this process the individual Realizes ([FONT=&quot]2nd[/FONT] meaning) consciously the Oneness and that it was always so. Now, this Realization that did not exist before within the individual is 'made real,' ([FONT=&quot]1st [/FONT]meaning) and Realization with both meanings is complete. The Being in Oneness is Realized.

Best Wishes,



Just me
Premium Member
I am learning to read you more carefully Willamena. At first I bridled when I saw the use of the word "sacred" then when I realized fully the context you've implied. I have to say that I agree. At my stage there are no differences as everything is "sacred" but because it has been a part of my understanding for so long it has become rather "ordinary" now...

I could be off base, but "sacred" denotes a special status on a given "thingy" in that the observer is projecting onto the object, regardless of what the object, in fact, is. That "thingy" has that special quality while we are still warming up to the ideal. When the ideal is concretized, via further exposure to the "special" nature of the "thingy", it becomes familiar and eventually is seen as ordinary. The object of our observation doesn&#8217;t change in the process but our perception of it certainly does.
That is one interpretation; another is that "the ordinary" is composed of a set of symbols, and "the sacred" is composed of another set of symbols, but they are both sets of symbols that can be expressed to another given the right word-tools. And this harkens back to something you said earlier, about people not realizing a "fuller" reality, one that you acknowledge. I disagree: that objectifies reality and suggests that there is something more for them to experience, when in fact, the way I see it, reality is what we each fully experience.

I see us differing on this opinion, you and I.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
That is one interpretation; another is that "the ordinary" is composed of a set of symbols, and "the sacred" is composed of another set of symbols, but they are both sets of symbols that can be expressed to another given the right word-tools. And this harkens back to something you said earlier, about people not realizing a "fuller" reality, one that you acknowledge. I disagree: that objectifies reality and suggests that there is something more for them to experience, when in fact, the way I see it, reality is what we each fully experience.

I see us differing on this opinion, you and I.
That is not unexpected Willamena. Reality is indeed what we each fully experience however it would be somewhat arrogant and misleading to think that we grasp the totality of what reality is. There is always something beyond our expereince in physical terms, let alone in non-physical terms. All I am trying to get people to understand is that reality is far larger a construct that they presently perceive.


Just me
Premium Member
That is not unexpected Willamena. Reality is indeed what we each fully experience however it would be somewhat arrogant and misleading to think that we grasp the totality of what reality is. There is always something beyond our expereince in physical terms, let alone in non-physical terms. All I am trying to get people to understand is that reality is far larger a construct that they presently perceive.
See, you've twisted it again. Your concluding idea is 180° from the starting idea. Reality just isn't that complicated.