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Nature, Nurture or Soul?

Lisa Sims

Not BORN AGAIN Yet, But I'm On My WAY!
Have you looked at the UVA studies

There’s quite good evidence for reincarnation although very very difficult to fully understand
Thank you.

It's not a belief that I care to hold on to. The Messages are adamant that no one in spirit has ever reincarnated. If you would care to tell me what the evidence is, I would see if I could find a Message that addresses the circumstances.

Thank you again!


Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
Thank you.

It's not a belief that I care to hold on to. The Messages are adamant that no one in spirit has ever reincarnated. If you would care to tell me what the evidence is, I would see if I could find a Message that addresses the circumstances.

Thank you again!
So James Leninger as a kid would sign pictures of planes crashing into the ocean as James 3

He would tell his parents he was once a pilot that was on the USS Natoma, he flew a Corsair plane, he was shot down by the Japanese and died at Iwo Jima

He was afraid of water and drowning as he would have recurring nightmares of flying his plane, it crashing into the water and him dying

He’s quoted as saying “My airplane got shot in the engine, and I crashed in the ocean, that’s how I died”

And also quote “Jack Larsen was there”

Later the parents started to investigate and there was a James Houston Jr (that makes James Leninger James the 3rd, James 3)

James Houston flew off of the USS Natoma Bay, he was a Corsair pilot that was shot down by the Japanese

He was the only pilot killed during Iwo Jima

Eyewitnesses said James Houston’s plane was shot in the engine

The plane hit the water and sank

Jack Larsen was the pilot of the plane next to James Houston’s

This is one of around 2,000 example UVA found


Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
Thank you.

It's not a belief that I care to hold on to. The Messages are adamant that no one in spirit has ever reincarnated. If you would care to tell me what the evidence is, I would see if I could find a Message that addresses the circumstances.

Thank you again!
Another one was a boy was born with a facial deformity and a missing ear

When asked about his deformity he said, he looked the way he did as he had shot himself with a shotgun in a past life

When he described the person and named them, they found that, that person had Infact shot himself with a shotgun

When doing comparisons of the entry and exit wounds

They discovered that the kids deformities matched exactly to entry and exit wounds

Also again many examples such as this in the UVA studies

Lisa Sims

Not BORN AGAIN Yet, But I'm On My WAY!
He would tell his parents he was once a pilot that was on the USS Natoma, he flew a Corsair plane, he was shot down by the Japanese and died at Iwo Jima
Jesus addressed the occurrence of children who have distinct memories of past lives and believe that they are that person. Children can be especially vulnerable to spirit influences and a spirit can attempt to "overshadow the child."

Jesus addresses the False Doctrine of Reincarnation
"...Yes there are many stories of individuals, even children, who have distinct memories of places and experiences in the material world and this is put forth as an example and proof of the existence of this doctrine. Yet there are many other explanations for this experience, certainly within children who are open vessels, receivers and transmitters of much information, both in the material plane and in the spirit world. Some are very mediumistic and receive the influence and thoughts of spirits that are around them. That connection may be forged with a spirit that has a deep need to overshadow that child. Therefore it is believed that they are truly that child...
...They have not demonstrated the truth of reincarnation but merely are deeply committed to this belief and continue to harbour a deep desire to return to Earth in the flesh..." Jesus, 5/20/2021

Jesus gives other explanations in this message, such as hypnosis (used in "past life regressions") opening as person up to receive spirit communications. And the "Akashic Record" which could be tapped into to derive information about another's life.

People used to believe in spirit influences and possession. Jesus had only two types of "miracles" that he performed, healing (including the apparently dead) and casting out evil spirits. People don't seem to want to believe there are interactions between spirits and mortals anymore and this doctrine of reincarnation somehow appeals to them. I do not believe people of even a few generations ago would have taken these occurrences so lightly. Or have been so quick to allow themselves to be hypnotized.

I'll keep looking...


The Lost One
What is the effect of "soul" on DNA expression, if any?

Define soul.

You will find that people from different religions and/or different spirituality, will have different views or definitions on the matters of soul.

I think Jews believe that Christians have misunderstood and misused genesis 2:7. The soul is human life, so the moment, Adam could breath, he was human, and that human is a “living soul”. The soul, from Jewish perspective, have nothing to do with the soul being a spirit of some kind.

So when a human is alive and breathing, then that human is a living soul.

Christians and Muslims have different views about soul, they define as spirit that becomes part of humans, but when the humans die, their spiritual soul leave them, for their God to judge them in the afterlife.

This afterlife, for the departed is actually from foreign polytheistic sources that originated from Egypt or from Sumer/Akkad/Babylonia. Many other polytheistic religions were influenced by Egyptian religion and by Mesopotamia religion, like the Greek and Roman religions have adopted them , but they have the Elysian Fields, their versions of the afterlife; or the Norse religion, like Valhalla or Gimlé and Iðavöllr, the Vikings‘ idea of heaven.

So Christianity and Islam are really based their afterlife and salvation on ancient polytheistic pagan mythology.

Lisa Sims

Not BORN AGAIN Yet, But I'm On My WAY!
They discovered that the kids deformities matched exactly to entry and exit wounds
I wanted to find an instance where an attached spirit could actually change the physical makeup of a child. I found this. I don't know yet if there are others.

Spirit who believed in reincarnation
"...I was a Theosophist and I wanted to reincarnate to be great. I got into a child’s body and crippled it, and also crippled my mind and that of the child. I stayed in the child because I did not know how to get out. I acted as a child and I could not talk.

I know I passed out of my mortal body some years ago, far away in India, but I do not realize when it took place. I wanted so much to reincarnate and to come back to this earth life to live my other Karma.

Do not hold on to the thought of coming back. but look for something higher, for the state I was in was the worst torture anybody could have..." 11/19/1916

If I find another instance of physical change like this in the Messages, I'll post it.


Lisa Sims

Not BORN AGAIN Yet, But I'm On My WAY!
Define soul.
Greetings, and thank you.

My source for the definition of "soul" is Jesus' Second Coming Message Series From Spirit, 1914 to present.

When God created man, He created only souls in His own image in the heavens, as He is Soul. He endowed them with "natural love" and other attributes similar to some of His Divine Attributes. There is no "spark of the Divine" in souls as many people believe.

Before incarnation into a human fetus (originally into an "animal" fetus), the soul splits into two soulmates. These have no gender, but they often incarnate into a male and a female fetus, but they don't have to, as advanced spirits in the heavens have no sexuality and no gender.

The purpose of the Earth incarnation is to individualize the two soulmates and give them a spirit body in which to dwell when they go back to the real world, the amazing World of Spirit. If a child "dies" young or even at birth, this purpose is realized. The soulmates may or may not ever meet each other on Earth. But as they progress spiritually they will usually meet in spirit and if they do will love each other so much (with soulmate love) that they would never consider parting.

God's Love, agapē, is greatest, "soulmate love" is next and "natural love" is least.

Souls are designed to be receptacles for God's Love (Divine Nature). But mortals or spirits have to choose to seek One-ness with God, and not independence, as did the first parents. God will never force His Divine Nature on any one, we have to want it and spend much time in silent communion with the Father receiving it drop by drop, even over a lifetime and continuing into our spirit life to gain the Re-birth that Jesus taught and showed the example of in his own person. Our dormant "gifts" open up as we partake more and more of the "Divine Nature."

When we become fully transformed (sometime after passing to spirit) by the Love of God, we become Divine Angels, and are fit to inhabit the new Kingdom of God that Jesus opened up above the six spiritual heavens, or "paradise," as the Bible calls them. We have immortality separate from God, but yet are "One" with Him and can perceive Him and communicate with Him, and have access to all the universes.

Incarnation of the soul - Mystery of the birth of the soul in the human being.
I want to tell you tonight of the mystery of the birth of the soul in the human being. All souls which enter into mortal bodies are, previous to such advent, real, living existences, and made in the likeness of the Great Soul, though not having the qualities and potentialities of that Soul, and also, not having the form of individualized personality that they have after they become parts of the composition, or form, of the mortal and spiritual bodies of human beings. Luke, 1/13/1916

What is faith?
"This is a question which has been asked as long as man has had a concept of God, or what this Being is in Its relationship to the created human being. But as you all know, the material mind always fails in its attempt to answer this question. Faith is of the soul; and then, the question is raised, what is soul? It is important to first investigate the soul, created in the Image of God’s Soul, for here you will find the way to arrive at the answer of faith.

Faith is the perception of the soul, much like sight and hearing are the perceptions of our material bodies. When we were created in the Image of God’s Soul, we were also created with the ability to perceive things spiritual, even without receiving the Divine Love. This is so because were it not for these spiritual perceptions, we would be unable to turn to God in prayer.

Love and faith are the means by which we can commence our communication with the Soul of our Creator. Consider them as perceptions still to be developed to their fullest potential, but capable of bringing us into rapport with God..." Mary, mother of Jesus,

Deuteronomy 6:5 "...And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength..."

Hebrews 11:6 "...And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who approaches Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him..."

From Jesus' Second Coming Message Series From Spirit, 1914 to present. soultruth.ca, new-birth.net, and the Holy Bible.

John 16:25 "...Thus far I have spoken to you only in parables...but a time is coming when I will tell you plainly about the Father..."

"God is Love, and His Love is something we can pray for every day and it will flow into us and transform us and make us One with Him”

"God is Love, and Love is something we can pray for”

"God is Love..."

Tell everyone for as Ezekiel says, "...The time grows short and the work is great..." 4/21/2024

John 3:9 “...Anyone having been born of God does not practice sin, because His seed abides in him, and he is not able to continue sinning, because he has been born of God.

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River Sea

Well-Known Member
This afterlife, for the departed is actually from foreign polytheistic sources that originated from Egypt or from Sumer/Akkad/Babylonia. Many other polytheistic religions were influenced by Egyptian religion and by Mesopotamia religion, like the Greek and Roman religions have adopted them , but they have the Elysian Fields, their versions of the afterlife; or the Norse religion, like Valhalla or Gimlé and Iðavöllr, the Vikings‘ idea of heaven.

What were the Norse thinking about the Vikings? Were they often on a ship together or not together? Did they enjoy the sea or not enjoy the sea? As many were influenced by Egyptian religion, how did this help them or not help them?

Think of the vikings, they were long considered to be people who would raid other groups and exert their power with violence. However there is more to their history than this, and so we must accept everything aspect, both good and bad.

What all did their consciousness go through when they raided?

The neural soul is more than the DNA soul due to consciousness. In other words, consciousness allow awareness of memory that is not from the DNA, but which comes into the brain from outside the DNA; environment to senses to brain.

How long did the Vikings consciousness have memories of this? Was it 'til they physically died, or did some forget before they physically passed away? Would this be brought to their memories after they pass away, and if so, for what reasons?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
What is the effect of "soul" on DNA expression, if any?
I don't think it has been proven that we have a soul. I'm open to the idea, but remain agnostic about it.

If a soul exists, it would not affect DNA expression in any way. DNA is a physical process, affected by physical things.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Thank you.

Is this not in the forum of Science and Religion. My second question was has Science discovered any evidence of modern humans living 70 million years ago.

The consensus of scientists is that modern humans have been around between 200,000 and 300,000 years. 70 million years ago, no primates of any kind existed.

River Sea

Well-Known Member
The neural soul is more than the DNA soul due to consciousness. In other words, consciousness allow awareness of memory that is not from the DNA, but which comes into the brain from outside the DNA; environment to senses to brain. There are firmware structures within the brain, that appear to come from the spirits of multicellular differentiation, acting on the DNA soul. This created dynamic spiritual forms; instincts and archetypes, which are the natural drive behind consciousness for gaining our unique memories through sensory input. The soul is more or less empty at birth, with these instinctive spirits making us aware of the world around us, from a baby, building our unique soul, which then helps to tailor the natural spirits to our needs and wants.

I understand the soul is more than DNA. I go within me to connect with Devine and drink from Devine, allowing Devine to teach me how in the midst of my situations. And Devine feeds my spirit and shares with my soul personality.


Veteran Member
So James Leninger as a kid would sign pictures of planes crashing into the ocean as James 3

He would tell his parents he was once a pilot that was on the USS Natoma, he flew a Corsair plane, he was shot down by the Japanese and died at Iwo Jima

He was afraid of water and drowning as he would have recurring nightmares of flying his plane, it crashing into the water and him dying

He’s quoted as saying “My airplane got shot in the engine, and I crashed in the ocean, that’s how I died”

And also quote “Jack Larsen was there”

Later the parents started to investigate and there was a James Houston Jr (that makes James Leninger James the 3rd, James 3)

James Houston flew off of the USS Natoma Bay, he was a Corsair pilot that was shot down by the Japanese

He was the only pilot killed during Iwo Jima

Eyewitnesses said James Houston’s plane was shot in the engine

The plane hit the water and sank

Jack Larsen was the pilot of the plane next to James Houston’s

This is one of around 2,000 example UVA found
That's an example of a story some people told.

Whole religions ( by the score, hundreds, thousands)
are started that way.

Why not believe all of them?