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Near death experience


Well-Known Member
When I was nine I had an infection which reached my brain. The outlook was not good and my Doctors told my family that all they could do was pray.
My hospital bed was next to a window on the fourth floor. My one clear memory of the period is looking at the window and seeing the sunlight become unbearably bright. Standing in the light was a woman or rather the silhouette of one. She was wearing a long dress and was waving to me. This only lasted for a few seconds. I waved back and a concerned nurse came to me.

Obviously I recovered but for weeks afterwards I had difficulties with bright sunshine. Maybe a coincidence but three times in my adult life I have been told by mediums that the spirit of a young woman is with me, one of them added that she is a healer.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
When I was nine I had an infection which reached my brain. The outlook was not good and my Doctors told my family that all they could do was pray.
My hospital bed was next to a window on the fourth floor. My one clear memory of the period is looking at the window and seeing the sunlight become unbearably bright. Standing in the light was a woman or rather the silhouette of one. She was wearing a long dress and was waving to me. This only lasted for a few seconds. I waved back and a concerned nurse came to me.

Obviously I recovered but for weeks afterwards I had difficulties with bright sunshine. Maybe a coincidence but three times in my adult life I have been told by mediums that the spirit of a young woman is with me, one of them added that she is a healer.

Thanks for sharing rocala.


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Premium Member
Satan desires that we believe the dead are alive. That way, he can use this avenue to deceive us. If we believe the dead are just that,. dead, Satan cannot deceive us using that ploy. This is how the Devil deceives us with the phenomena of "Near Death Experience" :

Many times we have heard stories about how a person is unconscious, yet they had knowledge of an event that was going on in another place while they were in this "unconscious" state, in which some refer to as a "Near Death Experience." I believe the Devil is at work, and this is how I think he works this deceptive phenomena:

I believe while a victim is in an unconscious state or have a NDE,, Satan takes a thought and places it in the victims mind. Much like a film producer would edit a film. He takes a snippet of that film and places it in the victims mind.... And when the victim comes to,, he/she seems to have some knowledge of an event or conversation that was taking place in another room by other people. And once the story is told,, not only the victim believes that the dead are alive but so do the people in the other room when they are told the story. 2 birds with one stone. lol... You see,,it has to be a ploy of the Devil's. The Bible says "the dead know not anything". Eccl 9:5

Thank you for your input Mr. Beebe. How would the Old Testament account of the witch of Endor raising the spirit of Samuel who then testified against King Saul fall in relation to this?

Mr. Beebe

Active Member
How would the Old Testament account of the witch of Endor raising the spirit of Samuel who then testified against King Saul fall in relation to this?

Let's examine that scripture story found in 1 Samuel 28:14-19 and I will just present the following points:

The witch says she saw a spirit ascending out of the earth (verse 13). The Bible teaches that at death,, "Then shall the dust return to the ground and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." Ecclesiastes 12:7 Where in scripture does it say we are spirits that ascend out of the earth? Even Jesus said that he commit His spirit into God's hands (Luke 23:46).

The scripture says Saul "perceived" that it was Samuel. So,, does that mean it was Samuel,, or that Saul thought it was Samuel?

Do witches have power to raise the dead? Does Satan have power to raise the dead? Samuel seems to be complaining when he says, "Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up " (Verse 15). Satan cannot raise the dead!!!!! Nor can witches! and who among us would complain at being raised back to life? Perhaps confused,, but disturbed as Samuel was?

God cut Saul off,, God refused to talk with Saul,,,See 1 Samuel 28:6. Not by Dreams, or Urim, or by the prophets. God was done with Saul.

Did Saul repent and seek God? No,, instead,, when God wouldn't answer,, he turned straight to a Witch,,, and what should we expect when we turn to the occult for answers? We will get Satan,, every time. Shouldn't we expect that? Of course!!!!

And then take notice of Verse 19. it seems Samuel has knowledge of the events occurring on the earth and even tells Saul ,,"And tomorrow you and your sons will be with me...." do those who disobey God wind up with God's Prophets?

Did any of this lead to Repentance? Nope... David repented when he sinned against God for murder and adultery,, but what does Saul do? Saul doesn't repent,, he hardens his heart and falls on his own sword. Satan knew that Saul was in his hand,, and his death was sure.

So,, that's what I think about Saul, Samuel and the witch of Endor. Satan at work.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Let's examine that scripture story found in 1 Samuel 28:14-19 and I will just present the following points:

The witch says she saw a spirit ascending out of the earth (verse 13). The Bible teaches that at death,, "Then shall the dust return to the ground and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." Ecclesiastes 12:7 Where in scripture does it say we are spirits that ascend out of the earth? Even Jesus said that he commit His spirit into God's hands (Luke 23:46).

The scripture says Saul "perceived" that it was Samuel. So,, does that mean it was Samuel,, or that Saul thought it was Samuel?

Do witches have power to raise the dead? Does Satan have power to raise the dead? Samuel seems to be complaining when he says, "Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up " (Verse 15). Satan cannot raise the dead!!!!! Nor can witches! and who among us would complain at being raised back to life? Perhaps confused,, but disturbed as Samuel was?

God cut Saul off,, God refused to talk with Saul,,,See 1 Samuel 28:6. Not by Dreams, or Urim, or by the prophets. God was done with Saul.

Did Saul repent and seek God? No,, instead,, when God wouldn't answer,, he turned straight to a Witch,,, and what should we expect when we turn to the occult for answers? We will get Satan,, every time. Shouldn't we expect that? Of course!!!!

And then take notice of Verse 19. it seems Samuel has knowledge of the events occurring on the earth and even tells Saul ,,"And tomorrow you and your sons will be with me...." do those who disobey God wind up with God's Prophets?

Did any of this lead to Repentance? Nope... David repented when he sinned against God for murder and adultery,, but what does Saul do? Saul doesn't repent,, he hardens his heart and falls on his own sword. Satan knew that Saul was in his hand,, and his death was sure.

So,, that's what I think about Saul, Samuel and the witch of Endor. Satan at work.

Ok, Good points. Here is what my take on this has been. Keeping in mind that the denomination I was raised in has influenced my thoughts about this. No I do not believe that the witch had power to do this, however my thinking is that God allowed it to make His point to King Saul that judgment against him was imminent. Yes as you pointed out ,Saul 'perceived' that it was Samuel that came to them. Why does the scripture not deny that it was Samuel? Interesting Discussion topic in itself.

Mr. Beebe

Active Member
Why does the scripture not deny that it was Samuel? Interesting Discussion topic in itself.

David,, I want you to go and read 1 Chronicles 10:13,14. There the reasons are given for God turning Saul over to Satan.

I think the scripture does deny that it was actually Samuel.. If we examine all the evidence that says it was not samuel,, The dead know nothing,,Ecclesiastes 9:5

Ecclesiastes 9:10 says there is no knowledge or wisdom in the grave.... Yet Samuel seems to have knowledge of events that the dead could not possibly know, according to the scriptures,,, So,, we either have Satan at work,, or the Bible contradicting it's own teachings,, and that is not possible...The 2 scriptures i gave from Ecclesiastes prove that the dead know nothing nor do they have any knowledge of anything going on in the earth.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
OTE="Geoff-Allen, post: 4567649, member: 54656"]Fascinatin topic!

Haven't personally had such an experience ...

There's a great site with loads of experiences -


Have a good one![/QUOTE]
Thank you Geoff. I bookmarked this page and will check it out. It is indeed a fascinating subject. Once about 25 years ago I had such an experienced. What was it? I dont know. All I can say for sure is that I was near death and did have an experience in which I saw things that to this day cannot explain. It did however give me a greater appreciation for the impermanence of life and how precious and fleeting it really is.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Once about 25 years ago I had such an experienced. What was it? I dont know. All I can say for sure is that I was near death and did have an experience in which I saw things that to this day cannot explain.
Please share more!:)


I tried to kill myself twice recently by drug overdose of prescription drugs. I have chronic back and nerve pain from breaking my back in two accidents. That combined with a family that makes life unbearable... This seems the best escape, they would/will be well looked after by investments they inherit.

I was really interested in finding what else is out there. I was near death according to the hospital, but I have no memory of about 20 minutes after swallowing a handful of pills and waking up in the hospital.

My view now is that it is nothing. That may be more comforting to some, or many.

I don't mind that.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I tried to kill myself twice recently by drug overdose of prescription drugs. I have chronic back and nerve pain from breaking my back in two accidents. That combined with a family that makes life unbearable... This seems the best escape, they would/will be well looked after by investments they inherit.

I was really interested in finding what else is out there. I was near death according to the hospital, but I have no memory of about 20 minutes after swallowing a handful of pills and waking up in the hospital.

My view now is that it is nothing. That may be more comforting to some, or many.

I don't mind that.

I don't know you and don't know what to say for encouragement, but don't give up on life. Things change from day to day. Hopefully things will improve for you.


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere of a woman, blind since birth, who after an NDE talked in terms of "seeing" various things and seemed to understand what vision was. Does anyone know anything about this?


Every weekend I sit alone, with a wife that spends most of her time on social media with her family and friends in another country. I am not allowed to have any friends or social life anymore as I get older. The near death is more appealing as death.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Every weekend I sit alone, with a wife that spends most of her time on social media with her family and friends in another country. I am not allowed to have any friends or social life anymore as I get older. The near death is more appealing as death.

Sounds like my life 10 years ago. Guess what . It got better. Now I have a beautiful energetic wonderful wife that loves life and me. We've been together for four years now. You and I are the same age. So my advice to you , speaking from personal experience. .... Get out of this pit your in and move on. There is happiness to be found here. But you often times have to take an active role in finding it.


New Member
I once had so much pain in body I literally started crying because of the pain, then I went to the hospital and the pain just got worse. All I did was scream out ''La illaha ilallah'' because I had extreme fever and couldn't feel my body. At the end I was fine. I'm a Muslim if you hadn't figured yet.
Hi David 1967, here is a link of my near death experience, I hope you enjoy and are inspired by the story. I tried to be as neutral as possible regarding my religious experience during the ordeal, because I wanted to concentrate on the message of having a Home, a Family, and a wonderful Divine waiting for you when it is your time to cross over to the other side.

Also if you have the time check out the site:
http://www.nderf.org/NDERF/NDE_Archives/Exceptional Accounts.htm

It has thousands of accounts of people who experienced near death experiences from all types of religious backgrounds. I am amazed at how similar the stories are and how most were very pleasant experiences during the traumatic event a person suffered through. My story by the way is on entry #4065. I hope this helps my friend and thanks for asking this important question I am so passionate about! :)