I'm not talking about the state of mind and/or the thoughts of the experiencer, I'm referring to the actual reality of experiencer.
I've already read that explanation that you gave above and that's why I objected. You are using the word, "concept" in two different ways. You used it as being just the actual idea/thought, then you also used it as being the actual thing that idea represents.
How about you stop assuming what others think and just address what they've said. You don't need to tell me to practice doing it because I've been doing it for years and reached that state of mind.
I don't consider that as a different reality from this one or being supernatural. Your belief in dualism made you used concepts in different ways.
For years now, I've been reaching this state of mind during meditation, that's why I disagreed with you and raised my objections to your argument regarding it being a different reality.
If you are referring to the ego mind of the person in the still mind state, then please understand the 'I' is not existing, it is not present. The personal 'I', say in your case 'you', ceases to arise, ceases to exist in the still mind state. This is logical, if there is no thought, there is no thinker, if there is no thinker, there is no 'you' present who is in the still mind state, there is just egoless mind awareness. Now I refer to the reality beyond the conceptual mind's state by many names, spiritual awareness, transcendence, higher consciousness, pure awareness, etc., but in all cases I can never claim that I have ever been experienced that state because ironically, the higher state is only present when 'I' am NOT present.
A thought is a concept, a word is a concept, an idea is conceptual, all concepts are meant to represent some reality. Much of the time I may preface the use of some concept with 'the reality represented by the concept of', other times I may not. For example, "do you understand what the reality is represented by the concept of God?", or "do you understand what is God"? In the latter case, I presume you know word God is a concept. However I am certain that my best attempts to be consistent with what I've just explained sometimes is not perfect and so there will be times when I may leave my self open to some inconsistency, in such a case I trust you understand my position.
Fine, if you have reached the still mind state, it is now just a matter of understanding how we each are expressing our respective understandings. Obviously we are expressing our understanding in ways that are different at the moment.
It is not that I believe in duality, it is just that in my understanding, the concept 'duality' represents the state of mind when a person thinks, there is a thinker and there are the thinker's thoughts, thus there are the two aspects present. However when the mind is in the still mind state, there is no thinker, no thoughts, just pure awareness and thus this state of mind is non-dual.
I am pleased to hear you are a serious meditator, we each aspire to the same goal. Does your practice fall under a certain 'school' such a yoga, zen, etc., or just trying different techniques you come across to find that which works best?