Oh yes, the Great Whore of Babylon teaching that the RCC is the false church teaching. I know it well. It's crappy theology.I believe the identification of "Babylon the great" is crucial at this point in time. God warns his people to "get out of her" so as not to 'share in her sins and receive part of her plagues'. (Rev 18:4, 5) If we cannot identify her and extract ourselves from her, we will perish with her.
I see wheat among the tares no matter what organization that is. All organizations are flawed, including yours. If you assume everyone in your group is a saint, then you are quaintly naive.Do you see the fruits of the spirit demonstrated in churches who continue to support doctrines and festivals that originated in paganism; (2 Cor 6:14-18) who spill blood in the wars of their nations with the blessing of their clergy? (Matt 5:43, 44; 1 John 4:20, 21) "By their fruits" they demonstrate who their god is.
Again, the theme I am hearing from you is you are looking for Truth in the "right group". Nothing could be further from the truth. You can find that Truth, in any group. Because wheat grows in many fields, not just your artificial plot of land you and your group mapped out in the 1900's America.
Funny, as I read this I hear exactly what I'm saying all along here, and it doesn't have to do with doctrinal correctness. It has to do with taking doctrinal correctness as the thing itself, substituting the Truth of God that is beyond teachings. They violate the Spirit in teaching these things as the Truth, when their hearts are poison. It's the right words, but they come out all wrong. It's not about getting the teachings "right", it's about getting the heart right.Doctrinal correctness? Yes! To the Pharisees Jesus said, "So you have made the word of God invalid because of your tradition.  You hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about you when he said: This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far removed from me.  It is in vain that they keep worshipping me, for they teach commands of men as doctrines." (Matt 15:6-9; Isa 29:13)
No. Heart correctness was and is what is important.Doctrinal correctness was important.
Ditto. Which one of us is "right"? And is that even the right question?You are entitled to think so. The scriptures disagree with your position.
Well, how can someone be good, truly good, if not for God? "An evil tree cannot bear good fruit". If they are bearing good fruit, they are good. If God sends good people to hell, or rejects them, or however you wish to interpret this, then that is a very odd God indeed. If that God is interested in doctrinal correctness, then He is a heartless legalist, and not as John say so succinctly, "God is Love".Even godless humanitarians can love their neighbors. God isn't just going to save "good" people....he never said that. God will save those who love him and are happy to obey him and the ones whom he has appointed to represent him on earth. (Heb 13:7, 17)
That's no God I know, nor desire to know. I desire the Light of Love, not the hard letter of the law.
And if we know the Father, then we too have the Spirit of Christ within us, and can see and speak as Christ. Jesus did not just go around quoting scripture as his own voice. Jesus spoke Truth into being, and we can too if we in fact "know the Father" as Christ does.Indeed. Having been a constant companion of his Father for unknown eons of time, and being the agency through which all things were brought into existence, he did not have to learn what was in the scriptures....he knew it all, but he taught his disciples from the written word that his Father's spirit inspired for their instruction. (2 Tim 3:16, 17)
But make no mistake, this is vastly different than belonging to a religion. This is vastly different than some title bestowed upon you in an organization. This is literally taking on the "Mind of Christ". That is not through beliefs. That is not through "correct doctrines". That is a living realization in ones own being, have grown to maturity as Wheat in whatever field the seed was sown. That Wheat can be Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, etc. "A rose by any other name should smell as sweet".
Sorry that violates your interpretation of scripture. It doesn't mine.
I do plan to get to the true heart of this discussion between us, which is the avoidance of the heart through religion. But I'm considering making this a separate topic. For now, I'm enjoying speaking with someone in these areas as they are a part of my own past history. It's good for me to speak to these from the vantage point I've come into now.