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Negatives In Christianity?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
What are these negatives you experience after haven chosen the christian lifestyle?

This is the question I answered in my post. Yes I was a believer, but those are some of the reasons I left. After studying the philosophy and teachings of Jesus and realizing how few Christians followed them, It seemed like a fake religion to me.
a religion can only be followed if it's perfectly followed?


Well-Known Member
What are these negatives you experience after haven chosen the christian lifestyle?

This is the question I answered in my post. Yes I was a believer, but those are some of the reasons I left. After studying the philosophy and teachings of Jesus and realizing how few Christians followed them, It seemed like a fake religion to me.

A few negatives:
-no answers/facts/data to support the belief system
-missing logic
-hypocrisy from many (though not all) members
-the teaching (biblical or not) of "follow jesus {which there's honestly no way of knowing if what he said was true, or even if he really said it} or spend eternity in hell
-legalizing of a belief system

Don't get me wrong, there were some positives, but the negatives far outweighed (in quantity and wuality) the positives.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
To me, a christian should be held to higher standards, simply because they have a higher power working in their lives.
Even when I was a christian I beleived this.
But that's just me.
Yes, but we believe that "higher power" is at work in all life. Christians don't have an exclusive "red phone" to heaven.

All "holy" means is "set apart." It's not "higher" or "better" or "deeper" or anything superlative. It simply means "set apart."

Edit: If you hold the religious to higher standards we will fail miserably, because we are human, just like everyone else. OTOH, we may be more deeply human than others, due to our having tapped into the Divine more fully than others may have.
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Premium Member
I find it interesting that people have misconceptions about things and just don't believe it when some people say that they are misconceptions. They only accept those that agree about those misconceptions. ;)


Well-Known Member
Yes, but we believe that "higher power" is at work in all life. Christians don't have an exclusive "red phone" to heaven.

All "holy" means is "set apart." It's not "higher" or "better" or "deeper" or anything superlative. It simply means "set apart."

Edit: If you hold the religious to higher standards we will fail miserably, because we are human, just like everyone else. OTOH, we may be more deeply human than others, due to our having tapped into the Divine more fully than others may have.

Interesting...but being "set apart" can suggests "better" (or "worse), can it not? Wouldn't that make it even more difficult to relate to those you are "set apart" from? Also, the bible also teaches (paraphased) "don't hang out with non-believers".
Being "set apart" and "not hanging out with non-believers" seems to be contradictory to the "fishers of men" the bible also teaches, no?

I don't subscribe to being held at a higher standard and failing (more) miserable (is that's what you were saying). A failure is a failure in reality. How it's perceived by others 1) should be irrelevant to the person who fails to a degree and 2) should be seen as nothing other than a failure.

I don't think most people would see a christian fail and say "they should have known better - haha" anymore than a regular person. Unless that person who failed wasn't humble about their own spirituality to begin with. But maybe that's "too perfect" of a world view these days....?
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Well-Known Member
I find it interesting that people have misconceptions about things and just don't believe it when some people say that they are misconceptions. They only accept those that agree about those misconceptions. ;)

Happens all the time with humanity, regardless of religious belief or no.


Premium Member
Happens all the time with humanity, regardless of religious belief or no.

I know. You didn't think I was just talking to you, did you? ;) We all need a more open mind and we need to learn things before we open our big mouths. I used to do it (say things about stuff I knew little about), when I was young and stupid, but I stopped. If I slip up and do it, people always let me know and I am glad for it.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Interesting...but being "set apart" can suggests "better" (or "worse), can it not? Wouldn't that make it even more difficult to relate to those you are "set apart" from? Also, the bible also teaches (paraphased) "don't hang out with non-believers".
Being "set apart" and "not hanging out with non-believers" seems to be contradictory to the "fishers of men" the bible also teaches, no?
Jesus hung out with prostitutes, tax collectors and lepers -- all "untouchables" in that culture. And all considered to be "unbelievers" by the establishment. Jesus was "set apart" from the status quo. That's how we're to be set apart, too. Jesus seemed to be able to relate pretty well to these folks, without necessarily becoming "one of them." I don't know where you're coming from with this.


Well-Known Member
I know. You didn't think I was just talking to you, did you? ;) We all need a more open mind and we need to learn things before we open our big mouths. I used to do it (say things about stuff I knew little about), when I was young and stupid, but I stopped. If I slip up and do it, people always let me know and I am glad for it.

You didn't quote me so I didn't assume. But it doesn't really matter one way or the other. No one's perfect and we all mess up, fall down, say the wrong thing, speak before thinking, etc. Even I have done those things a couple of times :cool:
How we deal with the after effects are, to me, the more important thing.
There are those here to think I have an alternate agenda by posting here. They would be right if that agenda was to get people (including myself) thinking about other POVs. And while I don't agree with all that everyone says, it is a learning experience. It may seem that by my posts, I don't have an open mind, actively being here proves that to be false. I only wish it were true for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Jesus hung out with prostitutes, tax collectors and lepers -- all "untouchables" in that culture. And all considered to be "unbelievers" by the establishment. Jesus was "set apart" from the status quo. That's how we're to be set apart, too. Jesus seemed to be able to relate pretty well to these folks, without necessarily becoming "one of them." I don't know where you're coming from with this.

All good points.
It would seem that, from your points, some of the biblical teachings could be seen as contradictory to what jesus reportedly taught/said/did.
Where am I coming from? Simply stirring up ideas. Sitting on our laurels nets us nothing but a fat bum. Getting up mentally and engaging is how we grow.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
All good points.
It would seem that, from your points, some of the biblical teachings could be seen as contradictory to what jesus reportedly taught/said/did.
Where am I coming from? Simply stirring up ideas. Sitting on our laurels nets us nothing but a fat bum. Getting up mentally and engaging is how we grow.
Well, I think that's true. Much of Jesus' teaching was parabolic. And I think we've taken many of those teachings and twisted them to our liking.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Can you give an example?
Sure. Take, for example, original sin. That doctrine was formulated after the Church became the state religion under Rome. I don't think the earliest Xtians ever intended to say that we are born flawed.


Active Member
a religion can only be followed if it's perfectly followed?

No. I just got tired of half the congregation showing up for church, going through the motions, socializing, then going back and living very non-christian lives during the rest of the week. I wonder how many had actually read at least the new testament. Thats why I went back to a natural religion instead of a revealed one. Mother Nature has never dissapointed me.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
No. I just got tired of half the congregation showing up for church, going through the motions, socializing, then going back and living very non-christian lives during the rest of the week. I wonder how many had actually read at least the new testament. Thats why I went back to a natural religion instead of a revealed one. Mother Nature has never dissapointed me.
Well, religion is what you make of it. I completely understand how frustrating those things are -- and I'm not making fun of your position. Just trying to clarify what that position is.

Since Xy is a communal religion, predicated upon relationship, it's tragic that the members made it such that you could get nothing out of it. However, One of the most natural things about human beings is that they disappoint much of the time.
That being said, I wonder if you ever stopped to consider the following:
How many disciples stayed at the cross with Jesus while he died.
How many people do manage to faithfully live the liturgy during the week.
The first Xtians didn't have a new testament to read.

We're not perfect by any means. But we are the body of Christ.

And just to button up the topic: What if you considered (as the Celtic Christians did/do) that the world is God's physical body, and that all things are interconnected -- whether they read the bible or not, go to church or not, or show up or not?

You don't have to be a Xtian to be a Xtian.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Thats close to where I am at now. I would substitute universe for world. I am young so I will evolve.
Well, that's where I'm at -- and Xy works for me in that context. I hope you're finding something beneficial to you.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
No. I just got tired of half the congregation showing up for church, going through the motions, socializing, then going back and living very non-christian lives during the rest of the week. I wonder how many had actually read at least the new testament. Thats why I went back to a natural religion instead of a revealed one. Mother Nature has never dissapointed me.

So you based your faith on the actions of others?

My faith is between me and God. I don't try to impress others, I don't preach at others, I don't hide my real personality - and I don't think my faith requires that of me.

Everyone has ideals, whether they espouse a religion or are spiritual or not. We all fall short of our own ideals sometimes. Does that mean everyone is a hypocrite? Maybe it does - but if so, Christians don't a monopoly on hypocrisy.

I personally don't care to categorize people this way. We're all flawed, we're all human. Now -that doesn't mean that some people aren't fakes or frauds. But I think that most people are just your common, run of the mill normal people with weaknesses and character flaws and challenges.

Christians should hold themselves to a higher standard, because Christ is our role model, but that doesn't mean that we're perfect - or think that we are. In fact, most Christians I know are very aware of their own imperfections.

Hell, I know I am. ;)


Well-Known Member
Sure. Take, for example, original sin. That doctrine was formulated after the Church became the state religion under Rome. I don't think the earliest Xtians ever intended to say that we are born flawed.

I don't see how anyone could honestly believe that myself. Curious: do you belong to a denomination? If so, which one?